Dec 26 - Feb 23
Feb 12 - Feb 16
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Active countries: 2799
Currently Logged in: 204

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 660th round: Jul 18, 2022 - Jul 24, 2022 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 102 countries in the Express server.

1 z h u a n g z i (#77)  Game profile 37,815$67,897,471 HG
2 Dont forget to be awesome (#55)  Game profile 35,990$42,462,687 HG
3 Two Much (#99)  Game profile 36,811$40,066,615 HG
4 Save A Bot PS A Cowboy (#15)  Game profile 51,988$39,254,585 FG
5 StupidIsAsStupidDoes (#56)  Game profile 29,651$38,670,788 HG
6 Western Star (#4)  Game profile 31,758$31,606,489 FG
7 ASTRAL (#7)  Game profile 24,494$31,002,462 HG
8 checkyourselfbefore (#94)  Game profile 40,374$30,556,274 TG
9 Raffe (#19)  Game profile 58,807$23,260,124 FG
10 Wanera Sutlin (#51) 6841$21,815,135 HG
11 El Iron (#62) 15,234$21,105,539 RG
12 Big Booty Bandit (#98)  Game profile 23,652$20,936,767 TG
13 CocaCola (#23)  Game profile 29,425$20,696,360 HG
14 Suneterandar (#26) 6406$19,821,529 D
15 Bloody Vanessa Hawkins (#66) 7946$19,042,372 D
16 Thomas Blacksmith (#68) 15,367$18,963,530 R
17 Loons from Hermedes (#27) 14,715$18,876,766 H
18 Ayne Voltain (#8) 6638$18,417,844 HG
19 Balcony Abandoned (#65) 13,740$17,865,659 F
20 Dusty Duckling (#72) 6515$17,839,457 D
21 Linyah (#78) 7220$17,522,912 HG
22 Alliance of Zestor (#84) 14,762$17,464,367 R
23 Rainbow Swan (#10) 14,316$17,382,559 R
24 One or two or Three (#13)  Game profile 20,755$17,289,530 CG
25 Etran of the Daimons (#36) 5793$17,159,648 D
26 Zema Erik (#52) 14,798$17,118,950 R
27 Lerin (#35) 13,881$17,004,544 D
28 Angry Lobster (#83) 6206$17,002,211 H
29 Steve Ravenblack (#73) 15,274$16,845,688 R
30 Pickle Rick (#89)  Game profile 14,020$16,649,410 CG
31 Yerpal Bolrock Dosman (#71) 14,714$16,342,199 FG
32 Magdelena Van dirge (#16) 13,153$16,184,958 D
33 White Simon Darkmoon (#20) 6797$16,164,389 TG
34 Sweet Count Believer (#59) 12,642$16,065,730 F
35 D O G E C O I N (#11)  Game profile 18,260$15,892,126 IG
36 Silverbeard Jack Shelley (#32) 11,969$15,801,872 R
37 Agons Masses (#25) 12,971$15,577,885 FG
38 Melisande Ledal (#82) 12,519$15,387,338 FG
39 Niktal (#42) 15,382$15,202,653 R
40 ABC (#91)  Game profile 17,028$14,948,846 DG
41 Asklepios (#3)  Game profile 10,911$14,904,381 FG
42 Deadwood Jack Blackbeard (#76) 10,896$14,768,267 F
43 Silpaz Obayifo (#31) 6595$14,597,937 TG
44 Todals Creatures (#30) 13,048$14,591,784 R
45 Sterlitamak (#2)  Game profile 20,846$14,470,033 CG
46 Lights of Zek (#50) 13,126$14,399,533 F
47 Bloody Bill Hawkins (#79) 14,027$14,332,578 D
48 Angels of Deathmar (#43) 6048$14,305,483 D
49 Northernmost Fist (#48) 12,825$14,292,218 C
50 Dreadbeard Rachel Darkmoon (#45) 12,782$13,995,451 D
51 Skol (#46)  Game profile 39,501$13,772,811 TG
52 Lady Nastly Lynessa (#1) 11,869$13,763,384 F
53 Adorra (#21) 11,466$13,662,559 DG
54 Cheerful Flea (#63) 13,278$13,646,602 C
55 ASTRAL (#53)  Game profile 28,027$13,344,922 RG
56 Lady Lynessa Dangeir (#12) 11,744$13,199,613 C
57 Bad to the Bone (#97)  Game profile 10,013$12,822,162 DG
58 Endless Israfel (#54) 11,647$12,659,511 C
59 Slidy Basilisk (#80) 11,941$12,475,551 C
60 Sphinx of Connell (#69) 11,168$12,332,175 C
61 Desire Hidden Gazette (#33) 10,516$12,000,087 C
62 Capt Jack Scarlet (#40) 11,425$11,645,516 C
63 Lost Cat (#37) 14,171$11,411,098 I
64 Gom (#22) 11,687$11,354,616 CG
65 Peter Ravenbeard Grimbeard (#74) 11,125$11,273,757 C
66 Fibroecos (#28) 11,337$11,258,984 CG
67 Mistress Honey Finch (#85) 12,015$11,239,116 CG
68 Fawlty Towers (#93)  Game profile 13,586$10,437,737 CG
69 Fargloom Jack Darkmoon (#61) 5263$10,327,179 T
70 Froggit (#86)  Game profile 15,694$9,635,137 FG
71 bobert (#5)  Game profile 14,238$8,939,888 DG
72 Crap Baskets (#60)  Game profile 14,789$8,693,853 RG
73 PoopyShoes (#6)  Game profile 14,759$7,035,854 CG
74 FlagPies (#67)  Game profile 10,938$6,711,174 CG
75 Coomling (#18)  Game profile 8780$4,205,811 MG
76 Im on the struggle bus (#47)  Game profile 16,708$4,083,275 MG
77 MAX (#90)  Game profile 8592$3,796,301 FG
78 45876 (#9)  Game profile 16,551$3,444,699 FG
79 Amigos (#17)  Game profile 12,120$2,551,505 MG
80 Ana (#64) 12,931$2,475,568 M
81 Dana Crawhawk (#29) 13,396$2,447,326 M
82 Industrial Engineer (#38)  Game profile 11,514$2,425,266 CG
83 SoL4EVER (#44)  Game profile 8115$2,351,490 CG
84 Angel Hawkins (#14) 11,504$2,244,424 M
85 Ivan Ravenblack (#49) 12,404$2,239,107 M
86 Migorns Sinners (#57) 12,983$2,184,566 M
87 Sojiro (#24) 11,555$2,094,323 M
88 Slimy Warm Dromedary (#34) 12,319$2,082,970 D
89 Solonelinos (#103)  Game profile 6274$2,062,996 CG
90 Aldan Randar (#88) 11,508$1,955,331 MG
91 Venessa Eritai Mardin (#70) 13,314$1,900,654 M
92 Third Dagger (#75) 13,305$1,890,084 MG
93 ZangTumbTuum (#95)  Game profile 12,943$1,847,508 RG
94 Phantom Tiny (#41) 12,705$1,662,280 F
95 Luna Grimryder (#81) 12,970$1,625,730 F
96 Maggies Farm (#39)  Game profile 6940$1,006,284 HG
97 Hippies and spaghetti (#100)  Game profile 4222$563,690 RG
98 justice league (#96)  Game profile 1024$84,940 TG
99 eks (#92)  Game profile 930$65,108 HG
100 uugukjugjh (#101)  Game profile 271$23,781 MG

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