
martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Sep 8th 2011, 15:04:08

@Patience: in Calgary no one knows how to drive. One of the highest collision rates in North America is proof enough of that:P

When I drove back in Edmonton and people started to tail gate me (while I was driving the speed limit) I would simply slow down and watch the person behind me get angrier about it. Given that there were one to two WIDE EMPTY lanes beside me I never understood why some folks didn't just pass me.

What people tend to forget about car insurance is that it's not just about your driving skills, but also about the people around you on the road. More bad drivers make everyone less safe.
Texting/talking on a cell phone while driving is as dangerous as impaired driving.
All season tires are nowhere near as good as winter tires and in places where it snows EVERY SINGLE fluffN YEAR and more or less the SAME TIME people should clue in and not act surprised when it snows and they are caught with summer tires year after year after year. Extremely dangerous to everyone on the road. If you want to kill your self by car, go drive into the lake.

you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


Trife Game profile


Sep 9th 2011, 6:30:01

There is one type of person who should never be allowed to get behind the wheel, as far as i'm concerned...


They should be riding meese. Or penguins.

highrock Game profile


Sep 9th 2011, 7:18:46

When people leave their turn signals on or forget to turn them off...

How distracted do you have to be to not notice the incessant clicking noise or the flashing light on the dashboard...
formerly Viola MD

Pain Game profile


Sep 9th 2011, 7:21:34

you dont have to be distracted at all highrock, you just need the radio on.
Your mother is a nice woman

Marco Game profile


Sep 9th 2011, 12:02:28

What a nice thread :)

People not yielding to emergency vehicles, there is only 800 lights on the front of my truck for show.

People ignoring the new move over laws adopted by most states.

Making a wide right, only to realize some clown pulled into your blindspot, ever tried to maneuver about 100 feet of rolling truck? Gtfo of the way.

People always have to be in front of the truck, the bigger it is, the more they need to be in front

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 9th 2011, 13:20:51

I'm usually way too stoned/drunk to pay attention to any of this stuff when I'm driving.

I just hate when lamp posts jump out into the middle of the road on me....

Marco Game profile


Sep 9th 2011, 13:25:43

I hate when dui drivers blame the cops for targeting them, the only ones to argue impounds

And when they cry that 150$ is too much. I swear how come every one feels they can negotiate a tow trucks price. Do you negotiate at the food store, or with your utilities? Suck it

Edited By: Marco on Sep 9th 2011, 13:29:06
See Original Post

Brink Game profile


Sep 9th 2011, 13:54:25

Originally posted by MorTcuS:
I usually drive high, so im not aware of bad habbits i might have :P. Perhaps driving high is dangerous, who knows those things.

Not that I want either, but when my children are in the car with me, dear god let the driver of the car beside us be stoned in leiu of drunk.

And yes, I've driven both ways at least once in my life. Drunk driving is extremely dangerous.

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 9th 2011, 14:10:30

Marco - Most tow truck drivers I know are happy to take a "cash tow" for a reduced rate on most things. Unfortunately, they can't in most cases with police impounds because of all the paperwork that goes with it.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Sep 9th 2011, 14:15:48

this thread has merit! :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Marco Game profile


Sep 9th 2011, 17:08:18


Depending on the municipality, most contracts for impounds only list max charges. Yes we'd prefer cash rates over other forms of payment, that doesn't mean we have to negotiate.

It is what it is. Expression that's thrown around a lot.

SakitSaPuwit Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 7:56:04

I got my Philippines drivers licence yesterday, on the way home I cut off a policeman, ran a red light, drove on the wrong side of the street, used the side walk as a turning lane, and shot thru a 4 way stop. When I got home, my passenger said I was a good driver!!!

also I got 3 speading tickets in 3 different states, within 3 hours when I was younger
but what do i know?
I only play this game for fun!

iNouda Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 9:56:25

Motorcycles. I'm not talking about those huge american chopper types, I'm talking about the piece of fluff, assholific, and tiny asian variants that swarm around your car, swerve in and out between cars and just take up the fricking road (as in driving slowly and in the MIDDLE OF THE LANE).

Just this morning at a traffic light at a 4-way intersection as I was turning right, I noticed an asshole prick motorcycle in the lane opposite me turning into the same lane (even though his light was red) by driving on the sidewalk meant for pedestrians. When I decided to change lanes (with the blinkers on for like 5 seconds prior to that), it turns out that the asshole had sped up and was driving in my blind spot even though I clearly indicated my intention ahead of time to switch lanes. I narrowly missed hitting that waste of sperm as he sped up just as I was changing lanes.

fluffing A. If I ever become a politician, I will work to fluffing ban all these stupid underpowered motorcycles from the roads.

Edited By: iNouda on Sep 13th 2011, 10:05:06. Reason: fixed name
See Original Post

Chaoswind Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 14:12:03

People that somehow think that I should let them into my lane when theirs is blocked ahead, people that knew it was blocked, but do try to be assholes and advance on the empty blocked lane to jump in mine at the last minute...

I do not yield, and I rather force you to crash than let you in.

Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

Rockman Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 17:44:41

One of the most frustrating things here, likely coming up soon again.

When the road is icy, and you are driving up a hill where you just had to wait 5 minutes while a driver's car stalled and had to get pushed by a whole group of people just to get moving again .... don't drive 5 feet behind the car in front of you. Otherwise, if the car in front of you stops or even just slows, then you have to stop, and the kind people out in the snow pushing cars have to push your sorry ass because you're a fluffing idiot.

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 18:05:50

That happened in Minneapolis last year, Rock. We had a wicked little ice storm that paved every freeway in town with about a 1/2 inch of sheet ice. Normally it's not a huge problem up here, but after the ice stopped it started raining, so the ice was ice rink smooth, and the roads were horribly treacherous. Even the 4WD vehicles were having a hell of a time, as even at 5 miles an hour hitting the brakes meant you were going to slide 100+ feet before coming to a stop....if at all.

It took me 4 hours to make what is normally about a 25-30 minute drive that night because despite cars spinning out left and right, folks were still tailgating and causing themselves to have to stop on icy hills when even a 3% grade was too much to get going on from a dead stop. I think I only made it through because the gentleman next to me in a large F-350 and myself decided to block the road and keep everyone at a constant crawl instead of trying to keep up with traffic. I found out after I got home that they had closed the 3 main freeways I could have used to get home about 30 minutes after I went through.

Rockman Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 18:23:34

NOW3P - its sad that the places we live get snow every single winter, and our drivers still don't know how to drive in snow. People just aren't good at learning.

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 18:25:40

I think generally Minnesotans do alright - the only folks I really take issue with are the ones in 4WD/AWD vehicles who think that because they can get up to 60 miles an hour means their vehicle can handle at that speed if they need to do something other than go in a straight line.

Funny story...

about 12 or 13 yrs ago, I had just bought my first brand new car at the beginning of winter. It was AWD, a 5 speed, and had snow tires on it, so it handled pretty dang well in the snow as long as I was careful. In early December, I was coming around the S-curve by my parents' house that splits off into 2 separate county roads, and a guy in a 2500 HD comes around the corner in the opposite direction going WAY too fast (even without snow). Of course, he lost it, spun 180 degrees, and side swiped me pretty bad (bad enough neither driver's side door would open). The first thing out of his mouth when he popped out of his truck was "Well Jesus Christ, I had the fluffing thing in 4WD!"

I'm still not sure how I didn't lose it at the guy for trashing my brand spanking new car, but at least I got him for 8 grand worth of free repairs. Although I would have rather have not driven a fluffty ass Mitsubishi Lancer as a loaner for a month while they were done...

Edited By: NOW3P on Sep 13th 2011, 18:29:54
See Original Post

Rockman Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 18:44:04

In Washington DC we don't do alright. Drivers here are idiots when it comes to snow.

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 19:07:13

Ugh - you don't need to say any more than DC, and I totally feel your pain.

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 13th 2011, 19:31:23

Wow, the list grows and some of the rants are quite good. It's hard to make things funny when you have so many morons and imbeciles out there just waiting their opporunity to fluff you up. I've noticed that a lot of people aren't thinking about driving when they're driving, they're thinking of what they are going to be doing when they get where they are going and are not focused on getting there instead.

Especially around the holidays, it gets crazy around the malls. My God, you might interfere with 5 seconds worth of shopping time, GET THE fluff OUT OF MY WAY!

I had a woman dodge between my rig and a dock for Sears once when I was delivering a load of goods to a Sears, and I KNOW that she could see that 53 foot billboard with those flashing lights and beeping beeper backing into that dock, yet she dodged between all the same and then went off on me for being so inconsiderate about MY driving. LOL

She was in a hurry to get to the sears to pick up a new microwave that was due to be there that day. fyi, it was on my truck at the time. LOL

I found this out when I went to the dock office to get my bill of lading signed off on when that same vicious fluff was fluffing at the warehousemen to give her the goddamned microwave before she did unspeakable things to their manager. LOL

I should have pulled out of the dock and let the fluff go home without it again. I was early for the delivery, so I could have just pulled out of the dock and sat in the parking lot for an hour and had dinner, or something while waiting for her to give up and leave. But, I didn't want the manager to have to suffer those unspeakable acts.

