Dec 26 - Feb 23
Feb 5 - Feb 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Feb 2 - Mar 2
Active countries: 2846
Currently Logged in: 210

Game Profile for Ratski on the Tournament Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Fifteenth

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$7,302,982#400
Attack Success76.11%#283

Countries on this server

163 Wicked Rats (#11) 10,069$2,915,926 FG C
158 RockZilla (#3) 220$10,117 MG C
157 14 Og Kush (#1) 6968$2,153,441 RG C
156 15 HogZilla (#15) 11,368$7,729,591 HG A
155 16 HogZilla (#17) 7544$2,668,967 FG B
153 RatZilla (#26) 4270$1,110,954 CG B
152 Sharky (#3) 6432$1,078,547 HG C
151 8 Sharky (#11) 14,851$7,307,576 RG C
146 RatZilla 1 (#37) 100$4717 MG B
146 RatZilla (#1) 11,411$7,028,089 RG B
145 RatZilla (#3) 9215$3,625,959 TG C
144 7 RatZilla (#2) 11,035$8,491,872 RG B
143 10 RatZilla (#1) 6337$5,089,719 HG B
142 11 RatZilla (#2) 8997$3,495,149 HG C
141 9 RatZilla (#5) 11,157$4,957,508 FG B
140 15 RatZilla (#7) 13,113$5,018,385 TG A
139 7 RatZilla (#3) 15,004$6,208,391 RG C
137 RatZilla (#2) 6642$1,329,098 TG B
136 11 RatZilla (#2) 10,387$5,326,053 CG C
135 3 RatZilla (#5) 12,033$8,713,397 CG B
134 10 RatZilla (#2) 12,918$6,556,384 RG C
133 13 RatZilla (#5) 11,981$4,536,602 RG C
132 10 RatZilla (#8) 15,689$6,298,170 RG B

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism