
Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 16:15:47

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by Drunken Dibs:
i wouldn't approach anybody following me unless i was forced to. actually I've driven out of my way a couple times simply because i thought somebody might be following me.

Martin was on foot and couldn't just drive away. He was being followed down the street by a big guy in a car. The equivalent of "driving out of his way" in that situation is to get away from the street and cut across yards.

no, turn around and walk back they way you came. stay in public view and call the police if the car makes a U-turn.
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Klown Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 16:16:11

Zimmerman was out of line but he didn't break any laws. If I were having my head bashed into the concrete I would fear for my life enough to do whatever I had to do to stop it.

Atryn Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 16:17:39

Just listen:

Zimmerman: He looks on drugs or something...
Zimmerman: These assholes always get away...

Police: told Zimmerman to stay in car.

After Police heard Zimmerman get out... "are you following him", "yes" "don't do that".

Zimmerman ignores police.

etc. etc.

Zimmerman decided Martin was "guilty" before he even knew for sure if he was black.

Police told Zimmerman police were on the way and would meet him. Told him not to follow.

This is so cut and dry that Zimmerman was an arrogant asshole who thought his way was right despite what the authorities said.



Jul 15th 2013, 16:21:03

dispatchers have zero legal authority. think of them as the legal aids of the police force.

zimmerman had every right to get out of his car, and had every right to follow martin. doesn't make what he did leading up to the fight the smart thing to do, but it was 100% legal to do so
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Patience Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 16:22:37

Klown: He had a chance to stop it long before it got to that point. He instigated the entire event.

Atryn: WTF... I hadn't heard about that. *sigh* How in the world did they NOT find this guy guilty of at least manslaughter????
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Atryn Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 16:24:43

Originally posted by elvesrus:
dispatchers have zero legal authority. think of them as the legal aids of the police force.

zimmerman had every right to get out of his car, and had every right to follow martin. doesn't make what he did leading up to the fight the smart thing to do, but it was 100% legal to do so

elvesrus: I never said it was illegal. I already said the jury got it right based on the evidence and FL law. What I was saying is that Zimmerman is an arrogant self-appointed asshole. The call just backs that up. You can be arrogant and an asshole legally.



Jul 15th 2013, 16:32:22

just call it nitpicking from calling the dispatchers police :)
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Heston Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 16:34:51

Both parties did nothing wrong. It takes seconds to lose your life. Alot of really stupid people think that can be changed.
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Oceana Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 16:54:13

Like the bad press who went as far as retouching photo's (ABC) deleting word from quotes (NBC on multi broadcasts), this thread likewise creates fiction.

The "self appointed watch"??? vs.. fact: In September 2011, the Twin Lakes residents held an organizational meeting to create a neighborhood watch program. Zimmerman was selected by neighbors as the program's coordinator, according to Wendy Dorival, Neighborhood Watch organizer for the Sanford Police Department.

We dont know who hit who first: yet evidence says martin had no injuries besides the gun wound: but I guess we can say zimmy just blew him away then smashed his own face and back of the head.

the Zimmey quote of walking around the car from some journalist half way across the country basically says martins friend who he was on the phone with was completely BS'ing on the stand, as she was on the phone with martin almost the entire time and never presents anything of the kind to the whole events.

But wait let me ignore the actual evidence and turn on Reverend AL he he can tell me a story, the way it could have been.

Crowgora Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 16:59:09

I agree with Heston. But, zimmerman made a conscious choice to leave his car and pursue what he felt to be justice. When chasing him he admits to not being scared of him at all, he knew the kids build and everything at this point also. It sucks to say that the only verdict people can have is a moral one.

mdevol Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 17:02:10

Originally posted by Patience:
The kid approached Zimmerman's car. Zimmerman, rather than simply clarify the whole situation, rolled up the windows. While not an outright aggressive move, it sure as hell didn't help - and had I been that kid, it would have put me on edge too. This guy has been following me, and when I attempt to find out why, he rolls up his windows and talks into his cell phone. He was WRONG and he needs to pay some kind of price for his actions. He is not blameless, and he should not get away scot-free with what is, arguably, murder. That death did not need to happen. Zimmerman had at least two opportunities to avoid it... the first by minding his own business and not following a 17-year-old boy around like some kind of stalker, and the second by simply saying 'Hey, I'm with neighborhood watch and I didn't recognize you, so I just wanted to introduce myself' when Trayvon first approached the car.

While it is unfortunate that it played out the way it did, the reason he"got away scot-free" is that the prosecutors dropped the ball. If there is anything to be upset about it should not be at the final verdict but at the prosecutors for the "go big or go home" stance they took from the beginning, knowing they didnt have a case at all. THAT is the injustice that Trayvon had more than anything.

As is was said before, if you would have accepted the juries verdict if they found him guilty, you MUST accept that same juries verdict of not guilty, unless you are accusing the jury of being impartial or biased. that is not the case though.

it is sad that a misunderstanding lead to a kid getting shot but that is all it was, this guy didnt go out looking to shoot him, it was a stupid sitiation that escalated, turned into a fist fight and the kid got shot. both sides were wrong in this case but the martin family is not the only people paying for this. the ex police chief who followed the law of the land lost his job for standing up for the constitution in this case. that is almost as troublesome as the case itself.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Atryn Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 17:19:53

Originally posted by Oceana:
The "self appointed watch"??? vs.. fact: In September 2011, the Twin Lakes residents held an organizational meeting to create a neighborhood watch program. Zimmerman was selected by neighbors as the program's coordinator, according to Wendy Dorival, Neighborhood Watch organizer for the Sanford Police Department.

I'm going based on my own experience with these programs. We have one similar in my neighborhood too. Those neighborhood meetings are typically attended by less than 10% of the neighborhood. The "appointments" are usually because its the only person who raised their hand and nobody objected.

Could be different in his neighborhood.

I just got a letter from my "Block Captain" here for our program. Had never heard of the person prior to being informed they had the role.

I sure don't want them shooting people in my yard, or carrying a gun onto my property. If they see someone they believe wants to break into my house and steal stuff, they should call the police.

Oceana Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 17:25:52

we rarely get more then a hand full willing to be president either, so we should just discount the position as meaningless self appointed

Atryn Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 17:33:13

Originally posted by Oceana:
we rarely get more then a hand full willing to be president either, so we should just discount the position as meaningless self appointed

Great comparison, 100% accurate. I cannot argue with that.

Trife Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 17:35:10

I think the saying of 'When keeping it real goes wrong' fits for both parties involved in this incident.

Had one of the belligerents decided against keeping it real, the outcome would've been a better one, IMHO.



Jul 15th 2013, 18:24:32

Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by Patience:
The kid approached Zimmerman's car. Zimmerman, rather than simply clarify the whole situation, rolled up the windows. While not an outright aggressive move, it sure as hell didn't help - and had I been that kid, it would have put me on edge too. This guy has been following me, and when I attempt to find out why, he rolls up his windows and talks into his cell phone. He was WRONG and he needs to pay some kind of price for his actions. He is not blameless, and he should not get away scot-free with what is, arguably, murder. That death did not need to happen. Zimmerman had at least two opportunities to avoid it... the first by minding his own business and not following a 17-year-old boy around like some kind of stalker, and the second by simply saying 'Hey, I'm with neighborhood watch and I didn't recognize you, so I just wanted to introduce myself' when Trayvon first approached the car.

While it is unfortunate that it played out the way it did, the reason he"got away scot-free" is that the prosecutors dropped the ball. If there is anything to be upset about it should not be at the final verdict but at the prosecutors for the "go big or go home" stance they took from the beginning, knowing they didnt have a case at all. THAT is the injustice that Trayvon had more than anything.

