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Top Clans - Alliance

Next Reset Thirty-first round: Dec 07, 2014 - Feb 06, 2015 Prev Reset
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Top 20 (out of 20) clans ranked by average networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
La Famiglia LaF 33 $4,376,990,449 $132,636,074
Evolution EvoAzN 20 $2,553,859,037 $127,692,952
Moral Decay xMDx 39 $4,351,446,745 $111,575,558
The Omega TheOmega 13 $1,325,025,143 $101,925,011
La Cosa Nostra LCNostra 25 $2,115,730,135 $84,629,205
The Death Knights TDK 10 $712,012,949 $71,201,295
The Monsters MONSTERS 8 $678,689,893 $67,868,989
Paradigm Paradigm 28 $1,839,632,831 $65,701,173
The Pinoy Alliance Pin00bs 10 $480,445,595 $48,044,560
Stones Stones 17 $588,363,421 $34,609,613
SoL XmasSol 44 $1,263,084,352 $28,706,463
RIVAL RIVAL 15 $423,446,702 $28,229,780
Infernal Council of Nations ICN 10 $265,516,806 $26,551,681
The TITANS TITANS 5 $203,893,665 $20,389,367
Survival of the Fittest SoF 19 $383,864,677 $20,203,404
RAGE RAGE 20 $235,790,631 $11,789,532
THE MIGHTY CLAN DANGER DANGER 3 $7,596,975 $759,698
Imagnum Imagnum 6 $4,509,864 $450,986
One Man's Army OMA 4 $2,869,399 $286,940
Night Ryders NRYD 1 $27,811 $2781

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