
mdevol Game profile


Nov 21st 2013, 2:04:56

Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 21st 2013, 2:08:57

let things die.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

mdevol Game profile


Nov 21st 2013, 4:47:00

didnt you retire?
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Marshal Game profile


Nov 21st 2013, 13:28:28

Originally posted by mdevol:
didnt you retire?

yea from playing but not from modding and posting.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

mdevol Game profile


Nov 21st 2013, 14:45:49

ill let it die when the truth is found out and the questions are answered....and not a day sooner
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 21st 2013, 14:46:43

lol you are the only one. I will just entertain you instead.
Cat facts?

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.



Nov 21st 2013, 15:31:09

Originally posted by galleri:
lol you are the only one.

Perhaps not. Others are just a little less verbal about it.
Ragnarok's Green Eyed Lady

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 21st 2013, 15:35:16

Originally posted by Ruthie:
Originally posted by galleri:
lol you are the only one.

Perhaps not. Others are just a little less verbal about it.

Thank god, then I don't have to read all the trolling.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.



Nov 21st 2013, 18:27:39

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Ruthie:
Originally posted by galleri:
lol you are the only one.

Perhaps not. Others are just a little less verbal about it.

Thank god, then I don't have to read all the trolling.

I think you post more now than before you "retired" :P
Ragnarok's Green Eyed Lady

mdevol Game profile


Nov 22nd 2013, 10:19:15

gallieri, how about you be a somewhat professional moderator, if you cared one bit about this game, this issue would be of importance to you, clearly its not.

It doesnt matter if I am the only one or not. What matters is that the truth comes out. They have had over a month to "investigate" and so far, nothing...

"The investigations and reviews will proceed for several days. Upon completion we will post all findings to AT and we will discuss the measures and reforms that will be implemented in RD. "

we are waiting.... do you keep finding new info? or are you finding more stuff to cover up?
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Vic Game profile


Nov 22nd 2013, 10:48:51

dude the findings were already posted you didn't see it???

Vic Game profile


Nov 22nd 2013, 11:00:25

In all seriousness the findings were this:
Silver and Copper were power hungry. They obtained information and shared it with only two people - Graphite and Cobalt. Neither Graphite nor Cobalt knew the information was obtained illegally.
For their involvement all 4 have been permanently deleted and banned from RD.

Let this one go.

PaleMoon Game profile


Nov 22nd 2013, 11:00:47

Originally posted by Vic:
dude the findings were already posted you didn't see it???

Clearly not, Vic, else he wouldn't have posted.

Why not post it here to clear things up.
"imo the true issue over there is and always has been palemoon." - Vic (Mr. Clear)

La Famiglia

Vic Game profile


Nov 22nd 2013, 11:01:34

Look above you Paley :p

tellarion Game profile


Nov 22nd 2013, 11:25:12

Yeah Vic, that's the first time anyone has seen your 'findings'...

And honestly, I haven't heard a peep from rd leadership since this whole thing went down. Aside from Braden, you are pretty much the only color that has made any sort of public statement....

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 22nd 2013, 14:28:38

mdevol. I am a game mod.... not an admin. I don't have access to as much stuff as the admin team. It was the admin team that did the investigation, the mods were not involved and it wasnt necessary for us to be, it still isnt necessary for us to be. Boxcar is a third party hosting site....the only access I have to boxcar is to reset it when the servers switch. While yes I do care......please do not insinuate that I don't when there is nothing I can do on my end. The admin team at this time seems to be content with the consquences and have moved forward with their work and lives. So I will continue to move on at this current time and continue to be my happy self and I will allow you to continue on and act like the angry scrooge you normally are, if you choose to.
In my closing statement: I am sure if the admin team is still looking into things they will post once they feel necessary to do so...with a nice new thread. In the meantime all you are doing is topping a thread that is full of trolling and it will just continue to go on that way the more you post. I am sorry I viewed you as that type of person, but when one continues to feed those type of people vs waiting patiently or better yet going to the admin team and asking questions...then you can understand why I felt that way.
Here is a hint for you I once learned.....don't allow other people or their actions control how you feel.....if you do they are winning ;)
So are we clear now? redirect your anger or hate towards someone that can do something. I am not that person.

