
midevil.chaos Game profile


Sep 13th 2014, 3:33:47

I have trouble visualizing that lol. Too tired - brain gonna exploded lol. I know of something called olark, and I guess the principle would be the same, minus the chat going only to one person. I suppose the idea would pretty much be the same, except for how it's coded and the ultimate end result.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Sep 13th 2014, 1:35:16

Ok, let me get this straight, you want to waste YOUR turns retalling a guy who's gonna self-delete? Aside from obtaining acres, what purpose would that serve?

midevil.chaos Game profile


Sep 13th 2014, 1:33:23

How would that work? I'm asking, because the way the layout has been created may not make this possible.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Sep 13th 2014, 1:31:35

Originally posted by qzjul:

If anything we'd block those 'mericans who don't like maple syrup or hockey!

You got that right bro! :D

midevil.chaos Game profile


Sep 13th 2014, 1:30:07

What do you wanna do with so much missiles? Sounds like a suicide plan...

midevil.chaos Game profile


Sep 13th 2014, 1:27:48

All of these ideas are amazing! Kudos to the OP for that great idea.

@Marshal, I disagree. If you have zero turns, this means you can't attack or do anything to gain resources. If you're a farmer, without turns you'll only be able to buy so much with the food you'll sell. Furthermore, you'll have lost a lot of money in the process, especially with Xninja's idea about being forced to buy top of the line units (in other words, whichever is more expensive, those are the ones you buy, regardless of whether it's on the priv or pub market!).

@everyone in general. Now, as for the idea of spending all turns, that by itself means one thing: you spend ~76 turns (thus 38 purchases) WITHOUT producing anything. That's a hit to any country, regardless how you see it. He loses turns, food, troops/turrets/tanks AND the most important resource, money. Now, he must spend MORE turns to produce anything at all to then sell it... losing even more money in the process.

This is a win-win situation, no matter how you look at it. After all, that guy will lose all of that and has been taken the ability to attack that nite OR to a large extent the next day.

Of course, a limit could be placed if there were issues. Maybe up to 20 turns (10 possible purchases).

midevil.chaos Game profile


Sep 13th 2014, 1:12:54

As the title says, we should have a script for that. Of course, not only for spies, but for attacks. During wars when all of a sudden, you're told that by the script, you wanna have more time to either FA a specific amount of goods, drop land or whatever you need to! I don't wanna send 50mil worth if I only need to send at very least 5mil for example. Not only that, I wanna know the dif amounts so that I don't waste my time trying to figure that stuff out.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Sep 13th 2014, 1:05:15

The reality is that if someone stonewalls, they could still die if he's spied again, rushed and then doesn't have time to respond the second time around. Stonewalling itself has become obsolete to a certain extent, unless you catch it (while having two tabs open), defend, switch to the other tab and press on the main menu button continuously to see if they stopped GSing/BRing - OR, you blindly buy troops/turrets in a set pattern (like after each 3 seconds). Ideally, people wanna rush a player, knowing full well he might be online like any other player.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Sep 8th 2014, 2:11:10

The captcha system is irritating, but the most annoying thing isn't something you can control - it's the illegible words, ugh.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Sep 4th 2014, 0:38:33

lol @ Celphi's error.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Aug 24th 2014, 0:43:08

I want a donut... a Boston Cream would be nice.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Aug 13th 2014, 22:30:51

Speak about bad luck :(

midevil.chaos Game profile


Aug 4th 2014, 2:43:10

The bastards.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Jul 30th 2014, 1:15:35

Not sure Juice, it depends how it's handled. If we assume that EE holds our data in their databases, then all the other sites would do would check the time. But then again, since we can't know that for sure, I hope this could be fixed :(

@SpeedWood, yeah for sure. lol. The only one that no one cares about is the 18 hours ones lol, since it wouldn't change much for us.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Jul 28th 2014, 4:12:28

It says 24 hours, but in fact it's more like 24 hours plus 3-10 minutes. Not sure if this is meant to be more than 24 hours, but for those of us with a tighter schedule, that gets more complicated. Imagine one week, right there you have to add at least 21 minutes.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Jul 18th 2014, 17:26:14

