
king7012 Game profile


Feb 25th 2012, 19:42:41

Poor guy, i know fraz. We've met up a couple times for a beer and lunch. Hope he gets better.

king7012 Game profile


Feb 24th 2012, 18:07:50

Makes plenty of sense now.

Thanks Marshall. I knew patience wasnt doing dance but gettin all poker face with Martian lol

king7012 Game profile


Feb 21st 2012, 22:50:07

Bastard (Bonus)

king7012 Game profile


Feb 14th 2012, 22:55:42

Ya i play off of 3 different IP's, Work, Home, Mobile.

king7012 Game profile


Feb 14th 2012, 14:08:28

I like where your going with the idea Helmet, however i think Atryn is right, as well do this type of stuff will ultimately remove ability to play the game besides netting.

Just my 2cents

king7012 Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 20:19:42

Bonus like I

king7012 Game profile


Feb 5th 2012, 1:37:00

welcome back neo, nice to see you back

king7012 Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 2:01:47

Originally posted by Pang:
i don't know if you actually liked my suggestion, but if I ever went to vegas I would absolutely go to the gun range :p

THEN drinking.

so the opposite of how we do it up in Canada.

we have guns?

king7012 Game profile


Jan 3rd 2012, 4:45:51

Well Nuke if they are on AT chances are they will see a PM. Im kinda on Requiems side here. There must be many other ways to contact a clans FA or president than posting it on AT lol

With that being said can Everyones FA contact everyones FA please lol

king7012 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2012, 18:41:50

They just like yelling bonus. The bonus makes them feel good. All these people have image issues and have to yell the word bonus to make it though the week. If they dont they feel as if they dont have enough turns.

Silly bastards

king7012 Game profile


Dec 30th 2011, 2:39:32

Exact same here. I remember being a kid always trying to figure out how i can go faster. Lucky enough to have never broken a bone sledding or been seriously hurt but ya its dumb these new rules of theirs. Ya i can see wanting to put a helmet on a little kid but banning sledding at a park because someone got hurt?

Why dont the ban driving on major roadways because someone got hurt on a specific one. Crazy people i tell ya. I wish we had more snow here. The hill on my property is looking really grassy. Little snow. I want to take the kids sledding on their crazy carpets lol

king7012 Game profile


Dec 30th 2011, 2:16:28

What a freaking joke. Isnt that the point of sledding? Ok maybe not to get hurt, but to see how fast you can go and how high you can get on jumps.

Now my profession is safety officer/coordinator and im saying this safety crap is getting ridiculous. Its the point everywhere in the world now in work and private life where if there is any inclination that someone can get hurt they are going to put up as many safety precautions as possible. Doing so takes away the concept of common sense. People now adays think that if their is safety barriers, caution tape or warnings that its going to protect them. They never think anymore.

What or who i think are to blame for this is people suing each other over stupid petty crap. So now everyone is doing everything possible to make sure they dont get their asses sued.

If my kids go sledding and get hurt, then so be it. If its to the point that its fatally. Then thats my stupid ass fault for letting them and I will have to deal with the consequences.

Sorry ranting now. Just think its stupid.

king7012 Game profile


Dec 26th 2011, 22:03:02

Glad to have you playing. Posting your single country tag out there is either really dumb or really smart. Sadly im to large to grab you. But it seems Evo has already had their fair share.

king7012 Game profile


Dec 26th 2011, 21:40:03

Sounds like you two need a camera man. lol

king7012 Game profile


Dec 26th 2011, 19:38:22

I thought grabbing was an act of flirting. Hmm could explain why im not getting any country to country love.


king7012 Game profile


Dec 23rd 2011, 15:30:55

I smell trouble......

Or that might be just some gas. One of the two

king7012 Game profile


Dec 21st 2011, 20:37:23

So is that what all the ruckus was in calgary last night lol. Happy birthday patience. You legal yet? :)

king7012 Game profile


Dec 21st 2011, 19:39:55

Hah, didnt even think of that. Good thing i have my trusty friend harry potter who always manages to get it all figured out.. What would i do without him lol

king7012 Game profile


Dec 21st 2011, 19:37:46

Now this is my personal opinion and it has nothing really to do with the american people but more directed at the american government.

I think the US just likes to stick their nose into everyone else's business. They are the nosy neighbour who is always looking through their blinds to see whats going on around them and showing up at peoples houses uninvited. But what i really find funny is the fact that the US government put saddam in power in the first place in the 90's. He obviously didnt do what he was told to do so the US went into iraq after afghanistan. In the end i agree with someone else who posted here. They went it caused a fluff load of different problems while trying to "solve" one. And im sure in the mean time took a fluff load of resources for themselves while they were at it. Iraq had nothing to do with 911 yet they were targeted aswell.

