Dec 26 - Feb 23
Feb 5 - Feb 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Feb 2 - Mar 2
Active countries: 2846
Currently Logged in: 207

Top Players - Alliance

Next Reset Third round: Apr 03, 2010 - Jun 02, 2010 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 695 countries in the Alliance server.

1 Bram stokers pangcula (#34) 33,673$158,320,146 DG LaF
2 kevlar wonderbra (#464) 25,967$148,403,720 HG omega
3 The Vegemite Nebula (#209) 24,034$144,818,441 DG omega
4 Dr Terrors House of Pangcakes (#185) 41,467$142,411,743 HG LaF
5 Pangea and the 7 Dwarfs (#349)  Game profile 43,981$139,551,962 HG LaF
6 Charles (#377) 27,925$136,856,086 HG Collabr8
7 Pangback Mountain (#134) 43,547$136,333,333 HG LaF
8 the Mushroom kingDom (#417)  Game profile 29,489$135,724,664 HG omega
9 The Pangcifier (#395) 27,969$133,053,440 DG LaF
10 Too Big to Fail (#51) 32,933$132,466,629 HG LaF
11 Schmetterling craves Vegemite (#17) 28,952$120,831,899 HG omega
12 m0m0 multi (#625) 52,061$120,272,204 HG SoF
13 i fluff you with impunity (#626)  Game profile 17,513$116,831,168 DG SoF
14 The Samuel Jackson Five (#592)  Game profile 37,523$115,906,246 HG omega
15 Walls Of Stalingrad (#461) 113,454$114,482,831 HG Neofed
16 DontFishere (#233) 16,708$113,047,558 HG LaF
17 CrouchingPangaeaHiddenParallax (#251) 22,428$109,538,500 HG LaF
18 Ms Winkywink (#413) 38,848$109,160,578 HG LaF
19 Vegemite PANCAKES R Good 4 U (#426) 23,781$107,533,795 H omega
20 Holy Canadian Empire (#289)  Game profile 10,634$106,641,933 HG EEVIL
21 she was like no sex axa (#112) 26,736$105,869,321 HG Collabr8
22 Dark Syndicate (#9) 24,250$104,820,997 HG Collabr8
23 777UpUpUp (#256) 28,676$104,566,577 DG omega
24 lazy vets ftw (#521) 35,676$104,020,434 HG LaF
25 wookieSpeedball (#147) 23,614$103,736,406 HG ICN
26 Erase your debt legally (#94) 27,236$103,453,763 HG omega
27 Moes Tavern (#503) 20,835$103,292,899 HG LCNostra
28 8675309 (#56) 29,649$103,120,165 H omega
29 MY SWAMP DONKEY WILL KILL JEFF24 (#438) 20,173$102,614,193 HG omega
30 Jeffthesillyone (#309) 28,754$101,946,292 H omega
31 The Pang Ultimatum (#410) 14,450$101,750,000 HG LaF
32 Goldman Sachs (#420) 11,855$101,019,883 HG EEVIL
33 whatever you like (#116) 10,485$100,786,395 DG omega
34 Kim Tae Yeon (#512) 11,045$100,664,755 HG EEVIL
35 burlap wonderbra (#559)  Game profile 21,945$100,642,182 H omega
36 Everyday Im hustlin (#84) 33,418$100,273,401 H LaF
37 Show Me Your Respect (#177) 24,541$100,177,334 HG LaF
38 Hero Monster (#343) 23,953$99,090,025 H MONSTERS
39 Rising Summer (#465) 30,283$98,416,307 D omega
40 Enterprise NX01 (#82)  Game profile 21,084$98,248,890 HG LaF
41 AXANOGETNAKEDCHICK (#103)  Game profile 31,379$97,294,178 HG Collabr8
42 Doodles Baffled Doggy (#197) 18,795$96,938,098 HG MONSTERS
43 AxAs birthday suit was fail (#20)  Game profile 11,179$96,887,108 HG Collabr8
44 Dopplegangah (#491) 21,648$96,275,251 H ICN
45 Wrath of Khan (#439) 28,050$95,166,477 H LaF
46 Disgruntled At Pangaea (#485) 44,878$95,117,730 HG LaF
47 DeletedByCCsGhost (#364)  Game profile 20,427$94,691,466 HG ICN
48 Maybe next time probably never (#142) 20,017$94,247,963 HG Collabr8
