
Makinso Game profile


Dec 8th 2017, 10:13:04

Dear community,

SOL is looking to arrange a war for next set. Possibly a war on a larger scale.

We want to give everyone the oppurtunity to participate in a 1 set (possibly larger) war.
The details can be hashed out but the basic idea is to create 2 sides (or maybe even tags) made up of people who signed up to participate.

It should be a late war (like starting around 14 days before sets end) so everyone can grow massive countries. IT should be a fun fast paced, no grudges kept war for everyone who wants to dip in.

---> Any tags or people wishing to participate can posts here. I'd like to see what numbers we can come up with before we start organizing.
(PS. Yes Omega, Evo, Rage, Monsters, PDM & LCN---> We're eyeballing you 2. Come on and join in on the fun for a set! NO strings attached).

- The Sons of Liberty

Warster Game profile


Dec 8th 2017, 11:54:39

Monsters as a tag are not interested.
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Makinso Game profile


Dec 8th 2017, 12:09:08

Then we will force you!

j/k. thanks for the response warster.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Dec 8th 2017, 12:15:54

I have a feeling if not enough show up then forced calls for participation will be issued
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF



Dec 8th 2017, 13:24:29

Elders invited to the party?
There can be no chosen one; only we can save ourselves.



Dec 8th 2017, 13:41:26

We're in


Marshal Game profile


Dec 8th 2017, 15:05:03

fluff you spartacus.

EVO isn't available, end of that discussion.

try md, they seem eager to war.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Suncrusher Game profile


Dec 8th 2017, 15:47:20

I don't think you can listen to Marshal anymore, he got demoted as FA of EVO.

Since EVO owes us one for breaking their pact this set, we accept on their behalf.

Marshal Game profile


Dec 8th 2017, 20:51:10

you (md) are like damaged lp.

once again and this time final time, not demoted, i just moved FA matters with md to higher ones since you talk so pure bullfluff that there isn't plant which won't grow in it.

Edited By: Marshal on Dec 9th 2017, 10:28:52
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Suncrusher Game profile


Dec 8th 2017, 21:07:55

Not being devoted is probably why they removed you from your position.

Originally posted by Marshal:
you (md) are like damaged lp.

once again and this time final time, not devoted, i just moved FA matters with md to higher ones since you talk so pure bullfluff that there isn't plant which won't grow in it.



Dec 9th 2017, 2:50:46

Originally posted by Marshal:
fluff you spartacus.

EVO isn't available, end of that discussion.

try md, they seem eager to war.
Try Elders they are eager beavers too... they respond well to LaF, Gerdler, Celphi or anyone else they hate or dislike :p
There can be no chosen one; only we can save ourselves.

crysk Game profile


Dec 9th 2017, 4:08:20


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 9th 2017, 5:35:22


I'd help dude out if he wasn't still butthurt about having fun like 3 sets ago. And that ofc comes with Elders not being butthurt at all about being completely blindsided by a larger sol like 5 sets ago.

But nah seriously. Maki won't fight a war he doesn't know going in that he will win. That's why he's poking small netting tags instead of getting beat by Elders again.

I'm sure he'll have something to say about us not being trustworthy because we welcomed in stones on an arranged gangbang. Truth is he's just not gonna put himself in a position to get beat and potentially have fun doing it.

Lemme see bro. Alienating every other war clan on the server by getting your pantries in a bunch over how we made the set fun for each included (even tho apparently making it more even hurt your feelings) and then poking tiny netting tags because there isn't anyone else that wants to play with you and your drama? Perhaps you should think about that bro. Seriously. Quit riding out lapdog politics and get your head back in the game. This is a GAME afterall. Its about having fun.

You told me then that it didn't matter if it was more fun. What mattered is some fluff emotions. Lemme know when you wanna have fun again instead of taking fluff so seriously. You know where to find me.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 9th 2017, 5:58:35
See Original Post

Makinso Game profile


Dec 9th 2017, 9:00:50

Lol derrick I am not Going to dignify anything you Just said with a response Other then this.