As is was said before, if you would have accepted the juries verdict if they found him guilty, you MUST accept that same juries verdict of not guilty, unless you are accusing the jury of being impartial or biased. that is not the case though.

it is sad that a misunderstanding lead to a kid getting shot but that is all it was, this guy didnt go out looking to shoot him, it was a stupid sitiation that escalated, turned into a fist fight and the kid got shot. both sides were wrong in this case but the martin family is not the only people paying for this. the ex police chief who followed the law of the land lost his job for standing up for the constitution in this case. that is almost as troublesome as the case itself.

i dont blame the prosecution at all, when you have protest and threats of riots/violence/bounty's....and when the fricken PRESIDENT puts pressure on you to nail have to go at it, even when they werent ready....this whole thing is fluffed

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 18:42:01

Zimmerman didn't have every right to pursue Martin across private property. The fact that the property owners elected not to press trespassing charges after the fact does not constitute an endorsement or permission on their part for GZ doing what he did.
Smarter than your average bear.

Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 18:57:45

Originally posted by Patience:
Please do not feed the troll.

Help Me! I'm being stalked by a forum moderator! Somebody Dial 911!

well, somebody pretend to dial 911, she's not close enough to physically harm me yet.
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Patience Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 19:23:11

Dibs... FFS... not everything is about YOU. I was referring to this guy (which, to most normal people, would probably explain my posting right after HIM, and not mentioning YOU at all - yeesh):

Originally posted by Crop Duster:
Never bring your fist to a gun fight.Martin got exactly what he deserved.
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

mrford Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 19:34:02

you 2 are a cute couple
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Drunken Dibs


Jul 15th 2013, 19:47:05

Originally posted by Patience:
Dibs... FFS... not everything is about YOU. I was referring to this guy (which, to most normal people, would probably explain my posting right after HIM, and not mentioning YOU at all - yeesh):

Originally posted by Crop Duster:
Never bring your fist to a gun fight.Martin got exactly what he deserved.

that tiny little thing? not sure that even qualifies as a troll. maybe a brain-fart, or a gigiddy-whack-spurt? probably time for me to read Harry Potter again.
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Heston Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 21:28:33

Edited By: Heston on Jul 15th 2013, 21:31:57
See Original Post
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Heston Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 21:34:26

Nuff said
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macmd Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 21:40:31

Originally posted by Heston:
No justice, no peace?

\me puts on tin foil hat and braces for the race riots.

Heston Game profile


Jul 15th 2013, 21:57:03

Originally posted by macmd:
Originally posted by Heston:
No justice, no peace?

\me puts on tin foil hat and braces for the race riots.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

hoop Game profile


Jul 16th 2013, 9:25:02

God, I didn't realize so many forums viewers were on the jury.

I have found it interesting that fat people are now a race.

Drunken Dibs


Jul 16th 2013, 9:29:42

they are not a race. we are simply de-evolving back to being single celled organisms.

oh, i blame it on the socialists and division of labor.

Edited By: Drunken Dibs on Jul 16th 2013, 9:32:50
See Original Post
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Chump Game profile


Jul 16th 2013, 11:01:59

hopefully he gets sued for wrongful death or whatever it was that OJ got sued for.

Even if his claims all happened as he said they did, the fact that he has no remorse and would re-do everything exactly as he did shows something's fishy with the whole thing.

even though he won't serve jail time now, I sure would like to see his wages garnished for the next 50 years.

braden Game profile


Jul 16th 2013, 11:17:31

chump- it's already been determined he is hispanic? wages, next fifty years?

Chump Game profile


Jul 16th 2013, 11:19:35

welfare cheques for next 50 work? :P

braden Game profile


Jul 16th 2013, 11:29:16

assuming china is willing to pay, yea, works for me ;)

BladeEWG Game profile


Jul 16th 2013, 11:34:24

It amazes me that no matter what happens anymore , it always turns into a race thing.
As for riots, surprisingly not as much as I figured would happen.
especially in Chicago with people comparing him to Emmitt Hill.
My brother called me from there and asked why we didn't riot when OJ killed two white people?
Oh, nevermind..he was innocent.
I forgot.

