Dec 26 - Feb 23
Feb 5 - Feb 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Feb 2 - Mar 2
Active countries: 2846
Currently Logged in: 210

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 620th round: Oct 11, 2021 - Oct 18, 2021 Prev Reset
Jump to Current Reset

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 111 countries in the Express server.

1 Goodnight Moon (#97)  Game profile 51,789$45,929,085 CG
2 Pump and Dump (#23)  Game profile 15,980$43,008,901 DG
3 TVC15 (#88)  Game profile 41,546$38,724,818 TG
4 Hit Me n Cry Me River Nooblet (#9)  Game profile 34,170$38,282,905 FG
5 Gruden Got Ganked Gettin Giggity (#98)  Game profile 18,496$37,727,328 DG
6 a brief return (#99)  Game profile 22,671$36,751,016 HG
7 brick brewing company (#56)  Game profile 15,065$35,500,223 HG
8 Tmac Gerdler or Cordy (#59)  Game profile 22,268$31,920,347 HG
9 3131231312312 (#35)  Game profile 35,857$30,609,851 HG
10 Bye Bye Gruden Bye Bye (#93)  Game profile 31,059$29,266,227 HG
11 Cuck00 for Cocoa Puffs (#91)  Game profile 18,089$29,069,551 HG
12 Does This (#2)  Game profile 25,738$27,692,957 CG
13 PA3BJIEKAI0Cb (#51)  Game profile 36,147$24,723,296 TG
14 Dark Expressions in the night (#78)  Game profile 18,680$23,293,001 CG
15 just had my 5th shot (#105)  Game profile 26,709$21,950,587 TG
16 Philadona (#38) 14,636$19,997,224 R
17 Pet Pure Eagle (#64) 13,651$18,205,887 RG
18 Enro Ritic Hezaq (#22) 14,081$18,068,370 R
19 Strange Cub (#54) 13,340$17,596,731 D
20 Parents from Dokohan (#90) 13,051$17,462,601 R
21 Agon Grimrage (#57) 12,922$17,291,011 R
22 Raving Ruby (#49) 13,999$16,361,931 R
23 Doc Duck (#84) 11,966$16,340,220 H
24 The Hordes from Riandur (#18) 10,991$16,192,797 F
25 Syr (#13) 11,566$16,163,896 R
26 Wolves from Bazyl (#44) 11,881$16,154,639 H
27 LionLion (#1) 12,756$16,113,990 FG
28 Maevi (#87) 11,870$16,011,908 DG
29 Naphazw (#36) 11,797$15,842,212 FG
30 Sienna Postal (#31) 11,449$15,555,105 HG
31 Purhara Masses (#41) 13,443$15,527,488 F
32 BREAKFAST TIME (#5)  Game profile 16,902$15,397,476 FG
33 Alderman Firdorn (#82) 12,064$15,367,336 FG
34 Zouckanothar (#74) 13,617$15,293,269 R
35 Sadarontamil (#27) 11,337$14,934,087 D
36 DAO (#73)  Game profile 22,178$14,903,002 CG
37 Salty Peter Stoker (#83) 4885$14,621,794 D
38 Justahl (#77) 12,832$14,424,057 D
39 Mars Attacks (#96)  Game profile 17,129$14,367,617 TG
40 2 (#10)  Game profile 21,714$14,047,855 DG
41 Dusty Clown (#6) 5934$13,916,729 D
42 Darpick Barbaric (#47) 13,015$13,820,621 I
43 Nizelgosform (#62) 11,819$13,328,610 F
44 Hawkins William Darkmoon (#92) 11,421$13,290,075 CG
45 Count Zak Morrisey (#68) 11,770$13,218,124 I
46 Los Baby (#70) 13,925$13,012,045 I
47 Creepy Stuff (#4)  Game profile 30,636$12,805,056 FG
48 RabbitRabbit (#63) 5521$12,522,447 HG
49 Fisty Honey (#24) 10,818$12,452,933 C
50 Streaming Chick (#39) 10,813$12,313,252 CG
51 Wombat Dusty (#60) 11,507$12,211,546 CG
52 Zoucka Shard (#28) 6761$11,929,891 TG
53 Stormy Emerald (#75) 4615$11,840,200 D
54 PSG LGD wins TI10 (#101)  Game profile 28,225$11,710,938 DG
55 Ghastly Haystack (#43) 4974$11,600,027 DG
56 Hordes of Keran (#69) 4273$11,556,417 HG
57 Gruesome Doe (#15) 10,730$11,339,331 C
58 White Haystack (#48) 5279$11,226,603 DG
59 Brave Clown (#55) 4815$11,217,089 D
60 Chaos Alpha Lion (#32) 10,107$11,207,687 CG
61 Capt William Scarlet (#37) 5786$11,161,857 DG
62 Nathan Darkmoon (#71) 11,730$11,127,011 D
63 Captain Joe Moonship (#20) 4327$10,992,668 D
64 Lahornzidar (#89) 5409$10,903,082 D
65 Bolrock Redtooth (#50) 9861$9,808,212 CG
66 Small Massive Panther (#85) 10,414$9,395,971 C
67 Misty Gangster (#45) 10,145$9,325,154 C
68 Dakamons Brothers (#66) 9453$9,301,500 C
69 Erim Temil Gom (#80) 10,203$8,609,239 CG
70 Dookie Shoes (#42)  Game profile 17,032$8,358,382 CG
71 Rottensperm (#100)  Game profile 10,985$6,438,903 FG
72 South Flank (#14)  Game profile 16,968$6,112,529 TG
73 Midian (#29)  Game profile 17,126$6,081,229 HG
74 Schlong Inhaler (#17)  Game profile 7791$5,886,559 TG
75 Hugs all round (#58)  Game profile 36,090$5,796,930 CG
76 Leipatus (#65)  Game profile 21,740$5,629,036 DG
77 Crimson Paradox (#30)  Game profile 9500$5,619,474 RG
78 TheyTookMyJerb (#104)  Game profile 9419$5,440,292 HG
79 making up a country name is hard (#79)  Game profile 8161$5,057,912 CG
80 Nothing (#11)  Game profile 12,051$4,958,637 MG
81 END JUMP (#33)  Game profile 15,960$4,809,341 RG
82 Ratzilla (#7)  Game profile 10,359$4,132,143 RG
83 Billy Redbeard Silvergrim (#26) 11,999$3,804,747 HG
84 KKLL (#76)  Game profile 15,743$3,804,273 TG
85 CaveOfSagila (#12)  Game profile 9391$3,657,917 DG
86 Nope (#107)  Game profile 12,700$2,702,481 DG
87 herewego (#106)  Game profile 9939$2,320,280 HG
88 Modric Erim (#72) 12,085$2,231,608 M
89 Warriors of Xithyl (#53) 13,496$2,218,485 M
90 Hermedes Odeir (#94) 11,714$2,199,243 I
91 Comtessa Brutal (#40) 12,576$2,193,319 MG
92 Rivatha (#86) 11,860$2,163,454 MG
93 Ana Eloon (#34) 13,469$2,127,938 RG
94 Turtle Minimum (#67) 12,634$2,087,930 MG
95 Brynhilde (#61) 13,097$2,038,056 M
96 Hollow Sapphire (#16) 13,126$1,919,608 MG
97 Hungry (#19)  Game profile 9613$1,898,826 TG
98 Morning Green (#81) 11,802$1,811,304 CG
99 Percy Devine (#46) 11,828$1,762,092 M
100 Weirdonka (#8)  Game profile 1948$1,467,097 CG

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