Topic Posts Views Originator Last Poster Last Post
EE Chat on Discord is now available! 2 25109 Pang Don Forgo Apr 11, 2023
New Members not able to create threads or reply to posts 7 3704 Primeval amy winehouse Jan 29, 2020
Earth Empires Store + Premium + Patron Announcement 3 47876 Pang Pang Jan 18, 2020
If you play from the same computer/home/etc (SAFE LIST THREAD) 23 58059 Pangaea Rick Sep 08, 2019
Change Set #25 14 1019 Slagpit Rasp Jul 03, 2024
Welcome Dark Demon to the mod team! 27 7214 galleri Drow Jul 02, 2024
Introducing Quick Actions 18 845 Slagpit Dark Demon Jul 02, 2024
The first round of the Cooperation server begins on June 1, 2024! 8 511 Slagpit Slagpit Jun 02, 2024
New Earth Empires Gameplay Experience: Beta Open! 47 168057 Pang Requiem May 31, 2024
2014-12-07 Changeset 17: Burn Oil for Units! &etc 57 16592 qzjul Slagpit May 24, 2024
Change Set #23 40 3614 Slagpit Leto May 19, 2024
Feedback requested on new warring servers 20 3597 Slagpit VicRattlehead Apr 20, 2024
Announcing Clan GDI in Alliance 190 53642 qzjul MrEd Jan 28, 2024
Changeset 22 84 27985 qzjul KoHeartsGPA Dec 04, 2023
HOTFIX: Spyops for ClanGDI 54 23686 qzjul DerrickICN Oct 14, 2023
Announcing Military Sanctions as an Administrative Tool 63 12055 Slagpit HH Aug 26, 2022
Military Sanctions eliminated 4 2348 Primeval Erieye Aug 11, 2022
Gerdler elevated to forum mod 19 2627 Primeval eddyngwk Jun 06, 2022
Information about upcoming game beta + future plans 27 48016 Pang Dark Demon Mar 26, 2022
Changes to grabbing returns 31 8426 Pang Silver Dec 05, 2021
Change set #21 28 4366 Slagpit enshula May 09, 2021
Mod removal and an apology to the community 59 10064 Slagpit Bug May 06, 2021
Change to game profile and leaderboard privacy options 8 2932 Slagpit table4two Apr 13, 2021
Thoughts on Game Philosophy 38 9077 Slagpit enshula Apr 11, 2021
Change set #20 5 2993 Slagpit enshula Mar 28, 2021