49 She didnt touch AxAs Pepe (#102) 11,089$93,522,302 HG Collabr8
50 Panger Management (#18) 33,258$93,468,585 HG LaF
51 Pangedtanic (#4) 29,556$92,694,614 HG LaF
52 AxA Got DenieD by a H00keR (#53) 32,968$92,468,323 HG Collabr8
53 Daisings Private Pank (#391) 27,029$92,329,749 HG LaF
54 Early Morning Brush Teeth (#759) 39,495$91,111,111 HG EVOee
55 DBD Engulf and Conquer (#182) 20,783$91,038,178 HG MONSTERS
56 March of the Panguins (#207) 23,931$90,076,197 HG LaF
57 How To Train Your Pang (#131) 26,317$89,995,542 HG LaF
58 Sourcream (#159) 24,644$89,961,258 DG omega
59 Pang and furious (#565) 26,078$89,891,101 HG LaF
60 The Pang Job (#13) 30,100$89,623,480 HG LaF
61 AxAs Hookers Likes ONLY Chicks (#226) 11,046$89,554,005 HG Collabr8
62 Snakes on a Pang (#287) 34,181$88,842,319 H LaF
63 Yes Create Country (#427) 17,147$88,541,296 DG omega
64 llaar is tranny (#433) 50,892$88,534,797 DG Infernal
65 Saving Private Pang (#156) 29,086$87,994,582 HG LaF
66 HE IS AxA THE LESBIAN MAKER (#412) 23,504$87,863,003 H Collabr8
67 FineCorinthianLeatherface (#295) 23,106$87,675,781 DG MONSTERS
68 The Big Red OMEGA (#291) 28,248$87,396,849 HG omega
69 C C C P C O M M I E R O C K E T (#31)  Game profile 19,969$87,160,774 HG MONSTERS
70 axa couldnt get laid if he were (#161) 11,277$86,882,019 HG Collabr8
71 noslutforAxa (#49) 8114$86,060,777 HG Collabr8
72 ND rhymes with SancTuarY (#511) 12,491$85,939,927 HG Collabr8
73 Seglaren goes PanGea (#486) 28,133$84,596,983 DG LaF
74 202point8 (#206)  Game profile 17,665$84,232,989 HG LaF
75 MCXII Monster (#627)  Game profile 31,065$83,805,627 R MONSTERS
76 honey i shrunk my pang (#107)  Game profile 29,192$83,149,616 HG LaF
77 dedicated to jeff (#474) 23,612$83,114,771 H omega
78 Jeffster (#386)  Game profile 23,306$83,002,160 H omega
79 Frankie Fraser (#71)  Game profile 27,432$82,467,795 HG LaF
80 UGHsheswasnakedontopofu (#598) 24,641$81,788,217 H Collabr8
81 AxA Wasnt Thug Enuf 4 Her (#110) 23,740$81,611,604 HG Collabr8
82 Mentar Touched Me (#153) 27,069$81,498,464 H omega
83 Earth Wars Revenge of the Pang (#573) 19,568$81,133,520 HG LaF
84 Pang in Sixty Seconds (#26) 27,343$80,424,800 HG LaF
85 Mangina (#484) 21,910$80,369,820 HG EEVIL
86 Tutuwarrior (#60)  Game profile 28,113$80,128,534 H MONSTERS
87 She Was Down Until I Dougied (#32) 23,237$79,753,771 D Collabr8
88 Woopiedo (#91) 20,942$78,819,242 H ICN
89 I Love Trees (#507) 27,212$78,710,965 F omega
90 sAxA in the bAxA (#155)  Game profile 20,206$78,153,487 HG Collabr8
91 AxAess Denied Only HJ 4 U (#115)  Game profile 25,000$77,911,435 HG Collabr8
92 The Pang Locker (#529)  Game profile 33,526$77,726,492 HG LaF
93 Lands of Gonz (#446) 7692$77,278,764 H Infernal
94 Dark Knight (#132) 25,152$76,088,297 D Infernal
95 The Texas Pangsaw Massacre (#25)  Game profile 26,660$75,830,875 HG LaF
96 Alderman Monster (#138) 26,783$75,491,211 R MONSTERS
97 STRIKE (#392) 21,792$75,258,114 D ElysiumC
98 Lands of hope (#220) 25,544$75,003,212 DG LaF
99 LaF LiKe iT iS 1999 (#68) 23,025$75,000,500 H LaF
100 City On Our Knees (#93)  Game profile 38,447$74,919,092 R Neofed

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