Dec 26 - Feb 23
Feb 5 - Feb 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Feb 2 - Mar 2
Active countries: 2846
Currently Logged in: 210

Top Players - Free For All

Next Reset Seventeenth round: Oct 02, 2012 - Dec 02, 2012 Prev Reset
Jump to Current Reset

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 3126 countries in the Free For All server.

1 Return of the B00BS (#1044)  Game profile 1,604,459$2,165,232,553 HG xTKOx
2 Imaginary numbers can net (#100)  Game profile 284,001$1,774,260,127 FG ESD
3 Creighton (#2) 302,300$1,402,765,236 H xTKOx
4 The Ultimate Computer (#180) 56,007$1,043,909,985 H ESD
5 Arrow (#1452) 102,817$908,713,668 RG xTKOx
6 Insane Clownz with Dope (#1461) 29,683$821,113,467 D xICDx
7 Baconator (#671) 85,891$769,453,075 H ESD
8 Donny (#64)  Game profile 35,806$531,447,607 DG CC
9 XxWaNgErxX (#442)  Game profile 8813$530,524,207 HG vKSMv
10 IamBETTERthanMEHUL (#569) 72,531$484,890,204 RG vKSMv
11 Tannhauser (#1544)  Game profile 34,915$428,184,859 HG vKSMv
12 Azarcon (#81) 150,579$414,229,007 F xPANLVx
13 Zombie Win (#874)  Game profile 34,705$401,001,937 T xPANLVx
14 B00BS A Cups (#1041)  Game profile 138,515$350,454,688 I xTKOx
15 ESDragon (#661) 83,073$350,211,297 H ESD
16 Mirage (#826)  Game profile 56,743$348,163,264 DG ESD
17 2 (#123)  Game profile 108,281$347,942,248 D ESD
18 Red (#591) 356,093$344,468,532 HG xPANLVx
19 Golden Gate (#818)  Game profile 66,979$318,429,978 DG ESD
20 Venetian (#825)  Game profile 58,687$317,305,391 DG ESD
21 Tropicana (#820)  Game profile 65,584$316,920,850 DG ESD
22 Circus Circus (#819)  Game profile 67,553$316,220,083 DG ESD
23 Excalibur (#821)  Game profile 65,491$312,306,830 DG ESD
24 Flamingo (#824)  Game profile 58,692$311,347,655 DG ESD
25 Stratosphere (#823)  Game profile 60,233$310,850,501 DG ESD
26 Golden Nugget (#822)  Game profile 58,512$308,651,976 DG ESD
27 Ragnaroek (#1555)  Game profile 17,340$306,531,473 DG vKSMv
28 XxWaNg TaNg SwEeT PuN TaNgxX (#444)  Game profile 19,806$294,563,613 HG vKSMv
29 Hulksters in the House (#1322) 113,825$293,034,272 DG xPANLVx
30 Wrestling Boot Traveling Band (#1325) 111,036$291,411,084 DG xPANLVx
31 Pageone (#1516) 236,186$288,143,683 I xTKOx
32 Hulksters Back (#1324) 109,038$285,771,952 DG xPANLVx
33 A very GRAY ESD (#1411) 84,393$284,249,410 H ESD
34 6 (#143)  Game profile 59,256$284,238,862 HG xPANLVx
35 Blue and GRAY (#1407) 86,049$283,922,045 H ESD
36 Hulks The One (#1329) 108,240$283,140,282 DG xPANLVx
37 Castle GRAY sKULL (#1410) 84,949$281,864,231 H ESD
38 Amazing GRAYce (#1409) 85,768$281,183,172 H ESD
39 GRAY Skies in the Morn (#1396) 85,361$280,942,354 H ESD
40 OVERLORD PSYCHO (#1189)  Game profile 83,694$280,849,125 H ESD
41 GRAY Beard (#1400) 85,074$280,839,288 H ESD
42 OVERLORD xESDx (#1186)  Game profile 82,950$280,471,705 H ESD
43 But (#476)  Game profile 86,724$280,035,603 H xTKOx
44 SWEDISH SUPREMACY (#1185)  Game profile 83,201$279,622,618 H ESD
45 DIE OVERLORDs MACHT FREI (#1181)  Game profile 83,482$279,604,811 H ESD