- you are digging up this subject not us, Makes you seem more butthurt then you claim others to be.

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 9th 2017, 11:39:22


Edited By: Mr Gainsboro on Dec 9th 2017, 11:48:14
Don of LaF

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 9th 2017, 11:39:44


Edited By: Mr Gainsboro on Dec 9th 2017, 11:48:21
Don of LaF

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 9th 2017, 11:40:04

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

Lots of whining

You said you were going to play in ICN, what happened with that?
Don of LaF

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 9th 2017, 14:04:08

My name gets capitalized. Words like 'just, other and makes' do not.

Whether or not I play ICN or Elders this coming set actually does not matter. I'd be active in helping both clans regardless.

My point remains the same though. You can't push away all the war clans over making a stupid war fun half a year ago and then go prodding the small netting tags for a war. That's silly. All the war clans on the server go back and forth with liking each other for that reason.

If it's war you want then perhaps you should talk to the war clans. But we've all seen firsthand that you'd rather drop a g than to participate in a more even war. That's why you're once again looking for the easy win with small netting tags.

akadeo0o0 Game profile


Dec 9th 2017, 15:17:21

It's elders talking about even war LOL

elders FSed a netting clan, elders warred a nettimg clan 2v1

Oh wait, when kits 1v1 against war prepped clan, they lost.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 9th 2017, 16:37:51

We've had wars of all sizes and varieties though I know you don't see too far beyond your own bedroom window. Just so you know, if you pull your head out of that glass of Kool-Aid there's a whole world out there.

This has nothing to do with LaF unless you guys want involved with a war with SoL. I'm trying to explain to Maki why he will not get a fun war or a friendly war with anyone due to the way that he handled politics with the other war clans of the server. Everyone here knows getting the small netting tags to war is a joke. Even when forced into it and having some moral justification the attempt to pool a bunch of small tags together doesn't work. There's like 30 other threads to talk about laf and elders on. If you want to comment on that I'd recommend those threads. If LaF wants in this war with SoL then this is the place to post.

I'm actually a bit surprised you guys got such heavy Elders blinders on that you fail to see the utter stupidity of this request. If you want a friendly war, you should contact a war clan and go from there. I think you laffers ought to agree. The trouble is Maki has burned bridges with literally all of us and we are all aligned to each other because we don't hold grudges with each other. We could easily war each other next set with no hard feelings. Stones would much sooner consider a friendly with us than fighting SoL again due to apparent bad feelings created by his actions. SoL will only get to war on unfriendly butthurt terms or they will hit a bunch of small netting tags. That's the dynamic they've created due to being all butthurt about how we all do/did business.

The only way he's going to get what he wants is to quit being a baby about things that happened multiple sets ago. Elders has long forgotten the last time SoL blindsided us. Same with Stones. And Stones has long forgotten the times Elders hit them. This is all in an effort to make this GAME fun for each other. It's as simple as that.

The server is way too small to behave that way and then get something out of a post like this. It's foolish to think otherwise. And in an effort to rectify that I'm telling him to quit being all butthurt about the other war clans and hit us up. If he wants a decent war he could easily have it. Trying to get a war together with tiny netting tags is a joke though. We all know that. Even Elders isn't that stupid.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 9th 2017, 16:50:29
See Original Post

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Dec 9th 2017, 18:20:14

The selfproclaimed ISIS of the server is claims SOL is burning bridges.

sinistril Game profile


Dec 9th 2017, 18:36:26

Why would a Wookie, an 8 foot tall Wookie, want to live on Endor with a bunch of 2 foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense. But more importantly, you have to ask yourself what does that have to do with this thread? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen it has nothing to do with this thread. It does not make sense. If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 9th 2017, 19:21:29

Hard to argue with that logic.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 9th 2017, 19:23:54

I'd literally pay money to see a LaF member talk about SoL in this post. Not much, but I would pay. You're distracting from the topic. I know we are some good looking fluffs over here in Elders but you gotta quit thinking about us for a second and address what is actually in the topic. I know y'all know its a joke. Focus! Lol

What happened to these netters where they won't even address any other topic than my sweet booty? I know I'm cute but damn. Lol

You got a guy over here saying he's looking at killing small netting tags and all you care about is saying elders is a scourge. Pretty hilarious how much this community genuinely doesn't give a damn about itself.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 9th 2017, 19:29:38
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 9th 2017, 19:31:45

Someone's about to say "yeah but elders is jerks." I feel it coming. And the relevance of that statement will be...?