Edited By: galleri on Nov 22nd 2013, 15:17:03

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Vic Game profile


Nov 22nd 2013, 14:38:52

we hate your hate man! peace and love! mean people suck!

bstrong86 Game profile


Nov 22nd 2013, 14:39:21

/me falls to ground

*glares around*

Oh, sorry. Read about 20 posts and got dizzy. All the spinning disrupted my equilibrium
The Death Knights




Nov 22nd 2013, 15:48:33



Nov 22nd 2013, 15:53:11

Wow this thread is still around the top.

Tella, mdevol

What sort of public statement would RD have even been able to make?

The only person fully involved was a semi inactive aFR and then the next was mine and I didn't even have a clue what had happened, I thought two passwords were guessed due to their profile and using nickname/12345 as their password.

People act as though finding member lists and country lists is challenging...RD has been obtaining those for the better part of two years for ourselves and our allies. We had an Intel team set up with access to MD,Evo, LCN, SOL, and others. 

If you notice the hacking that they found copper did occurred a couple weeks into THIS current reset, yet we had been getting that same sort of information for years.  It's how for example we knew sol was attacking us 2x,knew image was hitting us and when,knew about my doing it and planning on hitting us a few times.and even some stuff I told you about seeing on the Evolution site. Non of which was obtained in properly and all fine .

Why would anyone in Rd think if given a member list again as usual ,that anything else would have happened and all the alliances that we had them for we already had people in. It was just normal operation. 

Unless you think our sins also involve time traveling and somehow we sent faxes back from future Dwight to let ourselves know what to do for the past few years . Every one has known we were spying on everyone for years and hated it..people have also tossed in that dislike into this whole thing .

So the action of the game ownership was for a aFR involvement and then me whom wasn't even in any sort of leadership. (I was the same as all the godfathers in LaF or Norcal was in SOL). Was to delete 50 players that had no idea what had happened. How can I be sure that no one did?hell I didn't even have an idea what happened.

The end result is about 15 players or so have quit the game, RD as pang had wished for years is gone.(he openly stated that for years). It's full of old players many of whom didn't enjoy the game much already and we're only around to chat with each other. It's his game and he's welcome to do what he likes to in it though, good on him .

 If a few manage to stick together and keep playing in a division somewhere or as a group I would recommend welcoming them back or you could see another 10-15 quit the game as well.  They were all already punished for something nobody had a clue of. Your game population is already so small it likely isn't a good idea to keep it going

All anyone is now is doing is beating a dead horse to see how much more dead you can make it.

Anyways, back to playing Axis and Allies . And having more free time to be productive doing RL stuff...And galleri, message me on Gmail sometime I'll play some of that world of tanks game with ya :)


EE Patron

Nov 22nd 2013, 15:55:56

That one guy Mr.Orange posted screencaps of Copper saying he had something nefarious planned and he wanted some place private to discuss it, though. That's what makes any protestations of ignorance more difficult to believe. On another note I want to reiterate that Copper is an otherworldly scumbag.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

mdevol Game profile


Nov 22nd 2013, 16:08:06

galleri, was your account logged into with stolen login information? did your personal contact information and potential real life home address get STOLEN illegally? did your personal e-mail address get logged into illegally?

you may be just a a game mod, but the trolling on this thread is being done by you and locket and vic. sure, alin chimed in a little but what I am doing is far from trolling. Vic is not being transparent like he promised he would be, not only when RD came back tot he server in general, but also now, with this situation. Additionally, the general well-being of the game is better for you, and you, as a game mod trolling the player base as frequently as you do is disgusting. You are not shy about your agenda and I am not the only one who thinks its pathetic that you cannot keep being a troll and a game mod separate from each other. Your in-game bias shows in your moderating and it shouldn't. furthermore, YOU chose to be a mod. while you wear that mod tag, you shouldnt be trolling the players like you do.

A 1 brief paragraph "well, we didnt find out too much, and only 2 other obscure colors knew" is not good enough Vic. You can try to just brush it off like I am hating, but frankly, of the 5 or 6 clan leaders I have talked with, none of them have been "in the loop" with any of this RD "investigation" you did. How are they supposed to trust that anything came of it, or that it even happened when all you have been doing is stonewalling and not taking it at all seriously on the forums.

