
Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 22nd 2012, 6:58:19

Here is our minimal Peace offer. Most of it was signed off on, before talks broke down.

1. Scode will apologize on AT towards, his behavior towards Grizz, admit his assertation towards her being an RD cheater is unfounded, He will apologize for his behavior, name calling on AT, inappropriate country names, and admit his conduct was wrong.
In addition to this both Monsters and Imag both agree not to participate in any public name calling/insulting and will see too it any allies who may have joined in on the Spirit of things will stop.

2. Monsters and Imag sign a 1 yr NAP.
In addition to no land grabbing, ops, missles, special attacks etc.....
A. There will be no FS's during this one year from imag on monsters or monsters on imag.
B. Both allainces agree to stay out of any pre-arranaged wars involving FDP's
C. No Preemptive strikes
D. FAing of FDP's/Friends at war with one of the signed allinaces to this pact is allowed and expected.
Monsers and Imag are allowed to defend their FDP's should Monsters or Imag go to war with a friend/FDP.
Any violation of this Pact will result in 200% land:land before ghost acres in case of a SS, PS, Nuke/Chem AB or BR, and any harmful ops will result in the defenders choice of 200% of damage, or a PS on the offending country, the the offending country is really small, then the defender gets to pick which country to grab. In the case of a GS, all stock lost will be returned at 200% and 1 LG per GS.

Signed Servant

Refusal to sign, will result in continuation of the war.
you brought this public, sign it public.

Edited By: Servant on Sep 22nd 2012, 7:01:15
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