
paladin Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 8:41:22

Originally posted by Rolangunslinger:
Originally posted by paladin:
Originally posted by snawdog:
^^from someone without a country in PDM.. Start a country,then fluff about it!
And no Silver, I will not accept L:L from 15 different countries in RD trying to get it...

wow it only took one comment for you to delete my boxcar account.

Your access hasn't been deleted, I just checked. :)

Hmm it works now. I'll just chalk up my failure to get it to work earlier to early morning retardation

Edited By: paladin on Mar 25th 2011, 10:46:37
See Original Post
Why the hell am I here?

Pain Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 8:52:03

guessing you had the same issue i had where you try to log in but it says you have the wrong username or pass.
Your mother is a nice woman

paladin Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 8:52:14

Originally posted by Vic Rattlehead:
Originally posted by snawdog:
^^from someone without a country in PDM.. Start a country,then fluff about it!

Really? You want to go there? When talking with the guy who has been your biggest advocate on these boards since I came back to this game 3 years ago? Maybe you would be more productive if you asked why he had finally given up on PDM...

Ive never ever given up on PDM. My comment was simply stating that the PDM that I last played in was markedly different from what it is now. I may not always be in complete agreement with PDM's leadership but I will always be loyal to PDM itself.

As for why I no longer regualarly play:

It has nothing to do with Paradigm. I stopped playing right around the time that EE started for two main reasons. 1. The game ceased to be fun for me around mid-2009 or so after that it just started to feel like some horrible obligation. Around that point and until the end of OMAC's running of stuff I pretty much just half-assed it the whole time. 2. I am usually working 50-70 hours per week. I just don't have the time anymore. Though I do still play once in a great while, but not each and every set like I used to. Now it is just 1-2 sets per year.

Edited By: paladin on Mar 25th 2011, 11:02:56
See Original Post
Why the hell am I here?

Drow Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 13:01:36

as with Palli: RL takes precedence over earth. I came out of retirement to try and make a change for Paradigm's overall good. unfortunately I don't know if this will happen.

as for the examp[le given: you can stock and still have a reasonable level of defence, rather than runnigng no def. on 35k acres I would expect at least a minimum of 2 mil turrets, and preferably more, but that's just me.
I also disagree with the current definition of topfeeding, which is what used to be midfeeding. everyone in this game now seems to be hung up on the concept of "you can only grab someone smaller in acres than you". silly idea. firstly, fi they are smaller, they are probably also less able to retal, second, you get less land, whilst making sure they will most likely profit off their retal, meaning people don't want to grab in the first place, thirdly, if you are grabbing someone who is within say x% of a size difference larger, you ensure that when they retal they will probably get same acres back. Our policy is not designed simply to benefit PDM members, if you hit us in the same manner, tghen we will abide by our own retal rules in gettig the land back also (yes that means, if you are say 20% smaller in acres than me, and take a single tap, I will respond witha single tap most likely, or at most a double if I am getting my land back. our aim was to encourage land trading and use of ghost acres, bnot hear people whine and complain that we are topfeeding rthem.
now you will have to excuse my typing and spelling as I have been drinking.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

TAN Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 20:31:06

Originally posted by Vic Rattlehead:
If you are able to reach any kind of agreement with PDM, you will have gotten WAAAAAAY further with them than I ever could, and we are supposed to be "long time natural allies."

llaar threw "long time natural allies" out the window when he continually refused to pact us set after set because I "hurt [his] feelings" by downgrading NA from FDP to LDP, because at the time NA was warring a lot and I kept feeling bad for technically breaking our pact by refusing to come to NA's aid (this was when PDM was shattered after multiple beatdowns).

Though LaF will fluff about this, I try to follow pacts as closely as I can - and telling an ally "no" when you're FDPed is a violation of the pact. Thus, I wanted it temporarily downgraded so when I said "no" it wouldn't be violating the terms of the pact.

So don't presume to know what you're talking about with this, as there are only 2 people who know exactly what went down: myself, and llaar.