What did you find out about the logs with Azure, Firebrick, Sunglow, Reseda, and Gains. Did that conversation just disappear from the planet? Did he not ever tel them his "plan" as he said he was going to? Did you even follow that up? What was the extent of deleted in-site logs to cover it up? Who were the ones actively working to cover it up in-site? These are the things the investigation SHOULD have been looking for.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 22nd 2013, 16:22:25

did you even read my post? Obviously not. Because you are still asking me questions after I plainly told you that the mod team had nothing to do with investigating. I am not trolling mdevol...I like to lighten up heated up threads, and I have every right to do so.
My email has been used once my LC in this game for purposes of craiglist (long story), I just changed my email and went on. As for my email being I am smart enough to use a good password with several uppers, lowers, characters, numbers etc in it.........
biased? I don't mod this server. I mod express, tourney, ffa, and primary. I don't even play on alliance anymore. But if you think I am biased.....let me tell you this. I am the mod whom one of your leaders came to about thinking an RD player was a spy and I am the mod that found out that person was running countries in both RD and SOL. So I highly doubt I am so biased as you think.
As for my professionalism in this game because I wear a mod tag......when I need to be professional I do, like martian I play around to lighten up the situation. I don't get paid to be super professional. I volunteer. I use MY free time to moderate. So if you want to pay me, then I will get professional for you. Honestly you are the one really trolling this situation by continuing on with the thread to feed others.
Sadly I am going to have to tell you that I am going to ignore you from here on out since you are ignoring me.

I will quote for you one. more. time .. and I hope you read it and it gets through to you because you are still asking me questions that I told you I wasn't involved in and that I clearly explained if the admin team had more info then they would give it to you:

Originally posted by galleri:
mdevol. I am a game mod.... not an admin. I don't have access to as much stuff as the admin team. It was the admin team that did the investigation, the mods were not involved and it wasnt necessary for us to be, it still isnt necessary for us to be. Boxcar is a third party hosting site....the only access I have to boxcar is to reset it when the servers switch. While yes I do care......please do not insinuate that I don't when there is nothing I can do on my end. The admin team at this time seems to be content with the consquences and have moved forward with their work and lives.
In my closing statement: I am sure if the admin team is still looking into things they will post once they feel necessary to do so...with a nice new thread. In the meantime all you are doing is topping a thread that is full of trolling and it will just continue to go on that way the more you post. I am sorry I viewed you as that type of person, but when one continues to feed those type of people vs waiting patiently or better yet going to the admin team and asking questions...then you can understand why I felt that way.

So are we clear now? redirect your anger or hate towards someone that can do something. I am not that person.

Edited By: galleri on Nov 22nd 2013, 16:28:51

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.



Nov 22nd 2013, 16:53:51

Tldr. If Mr Clear really wanted to say all that he should have gone on AT instead of sending his messenger fluff.


galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 22nd 2013, 17:04:53

Originally posted by ColoOutlaw:
Tldr. If Mr Clear really wanted to say all that he should have gone on AT instead of sending his messenger fluff.


MrClear did say all that.... he is Vic

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

mdevol Game profile


Nov 22nd 2013, 20:06:24

this is true ^^^^^^

and galleri and locket are his secretary/spokespersons/PR committee
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

tellarion Game profile


Nov 23rd 2013, 0:45:51

Silver, there are so many things wrong with your post though.... When I get back to a real PC, I'll happily refute most of your arguments...

locket Game profile


Nov 23rd 2013, 1:07:39

Originally posted by blid:
That one guy Mr.Orange posted screencaps of Copper saying he had something nefarious planned and he wanted some place private to discuss it, though. That's what makes any protestations of ignorance more difficult to believe. On another note I want to reiterate that Copper is an otherworldly scumbag.

Just because someone said to tell them doesnt mean he did.. I kind of doubt he did tbh or at best he told 1-2 people. But yah Copper is scum and between him and the admins basically destroyed RD. Fun eh?

And Tella I dont think there is much wrong with Silver's post. Everything I know seems to line up with it fairly closely.

braden Game profile


Nov 23rd 2013, 2:14:05

nobody told me anything. had they, i would've put a stop to it.

graphite and cobalt are far from obscure. some of us have played the game for fourteen plus years.

any investigation is kind of moot at this point, as our internal alliance structure is, well, in shambles. the bc site was gutted, not to hide from you guys, but so that orange couldn't continue to post our entire boards on this one. that isn't covering up, thats asking that we be afforded a semblance of privacy. who had privacy while we were hacking the game, you ask? i can barely count past thirteen, have a single conversation with me and you'll understand never in my life could i hack anything (other than a branch off a tree with an axe). but because some people lost their privacy through somebodys actions, i now lose mine?

