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Top Clans - Free For All

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Top 25 (out of 41) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
The Kings Order TKOwnd 195 $15,670,879,590 $80,363,485
Carpe Cerevisi Cerevisi 228 $1,657,763,852 $7,270,894
IMP honors MasterC IMP 254 $1,403,247,725 $5,524,597
Pandoras Last Vikings PANLVxGD 211 $1,145,849,556 $5,430,567
ESD ESD 16 $1,067,240,872 $66,702,555
Revolution ReVolt 80 $1,061,715,700 $13,271,446
Fuck Off Cause Ur Stupid FoCuSxGD 134 $1,050,570,706 $7,840,080
The little ones LCoH 10 $674,377,046 $67,437,705
Paragon of Duality PoD 57 $616,514,332 $10,816,041
The OVERLORD Empire OVERLORD 16 $487,398,426 $30,462,402
UNITED Paradigm UP 16 $454,378,216 $28,398,639
Hollow Tree Movement HTM 32 $379,158,311 $11,848,697
The Fallen TeFallen 16 $374,587,549 $23,411,722
Ares Ares 91 $370,590,531 $4,072,423
Soldiers Of The Apocalypse SOTA 48 $354,252,120 $7,380,253
UofT UofT 16 $71,520,596 $4,470,037
Pimp'n The Net Pimps 33 $65,806,239 $1,994,128
ICOMEINPEACE ICP 3 $13,184,164 $1,318,416
uldust uldust 1 $9,310,901 $931,090
Bond - James Bond 007 13 $9,041,201 $695,477
Natural born Killers NBK 194 $8,190,088 $42,217
DefenceLeague TDFL 8 $5,020,403 $502,040
Masterful Swords of Justice MasterC 4 $3,287,997 $328,800
mazooka M4Z 16 $2,607,786 $162,987
The New Empire TNE 2 $2,395,052 $239,505

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