Korean forum

midevil.chaos Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 21:00:29

I agree with blid. Makes no sense to disable it - it would be like being unable to access spy operations page simply because you didn't have spies.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Jul 1st 2014, 1:29:09

Unless you can concretely prove your point, then this is pure speculation on your part.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Jun 16th 2014, 17:05:36

Well said Viceroy.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Jun 9th 2014, 17:52:28

lol, that message doesn't sound right if someone sends a missile.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Jun 2nd 2014, 16:50:22

In other words, you agree with me that his point is moot.

midevil.chaos Game profile


May 26th 2014, 19:47:33

Yes I did @Tellarion! On the contrary, @h2orich is the one who is right.

All of it is a gamble, and my suggestion makes no difference in the grander scheme of things, since it too is merely a gamble ;)

I cannot say that there are any true cookie cutter build that actually exist, nor could exist, even by implementing my suggestion. After all, if we all build the same builds, then what difference does it make?

Edited By: midevil.chaos on May 26th 2014, 19:56:21
See Original Post

midevil.chaos Game profile


May 26th 2014, 19:44:19

I agree. It should. No wonder a lot of people get confused :/ Most just don't even notice it though.

You should add this as [sug] @h2orich!

midevil.chaos Game profile


May 22nd 2014, 17:38:14

Good point elvesrus.

Concerning your second point, there would need to be a greater discussion. As it stands now, we're talking mostly about people who either worked with the code itself, or one some of the rare people who know so much about the game that this particular discussion isn't even focused on normal players like myself. So far, I haven't seen one good (or valid) argument. Even Xinhuan himself says the idea isn't bad. He does not praise it either, but he understands the value in at least having a discussion.

This is definitely an idea that merits a real discussion with clan members. I've proposed changes in the past, but never cared much about the results. But this particular idea is truly worth defending till the end. By no means is it a perfect idea, but it's a damn good one. For some people it will add more value, to others it might change nothing. All it needs is some polishing, some minor tweaks, and voila.

The fact remains that the numbers have been declining ever since Earth: 2025. Do we need some changes? Yes. I have played some clones of Earth: 2025, but God are they ever worthless. Earth Empires is the only game that closely resembles Earth: 2025 in terms of UI and gameplay. Although, it would be a good idea to add ideas to the mix sometimes. To keep it more interesting. There are how many servers? *waits for elvesrus to calculate* See? Who says it has to be implemented on all those servers? Personally, I say we make one of the servers a test server for these types of ideas. If people love it, we'll know soon enough.

midevil.chaos Game profile


May 22nd 2014, 17:21:37

Thanks tellarion, much appreciated :)

midevil.chaos Game profile


May 21st 2014, 20:04:24

@h2orich: You can't know who gonna's run what. So, you're either gonna be having a better set you you originally planned, or a worst one. I guess, this is the extent to what you could say.

@Xinhuan: Imagine you are playing on the PS4. So, you prefer shooter games, I prefer RPG's. The value for me of a great shooter or a terrible shooter is pretty much the same, correct? As for RPG's, I could put a real value on whether game X is better or worst than game Z.

What I am saying is that for me it does add a lot of value. Here is why: it can add a lot of enjoyability in the process. At least, I can enjoy that added bonus because it actually means more to me than without it.

midevil.chaos Game profile


May 20th 2014, 20:23:56

Oh, I didn't see your link there Xinhuan. Gonna check it now... thanks for that. So it'll always be formula*.999, regardless of the turn you're at for the day?

Thanks @Marshal. The .999 includes the army guys eating bushels then?

midevil.chaos Game profile


May 20th 2014, 20:18:19

Thanks Marshal.

@Xinhuan. I tend to stay away from Google at times, since there are always 5-10 answers for many expressions out there. Didn't want to take it for granted the one I chose would have been the right one. So asking is better.