"What did you find out about the logs with Azure, Firebrick, Sunglow, Reseda, and Gains. Did that conversation just disappear from the planet?"

very interesting, a) mr reseda was involved in no such conversation (in fact his biggest gripe was the lack of information sharing through conversation), and b) who the fluff is mr reseda? :(

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 23rd 2013, 6:13:02

How is this still going and why is Silver here (who professed to leaving, no?) talking fluff about an agenda I have?

I was building the forums and not even paying attention to the larger game other than reading some forums as I tested. The whole RD issue was brought to my attention by qz -- I just did code updates and posted the joint messages. Some of you need to grow up and accept reality as reality.... seriously, some folks have like a mental issue with regard to this game. Seek help.

Edited By: Pang on Nov 23rd 2013, 6:42:21
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

locket Game profile


Nov 23rd 2013, 6:55:10

Why do half the people who dont play the game pop in to the forums Pang? Not sure why it should shock you.

tellarion Game profile


Nov 23rd 2013, 7:11:22

So Silver was knowingly logging into people's account on BC and perhaps other sites, and was totally cool with that cause he thought they just 'guessed' the passwords. I mean that right there is incredibly questionable judgement.

But in general on the issue of information sources: 1) If you aren't culpable as you claim to be, then how do you know what info came from shady but 'legit' sources, and what came as a result of improper/illegal activity?

2) How can WE as a community just take your word for it? RD has been gathering info(including personal information such as contact info) for years, and none of that was taken improperly or you realize how hard a pill that is to swallow?

We don't even know the full extent of the hacking/leaking/etc, but we're just supposed to say 'OK, RD has always done it, so it's ok this time'. That's a load of crap.

mdevol Game profile


Nov 23rd 2013, 8:02:39

Originally posted by braden:
nobody told me anything. had they, i would've put a stop to it.

graphite and cobalt are far from obscure. some of us have played the game for fourteen plus years.

any investigation is kind of moot at this point, as our internal alliance structure is, well, in shambles. the bc site was gutted, not to hide from you guys, but so that orange couldn't continue to post our entire boards on this one. that isn't covering up, thats asking that we be afforded a semblance of privacy. who had privacy while we were hacking the game, you ask? i can barely count past thirteen, have a single conversation with me and you'll understand never in my life could i hack anything (other than a branch off a tree with an axe). but because some people lost their privacy through somebodys actions, i now lose mine?

"What did you find out about the logs with Azure, Firebrick, Sunglow, Reseda, and Gains. Did that conversation just disappear from the planet?"

very interesting, a) mr reseda was involved in no such conversation (in fact his biggest gripe was the lack of information sharing through conversation), and b) who the fluff is mr reseda? :(

ummm, yes, you lose your privacy because YOUR leaders broke the law. not just the game rules, the law. that is how life works. I know it may not seem fair, but what else isnt fair is that people had to file security reports at thier real life jobs because of this, and you are concerned about internal forums that clearly were deleted to hide it from getting public.

the on top of that mock me for asking a question with specific members that posted on the very thread he mentioned he had plans. I am a lot of things, but stupid is not one of them.

the logs were cleared because they were damning. you can spin that however you want to spin it but every one produced to the public form had a follow up thread that just sort of disappeared.

then instead of coming forward about it, your leadership mocks and tries to destroy the credibility of those trying to get answers.

furthermore instead of placing the blame squarely where it should be you guys are still blaming pang for his "agenda"? and expect that to stick anywhere but in SoF and RD? Hell even RIVAL is smart enough to see through that. perhaps mr.clear is a fitting name for you, vic...
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Watcher Observer

New Member

Nov 23rd 2013, 8:47:33

mdevol: You are a spaz, just fluff off. lol
RD is dead, what more do you want?

locket Game profile


Nov 23rd 2013, 8:54:33

@Tella he knows where that info came from because he knows the source of the info. Same way you know your spy info comes from them.

@mdevol you are just ridiculous. I am sure that the logs insite were SO damning. LOL fluff. You just spew stuff till it sticks? Copper clearly didnt trust Boxcar so outside of protecting colour identities perhaps or plans of RD and allies I very much doubt the deletion had anything to do with Copper.

Anyways I'm done here again. This is such a stupid thread where nothing of use is going to happen. The fact that you keep asking is just ridiculous. Try a new strategy.

tellarion Game profile


Nov 23rd 2013, 9:43:15

Originally posted by locket:
@Tella he knows where that info came from because he knows the source of the info. Same way you know your spy info comes from them.