Notorious Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 20:37:36

drow, thats a great policy for maximizing your members land except none of them currently have a country above 5k acres

why not NAP and not hit/piss off the alliances that dont seem to like your policy and have shown that they will do something about it? this is the part where i dont understand what pdm is doing.

my knowledge of your recent history only goes as far back as the beginning of this set, but youve been farmed by laf and killed by rd in that time for the way you grab/retal
*eats a banana*
Notebook Pusher

Notorious Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 20:38:21

double post
*eats a banana*
Notebook Pusher

Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Mar 26th 2011, 1:33:06

Paladin - Allow me to redact and rephrase. Perhaps snawdog would be better off asking why you, of all people, are not defending PDM?

TAN - I am basing my perception of you only on my dealings with you. We never get anywhere. Same with Detmer. You guys try to have everything both ways, and negotiation doesn't work that way. Both sides need to see a benefit to agree to something. I wasn't talking about anything that went down with you and llaar, I said we are supposed to be long time natural allies because that's how the senior leadership at NA mostly views PDM, but PDM still fluffs on us with the "not a topfeed" hits.

EDIT - and now you have refused to pact me the last two sets, not vice versa, so I still fail to see the relevance of your post.

Edited By: Vic Rattlehead on Mar 26th 2011, 1:35:06
See Original Post
yahoo chat:

available 24/7

Drow Game profile


Mar 26th 2011, 3:53:14

what I am seeing is erveryone saying "PDM: yopu are bad people for defending and following your policy! On;y we are allowed to enforce our policies!"
blah blah blah.
you guys sijmply don't want to land trade, and wish to stagnate this game further happily getting more and more inbred. anything that marks even a slight change, and if embraced en masse would make a benefit to the game overall, is thrown out.
also of course we are all under 5k acres... we've all been killed dumbass.
before we were attacked by RD, I'd reasonably say I was one of PDM's fatter countries, I waws hitting bigger countries than me acres wise, and yet the retals were getting their land back plus bonus GA's. I think my point stands.

Paradigm President of failed speeling



Mar 26th 2011, 5:47:53

that's fine :)

I offered a pretty fair compromise on the relation with RD to both TAN and Detmer. Not even asking for an NAP, just limits and offered to keep 90% of PDM's policy and still got a no. A compromise where in all honesty, we were compromising the most.

If you say that they were gaining the land back in one hit, then you weren't grabbing countries that much bigger than you. You were just exchanging land and gaining GA. A number of other members in your alliance are extremely land thin and will hit countries with 3-8x their acres which doesn't do what you say with "I think my point stands"

Basically being unwilling to negotiate with us is your own failing, not ours.

Kyatoru Game profile


Mar 26th 2011, 6:57:49

I still don't understand what PDM thinks they're accomplishing.

TAN Game profile


Mar 26th 2011, 9:44:44

As I explained to RD before, the reason why we're not pacting them (Vic, read this, because it applies to NA as well) is because we don't want to limit our lging options too much.

Yeah, we cause headaches and get into a lot of trouble, but at least the game is getting somewhat fun.

However, one thing I realize with the latest LaF-PDM fiasco is that we need to put a tighter cap on how many total hits we can make per alliance within 24 hours.

I'll bring it up with Detmer.

paladin Game profile


Mar 26th 2011, 12:20:48

Originally posted by Vic Rattlehead:
Paladin - Allow me to redact and rephrase. Perhaps snawdog would be better off asking why you, of all people, are not defending PDM?

The policies that PDM has gravitated towards, whether be design or by accident, over the last two years or so have become far to principled for my tastes. I guess that deep down inside I will always be a pragmatist. Principles are nice but in the end pragmatism usually wins the day.
Why the hell am I here?

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Mar 26th 2011, 13:10:12

I like PDM's principles :)
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

ibujke Game profile


Mar 26th 2011, 13:18:10

Originally posted by Makinso:
Pang SOL stopped hitting right after Imag was tag killed. NA took it from there and they killed each other back and forth. Imag just did not want to ceasefire.

It is true that iMag did not want to ceasefire. It is not true that SoL stopped hitting right after iMag was tag killed. SoL killed every iMag country that got into hitting range.

Since iMag tagkill (roughly 18th Feb 13:00) SoL made 3190 hits and 9 kills on iMag.