It does add something positive in my opinion. Here is why: you have to choose carefully what will become your strengths and weaknesses. Fine, have the strengths you want, but you have to be careful about the weaknesses you choose. For example, take a Rep cashier, he's already fluffed at -10% power compared to a dict at +25%. So, as a rep cashier, do you improve on your power a bit? Or do you worsen it? What do you do? I like having to torment myself to choose, so do all RPG gamer - hence why we start over the same damn game, so as to try a new possibility.

As for creating a cookie cutter builds, that's utter bull. RPG's don't have those, because you ALWAYS weaken yourself in some way or other. So, you end up going maybe at 60% in one direction and then 40% in another. Or maybe 60% str, 30% def and 10% magic. You know what I mean? Imagine, fine, a warrior cookie cutter build, 65% str, 25% def and 10% magic. You're fluffed big time. Don't tell me you can create a cookie cutter build while sacrificing nothing. If you empower yourself somehow, but you weaken yourself some other way!

Also, I was proposing we have a cap as to prevent what you would see as a cookie cutter build. So that argument in my eyes is invalid.

midevil.chaos Game profile


May 19th 2014, 17:42:59

@Xinhuan. That is decay? Shouldn't decay be packaged in with the loss per turn though?

Also, how can decay be twice the amount of food intake? In this case, we are talking about less than 2 bil food in stock.

fluff you Marshal.

midevil.chaos Game profile


May 19th 2014, 17:39:57

What is that cookie cutter expression about?

As for the rest of your comment Xinhuan, you fail to demonstrate how it would negatively impact the game. When you play Neverwinter Nights for example, you have pre-determined packages, but most people don't go that way. Instead, they choose what abilities they want, plus the skills.

As for your last statement, no one is forcing someone to take a customized government. You really are taking players for stupid. My idea is NOT complicated, it's freaking simple dude. If someone really doesn't want to deal with a customizable government, fine, they take a pre-packaged govt type - problem solved.

midevil.chaos Game profile


May 19th 2014, 3:52:13


I'm not gonna let this GREAT idea unanswered! This certainly deserves at least a trial run. I can't imagine anyone being against this idea. It's smart, refreshing, interesting, and adds a degree of difficulty for players.

If not, then anyone who read this post deserves to know real reasons why this would not be a good idea. The reason you gave earlier is not a real answer in my eyes, only an answer to not implement an interesting idea. So I'm still waiting.

midevil.chaos Game profile


May 19th 2014, 3:43:43

Started with X amount of food. We will say 100 mil for math purposes. I was losing X amount - I will say 50K per turn (only because I don't want to state the real amount).

Imagine you lose around 49K and the last turn 50K, and let us say you have 100 turns. Basic math would state that you would do 50K x 100 = around the amount of food you would lose, which would mean 5 mil.

Now that you thought of all of this, now imagine the amount being lost times 3. This is what happened to me today when I verified. wtf?

In the example this would amount to 15 mil. I will not state what amount I actually lost, but you get the picture. Again, wtf???

midevil.chaos Game profile


May 14th 2014, 20:29:29

Actually, this is exactly what could be done by some players.

I highly disagree with your second comment. On the contrary, I believe most players (around 60%) would use the common governments. Although, I'm pretty sure there is a considerate amount of players who would like this opportunity to fiddle around the numbers and add (and remove) buffs/debuffs.

The reality is that some people are using strats using specific govts, while they are perfect as training tools, or if you don't want to spend time fiddling around with changing numbers and/or adding/removing buffs/debuffs. So if we could be given the chance, it would be awesome.

Come on qzjul, honestly tell me that this idea would not be worth implementing, with actual valid reasons. You gotta admit, this would help the game veterans in renewing their passion for the game :D

Edited By: midevil.chaos on May 14th 2014, 20:40:12
See Original Post

midevil.chaos Game profile


May 13th 2014, 21:13:19

Let me explain my idea using the Fascism type of government:

+15% Food Production
+50% Oil Production
-10% Maximum Per Capita Income
-15% Population

Now, imagine if we take Food Production which is currently at 15%. Which is fine and all, but what if we modify it, or even remove it, or replace it with something else etc. What if i create a new form of government? Of course, everyone could create their own and name it whatever they want - barred any existing (or similar) names such as Dictatorship. This said, when spying someone, you would receive the specs of his government :) and will be permanently added to your spy reports until the next set. In the Scores page, the letter could be "S".