Ivan Game profile


Dec 9th 2017, 19:35:31

Makinso better stop eyeballing us netters before it ends up badly for him :P

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 9th 2017, 23:40:56

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I'd literally pay money to see a LaF member talk about SoL in this post. Not much, but I would pay.

I don't see what the problem is?
He made a post asking all tags if they want to war against sol. Why would sol ask elders for another arranged war?
You screwed them over last time by FSing us. How are you going to convince them that you wont do the same again?

ill take the payment in
Don of LaF

akadeo0o0 Game profile


Dec 10th 2017, 0:00:14

lol SoL was asking small netting tags on whether they want to participate or not.

elders read it as SoL wanting to kill small netting clans

Attempt to spin or just plain stupidity?

There I talked about SoL. I take bitcoin as payment

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 10th 2017, 0:28:22

Still counts as a fail. You were still unable to talk without mentioning us.

I'm not misunderstanding here. I'm explaining why no war on these terms will happen. There's a decided difference. There is no fun war left for SOL based entirely on server dynamics. I'm merely pointing out that they've politicked themselves into a situation where literally no one will engage them in friendly war.

Frankly they'd be better off splitting in two and infighting. That's what happens when you alienate the other war clans. Derp

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 10th 2017, 1:20:16

Might just be deaf ears but perhaps I should preface by saying Elders was is a similar position around a year ago after the set where SoL/Stones FSed us. We'd beaten the other war tags (aside from imag) while they had the fs. Seeing that lack of competitive war on the horizon we had a few options.

1) Make friends with our current enemies. As in Stones specifically in our case. We'd thought of potentially sending some war vets over to them to sort of shore up the sides of a war that would be entertaining for both sides. Idea never reached fruition but it was certainly an option and relations improved as we thought to hang with each other more. And I'm not implying they need better relations with us or stones. I'm just implying that its an option.

2) Make new enemies with more elite level clans. Considering SoL's size and position at the time and the fact that they lost badly to us with stones on their side, the only viable enemy was LaF. And yes, that's a compliment and the implication is that LaF is a far superior war clan to SoL. This option (due to some topfeeds by current SoL members who were former Elders) unfortunately became reality. And the rest is history at this point.

Trying to patch together a bunch of tiny netting tags for a war was never an option. We've seen repeatedly that it doesn't work. I'm thinking the intelligent thing to do if Sol wants to participate in a friendly war is to contact the war clans they have bad relations with and try to improve them. The alternative is....well...currently playing itself out and frankly I don't think its the better option for Elders or LaF.

That make more sense?

major Game profile


Dec 10th 2017, 4:13:34

I was excited to see this thread, sounded like an excellent idea..... then here comes DerrickICN trying to turn a simple request into some kind of Freudian analysis of a god damn text-based game!!!!!!

Damn man, you just want to judge SOL. It doesn't matter what we do nor how we do it. Maki asks for an arranged war to give the server a chance to regroup, and as well to let netters do there thing.. but alas, here you come crying. WTF !!

This could and will be a good set for those who choose to participate and for the ones that opt out best of luck on your netting set.

DerrickICN, either enter your alliance into the war, or stay the fluff out of the thread, my friend. Because we all know one thing..... You don't want any part of SOL on that ass!

go cry some more


akadeo0o0 Game profile


Dec 10th 2017, 5:24:03

good to know that Stones are cosying up to elders.

pretty obvious that derrick is stirring things up, turning a simple, organised request from SoL into SoL trying to bully small netting tags.