Edited By: ibujke on Mar 26th 2011, 13:29:22
See Original Post

Evolution Game profile


Mar 26th 2011, 13:56:51

Originally posted by ibujke:
Originally posted by Makinso:
Pang SOL stopped hitting right after Imag was tag killed. NA took it from there and they killed each other back and forth. Imag just did not want to ceasefire.

It is true that iMag did not want to ceasefire. It is not true that SoL stopped hitting right after iMag was tag killed. SoL killed every iMag country that got into hitting range.

Since iMag tagkill (roughly 18th Feb 13:00) SoL made 3190 hits and 9 kills on iMag.

Maki was slow to declare the tag kill to improve his warstats, then the majority of hits were lgs :/
Not posting on AT as much because Maki/Steeps gave back some of my forums on GHQ. RIP my decade long blog, my blog even had replies from people who are no longer with us :(.

ibujke Game profile


Mar 26th 2011, 14:20:26

I don`t see how Maki being slow affects anything here. Tagkill doesn`t require Maki`s declaration. Besides it was made public in this thread:

I also dont see you doing better than 200 HPK, though I don`t have the exact stats. With 9 kills that`s 1800 killing hits. That leaves 1390 lgs. 1390 is not a majority. It`s not even half.

I really don`t see what you tried to say there.

Edited By: ibujke on Mar 26th 2011, 14:23:11
See Original Post

Detmer Game profile


Mar 26th 2011, 17:05:59

PDM's policy is all about making smart grabs. Anything that penalizes a country for grabbing a good target is unacceptable to us. If a country can't retal for itself then there is no reason not to grab it. If a country can retal for itself then there is no reason it should not take back everything taken from it. The thing is PDM is flexible on pretty much every issue but we aren't going to sit in the same stale all-explore environment that you want to rot in. We will fight for our right to fair land grabbing. Why anyone cares about "topfeeds" is beyond me since we allow countries to take back all of their own land.

If RD wants to net they will have to learn to be pragmatic. Our policies are 100% fair and don't abuse anyone.

aponic Game profile


Mar 26th 2011, 17:46:04

Nice posts bujke



Mar 27th 2011, 19:42:37

As stated above your policy is adventagous for pdm players or other land thing grab alot not caring about rank players.

To those trying to achieve any sort of rank they are a detriment. Thus to our players it is not "100% fair"... And do you really expect us to just accept PDM trying to enforce something that benefits them and hurts us?

Detmer Game profile


Mar 27th 2011, 20:11:13

Originally posted by Mr.Silver:
As stated above your policy is adventagous for pdm players or other land thing grab alot not caring about rank players.

To those trying to achieve any sort of rank they are a detriment. Thus to our players it is not "100% fair"... And do you really expect us to just accept PDM trying to enforce something that benefits them and hurts us?

Actually alliances/countries that land trade with us tend to end up with phenomenal networths. If you are trying to get a high rank then accepting our retal policy is actually very helpful to you. I think you guys need to just stop living in 2004.

locket Game profile


Mar 27th 2011, 20:25:56

Smart grabs? Is that why you end up tagkilled every set and I have never seen you actually net? Smart grabs allow you to net sometimes.

Detmer Game profile


Mar 27th 2011, 22:34:19

Originally posted by locket:
Smart grabs? Is that why you end up tagkilled every set and I have never seen you actually net? Smart grabs allow you to net sometimes.

We don't end up tagkilled every set... this is actually the only time we've been tagkilled as a result of our policy... of course when we FAed LaF in defense of SoL, well we were tagkilled for that... goes to show no good deed goes unpunished since this round you guys started a bunch of stuff with us knowing that RD was planning on warring...

And I know that you can not conceive of having fun in any way other than getting the highest NW possible but we didn't come here to play calculator...


*watches all the dorks in LaF crack up*

locket Game profile


Mar 27th 2011, 22:50:29

Yes.... the old you have no life and are dorks comment when someone is better at a game than you. Thats always a good one. I wasn't here when you FAd laf in a sol war or at least I have forgotten it if you did it recently, but that has nothing to do with my point

When is the last time you finished a full netting set? I don't remember any.

locket Game profile


Mar 27th 2011, 22:53:26

I just checked each of the earth empire top ten tags since the start at the highest finish I see PDM at is 36million. I can't imagine that was a netting set, or if it was that it was a full one. Some sort of conflict had to have happened.