Thus, with our example of Fascism, everyone would need to spend 100 POSITIVE points and 100 NEGATIVE points altogether, as every government has both positive AND negative points.

So, 15% could be considered 35 POSITIVE points, and oil production could be considered 65 POSITIVE points. While the negative capita and negative population would each be considered -50 NEGATIVE points. Thus, each would have a total of 100 points, meaning a grand total of 200 points spent. Half in positive, and half in negative.

Therefore, if we consider the initial example with the Food Production of +15%, then +5% could equate to 11 positive points; as for +10% would equate to 23 positive points. This said, any positive points would be rounded down. Of course the grand total of anything could equate between 97-103 points.

Lastly, I understand that we don't want people to create massive killing machines or whatever other type of machine. Let us take Dictatorship with it's +25% power. Perhaps the maximum could be 50%.


we state that any one item cannot be more than 65 points. For example, Dictatorship has the following stats:

+25% Military Strength
+30% Spy Effectiveness
-30% Construction Speed
+33% Ghost Acres

The ghost acres equate to 1 point per extra percentage of ghost acre. So 33% equates to 33 points.
As for the spy effectiveness, each point per percentage equates to 1.1 points. In the end, 33 points.
As for Military Strength, It also equates to the same type of math. 33 points.

So this said, if we say that the mil strength can't be more than 50%, this equates to 65 points (66, but fluff it, we'll round it down a point for convenience).

I know that my idea may not be explained as properly as I want to explain it, but it would take too long to explain an idea that may or may not get shot down.

Any ideas about this? Personally, I like the idea of choosing your strengths AND your weaknesses. I think this can be implemented very easily, provided that the math is agreed upon :)

Edited By: midevil.chaos on May 14th 2014, 5:19:52
See Original Post

midevil.chaos Game profile


May 9th 2014, 22:00:21

I don't like it either. No one does -_-

People don't like change. Look at craigslist. Looks like utter fluff, but everyone likes it because that is what they are accustomed to. Of course, the old design of the portal did not look like fluff. It looked good. We want it back.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Apr 30th 2014, 2:01:39

Originally posted by hsifreta:
how about launching on facebook? it doesnt have to be all the servers at once, you can launch say Express, which is suited for impatient facebook players. and then put ads in it saying there are other servers too, or just link the forum for them. that way they can slowly flow into the game, and not be random suiciding jerkoffs.

That would be perfect to get new player countries bombarded -_- Talk about inviting new players to become suiciders on someone because of their impatience. No, not express. Either a new server, OR a revamped server for the purpose of facebook/apps play.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Apr 10th 2014, 0:17:31

No, I often switch between both. If I play STO, I can't use FF (because it messes it up after a while). If I don't play STO, then I use FF.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Apr 6th 2014, 21:56:17

Whenever I log using either FF or Chrome, I always have to redo it (whenever I change browsers that is).

midevil.chaos Game profile


Mar 18th 2014, 5:58:31

Does anyone know of any (free) software or free web based software I can use for the following purpose:

I want to be able to create images. I tried using and it's not as advanced as the software (or web based software) that I am looking for. I'm not talking about simply adding or modifying images with photoshop, which is fine for most things. But, I want to be able to easily create something from scratch. I find softwares like photoshop impossible to deal with in terms of actually creating images. The reality is that it does not possess the advanced power that images created with other professional software offer (I would presume). I don't think I could achieve something as nice as this using photoshop

Basically, I am looking for a software that allows that possibility but that gives you the ease of doing so. For someone with limited knowledge of design.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Mar 17th 2014, 22:06:26

Thanks! I'll take a look at that as well - the turns aspect that is. I hadn't thought about that to be honest, but now I know :D

midevil.chaos Game profile


Mar 17th 2014, 19:16:08

So I take it my formula is correct then? Thank you.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Mar 17th 2014, 16:59:53

Imagine you have 1,000,000,000 (1bil) to spend.

Let us assume that troops are $100 and jets/turrets at $135 while tanks are $420.

Networth is troops or jets/turrets multiplied by:

.5 (for troops)

.6 (for jets/turrets)

2 (for tanks)

The Networth for those troops you max out comes to $5,000,000

The Networth for those jets/turrets you max out comes to $4,444,444

The Networth for those tanks you max out comes to $4,761,905

So, the troops in this particular case is the best option, correct? Can someone lemme know if this is correctly equated? I changed the numbers to make it easier to calculate on my end, as I am trying to better understand what to max out near the end of the game. That is, even though this won't be the exact math, I am trying to better see if this is the correct formula.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Mar 12th 2014, 18:51:15

Another thing you can do is form alliances with other smaller clans, and basically have FDP's. So you're actually acting as one bigger clan under several banners, and you get to keep your name, your divisions, your forums. Imagine 3 small clans of 9 players. If you do the math, it adds up. At first you couldn't challenge a clan of 30 players, now you can. If all you three manage to get a bigger alliance to team up with you (of 30 members for example), then you could go to war against a 60 man tag; 9 + 9 + 9 + 30. You're 3 guys under 60, but an FS will erase that deficit. Of course, getting three small clans getting an alliance with one big tag may or may not happen. The thing about this, is that your three clans have to keep a very tight knit FAing convo going on.

I remember when NOW3P and I started diplomatic discussions years ago (when I ran a clan), we got fairly close. His clan had way more people than us, but on our side, we had them and we had another small clan. With the other small clan (can't remember the names though), we had an FDP. So, we felt safer. So, even if you're 10 + 10 (for example) going after a 25 man clan, I knew that NOW3P's clan couldn't go against us, even though they had a pact with the clan we were going against. Maybe he couldn't help us, but his clan couldn't FS us either. So, getting uNAPs does help a lot in terms of not getting hit when you're trying to FS a clan, with another clan assisting you. In the end, instead of having 50 vs 20, you end up with 25 vs 20.

Also, if you can pull it off, try FSing bigger clans, not smaller. Successfully FSing a bigger clan speaks volume about the quality of your players and your ability to run a Warchat. I remember back under Sov, Nasjym and a few others under the banner of MX, the Warchats were organized, so we took on opponents in wars where we were outnumbered (if I'm not mistaking - don't quote me on this). MX was always a midsize clan, but with IX by our side, we ran good Warchats and did what we had to do.

I would restart countries all the time, because people kept killing me - the Warchat was organized. In other words, I would spring up again, go in the Warchat and listen to instructions. People got annoyed by me and kept killing my small country time and again because I was a great nuisance as opposed to killing bigger countries that might have bee idling around (because of lack of targets they could target). As long as you can be a thorn in an alliances' side, they will get upset with you during war. If your players can do this time and again during a war, people usually get annoyed by your players when they come back from the grave. I always come back, I don't care about how many times I get killed in war, I assure you I will have a new country spring up the next hour to piss you off. I will grab land, nuke you, spy you, BR you or GS you. Get ALL your players to do that, the other alliance will think twice before pissing on you. In the end, if you have less players, for work twice as hard as your opponents, that speaks volume about you.

Furthermore, be active in the forums at all times, OR have one of your players (an FA or IA). Make friends of FA's. See who, after a few weeks, would be willing to have your back, or at least not grab the everlasting crap out of you. Lastly, the best advice anyone can give you: only run the alliance with a few people who are WILLING to come back, no matter what. Because running a clan takes passion. As for the players, I have no advice on how to motivate them. That is an aspect that has always eluded me. I suppose, do your best to motivate them, or have someone very charismatic to motivate them.

Edited By: midevil.chaos on Mar 12th 2014, 19:14:23
See Original Post

midevil.chaos Game profile


Mar 3rd 2014, 20:58:50

Ditto. Other bonus bugs on top of that one.

midevil.chaos Game profile


Feb 24th 2014, 2:45:03

This fluff happens to me too, even when I don't clear my cache/cookies. There is certainly a bug in the code still.