Dec 10th 2017, 7:03:58

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Someone's about to say "yeah but elders is jerks." I feel it coming. And the relevance of that statement will be...?
Elders, the pariahs of EE antsy for getting ostracized...

Edited By: Veritas on Dec 10th 2017, 7:11:28
There can be no chosen one; only we can save ourselves.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Dec 10th 2017, 8:37:38

This will only aid in suiciders, hitting intended targets, such as LaF. Not falling for this B.s. again.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Makinso Game profile


Dec 10th 2017, 9:53:31

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
My name gets capitalized. Words like 'just, other and makes' do not.

Whether or not I play ICN or Elders this coming set actually does not matter. I'd be active in helping both clans regardless.

My point remains the same though. You can't push away all the war clans over making a stupid war fun half a year ago and then go prodding the small netting tags for a war. That's silly. All the war clans on the server go back and forth with liking each other for that reason.

If it's war you want then perhaps you should talk to the war clans. But we've all seen firsthand that you'd rather drop a g than to participate in a more even war. That's why you're once again looking for the easy win with small netting tags.

Dear Derrick,

I am sorry you feel hurt thinking you (or other elite warring clans-- which you seem to consider elders under) are being left out of this idea.
However if you posses any reading comprehension you would see that is not the case. Why you would campaign against SOL saying we are leaving warring clans out of the equation is beyond me.....? If it's not the lack of comprehension then it must be that you have a higher understanding of language then I do because I don't see me saying that anywhere.
I don't think that's the case though, I believe us equals.....

So in that case I guess this is what people on AT call an attempt to spin my words?
I don't say anything about exclusion anywhere. I'm saying we would be happy to let the netters who wish to fight once in a while fight in a fun war without reppercussions. That be on the side SOL (or a group of SOLers) falls in line with or against them.

Atleast Dagga's spins had merrit. This is just trying to openly make us look bad..... what you are saying is funny, but very far from what I truly said in my first post. They are your assumptions, nothing more then that. No to mention that SOL under my reign in the past 3 sets has not strayed from it's word. We give our word we live up to it, we can be relied upon for that matter. Elders doesn't have that track record do you now?

Edited By: Makinso on Dec 10th 2017, 9:58:53
See Original Post

Makinso Game profile


Dec 10th 2017, 10:01:17

And @Ivan I've never stopped eyeballing you since the first day I met you!

I think that was Project Arcturus in 2004? You were in SoF I was in Arrow --> unsure though.

Ivan Game profile


Dec 10th 2017, 11:44:36

Sounds bout right

Ivan Game profile


Dec 10th 2017, 11:45:37

Your just intimated by Omegas new warring power :P

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 11th 2017, 6:48:41

I'm not trying to spin you all in a bad light. I did say you'd be better off splitting in two and warring yourselves. Though, if you did want the other war tags to participate you'd likely have to police them into that position for sides to make sense. (For instance, stones is likely already making their own plans. Contacting taker is an option... Elders has been told they'll be hit oop every set. Policing a war with y'all is an option) Though history has shown you prefer an easy battle to a fun one. Your word only runs three sets and sol has a history that you've at least got to recognize prior to that. But that's not really the point. If I look at your three sets, I see boring wars that sol greatly outnumbered their opponent and some butthurt when people tried to even it up a bit in the name of having fun. If that's your legacy then so be it. I find it to be lame.

The small netting tags have played the way they do because its a nice way to fly under the radar and net away. If those cats wanted war, they'd join a war clan or contact you. Not the other way around. Its likely easy for sol members to get excited about the concept (because something like this used to work when there was more war clans and wolfs) but on the other hand, if you don't contact the war clans directly, history has shown they'll ignore something like this (due to the fact that people get butthurt every time a war clan does an FS, yourself included. And you constantly have to have that in mind and be ready to respond to it). And the netting tags will want to net. Stones at least understands that concept. When you guys hit us per arrangement, they needed a target. Coming to defense of laf and hitting Elders was an option, and frankly would have been the more popular option. However, its boring to just drop a g and get easy kills. About every wardog in the game except Maki feels that way. So we talked about it and they hit SOL instead. What that did is create a more fun situation. Putting politics in the back of the mind and trying to make the game fun was more important to everyone in that conversation. It's unfortunate, imo, that you don't feel that way Maki.