Drunken Dibs


Jul 16th 2013, 12:51:21

special interest groups trying to convince the majority of people who don't give a damn about race into thinking they should.
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Jul 16th 2013, 14:11:10

Originally posted by Chump:
...the fact that he has no remorse and would re-do everything exactly as he did shows something's fishy with the whole thing.

I don't understand why that's fishy. If you honestly believe you are in the right, why would you ever be remorseful? Might just be me but I have never felt the need to redo an action that I believe I already did in the right way.

Edited By: ColoOutlaw on Jul 16th 2013, 14:38:13
See Original Post

Rufus Game profile


Jul 16th 2013, 14:50:05

I am John Galt.

Crowgora Game profile


Jul 16th 2013, 15:18:18

It seems fishy considering the kid was unarmed, and was provoked by someone. Seeing as he went out of his to cause this situation to happen, you would think he would want things to play out differently. This case says that anyone can follow someone, carry a gun, and once they feel slightly threatened they are allowed to shoot the person they were following.

He only made it out of the courts unscathed because of the KNOWN facts. Everything after the phone call is up to someone to fill in, which gives an insane amount of reasonable doubt.

Atryn Game profile


Jul 16th 2013, 15:54:06

Originally posted by ColoOutlaw:
I don't understand why that's fishy. If you honestly believe you are in the right, why would you ever be remorseful? Might just be me but I have never felt the need to redo an action that I believe I already did in the right way.

Let's see... what I did was legal but an innocent kid walking home committing no crimes and talking to his friend on the phone ended up dead...

A sane person would probably think "maybe I could have handled that better", not "I'd do it all over again the same way"...



Jul 16th 2013, 15:54:12

It's only fishy to you because you believe he was guilty. More to what I was trying to say is if he would redo everything the same way, which shows he believes he was in the right, why would he be remorseful for something he did correctly? That doesn't show that the whole thing is fishy. Also, it wasn't this case that said it's ok to observe people, carry a gun or even use lethal force to thwart off a deadly assault in self defense. It's been that way for a looong time ( at least here in the states)

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 16th 2013, 15:56:40

The thing is he's the only dumbass that thinks getting out of the car was the good/correct thing to do. Even the jurors that found him not guilty all agreed he should not have done that.
Smarter than your average bear.



Jul 16th 2013, 15:59:21

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by ColoOutlaw:
I don't understand why that's fishy. If you honestly believe you are in the right, why would you ever be remorseful? Might just be me but I have never felt the need to redo an action that I believe I already did in the right way.

Let's see... what I did was legal but an innocent kid walking home committing no crimes and talking to his friend on the phone ended up dead...

A sane person would probably think "maybe I could have handled that better", not "I'd do it all over again the same way"...

If he committed no crimes then it wouldn't have been self defense.

And last time I checked I was sane, haven't been tested in years though.

Atryn Game profile


Jul 16th 2013, 15:59:44

Originally posted by ColoOutlaw:
It's only fishy to you because you believe he was guilty.

read the damn thread... how many times do I have to say the verdict was correct and he was not guilty per the FL statute?

I haven't challenged the verdict. I've challenged the idea that when you kill an innocent kid you aren't plagued with thoughts of "how could I have avoided such a tragic end"?

"Maybe I should have stayed in my car like the 911 guy told me" would be a pretty normal thing to consider versus "yeah, next time I'm gonna do the same thing and kill another kid".



Jul 16th 2013, 16:02:48

That wasn't said to you atryn, so I guess all I can say is you read the thread? I mean you can't possibly think that I read your post and and then wrote my post in a matter of 6 seconds can you?

