Dec 26 - Feb 23
Feb 12 - Feb 16
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Feb 2 - Mar 2
Active countries: 2803
Currently Logged in: 205

Top Players - Alliance

Next Reset Forty-first round: Aug 08, 2016 - Oct 07, 2016 Prev Reset
Jump to Current Reset

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 423 countries in the Alliance server.

1 Malachite (#270) 122$658,826,320 HG TheOmega
2 The UpsideDown (#99)  Game profile 97$554,311,458 H TheOmega
3 superskunkorangehair (#118)  Game profile 5$532,012,622 HG TheOmega
4 Giant Rats in Togas (#24)  Game profile 81$487,820,906 HG RR
5 After years of struggle (#322)  Game profile 102$414,690,374 H RR
6 Forsaken (#5) 122$405,517,165 H xNAx
7 Pikachu (#320) 470$353,682,498 HG TheOmega
8 Beif for Prez 2016 (#77)  Game profile 7$341,833,268 HG EVObeif
9 Hargeon Town (#95) 151,075$315,910,450 C xNAx
10 GoingNoWhereFast (#328) 20$312,840,966 H EVObeif
11 sExVOlution (#209) 100$273,046,155 HG EVObeif
12 Toad Prince of Mushroom Kingdom (#349) 102,103$264,189,274 C OMA
13 HowdyDoody (#58)  Game profile 60,720$255,527,156 HG LCNostra
14 Get off my lawn (#19)  Game profile 34$249,983,298 H EVObeif
15 Come Back Locutus (#152) 36,036$233,584,314 HG MD
16 i SeE dEm CzZz (#281) 313$195,990,851 HG SOL4LIFE
17 ListenToYourHeart (#341) 36,310$191,870,083 HG TheOmega
18 Hit build repeat (#216) 455$190,893,733 H LCNostra
19 Swordz of Lordz (#193) 655$179,730,466 HG SOL4LIFE
20 Djelibeby (#248) 32,211$170,056,671 H TheOmega
21 11 (#153) 41,581$162,652,395 H LCNostra
22 Gray Lensman (#214)  Game profile 25,792$152,379,452 R MONSTERS
23 Ghost of Ronald Regan 2016 (#167) 37,029$149,664,360 HG TheOmega
24 Slippery People (#238) 26,225$147,128,923 RG MONSTERS
25 Signas (#206) 31,472$146,466,412 H RR
26 Sourcream (#221) 260$138,328,574 H TheOmega
27 1 (#7) 70,321$133,816,457 T LCNostra
28 the pillars of the earth (#317) 10$132,223,415 D xNAx
29 Zeta Eta Theta (#375)  Game profile 15,545$131,208,596 HG TheOmega
30 Get Fat and Win (#342) 84$129,540,761 HG EVObeif
31 Lions (#126) 27,676$124,122,701 HG xNAx
32 philly steak (#212) 61,354$120,283,536 D OMA
33 Euphoria (#114) 31,674$119,305,726 HG EVObeif
34 Oceana (#267) 17,229$115,055,216 D RR
35 1 John (#329)  Game profile 34,972$113,122,735 H LCNostra
36 smk no travel (#374) 26,567$110,950,715 HG OMA
37 Junkface (#330)  Game profile 27,498$110,911,605 R MONSTERS
38 sunday rendezvous (#263)  Game profile 28,521$109,278,631 HG MONSTERS
39 Terps (#307) 24,429$102,419,562 D LCNostra
40 Idiots Supporting Idiots Service (#145)  Game profile 23,325$100,630,561 H RR
41 Free Particle (#255)  Game profile 60,247$99,104,856 I OMA
42 Twilight (#326) 31,021$96,596,494 HG EVObeif
43 BiBiGoN (#149)  Game profile 9206$95,195,735 D RR
44 Advocate of Light (#300) 34,095$94,827,164 R LCNostra
45 SOL Ring (#12)  Game profile 25,990$89,750,522 D SOL4LIFE
46 LUST for LIFE (#107)  Game profile 33,474$87,155,755 F LUST
47 The Temple (#27) 81,222$85,686,507 M SOL4LIFE