If you want a big war with even sides, I don't blame you. That stuff is fun. But you'll find absolutely zero traction going about it in this way. You'd have to create the situation for each war tag to be able to participate and leave the netters alone and make it even and contact the people when you figure all that out. I don't know why that's so hard to understand. I think it probably has more to do with who is saying it than what is being said. When no one contacts you in response to this, lmk. Lulz

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 11th 2017, 7:19:34
See Original Post

NoleICN Game profile


Dec 11th 2017, 19:47:41

Well well well. I see this place is ripe with political issues as usual


Garry Owen Game profile


Dec 12th 2017, 2:36:18

So much drama. So much spinny politics. I am reminded why I only come here on bonus post days.... !

So going back to the original post, I think this is the money line:

Originally posted by Makinso:

... the basic idea is to create 2 sides (or maybe even tags) made up of people who signed up to participate.

Makinso please correct me if I get this wrong, but it sounds like you want to set up a war that is OUTSIDE of the existing tags... Red vs Blue or something generic like that. Folks sign up, and we find some way to make the sides even. Those who sign up retag to the war-only tag and spend the last 14 days or so pounding each other. The actual tags will not be involved in the war so netters in every alliance can be left alone.

I think that is an interesting idea. Hard part is to balance it out since likely it will turn out to be SOL vs everyone else and having the advantage of long-term relationships, a full alliance web site, stonewall phone numbers, reach-back FA etc... is pretty huge. But at least I can see the potential of making this marginally fair and I applaud you for the effort.

Derrick, it sounds like you see this as just a new way for SOL to pound small guys and avoid the ugly fallout for being big fat bullies against way smaller clans. Fair concern and the history of this whole game is ripe with examples of big fat bullies doing exactly that. I have been around long enough to see just about every war-clan accused of such behavior. And when you got the numbers then you just want to use them.....

The question is: Could we make this a fair set-up? And would it be fun fighting for RED RULES! or BANZAI BLUE! vs fighting for your own tag?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2017, 6:38:55

Right on point GO. To further that point, I think we ought to know that one 40 member tag vs 4 - 10 member tags is almost always advantage 40 man tag by now. Even if the smaller tags have the fs they can't possibly be as organized as a tag who has been working together for years. So it could, in theory, work if the major tags involved split themselves up evenly (and I mean genuinely even. Warleaders, best wallers, etc). With the recent advancements in bots you'd then need like new ghq's so each "color" is notified similarly and has access to the same op types, target selection, etc.

I absolutely harbor a preconceived notion that that is not the intent here. People like playing with certain other people and I think it could be hard to pry them. Etc.

If that is the actual intention and I'm reading between the lines improperly then I apologize for my assumptions. Then the million dollar questions become simple...

Are we, as a community, willing to put the above work in? It'd be a lot of pressure on dragon and jabroni. Do we want to do that to them? Are we willing to select sides in a way where we essentially call some people really good and call some people really bad and agree on it? (At least we all agree on syko lol) It'd be tough to put the work in, but I venture it'd actually be good for the community as a whole.

akadeo0o0 Game profile


Dec 12th 2017, 6:55:04

Maki said that detail can be sorted out later. For now, he just needs the number.

Back to the topic of derrick spinning everything:
derrick first reply "But nah seriously. Maki won't fight a war he doesn't know going in that he will win. That's why he's poking small netting tags instead of getting beat by Elders again."

derrick second reply "...SoL will only get to war on unfriendly butthurt terms or they will hit a bunch of small netting tags. That's the dynamic they've created due to being all butthurt about how we all do/did business. "

see how derrick tried to spin Maki's question about small netting tag on whether they want to war to SoL will hit small netting tags? Everybody seem to get the meaning of OP, except derrick and elders.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2017, 8:18:17

I did say I was reading between the lines based on recent context and apologized for my assumptions if I was indeed incorrect.. . Or did you miss that part. Sheesh man.

