Active countries: 2799
Currently Logged in: 203
Currently Logged in: 203
Game Profile for Firedad on the Free For All Server
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Best Finish: 1604th
Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard | Score | Rank |
Networth | $82,623,277 | #702 |
Land | 184,234 | #666 |
Top 100 | Unranked | N/A |
Top 10 | Unranked | N/A |
Best 3 | $12,712,138 | #667 |
Attack Success | Unranked | N/A |
Kills | 60 | #233 |
Deaths | 23 | #545 |
Pop Killed | 1,825,736 | #431 |
Attacks | 11,783 | #293 |
Missiles | 286 | #439 |
Defends | 4747 | #598 |
Countries on this server
Round | Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | Clan |
63 | Dookie (#2865) | 7016 | $1,244,433 | F | NBKxBOMB | |
63 | Dookie (#2864) | 5804 | $575,033 | F | NBKxBOMB | |
63 | 2156 | Dookie (#2863) | 14,446 | $5,117,496 | R | NBKxBOMB |
63 | Dookie (#2862) | 2498 | $734,377 | C | NBKxBOMB | |
63 | Dookie (#2861) | 6619 | $1,101,751 | R | NBKxBOMB | |
63 | Dookie (#2860) | 7374 | $1,320,306 | H | NBKxBOMB | |
63 | Dookie (#2859) | 5468 | $1,440,231 | H | NBKxBOMB | |
63 | 2386 | Dookie (#2858) | 8719 | $3,935,173 | H | NBKxBOMB |
63 | 2415 | Dookie (#2857) | 9477 | $3,722,437 | C | NBKxBOMB |
63 | Dookie (#2856) | 2023 | $229,705 | M | NBKxBOMB | |
63 | Dookie (#2855) | 4407 | $644,678 | F | NBKxBOMB | |
63 | Dookie (#2854) | 4921 | $541,810 | F | NBKxBOMB | |
63 | Dookie (#2853) | 6379 | $788,699 | F | NBKxBOMB | |
63 | Dookie (#2852) | 5325 | $1,185,342 | C | NBKxBOMB | |
63 | Dookie (#2851) | 3635 | $357,866 | C | NBKxBOMB | |
63 | Dookie (#2850) | 2566 | $209,667 | C | NBKxBOMB | |
62 | 3108 | Slay (#3725) | 120 | $5617 | M | |
62 | Slay (#3724) | 178 | $550,441 | T | NBK | |
62 | 2719 | Slay (#3723) | 340 | $676,320 | T | NBK |
62 | 2752 | Slay (#3722) | 330 | $429,607 | T | NBK |
62 | 2860 | Slay (#3720) | 464 | $177,228 | T | NBK |
62 | Slay (#3721) | 160 | $90,017 | M | NBK | |
62 | 2802 | Slay (#3719) | 420 | $308,329 | T | NBK |
62 | 2751 | Slay (#3718) | 430 | $442,564 | T | NBK |
62 | 2705 | Slay (#3717) | 400 | $775,239 | T | NBK |
62 | Slay (#3716) | 620 | $161,267 | T | NBK | |
62 | Slay (#3715) | 620 | $130,920 | T | NBK | |
62 | Slay (#3714) | 560 | $320,999 | T | NBK | |
62 | 2771 | Slay (#3712) | 860 | $378,686 | T | NBK |
62 | 2742 | Slay (#3713) | 960 | $513,155 | T | NBK |
62 | Slay (#3710) | 540 | $119,440 | T | NBK | |
62 | Slay (#3711) | 620 | $148,193 | T | NBK | |
62 | Slay (#3709) | 2390 | $157,311 | T | NBK | |
62 | Slay (#3708) | 2390 | $460,237 | T | NBK | |
62 | 1994 | Youre pretty when Im drunk (#678) | 21,760 | $10,498,554 | H | NBK |
62 | 2186 | Need more beer (#677) | 7859 | $6,616,473 | I | NBK |
62 | Shallow end of the pool (#676) | 7322 | $1,181,586 | C | NBK | |
62 | 1604 | Neverland (#675) | 21,197 | $14,239,156 | H | NBK |
62 | 1643 | Covid (#674) | 28,447 | $13,398,703 | R | NBK |
62 | 2150 | Your momma (#673) | 23,044 | $7,336,652 | F | NBK |
62 | 2148 | Van down by the river (#672) | 22,450 | $7,359,877 | F | NBK |
62 | 2182 | Something cool (#671) | 22,511 | $6,692,011 | F | NBK |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |