
iScode Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 3:26:07

I want to set the record straight on the monsters and Imaginary Numbers conflict.

Before anyone ever doubts that I have not tried to work for a peaceful resolution to this conflict so it we did not have to continue down the same path set after set with monsters.

Imaginary Numbers has never, since I have taken over, had any reason, wish or desire to go to war with Monsters, yes we did not want to pact, but that was the same for a lot of alliances. I tried talking to Servant, I gave him my reasons why we couldnt pact, as I tell everyone, if there are ever any issues we were happy to resolve them.

Then out of the blue simply because I stated that LadyGrizz cheated as a moderator on the old EC, monsters decided to take revenge on the whole of Imaginary Numbers, not just myself for my own actions, they made my alliance pay. And pay we did, Monsters with a numerical superiority and strats built for early war slaughtered Imaginary numbers who were caught unaware.

Even after all this dishonesty from Monsters (I am now told that the reason for the war was not my comments on LadyGrizz, but I am not to be given a reason, more dishonesty.) I was still happy to discuss peace options with Monsters, to get over our differences and look at working a resolution for peace. About a week and a half ago, Servant and myself sat down and worked out some prelim terms. Terms that he decided upon.

There were a few simple things to straighten out the terms and I looked forward to ironing these things out and coming to a peaceful resolution so both alliances could move on. Today that has come to an end with Monsters reneging on our originally agreed main points of the peace protest.

Here is what Servant sent to me regarding this

"From: Servant
To: iScode
Subject: Pre-lim Pact terms
Date: Sep 14th, 06:31
Message Body:
1. Servant will first issue an apology on AT (To Scode and Imaginary Numbers) for not being upfront with the main reasons behind this policy war, and will list what they were/are.

2. Scode will apoloigze on AT towards, his behavior towards Grizz, admit his assertation towards her being an RD cheater is unfounded, and while maintaining Scode's innocence, is willing to admit that Grizz made a mistake, but in retrospect, an honest mistake...

In addition to this both Mosnters and Imag both agree not to participate in any public name calling/insulting and will see too it any allies who may have joined in on the Spirit of things will stop."

There was more regarding hitting and grabs which is not important as we agreed on those points and would of easily ironed out any issues there.

Now Servant's apology regarding the conduct of the war has been removed, removed simply because a retired member of monsters (Hawk) has told him he is not to apologise for Monsters lying and being dishonest.

<iScode> no, my whole issue with this crap is because you backstabbed me and declared war over what i said about ladygrizz, you know this as well as I do, it was the one point I kept stressing througout our main conversation, why the hell would I want to remove that clause now, this is not acceptable. I am happy to work towards a peacefull resolution, but you will not try and manipulate this situation so you got off scot free on the main point, I have again been nothing but honest and tried to work towards a peacefull resolution and your just going to throw it back in my face like this? disgracful bro
<Servant> I'm not going to apologize for the Monster way,
<Servant> we've enver ever shared our reasons
<Servant> if we only FS 3 times in 14 yrs
<Servant> then the reasons will be obvious
<Servant> everyone else knew why:)
<iScode> then why did you send me terms, after speaking with your ledership saying you would?
<Servant> I did as I was told,
<iScode> then try and use the galleri situation to back out of it??
<Servant> b/c, we had a majorit vote,
<Servant> then our main person
<iScode> these are not the actions of a trustworthy person bro
<Servant> I report to said no
<Servant> so
<iScode> who is that?
<Servant> Hawk

I ask you all, how much can you trust Monsters?? They give their word on things and then back out completely, they say that they must have a good reason to war Imag yet they are not prepared to say what this reason is. How can you trust an alliance that has no principles and hides behind lies and distrust.

Servant, if you want peace with imag in the future, and I am sure you will at one stage want peace, then you need to prove your honesty, I simply can not trust an alliance leader who advises he will do one thing, which your leadership agreed upon (as per your majority vote) and then back out simply because an ex-player who is retired says so.

I will always be honest and open about everything imaginary numbers does, I see no reason for your secrecy unless you obviously have some sort of hidden agenda, in that case so be it.

You may fool me once Servant, but you will not fool me twice.

I call on alliances to pull away from your association with Monsters until they can start being open publically about the reasons for their actions and the way they conduct themselves in the public's eyes. You have to ask yourself, if they are prepared to keep a simple reason like why they dec'd on imag, a war alliance, secret, what else are they hiding over there? What else are they not telling their allies, and why would thy risk pulling their allies into a conflict for something they can not announce publicly.
God of War


iScode Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 3:26:46

oh ona side note, suck a fat fluff .

Edited By: Warster on Sep 22nd 2012, 3:43:24
God of War


galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 22nd 2012, 6:08:27

As an addition to this:
I spoke with Servant also who could not give exact reasons on the FS ...
over the course of the set I have been given a few different reasons in which one keeps changing to "that really wasn't the reason", then it is again.
So far I have heard:
1.The LadyGrizz Story, which later turns to it is not the reason after all, then it is again (refer to above)
2.One country hit them pretty good. Apparently a 5k tyranny country out of tech phase....even though we were still in the middle of our tech I am not sure I would have to go back and look. Either way why no FA contact? For one hit? Because you "assumed" we would threaten you?
3.Then it becomes some blindside that iMag FS'd years ago when Soviet was president (I don't think I was even imag at that time it was so long ago) Actually that was earth2025 times which if I remember right, every clan out there claimed to bring over a fresh politics and not carry stuff over. Yes Scode carried over the ladygrizz thing, but that is person to person... not clan to clan.
P.S...that is the lamest excuse considering we could have pulled that card for Symac/Anonymous's comments to me on AT a few sets back. Every clan out there should gear up then for wars if we are going to base wars off one person's comments to another.
4.I think my newest favorite is that I threatened him before and I am pretty sure I haven't in which I did ask for logs, but he cannot provide those either. Any good leader/fa keeps logs. Then he later apologized saying he might be wrong.
6. You had intel tell you that we were planning to hit you... that is a funny one. You were most defiantly not even close to being on our list. If I had a penny for everytime some clan out there told me another clan was going to FS us ...shoot I would be rich.
Lastly I am sure hawk probably logged in the clan site recently. But last he logged into ee or the forums was the 14th of Sept. When I go to advise Scode, I check a few things first....what has been said on AT recently, what has been said in our clan site. If hawk is retired and vetos stuff in monsters.. is he not so informed on what else is going on out there?

Edited By: galleri on Sep 22nd 2012, 6:24:15
See Original Post

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 22nd 2012, 6:48:15

Monsters are a different alliance.

We are apolitical when it comes to the game of thrones on the server, but we do also have friends we help from time to time.

In 14 yrs, Monsters have FS'd another alliance only 2-3 times. No other alliance can come close to that record. Not once have we done a FS on the EE server till this set. (honored a pact? yes, Preplanned war? yes. FS'd? no.

What does that say? It says that we are very patient, we always try to work things out, and are nearly 100% successful. We have good to excellent relations with almost every alliance in the game.
However, if/when the cause is just, we will take action. Apparently it happens once every 5 years or so.

This is a story, a long one, that goes back to the seeds of the reason of this war. Notice, it takes years for the reasons to build enough for us to FS. It maybe the longest Monster post you'll ever see, so enjoy:).

Previous to EE, Imaginary Numbers Blindsided Monsters for 0 reason. Now is that why we're hitting today? No, its not. But it laid a seed, a bad seed, that left a bad taste in the mouth. Yes, when EE restarted, everyone agreed to leave the past behind, but here along came Scode trashing LadyGrizz for deleting him for running multies on Earth Council. Mickster and Patience both independtly verified the information. And all came to the same conclusion. Scode was deleted.

Let it be known Scode brought the past up first. Yet, this alone is not the reason we war.

So, EE starts, Monsters is very active, nearly on the verge of collapse. Most don't realize how bad it was. I join and start signing pacts, and we begin rebuilding. Reset after reset we only have issues with 2 alliances. We worked those issues out with one of them. Top feeds, Grabbing, looking for an excuse to FS. You know the drill, Any allaince smaller than Imaginary Numbers has been through it.

For 2.5 yrs this continued, with only a pact here and there. But we asked for one every reset anyways, and every reset crappy tyrannies and dicts, hit well built all xpplore reps for acres that can't be recovered in a single hit.

So, a choice is made, get the land back, and be attacked, or eat it. Well. We're Patient. Maybe too patient. We do our best NEVER to FS. But Imag kept grabbing us reset after reset though we asked for pacts and kept them on RETAL ONLY....Yet, this is not the reason we go to war.

For 3 sets in a row we've been on Red Alert, with information that we were up "on the Imaginary Dartboard." From sources that have proven right before. Yet that alone is not the reason we war.

Finally last reset. I setup a prearrnaged 1-1 with Scode, with even numbers. In good faith, with the idea of a long term pact on the other side. He canclels it, and I ask for a pact. Scode says "Why Pact Monsters"

That, was the last straw.

Imag, looks for a war, finds the tiniest excuse possible, and hits. We've all been a part of it and seen it.

We, The Monsters, on the other hand, well it takes 2.5 yrs + to build up a just cause to hit.

Monsters for ALL the reasons above, have more than just cause for this action.

We want a pact, and an apology. THAT is the reason we war.

We thank the earth community for allowing this to remain 1-1. We the Monsters will do our best to ensure we don't FS anyone for another 5 years:).

We know, as well as you do, that unless Monsters gets a Pact longterm, Imag will hit us. That is why this war can not stop till such a pact is signed.

To Imag's allies, understand this took 2.5 yrs too build, and we want your ally available. We are friends of all of you. I've offered the BARE minimum pact, to create peace so you can have your ally back next set.

I am going out of my way, and pulling every string I know for peace. We are not bullies, we never have been our record speaks for iself. We will push hard for peace. But, every reset we war, after this set, we'll add 3-6 resets of length to the pact. And we will war till we get that pact.

And, When that Pact is signed.

Monsters will declare Peace

Edited By: Warster on Sep 22nd 2012, 6:58:47
Z is #1

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 22nd 2012, 6:58:19

Here is our minimal Peace offer. Most of it was signed off on, before talks broke down.

1. Scode will apologize on AT towards, his behavior towards Grizz, admit his assertation towards her being an RD cheater is unfounded, He will apologize for his behavior, name calling on AT, inappropriate country names, and admit his conduct was wrong.
In addition to this both Monsters and Imag both agree not to participate in any public name calling/insulting and will see too it any allies who may have joined in on the Spirit of things will stop.

2. Monsters and Imag sign a 1 yr NAP.
In addition to no land grabbing, ops, missles, special attacks etc.....
A. There will be no FS's during this one year from imag on monsters or monsters on imag.
B. Both allainces agree to stay out of any pre-arranaged wars involving FDP's
C. No Preemptive strikes
D. FAing of FDP's/Friends at war with one of the signed allinaces to this pact is allowed and expected.
Monsers and Imag are allowed to defend their FDP's should Monsters or Imag go to war with a friend/FDP.
E. Any violation of this Pact will result in 200% land:land before ghost acres in case of a SS, PS, Nuke/Chem AB or BR, and any harmful ops will result in the defenders choice of 200% of damage, or a PS on the offending country, the the offending country is really small, then the defender gets to pick which country to grab. In the case of a GS, all stock lost will be returned at 200% and 1 LG per GS.

Signed Servant

Refusal to sign, will result in continuation of the war.
you brought this public, sign it public.

Edited By: Servant on Sep 22nd 2012, 7:01:15
See Original Post
Z is #1

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 22nd 2012, 7:18:13

Originally posted by galleri:

..Lastly I am sure hawk probably logged in the clan site recently. But last he logged into ee or the forums was the 14th of Sept. When I go to advise Scode, I check a few things first....what has been said on AT recently, what has been said in our clan site. If hawk is retired and vetos stuff in monsters.. is he not so informed on what else is going on out there?

Galleri i'm not sure what the official line is, but seems that using your admin access to 'check a few things' for your alliance might be a bit unethical.

I mean, i can understand using your admin access to change your country name within five minutes of creation, i see no conflict of interest there.. and the first login after midnight (+20 acres) at the same time with your safelisted 'other' over and over and over again _could_ look a bit suspicious to an outside observer, well i suppose that could be explained as "a really close relationship, we do everything together!" but using your admin access for researching info for your alliance leader - was that part of the job description?

Almost makes me wonder if, when Pang gave you boxcar admin, your haha comment that you can see who's online in Monsters (even though we're invisible) was more than a joke.
? yes i am 99.9% sure the boxcar thing was a joke but

The bottom line, unless every tag on the server is allowed to have at least one member with admin access to research opponent's members during war, i think this is an issue.

Edited By: cyref on Sep 22nd 2012, 7:35:50
See Original Post



Sep 22nd 2012, 7:43:02

nice try cyref. that is available to everyone. Last Login: Sep 14, 14:28

P.S. Servant in this thread makes very compelling arguments for why people should join iMag ;)
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Sov Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 8:22:55

If you both want peace then get back to the table and I'll make sure you hammer it out.

Fighting it out here will achieve nothing.

I'll message you both on SoF site later when I get back to my computer.

iScode Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 8:56:35

I refuse to sign Servant.
God of War


locket Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 9:10:59

Laf will take your land every day till you solve it!

fazer Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 10:14:48

Why don't you both just kiss and make up? A few people need to leave this fluff in the past and move on. For the good of the game.

It's a game, and half the fluff that goes on here makes me think people just want more drama in their life.

Both you gentlemen just get behind the bletchers and make out. You'll both come out better MEN for it.
- -

Fazer - MGP

"if somethings not fun, why do it?"

Marco Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 10:53:15

From some of the posts above I've gathered a few highlights.

"we payed dearly" because imag countries died? That's what they do, every set.How is it dear, when its the norm.

"your country hit us fresh out of his tech phase, while imag was in the middle of there tech phase"
Imag-tech phase ? I call shenanigans, imag doesn't know what a tech phase is.

"blah blah blah" you let galleri speak. Faileri should be like an old schook Muslim woman, covered, waking 10 paces behind and she shouldn't be allowed to speak amongst men.

I only read a few lines, so forgive me if any of my statements weren't

Marco Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 10:58:55

Forgive me if my concerns were already addressed.

PS, I still love you scodey pop, I'd love you even more if galleri wasn't a public figure for imag. Galleri is so loved she could probably reopen rogue I'm sure she'd have as much success as pg and the current recruitment in rival.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 22nd 2012, 14:14:50

Originally posted by cyref:
Originally posted by galleri:

..Lastly I am sure hawk probably logged in the clan site recently. But last he logged into ee or the forums was the 14th of Sept. When I go to advise Scode, I check a few things first....what has been said on AT recently, what has been said in our clan site. If hawk is retired and vetos stuff in monsters.. is he not so informed on what else is going on out there?

Galleri i'm not sure what the official line is, but seems that using your admin access to 'check a few things' for your alliance might be a bit unethical.

I mean, i can understand using your admin access to change your country name within five minutes of creation, i see no conflict of interest there.. and the first login after midnight (+20 acres) at the same time with your safelisted 'other' over and over and over again _could_ look a bit suspicious to an outside observer, well i suppose that could be explained as "a really close relationship, we do everything together!" but using your admin access for researching info for your alliance leader - was that part of the job description?

Almost makes me wonder if, when Pang gave you boxcar admin, your haha comment that you can see who's online in Monsters (even though we're invisible) was more than a joke.
? yes i am 99.9% sure the boxcar thing was a joke but

The bottom line, unless every tag on the server is allowed to have at least one member with admin access to research opponent's members during war, i think this is an issue.

Dear what elves wrote, that information is available to everyone. Nextly I am not an admin. And lastly I don't have perms to alliance. The thing that I can see monsters was silly joke. I cannot see any clans on boxcar except whoever is not invisible. I don't even think admin access could see those online if they were invisible. The only perms I have for boxcar admin is to reset the system, nothing else.
Changing my country name? My country name has never been changed. So I don't know where you are pulling that ..... again refer to the part that I don't have access to alliance perms or mod tools.
My safelisted partner is my fiance...of course we are close, we friggin sleep together. LOL
Researching info.... You. are. a. tard...that referral to looking on AT to see what everyone is saying and seeing what is said in clan. I am not sure wtf you think I was saying but you are very wrong.

martian will be by to confirm....which this has been said over and over again. Good job trying to pull "omg she is mod she can see everything and is cheating with admin perms" card.
Matter a fact, why don't you ask Warster, he is in your clan and is a game mod.
Try again. Thanks.

Edited By: galleri on Sep 22nd 2012, 14:29:59
See Original Post

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Soviet Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 14:28:32

Originally posted by cyref:

I mean, i can understand using your admin access to change your country name within five minutes of creation, i see no conflict of interest there.. and the first login after midnight (+20 acres) at the same time with your safelisted 'other' over and over and over again _could_ look a bit suspicious to an outside observer, well i suppose that could be explained as "a really close relationship, we do everything together!" but using your admin access for researching info for your alliance leader - was that part of the job description?

Yes me and galleri create our countries together. Yes we usually play turns together. Yes we usually kill together. It's part of our relationship.

You're talking about _me_ changing my country's name at the beginning of the set. I named my country the wrong Amon Amarth song title for the set. I don't have any admin perms to do it. I went to Qz, who was online at the time and asked him to change it. He had no problem with it and did it for me.

Nice try.
Imaginary Numbers

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Sep 22nd 2012, 14:53:18

Moderators can't even see mod tools for servers they don't moderate; martian is the only moderator who can see any mod tools for Alliance...
Finally did the signature thing.

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 22nd 2012, 14:53:26

Believes in Monsters Honor and Integrity.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Buch Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 15:25:26

No peace EVER!!!!!!!!!!

maverickmd Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 16:38:20

seems like a pretty fair deal. Thanks to both of you for explaining your sides of the story :) Good luck next round!

de1i Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 18:21:08

The reasons Monsters went to war listed above were essentially the same as what I assumed caused this war and the same reasons that were confirmed to me in private conversations. So this seriously dumbfounds me... Do people (besides iMag) legitimately think that Monsters who go to war more often than most of the people who play this game get laid would do it primarily over a retarded insult directed at LG? Their history of going to war 3ish times in 14 years to me shows better self restraint than that. Is this the big lie that iScode keeps preaching about or am I missing something?

Regardless of the long term repercussions, I commend Monsters for your decision to not apologize for going to war this reset. An alliance should never apologize for fighting back when they feel pushed into a corner. iMag, an alliance who routinely goes to war for far less legitimate reasons would never apologize and does not deserve to be shown this respect. Unfortunately for you they believe that because they are under new leadership and were not 100% involved in the decisions that caused this war that they do. Speaking from the experience this game and the world does not work that way. This type of respect is earned not given, even more so when you take the helm of a tag with a history as a war alliance. If you legitimately want to earn credibility as an alliance leader I encourage you to bury the hatchet with Monsters, turning this into a long term grudge match is of little to no benefit for either alliance.

On a side note taking a holier than thou approach and ending it with 'suck a fat fluff' is a combination that doesn't really work.

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 22nd 2012, 18:21:46

Hey all:)

I just want thank everyone for enjoying the show. We the Monsters do try to keep quiet, but if/when we put on a show, we try to make it memorable:)

Qz is correct. I will be talking to cyref. Galleri and Soviet have done NOTHING wrong. Maybe scode did cheat in the past, but Galleri and Soviet have been nothing but upstanding and dedicated leaders in this game. We may have a disagreement, and I may not get along with them, but that doesn't mean I can't respect them.

IMag is an important part of this server. They serve a very important role, they spice things up and keep things lively. Such a role sill occasionaly piss peple off and cause some waves. I respect that. This time, its Monsters and Imag, another time it'll be someone else:)

Rather than negotiate and play games, we offered a bare minimum for Peace,
We expected multiple resets, maybe even a year in worst case. It appears worst case may happen at this point, but things change.

Either way,

galleri/Sov, the above post was uncalled for, and full of misinformation.

Everyone makes mistakes, and I will deal with it. Immediately:) And, it will not happen again.

Z is #1

Brink Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 20:04:44

I'm with De1i on this. For whatever reason, an Alliance that does not ever believe in fighting, believes they had no choice. That they were backed into a corner, and there was no other option.

On the flip side, Imag generally finds a way to fight someone, anyone, and often hits out of the blue.

Surely (and I have no knowledge of any kind) Monsters believed they needed to do unto others before they do unto you, a golden rule move.

For any member of the Peanut Gallery to believe anything but this senerio would be silly, it is what has to be the case.

Now, I do know a thing or two about running an alliance that is in a bad spot just trying to keep it's head above water. If my plan was to continue the jihad grudge, I would have made a thread exactly like this one to turn public opinion. Exactly the way I would have calculated and played it.

If IMag really does plan on being different and reasonable going forward, then shock everyone and not only make peace but honor it.

You will fail on this strategic path. I get the move, but there are too many others that you have jumped out of the blue that aren't going to by what you are selling without a bold act of contrition.

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 22nd 2012, 21:03:21

I just want to set a record straight.

Deli said,
"Their history of going to war 3ish times in 14 years to me shows better self restraint than that. Is this the big lie that iScode keeps preaching about or am I missing something? "

This is our 2nd-3rd First strike in 14 yrs.

Monsters have been FS by others,
Monsters have been in prearranged wars, (1 time)
and Monsters have been called in by an ally, 1-2 times in its history.

Z is #1



Sep 22nd 2012, 21:34:57

Cerberus, it's been an age. What was the alliance you created way back in the old earth days?

Marco Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 23:23:40

Cerberus of the MI!
Mercs Inc

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 23:27:18

hmmm, Servant was negotiating with Praetor from SOL when i flipped out and suicided on SOL... bah, probably just a coincedence.
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

iScode Game profile


Sep 23rd 2012, 0:50:46

Your whole post is bullfluff and set to misinform. I will now show you why.

"Yes, when EE restarted, everyone agreed to leave the past behind, but here along came Scode trashing LadyGrizz for deleting him for running multies on Earth Council. Mickster and Patience both independtly verified the information. And all came to the same conclusion. Scode was deleted. "

I never came over from Eearth, I wasnt playing then, I never agreed to leave the past, but when it comes to dealing with alliances I am always happy to look for peace. Also I told you several times, my personal feelings for Ladygrizz would NOT affect how I dealt with monsters, they were personal and had nothing to do with ether alliances dealings, YOU as in Monsters choose to make them about the alliance not me, so let it be known you choose the past as a reason for war not me!!

Also I can confirm that it was bullfluff, Swirve admins confirmed I was not cheating and it was the EC mods who delete me a second time after they reinstated me.

And if you must know back then Patience was the one who told me it was LadyGrizz who deleted me. I was not going to say this out of respect from patience but you brought her into this.

"For 2.5 yrs this continued, with only a pact here and there. But we asked for one every reset anyways, and every reset crappy tyrannies and dicts, hit well built all xpplore reps for acres that can't be recovered in a single hit."

They cant be that crappy if they can take your land, get better defence instead of having like 300k turrets.

"So, a choice is made, get the land back, and be attacked, or eat it. Well. We're Patient. Maybe too patient. We do our best NEVER to FS. But Imag kept grabbing us reset after reset though we asked for pacts and kept them on RETAL ONLY....Yet, this is not the reason we go to war."

Again, no you have another choice, get better defense!

"For 3 sets in a row we've been on Red Alert, with information that we were up "on the Imaginary Dartboard." From sources that have proven right before. Yet that alone is not the reason we war.

Finally last reset. I setup a prearrnaged 1-1 with Scode, with even numbers. In good faith, with the idea of a long term pact on the other side. He canclels it, and I ask for a pact. Scode says "Why Pact Monsters"

That, was the last straw."


I said we could look at a 1-1, it was never agreed upon, just discussed, after discussions with my leadership we agreed that after the LCN/IMAG vs SOL war we decided not to have friendly wars again. So it was not an option, I told you this and you had no problem with it at the time, so why bring it up now?

Also once were you on our radar, I would be happy to let any independent verify this information, and then only one person voted to war you out of our entire leadership. The reason it was even discussed was after our war with NA and Sanct when you promised an oil buy out at the same time of our FS on Sanct yet didnt deliver. It was discussed as we had no other options, we all much prefered to have a civil war than war monsters over such a trivial reason as the oil buyout.

"We want a pact, and an apology. THAT is the reason we war.

We thank the earth community for allowing this to remain 1-1. We the Monsters will do our best to ensure we don't FS anyone for another 5 years:).

We know, as well as you do, that unless Monsters gets a Pact longterm, Imag will hit us. That is why this war can not stop till such a pact is signed.

To Imag's allies, understand this took 2.5 yrs too build, and we want your ally available. We are friends of all of you. I've offered the BARE minimum pact, to create peace so you can have your ally back next set.

I am going out of my way, and pulling every string I know for peace. We are not bullies, we never have been our record speaks for iself. We will push hard for peace. But, every reset we war, after this set, we'll add 3-6 resets of length to the pact. And we will war till we get that pact.

And, When that Pact is signed.

Monsters will declare Peace"

Imaginary Numbers has done nothing wrong, we have nothing to apologise for, I have a personal issue with LadyGrizz for being a cheat, thats it. I was prepared to swallow my pride and apologise for that for the sake of peace, all I asked for in return is that you apologise for lying about your original reasons for your war, not the act itself, you agreed to this, you were prepared to sign it yet you backed out on your word because an ex leader who is now RETIRED told you not to.

I was sincere about peace, until you tried to manipulate the situation to play me off against one of my leaders.

every time I have talked to you apart from our last chat, have I not been anything but civil and told you I do not want war, and that if any situation rises to come and talk to me?? Yes I asked why should imag pact monsters? Why should we, your not the only alliance that went unpacted this set. I do not see why people would pact alliances that are not their closest of allies, I see no reason for uNaps or NAPS. You could not give me a reason why Monsters should be a FDP of imag, you would not offer us assistance in war be it FA or an ally if needed, you gave me no reason for imag to pact monsters. I gave you an option too move closer together, if you had decided to come to the table we culd of been allies, you just wanted a uNAP, thats it, well I am sorry thats not how imag worked at the time. However I told you if any issue arose, come talk to me and we resolve it.