Edited By: ColoOutlaw on Jul 16th 2013, 16:16:58
See Original Post

Heston Game profile


Jul 16th 2013, 16:13:37

❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Drunken Dibs


Jul 16th 2013, 16:50:42

maybe he's getting fat because he's holding his remorse in. what kinda time schedule are his displays of emotions on? plus, he could just be to busy defending himself against a bunch of yahoos that he just doesn't have time for emotions. do soldiers show remorse? and please keep y'all's riots off of my lawn if you want to continue to enjoy them. I'd probably get confused and think it was a turkey shoot, and my only regret would be that some of the turkeys got away.
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Atryn Game profile


Jul 16th 2013, 16:51:47

Originally posted by ColoOutlaw:
That wasn't said to you atryn, so I guess all I can say is you read the thread? I mean you can't possibly think that I read your post and and then wrote my post in a matter of 6 seconds can you?

Yes. I'm the only one that matters. And I believe in you enough to assume 6 seconds leaves you extra time to take a shower.



Jul 16th 2013, 16:51:51

Also atryn, I like the passion in your post. You care so much about this that you actually got on the internet and cursed at some random guy that wasn't even talking to you all because you whiffed a slight possibility I might disagree with you. You still don't even know what my stance is since all I was really saying was that showing no remorse doesn't mean something fishy is going on. Can I ask you this though?? What about this particular situation has your emotions running with fire?? I mean innocent people die all the time and justice isn't always served, but if you got mad at random people every time, I would think you are one angry dude or dudette. Was it really just because you randomly heard about this particular case on the media??



Jul 16th 2013, 16:54:12

Well you are right atryn, I am that fast. I even did it in 4 seconds this time. But instead of a shower, I ate breakfast.

Atryn Game profile


Jul 16th 2013, 16:54:44

Originally posted by ColoOutlaw:
Also atryn, I like the passion in your post. You care so much about this that you actually got on the internet and cursed at some random guy that wasn't even talking to you all because you whiffed a slight possibility I might disagree with you. You still don't even know what my stance is since all I was really saying was that showing no remorse doesn't mean something fishy is going on. Can I ask you this though?? What about this particular situation has your emotions running with fire?? I mean innocent people die all the time and justice isn't always served, but if you got mad at random people every time, I would think you are one angry dude or dudette. Was it really just because you randomly heard about this particular case on the media??

See, you replied in 4s that time.

I'm not mad, colorful language doesn't always imply anger.

And no, I've been staunchly opposed to Hold Your Ground laws and the mentality behind them for years. This case is just one example of how someone carrying a gun feels empowered to do stupid fluff and someone ends up dead who shouldn't have.

Drunken Dibs


Jul 16th 2013, 17:04:02

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by ColoOutlaw:
Also atryn, I like the passion in your post. You care so much about this that you actually got on the internet and cursed at some random guy that wasn't even talking to you all because you whiffed a slight possibility I might disagree with you. You still don't even know what my stance is since all I was really saying was that showing no remorse doesn't mean something fishy is going on. Can I ask you this though?? What about this particular situation has your emotions running with fire?? I mean innocent people die all the time and justice isn't always served, but if you got mad at random people every time, I would think you are one angry dude or dudette. Was it really just because you randomly heard about this particular case on the media??

See, you replied in 4s that time.

I'm not mad, colorful language doesn't always imply anger.

And no, I've been staunchly opposed to Hold Your Ground laws and the mentality behind them for years. This case is just one example of how someone carrying a gun feels empowered to do stupid fluff and someone ends up dead who shouldn't have.

check the FBI's crime stats. plenty more examples to look at.
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Jul 16th 2013, 17:26:54

Well if that is your fight then I can respect that. Respect it a whole lot more than if your were just a person who randomly heard about it then up and decided that is what you are going to care about for the day because that was what was in style. However, I am on the other side of that fight and I typically carry because of things that have happened close to home such as the Columbine shooting, Platte Canyon shooting, and the more recent Aurora movie theater shooting. We may be on different sides but I am sure we can both agree that some people with guns feel empowered to do stupid fluff.

I will stop giving ya crap though since I am not even talking about what I originally posted anymore and you can't get multiple post bonuses.