And I know you can't enjoy being killed. You aren't Imag.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Mar 27th 2011, 23:12:33

To PDM: You guys think your way of playing is the best. Others don't agree. Instead of trying to enforce your policies, you simply make them, then whine when others enforce their own.

BTW yes we CAN C:C retal you even L:L but say, buying up the jets and retaling will often lose out huge, expenses to buy jets, lost grabbing opportunities. LAF has policies for our own members. RD has policies for their members. LAF fought two wars with SOL over policy issues and lost, so now in SOL's case we follow their policies.

PDM doesn't seem to get it. You guys want to set the rules, but don't want to fight for them or enforce them, only whine how it is unfair. Who the hell are you children and where do you get off with the sense of entitlement?

Detmer Game profile


Mar 27th 2011, 23:14:39

I never said you had no life. I am saying you're a dork. You can not see beyond your sad little world of trying to get more NW.

Since you're in LaF let me put this in terms I am sure you'll understand. This game is analogous to DnD for us. It isn't where you end up it is just having fun getting there. I am sure you min/max your characters, metagame battles without end and only care what level you are... but that isn't why we play.



Mar 27th 2011, 23:14:49

Living in 2004? So far it seems more like you're in 2004. Camelot or PDM telling bigger alliances what to do then getting killed for it.

Basically it's simple. 40member alliance being told to do something that hinders them by a 30 member alliance. You're trying to tell us what's good for us. Maybe if your alliance did well and had ever had higher than a 36mil avg. networth you could prove your point better.

But so far it's a fail.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Mar 27th 2011, 23:19:42

Detmer, in every aspect of my life I enjoy being better than others. I thrive on competition. I like making more money than others, getting hotter girls than my friends, winning in sports. I play this game, so i want to win, or at least try to. That's what I find fun, and others in my alliance and other alliances feel the same way. You do not feel the same way and that is your right, however it is pure ignorance and idiocy to believe that the only way to have fun is the way you play.

locket Game profile


Mar 27th 2011, 23:28:07

lol I do what I do for fun. I enjoy competing,(mostly with myself and a secondary focus on beating other people) I don't over do the calculations. Heck I barely know any formulas or anything like that. I also don't play DnD. To me I'd say thats do not disturb ;)

My philosophy for games or anything is that if you aren't prepared to put in an effort to do your best then why bother doing anything?

I play sports and go to movies and do stuff with friends while I go to school on the side.... Yah... I'm a dork.

Evolution Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 0:10:52

Originally posted by ibujke:
I don`t see how Maki being slow affects anything here. Tagkill doesn`t require Maki`s declaration. Besides it was made public in this thread:

I also dont see you doing better than 200 HPK, though I don`t have the exact stats. With 9 kills that`s 1800 killing hits. That leaves 1390 lgs. 1390 is not a majority. It`s not even half.

I really don`t see what you tried to say there.

Well if I fill in the blanks. Cause this thread needs more sol content cause of moderator policy.

1.) The declaration of tagkill was made on AT, Makinso didn't even post in that thread. FA/FR occurs in ICQ/Mirc not AT for Sol.
2.) Organizations with a hierarchical structure are slow to respond.
3.) War doesn't necessarily stop when tagkill occurs, it takes both sides to communicate to stop or agree to a ceasefire.

In terms of warstats, Makinso declared the tagkill on the 23rd 10am GHQ time. Going off that time to date:

SOLxK3nt vs iMagNum 2,280 4 kills
iMagNum vs SOLxK3nt 634 3 kills

If Imag was tag killed, then it is possible to kill with less than 200 hpk on restarts. Hostilities continued until the official ceasefire, but the majority of hits were lgs (assuming 200hpk 800/2280 = 35% assuming no land kills... which there was one).

The last two kills by Imag and by Sol occurred in the last two days before the official ceasefire.

All hostilities ceased on the 17th after the official ceasefire.