@mdevol you are just ridiculous. I am sure that the logs insite were SO damning. LOL fluff. You just spew stuff till it sticks? Copper clearly didnt trust Boxcar so outside of protecting colour identities perhaps or plans of RD and allies I very much doubt the deletion had anything to do with Copper.

Anyways I'm done here again. This is such a stupid thread where nothing of use is going to happen. The fact that you keep asking is just ridiculous. Try a new strategy.

That's the thing though, Locket. Silver is claiming he didn't know how some of the info was obtained. To him it was all the same, supposedly.

And speaking to you as a more recent recruit to RD, don't you feel pretty fluffty that the leaders of your alliance haven't said anything publicly? I'm sure there is a LOT of discussion in private, but publicly this is a farse. Could you imagine if there was a scandal like this in Evo, and Ross, qz, yank and myself didn't post any kind of official response/apology/what have you?

locket Game profile


Nov 23rd 2013, 11:00:06

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by locket:
@Tella he knows where that info came from because he knows the source of the info. Same way you know your spy info comes from them.

@mdevol you are just ridiculous. I am sure that the logs insite were SO damning. LOL fluff. You just spew stuff till it sticks? Copper clearly didnt trust Boxcar so outside of protecting colour identities perhaps or plans of RD and allies I very much doubt the deletion had anything to do with Copper.

Anyways I'm done here again. This is such a stupid thread where nothing of use is going to happen. The fact that you keep asking is just ridiculous. Try a new strategy.

That's the thing though, Locket. Silver is claiming he didn't know how some of the info was obtained. To him it was all the same, supposedly.

And speaking to you as a more recent recruit to RD, don't you feel pretty fluffty that the leaders of your alliance haven't said anything publicly? I'm sure there is a LOT of discussion in private, but publicly this is a farse. Could you imagine if there was a scandal like this in Evo, and Ross, qz, yank and myself didn't post any kind of official response/apology/what have you?

They havnt said anything in private or in public except perhaps a few half assed conversations about what to do with RD itself let alone some post for other clans. Many people have said it here already. RD is dead. If it comes back it will be one of the smaller clans left. No leaders are active atm. No one seems to be doing anything from everything I gather. This is why there is no official response. Just think of it like Ross QZ Yank and you all quit or went inactive after it happened. Those who dont want to lead would be left or those who simply dont know fluff and dont know how to lead. They'd leave and Evo would disappear. RD didnt have enough people who were active and ready to lead like Laf did. This decision was targeted to destroy RD and it did I guess.

This admin decision cost the game between 15-25 players on its own. The rest are going elsewhere. I havnt decided my own fate yet but I havnt made a country since they stole mine.

braden Game profile


Nov 23rd 2013, 13:21:15

firstly, mdevol, no mock was intended. if it came off as such, my apologies. tone is very hard to convey with text :(

"I know it may not seem fair, but what else isnt fair is that people had to file security reports at thier real life jobs because of this,"

this you do raise very good points, i have no interest in refuting it. but to make everybodys life easier, then, we should just adopt AT for our council board? save me the trouble of having to log into two sites :P

locket, you weren't here for many of the years that dug us into this whole. you were never a jr, not a colour, some of us at least deserved it based off of past actions (i wasn't guilty of any of this, at all, but i can not stress how guilty i would have been in the past, heh). we had some absolutely stand up players in the alliance, and they took a chance on us and got burned, you as one of them. all of neo, etc

we did make our bed, now it's time to have a fluffty sleep :P

you should come join me in the weedy netgaining alliance on team server

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 23rd 2013, 14:32:01

locket, seek help. My post was directed at you as well. I worry about your mental state when you post things like that...
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 23rd 2013, 14:42:01

Locket is just posting with his emotions. I think he is a fine guy but just gets passionate about his stuff...
I financially support this game; what do you do?

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 23rd 2013, 14:44:36

It's been weeks and his tune hasn't changed. Thus, I worry about his mental state. :p

Edited By: Pang on Nov 23rd 2013, 14:46:36
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 23rd 2013, 17:22:53

Originally posted by Pang:
It's been weeks and his tune hasn't changed. Thus, I worry about his mental state. :p

Welcome to the internet... NERD!
I financially support this game; what do you do?