46 OVERLORD WARMONGER (#1187)  Game profile 83,379$278,929,648 H ESD
47 overLORD OF BOOZE (#1192)  Game profile 83,495$278,790,889 H ESD
48 the GRAY Ghosts (#1408) 84,824$278,737,791 H ESD
49 OVERLORD WARRIOR (#1182)  Game profile 82,739$278,728,403 H ESD
50 Little Big OverLord (#1190)  Game profile 83,368$278,717,561 H ESD
51 Eaters Of The Living (#1184)  Game profile 83,033$278,604,473 H ESD
52 PROJECT OVERLORD (#1188)  Game profile 83,133$278,218,976 H ESD
53 Eaters Of The Dead (#1183)  Game profile 82,690$277,993,625 H ESD
54 Hulk Rules (#1331) 105,271$277,663,239 DG xPANLVx
55 GRAY Matter (#1398) 84,665$277,593,650 H ESD
56 GRAY Stoke (#1399) 85,026$277,538,632 H ESD
57 GAME OVERlord (#1193)  Game profile 83,327$277,243,289 H ESD
58 Crimson and GRAY (#1406) 85,672$277,180,140 H ESD
59 Shades of GRAY (#1397) 86,117$277,174,988 H ESD
60 Bad to the Bone (#1326) 116,503$277,042,487 DG xPANLVx
61 3 (#140)  Game profile 50,840$276,652,963 HG xPANLVx
62 American Made (#1323) 103,565$276,350,218 DG xPANLVx
63 DROLREVO (#1191)  Game profile 83,468$276,110,853 H ESD
64 ITS OVERlord 4 YOU (#1194)  Game profile 83,593$276,085,136 H ESD
65 GRAY eyes (#1401) 83,934$274,629,930 H ESD
66 10 (#147)  Game profile 55,841$274,014,242 HG xPANLVx
67 esDEMON LORD (#1195)  Game profile 82,243$273,884,234 H ESD
68 Hulkster in Heaven (#1330) 103,688$273,144,980 DG xPANLVx
69 GRAY Area (#1405) 85,726$272,835,154 H ESD
70 Brendan Mundorf (#250) 36,054$272,299,836 DG vKSMv
71 GRAY wolf (#1402) 85,264$271,894,318 H ESD
72 Green (#592) 185,251$271,141,795 HG xPANLVx
73 Spooky Stuff (#672) 83,090$271,127,301 H ESD
74 Pageone (#1508) 203,401$271,012,261 I xTKOx
75 11 (#148)  Game profile 58,858$270,639,171 HG xPANLVx
76 a GRAY Jedi (#1404) 85,695$269,596,240 H ESD
77 Mark Matthews (#251) 38,256$267,845,145 DG vKSMv
78 Play (#475)  Game profile 83,035$267,609,214 H xTKOx
79 GRAY Whale (#1403) 84,100$267,584,603 H ESD
80 PRSDragon (#662) 82,703$266,814,515 H ESD
81 Yellow (#594) 184,793$265,916,918 HG xPANLVx
82 I Want To Be A Hulkamaniac (#1327) 101,318$264,190,806 DG xPANLVx
83 Blue (#593) 184,756$262,130,499 HG xPANLVx
84 Krissy (#6) 106,186$261,546,571 H xTKOx
85 Castor (#4) 109,985$261,222,393 H xTKOx
86 16 (#153)  Game profile 52,751$259,819,371 HG xPANLVx
87 Maddy (#5) 106,105$259,806,997 H xTKOx
88 Dakota (#663) 81,348$259,542,393 H ESD
89 HyVee (#7) 106,500$259,160,005 H xTKOx
90 To (#474)  Game profile 79,374$257,467,684 H xTKOx
91 We (#477)  Game profile 79,864$257,266,173 H xTKOx
92 Snatch N Grab (#664) 81,637$257,054,353 H ESD
93 Pollex (#3) 104,251$255,608,494 H xTKOx
94 Cant (#478)  Game profile 78,477$255,194,084 H xTKOx
95 Beach Patrol (#1328) 94,877$254,940,785 DG xPANLVx
96 8 (#145)  Game profile 55,249$254,905,485 HG xPANLVx
97 StJoseph (#8) 103,320$253,315,509 H xTKOx
98 Missouri (#9) 103,218$252,896,015 H xTKOx
99 Knight (#12) 109,835$252,193,098 H xTKOx
100 Light (#11) 109,335$252,074,686 H xTKOx

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