Looking at the full picture, the kills by each clan were tit for tat, with Sol doing one cheeky land kill.
Not posting on AT as much because Maki/Steeps gave back some of my forums on GHQ. RIP my decade long blog, my blog even had replies from people who are no longer with us :(.

Detmer Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 0:50:41

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
Detmer, in every aspect of my life I enjoy being better than others. I thrive on competition. I like making more money than others, getting hotter girls than my friends, winning in sports. I play this game, so i want to win, or at least try to. That's what I find fun, and others in my alliance and other alliances feel the same way. You do not feel the same way and that is your right, however it is pure ignorance and idiocy to believe that the only way to have fun is the way you play.

Ummm... in the words of Bizarre, "fluff are you retarded?"

I was explaining the way we play because locket does not understand that there is more than one way to have fun. I was never saying my way is the only to have fun.

@Silver, 2004 is when alliances effectively stopped grabbing one another. And since you have the same level of comprehension as locket - its not that we can't get higher networths - its that we don't care to. Without getting into any numerical proof, it is very clear empirically that alliances who land trade grow bigger.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 0:56:49

Land trading is better than all x. It's not better than playing properly.

You don't have a right to play the way you want, if you want to play a certain way fight for it and don't complain if you lose.

Piss off with your sense of entitlement this is why we're raising a generation of losers.

Detmer Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 1:06:17

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
Land trading is better than all x. It's not better than playing properly.

You don't have a right to play the way you want, if you want to play a certain way fight for it and don't complain if you lose.

Piss off with your sense of entitlement this is why we're raising a generation of losers.

1) We have been fighting for it.
2) Playing "properly" has gotten the game where it is. Everyone except for LaF and apparently Reservoir fluffes has come to realize that the only way to keep this game interesting is by grabbing each other. Even Monsters and Evo have warred to keep the game appealing to the few remaining players. Sure, you can keep being assholes like you always have, but that is what you are... its not like you are somehow enlightened or pulling a fast one on anyone.

mazooka Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 1:10:27

fluffing assholes is the correct term Detmer.

locket Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 1:30:57

lol laf wars more than any other of the top netters. So your point is just dumb.

Another point in which you are wrong? Laf had perfectly fine relations with Fire this set and they landgrabbed us a lot. They just didn't fluff when we used our retal policies and didn't shoot nukes, and lastly they actually had countries able to retal.

If 36million net is PDM doing things their way perhaps you need to adjust "your way" so that people wont grab you in ways you can't retal, which causes you to come here and whine. Maybe you would end up dead less often

Jiman Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 1:57:10

Retal policies survive because alliance are able to back them up. Being killed every set through war because you believe in your values is not enough, you actually have to win.

Either way, I foresee PDM warring RD again next set (even if it isnt through them directly).

Good Luck to both sides.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 2:01:11

Detmer it's naive and reactionary to believe that playing style is the main catalyst to why the game is at it's current state, and is dumbounding that you believe changing the way it's played to YOUR style will remedy the situation.

LAF wars over our policies, when we lose we take our lumps and compromise. PDM isn't willing to do that, and you arne't willing to fight back or try to win either.. you seem content dying, suiciding, and whining. Good luck with that ;-)



Mar 28th 2011, 2:39:25

Detmer, my level of comprehension is fine. It's the fact that you guys seem to think that your policy benefits all others and are unwilling to listen to anyone else but yourselves.

My Offer to PDM was as follows.

1. You don't have to NAP RD (which is what you guys wanteed)
2. Country:Country Retalling only (which is what you wanted)
3. Topfeeding is retalled land:land alliance wide (not what you wanted)

As you can see we basically said (alright, PDM can have their policy since they like it... but we have to make a small clause so that we don't get taken advantage of)

You state land trading is beneficial (this allows that). The only thing this doesn't allow is members from trying to take advantage of the other alliance.

Your arguements about us preventing grabbing (based on my offer) is false.

If you prefer... Maybe LaF and RD could make a policy for PDM that is as follows

Regular Grabbing C:C
Topfeeding 1:Kill

If you prefer. The reason you don't like it is nobody topfeeds PDM, but pdm Topfeeds us. Your policy isn't created to make one and all have a fair time while playing... The policy is created to help PDM players play how they want.