Edited By: Cerberus on Sep 13th 2011, 19:36:18
See Original Post
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 19:54:03

Shoulda just backed into her and blamed it on blind spots :-)

NukEvil Game profile


Sep 15th 2011, 14:15:17

2 days ago, I was heading home from work on the interstate with my stepmom in the passenger seat (we carpool to save gas). I was passing this Escalade when I noticed something came off its left rear tire. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that said rear tire was flat, and the vehicle was starting to fishtail a little. I pulled up beside the vehicle, and saw that the driver was on his cellphone, blabbing away and probably wondering where the extra ruts in the road came from.

I honked my horn, and my stepmom pointed out the flat tire to him. He looked at us...then looked ahead and kept going, yaking away on his cancer box. So I pulled in front of him and slowed down so he'd get the message that this was serious. He finally pulled onto the shoulder, so I stepped on the gas and pulled away from there. I saw him open his door and get out in the rearview. I topped a hill and never saw him again.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 15th 2011, 17:13:18

With the way Escalades handle, I'm not surprised he didn't notice a flat tire...

crysk Game profile


Sep 15th 2011, 23:41:47 a fellow Floridian, I've learned 90% of Florida drivers are just plain dumb. I sometimes wonder if they got their license out of the cracker jack box. There are areas in Jax I've been told to completely avoid because of nub drivers.

I'm originally from Iowa..only been in Florida about a year, the drivers in Iowa aren't as bad so it took some getting used to down here!:)

Edited By: crysk on Sep 15th 2011, 23:44:19
See Original Post

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 16th 2011, 0:39:21

he he - I left the FL plates on my van for about 6 months after I got it up here just so people would stay the fluff away from me on the road :-)

Marco Game profile


Sep 16th 2011, 1:00:44

Crysk, maybe its not the florida drives, maybe just passing 1 car every 80 miles is screwing with your head.

ponderer Game profile


Sep 16th 2011, 1:24:23

driving the wrong way on a one way sidewalk...

A friend of mine had to jump over his parked car and into the street to avoid getting run down. My work at the time's land lord gave us about 10 minutes notice that they were going to repave the parking lot, and one of the other tenants decided it would take to long to drive around the block to park (it was a one way street), so he drove along the sidewalk to the next building's parking lot without checking for pedestrians).

If you want to piss people off, go the speed limit in the right lane on the Jersey Turnpike... works every time.

Edited By: ponderer on Sep 16th 2011, 1:35:11
See Original Post

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 16th 2011, 3:06:47

I thought Jersey folks were already pissed off naturally? I know I'd be pissed off if I lived in Jersey. Do you mean piss them off more?

Marco Game profile


Sep 16th 2011, 3:37:31

Rush hour on the parkway/turnpike is like nascar. 80-90 mph 4 inches behind the person in front of you, and another guy 4 inches behind you. I've wanted to pull guns on people doing the speed limit or just over, they slow down the whole pack. If you want to run the fast lane at least keep up with the traffic flow.

Marco Game profile


Sep 16th 2011, 3:39:37

I have a feeling ponderer is one of the clowns in a hyundai doing 50 mph in the right lanes of the truck lanes

ponderer Game profile


Sep 16th 2011, 9:28:21

I do drive a Hyundai, but I have the courtesy to go at the speed of traffic ; p

Drow Game profile


Sep 16th 2011, 10:02:15

AoS: I have them in my car, because here in Aus, country roads have NO streetlights, and I do a large and consistent amount of country driving. being able to see for a good distance in the dark when you are driving at speed is a GOOD THING... For the same reason, they are high wattage lights. it pisses me off when people flash me as if I am using my high beams at them. I generally have a little surprise for this. my car also carries high powered spotlights. (seriously in the country it's all needed here) I get flashed, I flash back. hi beams, AND spotlights. I worked out it comes to around 1700 watts of light I can throw if you piss me off... 500 watts per spotlight, 2x 90 watt regular driving lamps and 4 x 130 watt high beam lamps (yes 130/90 watt headlights are available here. and I had 130 watt secondary high beam lamps as well (so the two outside lights were a dual beam, and the inside hi beam lights came on when the beams were turned on and provided an extra two lights)

not so bad as my mate though. he had a similar setup on his Skyline, but with 6x 500 watt spotlights. he was getting flashed by a car behind him one night on the way home (he's half pissed at the time...) so he gets to a T intersection, promptly pops a handbrake turn, and gives the care behind him a face full of the whole freaking lot. as the driver of the other car was quite possibly having his eyes melt out of his head, the lights ALSO highlighted the blue and whte chequering and big POLICE sign on the COP CAR that was behind him.... suffice to say he was taking public transport to work for quite some time.

