Dec 26 - Feb 23
Feb 5 - Feb 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Feb 2 - Mar 2
Active countries: 2846
Currently Logged in: 207

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 609th round: Jul 26, 2021 - Aug 01, 2021 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 105 countries in the Express server.

1 Tmac (#32)  Game profile 61,482$89,608,648 CG
2 WhoLivesWhoDiesWhoTellsYourStory (#56)  Game profile 60,953$71,700,497 HG
3 Hassiba Boulmerka (#103)  Game profile 51,756$64,090,879 CG
4 w h o p l a y s s u n d a y s (#84)  Game profile 14,233$46,648,652 DG
5 honeywell (#44)  Game profile 48,727$42,611,635 HG
6 Boleh Banking Bureau (#76)  Game profile 19,402$41,068,118 DG
7 NubCrusher (#104)  Game profile 73$36,011,843 HG
8 FARM ME AND I WILL OWN U AGAIN (#2)  Game profile 47,964$32,743,322 T
9 Fu Man Chu (#86)  Game profile 18,864$29,032,850 HG
10 88 88 88 88 88 (#88)  Game profile 28,168$26,558,321 HG
11 War (#19)  Game profile 27,604$26,206,915 HG
12 3131231312312 (#53)  Game profile 29,940$25,744,234 HG
13 Cruel and Unusual (#93)  Game profile 9992$22,596,036 DG
14 Pallas (#45)  Game profile 31,938$20,088,149 CG
15 24 (#8)  Game profile 34,099$19,985,824 FG
16 Heat Wave (#5)  Game profile 27,791$17,529,363 RG
17 Adiannon Weshin (#14) 6025$17,336,367 D
18 Dusty Moving Galaxy (#36) 13,570$17,234,757 RG
19 can you not (#54)  Game profile 16,424$16,976,996 TG
20 Aldans Ghosts (#69) 5665$16,917,360 HG
21 Dawood Atlin (#24) 11,504$16,856,071 H
22 Aidans Savages (#50) 11,635$16,672,630 RG
23 Freaky Elf (#23) 5696$16,310,247 HG
24 Nasty Honey (#29) 5267$16,156,711 D
25 LemurLemur (#75) 6921$15,728,713 H
26 Relban (#4) 5611$15,643,660 H
27 Amerdan Maestros (#30) 10,890$15,602,259 HG
28 Waytel (#27) 11,339$15,474,696 F
29 Count Dismer Mordant (#7) 11,827$15,455,908 R
30 Halmar Eldar (#70) 12,375$15,389,466 H
31 Fatty Muskox (#17) 13,064$15,352,448 R
32 Darkblade Joe Redbeard (#62) 12,153$15,275,084 FG
33 Comtesse Aurora Reborn (#55) 12,943$15,232,258 F
34 Hecate Red (#85) 12,676$15,171,005 R
35 Ada (#74) 11,609$15,080,923 D
36 Maria Harker (#34) 10,783$15,056,431 D
37 Brave Postal (#63) 5663$14,919,157 D
38 Faynerelban (#68) 12,359$14,768,558 R
39 Prince Secor Incubus (#1) 12,092$14,564,957 D
40 Ledal Dreadweep (#83) 4257$14,464,486 DG
41 Synestra Shard (#42) 12,785$14,411,853 R
42 Thomas White Silverblade (#49) 4337$14,236,496 H
43 Lord Brutal Raphael (#35) 5207$13,980,770 HG
44 Rythorns Alliance (#82) 12,031$13,977,122 FG
45 Doctor Reindeer (#12) 12,211$13,623,160 FG
46 The Saints from Relboron (#40) 11,926$13,604,051 FG
47 Sugar Kitten (#48) 11,054$13,492,385 FG
48 Ipdorns Ancestor (#18) 9840$13,463,599 CG
49 mr olympia (#6)  Game profile 14,618$12,765,957 TG
50 Sunete Ludok (#64) 12,541$12,531,550 RG
51 Abdunlurd (#72) 10,647$12,433,392 C
52 Xandreadpadan (#57) 5494$12,206,696 T
53 Cipyar Yesirn (#22) 11,488$12,066,605 I
54 Kildartemil (#58) 11,509$11,782,303 DG
55 Beau Cadet (#77) 11,811$11,718,341 DG
56 Salty Joe Gully (#59) 10,436$11,387,963 CG
57 Alexander Morbid (#87) 10,267$11,347,075 C
58 Harker Rachel Silverbeard (#41) 6190$11,259,658 D
59 The Gods of Alderman (#31) 10,416$11,230,488 C
60 Queen Sir Empire (#25) 10,855$11,091,590 CG
61 NoobisMaximus (#78)  Game profile 15,781$10,640,997 RG
62 Swallow Eastern (#79) 10,150$10,516,527 C
63 0ne (#111)  Game profile 24,857$10,451,037 FG
64 Bredockabardon (#37) 9467$10,390,976 C
65 Wallachia (#11)  Game profile 16,503$10,319,526 FG
66 Everytime (#28)  Game profile 11,076$10,245,556 RG
67 gomer pyle (#90)  Game profile 12,515$10,149,650 DG
68 Vilder Ravencrypt (#9) 9666$10,080,165 C
69 Green Zeus (#66) 10,766$9,826,738 D
70 Elastic Neptune (#51) 9607$9,732,618 CG
71 Angry Tuba (#43) 9738$9,336,413 C
72 Dookie Shoes (#16)  Game profile 17,329$8,276,148 CG
73 Sterlitamak (#20)  Game profile 8961$8,267,056 FG
74 Misfire (#106)  Game profile 13,187$7,698,679 FG
75 That Side (#15)  Game profile 16,072$7,697,153 DG
76 NewDay (#107)  Game profile 15,807$7,540,841 HG
77 Chonistan (#46)  Game profile 13,022$7,434,679 RG
78 RatZilla (#3)  Game profile 20,390$6,781,612 RG
79 Jeice Fireball (#105)  Game profile 16,592$3,979,128 CG
80 Darkmoon Bella Ravenblack (#33) 12,561$2,367,462 MG
81 Aslan (#10) 11,678$2,258,500 M
82 bErkley (#71)  Game profile 8863$2,251,431 CG
83 Bloody Rosa Blackman (#80) 12,684$2,227,358 MG
84 RaccoonRaccoon (#52) 11,361$2,169,490 D
85 Silverblade John De Belleville (#61) 12,662$2,135,180 D
86 Lich (#73) 11,237$2,121,936 M
87 Syth (#21) 12,583$2,080,493 C
88 Tobaz Vanislav (#39) 12,402$2,064,326 MG
89 The Rollers of Xithyl (#67) 12,468$1,974,629 M
90 Tasty Antique (#47) 11,705$1,927,528 MG
91 Serane (#26) 12,359$1,902,690 M
92 Leipatus (#108)  Game profile 11,182$1,684,613 CG
93 Zanazilex (#89) 12,779$1,677,082 F
94 Nope (#112)  Game profile 10,660$1,349,194 DG
95 bears dont eat egg sandwiches (#91)  Game profile 8701$941,672 FG
96 Shelland (#81)  Game profile 6224$867,039 MG
97 Supreme Communism (#92)  Game profile 4146$483,681 HG
98 sexlife (#65)  Game profile 5522$418,797 DG
99 LarryDarrellandDarrell (#114)  Game profile 4814$390,699 FG
100 Warlord (#13)  Game profile 2814$245,231 FG

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