You have not done everything possible for peace. You have pretended to act like so on the boards but not in our discussions, actions speak louder than words bro, you would not tell me last set you want closer relations than imag, then FS us the next set over a personal issue if you wanted peace.

You would not say you want peace, agree to certain terms, then remove that term (first of all saying i said you could when I clearly didnt, then saying it was because a retired ex-vet told you when I show you I never did. again proof you keep changing your story.) trying to play me off against my leadership.

Imag will never sign a multi set pact with monsters, I have not signed a multi set pact with any alliane since I took over and I will not do so for an alliance that has

1. Lied to imaginary numbers on several occasions.
2. declared war over non-existant issues that you have dreamed up
3. Stabbed us in the back when we were looking at moving closer together (eg last sets NAP.)

You are a liar, you have lied and tried to manipulate this situation, using the "oh monsters never FS anyone, we are soooo innocent line" to cover your tracks.

The fact remains, I have done everything possible since I took over as imag to build closer relations, You have never come to me over any landgrabs since I have been president, you have only ever come to me demanding pact. and then even after this war, I was prepared to swallow my pride and apologise to ladygrizz fo the good of my alliance.

Those actions of mine show I am the only one here who actually moving towards peace, not now, imag will not be treated like a doormat. Peace is not option unless you grovel at my feet like the low life scum you are, this is your fault not mine.
God of War


Corsair Game profile


Sep 23rd 2012, 1:04:29

funny, wasnt imag just last reset drawing random numbers to figure out who to war?

if imag doesnt need a reason to war, why should monster?

iScode Game profile


Sep 23rd 2012, 1:16:41


Imag warred NA over them continually ROR'ing and not wanting to pay for their mistakes.

Sanct hit monsters first by removing missiles and harmfull spy ops before any discussions took place.

In the last three sets, coincidentally, the first three sets of my leadership, we have not any alliance for any random reason.
God of War


ZIP Game profile


Sep 23rd 2012, 1:44:47

de1i - you are right, things may have been brewing in the past that may have lead up to this. Also you are right to say that when a leader, or even player for that matter, when they join an alliance they get the history that comes with it, but that also means that we can't change the way we go forward. IMAG will always be a warring alliance, but the days of "throwing a dart on a board" are over.

we don't believe in l:l
we don't recognize the term topfeed

and show me where a 5k tyr hit a 12k rep

i play dicts thank you.

* waits for it
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Sep 23rd 2012, 1:45:14

Originally posted by Corsair:
funny, wasnt imag just last reset drawing random numbers to figure out who to war?

if imag doesnt need a reason to war, why should monster?

because Monsters is a bunch of netters who do killruns via the forum?
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

ZIP Game profile


Sep 23rd 2012, 1:48:37

take them "random numbers" and shove them up your gaping ass Corsair.

fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

ZIP Game profile


Sep 23rd 2012, 1:55:22

also scode hit it on the head about pacting - if you are not going to help us in war (fdp) why should we pact you. pacting is for friends . we don't use pacting to hide behind as a shield, as a tool to hold less defense.

now yes if someone wants to sure they can jet up and break anyone at anytime, but unless there is a grudge or personal vendetta, why go out of the way to hit monsters when there are other targets that are fatter then you? You must have the easiest 12k reps to break around. don't that tell you something?

you don't need to outrun the bear, just be faster then your friend.
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 23rd 2012, 2:59:05


I've allready been told by Imag leaders, that Imag will hit us. That we are on the list with 3-4 other alliances....

They only way we can know that won't happen is with a pact.

We're going to hold the line, and get that pact.

Why should you pact Monsters?
Good quesiton,

Unless we have a pact, we can only assume based on comments made this reset, that you'll hit when we're not looking. Alliance history backs this up also.

Why pact Monsters? That is the exact queston Scode asked me in a conversation.

its simple, If we're not pacted, due to lack of trust and history, Imag will be building nothing but constructions sites for 6 out of 8 weeks of the reset.

The idea of a 1 yr pact, is to give us enough time to build trust, and to move beyond the distrust that has come out so publicly this reset. We seem to be able to build trust with every other alliance in the game.

Maybe we can grow enough to learn how to build trust with Imaginary Numbers.

Now Imag has FDP's they want to support. You can be available to support them, or you can be building CS's. It will be your choice.
Z is #1

iScode Game profile


Sep 23rd 2012, 3:03:48

I asked you that before the war, again, your twisting words and manipulating things to suit your needs.