Kemo: if I was in front of you and you tried to bull past me I'd let you hit me… I need a new car too.

in regard to merging, my pet peeve is people who intentionally speed up to bull past, regardless of whether they are coming in from the side road, or were on the continuing road.

deep code: it's a spoiler, and it "spoils" the flow of air to create extra grip… well it would if they were doing 150+ km/h anyways… at street speeds, it does exact;y zero.

Aussieland: our coppers here in West Aus, WILL pull you over and fine you for doing even 2 km/h over the speed limit. this despite the fact that there is a 5% margin of error built into car speedometers... it's also illegal to talk or text on a phone over here too, without using a handsfree kit for phone calls. at least I got away with it once when I was passed by a cop, he saw me pick my phone up, press the button to stop the text alert and drop it on the seat. he was driving past me, TALKING on his mobile. he pulls me over and says " you know it's illegal to use your phone while driving right?" I says "yeah, I stopped the tone and put it down. you were talking on yours..." he says, "no it wasn't a phone, I was using a portable communications device". I says "bullfluff, show me." he says "just don't do it again, drive safe"

oh and another pet peeve? cops using their lights to cross an intersection because they can't be bothered waiting for the lights to change... see it so many times. cop car pulls up to the lights, sits for about 5 seconds at the red, flips the lights on, cruises through the intersection then promptly turn the lights off and keeps on driving. wankers.
Lastly, here in West Aus at least, it's only 2 years of probationary driving. 6 months on red P's then 18 months on green.

Edited By: Drow on Sep 16th 2011, 10:20:45
See Original Post

Paradigm President of failed speeling

Mr Charcoal Game profile


Sep 16th 2011, 15:49:43

Originally posted by Gibber:
I also hate people that dump there smokes out of the window.

Me and you could not be friends. Just sayin...

Originally posted by crazyserb:
in ontario they banned driving using hand held devices
$150 fine and demerit points

This fine actually went up in price very recently (not sure how much) and up to 6 Demerits

Originally posted by BobbyATA:
I really hate women drivers!!!!!!!!!
It could be just here in Ottawa, but All stereotypes are true, and COMBINED stereotypes are even worse. I apologize in advance for those I offend but the following drivers (and combos) SUCK: Women, Asians, People over 60, Quebecers.

Driving is ALLLLL about flow. You know you take that 6 hour road trip and there is that one car that you continually pass and get passed by...but its not offensive? Its about flow.

If you are on a multi-lane highway and the flow behind you is faster (even just temporarily), move left. Simple.

I am an angry driver. the thing I hate most are the unaware/inconsiderate. I want to make this light, and if you are just sunday driving and make the yellow and I get stuck at the red, I will damn your grandmother to hell.


===============A Big Bag of D*CKS==================
If you have not seen this, he describes road rage PERFECTLY!

Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 16th 2011, 20:04:14

I would totally road rage Charcoal :-)

Mr Charcoal Game profile


Sep 16th 2011, 21:51:49

I would totally let you ;-)
Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

Marco Game profile


Sep 17th 2011, 2:33:16

Drow by me all of our traffic lights have trip sensors.

Some lights can be tripped by remote, others are tripped by the emergency beacons.

If I need to be somewhere(expedite to dangerous locations), I will trip the lights to get me through and turn the beacons off aster I pass, if you're in the fast lane and again I'm being expedited, I will hit my dash strobes right on your ass and scare the living daylights out of you. There is a reason why youre doing 70 and I still flew up behind you! My dash strobes are aimed perfectly and if you look at then, even through a mirror, you will be seeing spots for a few minutes. My dash strobes will light up your car like a christmas tree.

Just because the cop turns there lights out after crossing doesn't mean they did it just to cross. Improper use of lighting is frowned upon, if you're in need somewhere but there is no one front of you, there is no need to distract drivers in oncoming lanes.

This isn't always the case, some cops are rushing for the fresh donut, but I'm sure its a small percentage. Usually only rookies go full bore lighting and sirens. Vets are over the distractions.