Even took that second quote out of context. Lol. Sol as a whole won't get an even war unless they broke into two sides. Its a thing. I stand by that.

When they hate ya, they just gotta talk fluff. Lol. Part of me wants to tell you all the reasons that you're correct just to see you enter a paradox of having to agree with me or to call yourself stupid.

I'm almost curious what you'd do....

Reread my last statement and try again.

Let's not go back to the part where I was making assumptions that may or may not have been correct and focus on the part where I said this could be good for the community as a whole and move on from there so this fluff can actually happen if indeed that is the intention, Kay?

And y'all wonder why I'd rather suicide you than net on this server. Bout to drag me out of ICN already lol.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 12th 2017, 8:37:33
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2017, 8:30:24

And yes. That last sentence was sarcasm. In case you're also blind in addition to being anti-progress and dumb.

akadeo0o0 Game profile


Dec 13th 2017, 1:29:58

I don't care about your opinions about SoL or Maki, only warring on their terms or only war an easy war. Hence why I never called you out on those statements.

you spun a request to see whether ANY clan wants to do an arranged war set into SoL will hit small clans and avoiding large or "war" clans. Whether I hate or don't hate you is a different story, but I don't talk fluff. Other people also made that conclusion from your posts. Have you apologised for this? point me to that post?

As for the second quote, my interpretation of that post: SoL is butthurt and need to move on. SoL only wars on their terms. If you want an even war, contact a war clan. But SoL won't do that and rather hit smaller tags. Correct me if I am wrong.

You can say that I am correct and see what I would do.

Lastly, do what you want in this game, I won't affect me. For all I care, I am playing this game like how I want to play it.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 13th 2017, 2:13:03

Frankly if SOL stays whole and hits the entire server minus laf I think its a dumb war. They're too big to war on any sort of friendly terms with anyone and would need to split to make it fun. Red vs blue like GO said.

So I think a request to arrange with the small tags would be largely denied by the netters and outright ignored by the war tags if I'm reading properly and sol wants to do so as one complete tag. Get what I'm saying?

Now, the thing that I believe to have potentially read between the lines improperly on is that sol would actually be willing to split. Given the history of the tag under maki, it seems people there find wars where they absolutely mash smaller tags fun. So I hadn't really considered that they'd be willing to split to make the war more fun.

This is a Maki quote from two sets ago: "It doesn't matter if the war is fun." That's not out of context either. I said the war would be more fun if stones joined our side and that was his genuine response.

See to me this is a game. And the fact that it doesn't matter if it is fun is crazy to me. I think that should be the whole point. Elders had their fun with laf. Last set laf seemed to have fun. I even said directly then that I was actually happy LaF was having fun with it and I still am. That should ultimately be the goal of every tag. And I'm glad you're playing the way you want to. I also hope you're having fun.

If SOL were to be willing to split in the name of having fun, then I take back everything I said and believe I was wrong and I apologize for my previous diatribe. But the reason I'm still not convinced this is the case is because he told me directly in previous sets that it doesn't matter if its more fun.

I've been wrong before and I'm more than willing to admit my mistakes. In this case, however, I still have my doubts that that was the intention. Catch my drift?

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 13th 2017, 2:19:51
See Original Post

commandos Game profile


Dec 14th 2017, 0:37:54

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
And y'all wonder why I'd rather suicide you than net on this server

not cool dude... =D

Syko_Killa Game profile


Dec 14th 2017, 1:07:04

Evo are accepting suiciders too. If they detag and hit, I don't speak for any tags but i'm almost certain Evo will be dragged into a war.
Do as I say, not as I do.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 14th 2017, 2:31:14

Lol comms. You da best.