48 Maverick (#347)  Game profile 15,323$83,291,807 H Paradigm
49 growing up Nostra (#235) 28,906$82,805,577 D LCNostra
50 The Unique Sheep (#132)  Game profile 22,135$78,070,490 R RR
51 Float Your Boat (#87)  Game profile 21,310$75,876,839 H xNAx
52 Theme This Set is TAG KiLLeD (#163) 17,233$75,298,443 DG SOL4LIFE
53 PG IN BIKINI (#9) 20,670$72,203,405 H RR
54 ghost town (#230) 36,867$71,991,968 C SOL4LIFE
55 Again and again and again (#227) 25,334$71,902,064 C Paradigm
56 Mossad (#44) 29,350$69,288,391 H xNAx
57 Shepard (#41) 130,775$67,529,705 H OMA
58 New Klot (#130)  Game profile 14,200$67,294,132 R SOL4LIFE
59 YoYoYoYo (#65) 25,668$66,669,805 R SOL4LIFE
60 DarKnEss Is Eternal (#14) 16,624$65,551,762 D SOL4LIFE
61 Pale Horse Riding (#26)  Game profile 16,365$64,861,024 R SOL4LIFE
62 Better Nate than lever (#409)  Game profile 27,375$63,771,460 H TheOmega
63 I M GROOT3 (#445)  Game profile 38,205$62,887,034 I Stones
64 SlinKa for A HunkA CheeSe (#218) 35,280$62,440,937 D OMA
65 Epsilon Eridani (#381) 29,153$62,207,292 R MONSTERS
66 Little Butt Nugget (#254) 19,715$61,713,748 M SOL4LIFE
67 insanity omega (#294) 31,997$58,159,263 H TheOmega
68 Eternia (#311) 35,513$57,551,366 DG OMA
69 So SOL SouL (#74) 10,063$56,294,781 F SOL4LIFE
70 Hung like a Horse (#169)  Game profile 21,058$53,895,249 R LCNostra
71 Keep the GAME alive (#351) 24,810$52,378,346 T LUST
72 DoggyStyle (#313) 37,176$52,194,491 C LUST
73 garLic breath (#363) 35,041$51,336,997 F LCNostra
74 Coming Home (#53) 37,763$50,495,675 HG EVObeif
75 Nama Saya Amin (#1) 26,926$50,114,100 D SOL4LIFE
76 Area 51 (#437) 32,092$49,936,915 T SOL4LIFE
77 barbycued sweetcorn (#291) 14,280$49,872,195 D xNAx
78 Broken Bagels (#365)  Game profile 17,758$49,499,706 D xNAx
79 No Time to Play (#393) 15,985$45,514,757 F LCNostra
80 Cheese Steak Jimmies (#360) 20,954$43,451,110 F LUST
81 (#331)  Game profile 23,672$42,382,931 F OMA
82 WeeZer Comber (#449)  Game profile 35,934$40,346,720 I Stones
83 Amazing Spiders (#390) 27,543$38,514,111 R SOL4LIFE
84 TNCR TheDragonReborn MD (#497) 15,523$36,840,017 T MD
85 CatchPhrase (#104)  Game profile 17,640$35,750,230 I MD
86 Made My Day (#399) 22,370$35,238,962 F Paradigm
87 hit me i dont wall (#534) 35,681$34,666,379 H SoF
88 EEVIL WEASEL KILLER (#343) 20,500$33,094,375 I SoF
89 Un4GvN (#4) 27,917$32,788,781 I SoF
90 Gumby (#91)  Game profile 19,160$31,540,357 HG xNAx
91 Fields of Mercury (#28) 32,232$31,127,548 I RAGE
92 Divnine (#486)  Game profile 35,038$30,524,698 I SoF
93 Heart of Drakis (#37) 13,583$30,212,357 I SoF
94 SOL FIGHTER (#295) 25,623$29,420,355 F SOL4LIFE
95 TBP (#350) 25,313$29,351,546 T LCNostra
96 Rome (#414)  Game profile 25,886$29,250,399 T Stones
97 True SOLdier NLS (#420) 24,135$28,698,784 F SOL4LIFE
98 Relax lah I am backkk (#465)  Game profile 27,919$28,482,208 T LaF
99 My First Little Restart (#484)  Game profile 50$27,346,426 H LaF
100 Nocturnal Wonderland (#305)  Game profile 30,226$27,286,339 T SoF

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