Nov 23rd 2013, 18:04:26

I had posted last night, but a mod deleted my response and closed the thread. Pang confirmed that it wasn't he who did it.

Galleri, if it was you, I'm ashamed to think why you're covering for RD. You've been trying to spin this for weeks now. What are you hiding? There are plenty of us that are sickened at what RD has done to our personal privacy, and fully agree with what mdevol is saying.

You've lost your privacy? Don't you get the irony? RD has been planting spies to steal intel, steal personal info, steal contact details in this game for the last 14 years and all of a sudden you want us to respect your privacy? For 14 years this game has had to deal with RD pissing on our privacy. If you want that respect back, leave RD.

RD's board were being deleted far before Orange leaked info, that's common knowledge. RD wanted to cover this up as soon as word leaked that the admins were about to reveal their findings. Everything that had any shred of the dirty dealings was long ago deleted or moved to another site.

locket Game profile


Nov 23rd 2013, 21:05:01

I need help? Go fluff yourself. You need help. You are like a 13 year old girl full of emotion and repressed anger. Oh that felt so nice. There I am cured!

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 23rd 2013, 22:34:29

Originally posted by justtaint:
I had posted last night, but a mod deleted my response and closed the thread. Pang confirmed that it wasn't he who did it.

Galleri, if it was you, I'm ashamed to think why you're covering for RD. You've been trying to spin this for weeks now. What are you hiding? There are plenty of us that are sickened at what RD has done to our personal privacy, and fully agree with what mdevol is saying.

You've lost your privacy? Don't you get the irony? RD has been planting spies to steal intel, steal personal info, steal contact details in this game for the last 14 years and all of a sudden you want us to respect your privacy? For 14 years this game has had to deal with RD pissing on our privacy. If you want that respect back, leave RD.

RD's board were being deleted far before Orange leaked info, that's common knowledge. RD wanted to cover this up as soon as word leaked that the admins were about to reveal their findings. Everything that had any shred of the dirty dealings was long ago deleted or moved to another site.

I didn't delete it either. And you should follow pangs help. You look way too deep into my postings like mdevol. I don't know if I should be scared or honor.....
I did close the thread after pang posted. martian has also closed this thread down.. the...... not sure who keeps reopening it.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

braden Game profile


Nov 24th 2013, 0:37:08

although you are pretty much correct, justtaint, i'm not convinced it's in the least bit ironic.

i would have played in any number of those alliances being spied on, having information stolen. so i was wronged, too. keep that in mind. (that might be irony, but we'll settle on a very poorly conceived joke :P)

i have never had access to the top dogs forum, so i can not speak word one about what was there, what was removed, or when any of it occurred. the only people who could know that, would be the ones in rd that did it. or, presumably, i suppose, anybody who had access to that board just while not being a colour...

i think i stumbled on some irony, after all

deepcode Game profile


Nov 24th 2013, 1:14:15

Not that I know or care much about RD or what's going on here, as a 2k+ player that wasn't around in the bot days,

It is trivial for anyone to grab member lists and contact info, and it can be done legally and without breaking the game rules. That document that was floating around with member lists on it? It was nothing. It should be ignored. Anyone in this game game obtain that kind of information on most of the clans on this server. (some might actually practice good security, I wouldn't know, I haven't tried... yet ;) )

Seriously, give it a try if you don't believe it. Run around untagged, start sending out apps for every clan in the game, join every one of them that accepts you. Log into their site and grab everything you can, reports->members in boxcar for member list and contact emails/phone numbers.

Hell everything under reports. While you're at it, grab every single post on every board you have access to as a brand spanking new member of that clan, all while you're not tagged up and pretending to be a rainbow-commy noob that can't figure out how to use the auto-upload feature or tag up with the clan tag and password.

Hell, you could probably do this WHILE you're playing in a different clan. Just don't run multiple countries in the earth empires server and don't hack anything. Totally legit, standard, fair practice spy fluff.

I would be surprised if every major clan hasn't been doing this since this game was created.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 24th 2013, 1:31:16

Thats pretty deep. No pun intended

Syko_Killa Game profile


Nov 24th 2013, 1:47:22

Yeah well it kinda all stunk man, I had an awesome country;) I guess one or two apples ruins it for the bunch, but i'm not mad anymore. Hope you all have fun with the game.
Do as I say, not as I do.

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Nov 24th 2013, 1:55:31

OK that's enough. Closing thread. If this gets reopened I am deleting it.
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
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(_(' )(' )