The only problem is you are trying to convince people that undertand the game dynamics that it's going to help them, when they know it doesnt.

Dragonlance Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 2:58:08

Alot of this sort of issue would be solved if clans changed topfeeds to being 1.5x NW as a minimum, instead of the absurdly abusive land based topfeeding rules.

bonus post for team server covered:p

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 3:04:27

I completely disagree. Anyone can stay landthin jump NW and hit fatter countries. In the current climate grabbing takes either a lot of skill to NOT get retaled or a lot of time and patience to properly bottomfeed. Changing to how you propose dragonlance makes bottomfeeding obsolete and I can bet alliances will still get pissy at midfeeding. Meaning the game is one big near socialist circle jerk

Thomas Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 3:11:21

Lets just fluffing server war it out and end this whiney bullfluff.

Dragonlance Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 3:39:42

That is silly LT.

Bottomfeeding is not skillful. A blind monkey could sit there and wait till right on the dot and claim as many small land targets as possible. I don't think time and patience should be the ONLY available method of LGíng. And just because grabbing and being able to not get LG'ed takes alot of skill, DOESN'T make it fair that that is the ONLY method available to gain land.

It's pretty clear through recent game changes that the admins disagree with you too.

This game is supposed to be about skill not time. It's not about grinding through 100 hrs of quests...

Skillful midfeeding should be the way forward.

Atm the alliances that get the most pissy @ midfeeding appear to be the same ones that have ludicrous topfeeding policies designed to rape those who are midfeeding and stray 1 acre over their designated "definition" of a topfeed..

Not sure i can say yes to you Thomas since i wont be around to fight it! LOL save the server war for august and im in.

My thoughts anyway

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 3:57:10

You are out to lunch. Ive been killed more than once for midfeeding when alliances can't retal and this set PDM nuked me 4x as 'retals'

Every time myself, SS and whoever else joins us mid feed and try to outrun retal'd we are derided for being bullies.

Landtrading is a circle jerk the idea is to keep your land.

Dragonlance Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 4:04:23

You get derided for overretalling the retaliatory grabs on your alliance from PDM when pdm can't retal the big guys, more than the initial grabbing pwnage. Also if you are not prepared to implement fair topfeeding rules, then i think you should take the missiles with good grace.

Your not a big fan of ghost acres are you. Also your use of the term circle jerk is amusing, given that you have previously posted that everything you do in life is driven towards being the best... which means you seem to love yourself... ironic.

Given your alliance relies on pacts and the good will of the war alliances to survive, i'm surprised you don't take into consideration more the will of those below you on the food chain! lol.:p

locket Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 5:24:05

meh if we have lets say 4 techers each doing a midfeeding strategy and they each hit a clan(PDM) one a day they will whine to no end when they are unable to retal any. Fire had a much more appropriate response to it and actually retalled.

Dragonlance Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 6:05:05

fiiine ill just join laf

locket Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 7:41:49

huzza :P a convert! Welcome DL ;)

ibujke Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 8:52:15

Evolution. Seriously. A tagkill is a tagkill. It doesnt need to be announced nor is FA contact needed. Once all originals of a tag are dead, the tag was tagkilled. It doesnt matter if anyone says it. The tagkill wasnt on the 23rd, I dont know why Maki declared it then, nor do I care. It was on the 18th. Do you really think you needed a full week to tagkill iMag?

I am not saying SoL should have stopped hitting, or that SoL is a bully for hitting after the tagkill. All I am saying is that what Maki (SoL) has posted earlier is untrue. Why he posted it? Was he drunk? Was he misinformed? Was he saying "LOL IMAG IS fluff"? I dont care. I dont want to know.

I fully expected you to hit after the tagkill, why wouldnt you? We were at war. There is no bashing of SoL here.

In the end, you agreed with me that SoL kept hitting (at a reduced rate) after the tagkill. That makes "SOL stopped hitting right after Imag was tag killed" untrue. That was my whole point.



Mar 28th 2011, 10:13:26

A grabs B, then A should follow B's retal policy and vice versa. That way everybody is happy (or should simplify the problem). Just hope that no clan is running a ridiculously stupid retal policy.