Stop digging a deeper hole for yourself...

There is no trust between us now and that is a direct result of YOUR actions, not mine.
God of War


Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 23rd 2012, 3:18:17


Exactly, you asked me before the war,

Zip is asking on the board:)

I'm answering the question clearly for all. That in Imag's case, Why pact Monsters? "its so you are free to help your FDP's" Its a fairly succient answer.

You made this public. Last Night. So now its public. You wanted politics on AT. You're getting politics on AT. For all to see.

It will end when you sign the pact. Which will give us a year to build trust.

PS, Scode, there's be no trust since Soviet blindsided Monsters, trust goes both ways, and if it doesn't, there's no trust...there was no trust to "end" in the first place.
Z is #1

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 23rd 2012, 3:36:31

Originally posted by Corsair:
funny, wasnt imag just last reset drawing random numbers to figure out who to war?

if imag doesnt need a reason to war, why should monster?

You are truly sad if you take everything you read on AT as serious. I posted that as a funny joke to lighten up AT..... i forgot, noone can joke or laugh here. No wonder we have people like deci/trife etc leaving. There is no fun in this game anymore. Just bickering and pointing fingers, backstabbing.... And insults. This community isnt even close knit anymore. :(

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 23rd 2012, 3:38:50

Originally posted by Servant:

Exactly, you asked me before the war,

Zip is asking on the board:)

I'm answering the question clearly for all. That in Imag's case, Why pact Monsters? "its so you are free to help your FDP's" Its a fairly succient answer.

You made this public. Last Night. So now its public. You wanted politics on AT. You're getting politics on AT. For all to see.

It will end when you sign the pact. Which will give us a year to build trust.

PS, Scode, there's be no trust since Soviet blindsided Monsters, trust goes both ways, and if it doesn't, there's no trust...there was no trust to "end" in the first place.

So much for not bringing politics over from earth2025

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 23rd 2012, 3:40:01

Scode did that, when he went after Grizz.

Z is #1

Soviet Game profile


Sep 23rd 2012, 3:41:11

Originally posted by Servant:

its simple, If we're not pacted, due to lack of trust and history, Imag will be building nothing but constructions sites for 6 out of 8 weeks of the reset.

Sounds like a threat to me.
Imaginary Numbers

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 23rd 2012, 3:43:44

Bringing up Earth2025 issues, Scode initiated. So I responded in kind.

Bringing stuff to AT, Scode intiated, So I responded in kind.

We want Peace so you can support your FDP's
We want a year to build trust.

Z is #1

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Sep 23rd 2012, 3:44:42

Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by Servant:

its simple, If we're not pacted, due to lack of trust and history, Imag will be building nothing but constructions sites for 6 out of 8 weeks of the reset.

Sounds like a threat to me.

Sounds like Monsters won't be netting.
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

Dizology Game profile


Sep 23rd 2012, 3:53:54

Monsters always net. They're netting right now!

gambit Game profile


Sep 23rd 2012, 3:55:06

i can kill imag and still net :)
Natural Born Killer

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 23rd 2012, 4:00:25

So what you are saying is that you are taking imag as whole instead of scode as an individual from the earth2025 thing, Servant?
meh what I do care. This is my last set anyways.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

iScode Game profile


Sep 23rd 2012, 4:04:09

Originally posted by Servant:
Bringing up Earth2025 issues, Scode initiated. So I responded in kind.

Bringing stuff to AT, Scode intiated, So I responded in kind.

We want Peace so you can support your FDP's
We want a year to build trust.

Again personal, not alliance based, you cant seem to wrap your lieing little head around that can you?? Maybe you have been so dishonest you dont know what is what anymore.
God of War


Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 23rd 2012, 4:05:41

Reminding other Monsters not to post.

But, not to leave anything open.

Yes Galleri, I am.

Z is #1

PapaSmurf Game profile


Sep 23rd 2012, 4:05:46

I love to war :-D



Sep 23rd 2012, 7:45:39

Originally posted by galleri:
So what you are saying is that you are taking imag as whole instead of scode as an individual from the earth2025 thing, Servant?
meh what I do care. This is my last set anyways.

i can vouch for gal, we'll be setting on to the mists of pandaria! leveling leatherworking and inscription! not to mention her greens/blues into purples/oranges :P



Sep 23rd 2012, 13:25:15

I'd upgrade her blues/greens to 377+, but there are only 2 days left before MoP
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.