NOw im starting to rant but ya thats just my opinion. Then come the canadians to clean up after the americans. lol (last part was just a troll if ya havent figured that out yet)

king7012 Game profile


Dec 20th 2011, 17:31:51

Today i saw a few "Dear ..." on the earth alliance forums and decided to make one of my own. I feel left out, so here I am writing to you now hoping that one day you'll speak back to me. Am I crazy.. Sure as fluff I am, but who isnt in this game.

Well till tomorrow


king7012 Game profile


Dec 20th 2011, 16:00:40

Start a website and call it you should see some revenue

king7012 Game profile


Dec 19th 2011, 15:05:28


king7012 Game profile


Dec 15th 2011, 17:45:15

This thread has merit lol.

king7012 Game profile


Dec 12th 2011, 21:15:15

I didnt read everything and im not even sure if you've found what you want. But ive had great experience at laptop depot and memory express.

king7012 Game profile


Dec 12th 2011, 15:50:51

*would you like a leafs jersey? Please press 1. Would you like a leafs cap please press 2. For all other purchases please hold and a customer service representative will be with you shortly*
*your patience is appreciated, your in priority call. Your call will be answered shortly*
*im sorry all of our customer service agents are busy please call during not peak hours. Thanks goodbye*

In the end the team still sucks lol. Granted my team over the past few years isnt any better. But still an owner is an owner and whatever name they plaster all over the arena isnt going to make the team any better.

king7012 Game profile


Dec 12th 2011, 1:57:37

Dont think ive seen it either, but go figure the gay guy has lol.

king7012 Game profile


Dec 12th 2011, 1:56:24

Would be nice to have some more land again.. But until we hit a social network like facebook I dont think it will ever happen. However the number of active players we have now seem to be keeping things running at a nice pace. But yes we will need a huge influx of new blood.

Bonus post

king7012 Game profile


Dec 10th 2011, 22:22:20

I like to confirm that confirmations are indeed in need of confirming.


king7012 Game profile


Dec 9th 2011, 15:24:45

AxA is lame (Bonus Post)

king7012 Game profile


Sep 15th 2011, 14:29:10

I love how this started as a math question and ended in meatloaf cake decoration lol. Way to steal the thread detmer lol

king7012 Game profile


Sep 15th 2011, 14:16:35

Im going to neverland im not FA so i dont care where your FA queries go :)

king7012 Game profile


Sep 15th 2011, 14:03:30

Proof dammit :)

king7012 Game profile


Sep 14th 2011, 23:38:57

Looking for 1 more tech ally and intelligence allies. Send me a msg with your country number and ill send pacts. Thanks

king7012 Game profile


Sep 12th 2011, 4:36:40

Make missiles not love :)

king7012 Game profile


Sep 9th 2011, 13:44:07

I refuse to go salary for that simple reason of working to many hours and still making the same amount.

If i miss a day ya it sucks cuz i loose pay but hell the overtime is way more than working on salary. They've tried a few times at my work but i keep telling them that unless they are going to bump me up to 100k a year and profit sharing its not happening.

But ya about 9/11, is it really a good time to do it now? :)

king7012 Game profile


Sep 9th 2011, 13:41:22

omg wtf lol

But hey atleast you know you've always got one ingredient lol

king7012 Game profile


Sep 6th 2011, 20:35:15

Who wants a mustache ride?

king7012 Game profile


Sep 6th 2011, 20:09:40

Isnt that what these things are for?

king7012 Game profile


Sep 6th 2011, 18:54:19

Slightly confirmed

king7012 Game profile


Sep 6th 2011, 18:05:27

Evo is like team america for EE lol.

king7012 Game profile


Sep 2nd 2011, 16:22:18

I dont want hello kitty. I want pikachu.

king7012 Game profile


Sep 2nd 2011, 15:34:23


king7012 Game profile


Sep 1st 2011, 18:27:28

*shrugs* got me. Last i heard MD was sitting around a camp fire singing songs and roasting marshmellows on the open fire while hoards of countries were dieing in the background. But this didnt bother the MD'ers as they knew sanct had came to the aid of LCN so the MD'ers decided why not gain some extra land while at it and then make some marshmellows on the open fire and then make some s'mores for the LCN and Sanct guys/gals.

but i guess in the end they didnt want the MD mellows and turned to beating on others and forgot the golden rule of do unto others as they do unto you.

But MD never forgets this and infact is building a Arc to house 2 of each animal that way we as MD'ers can populate the earth once again with only peace and friendship.....

I need to get out of the office lol time to go to a jobsite.

king7012 Game profile


Sep 1st 2011, 13:44:42

Christ thats funny. I read the one with the 10 reports against him at work and the one where he was having a conversation between himself and some redneck. My god thats funny. I need to do some of those things around work to make it enjoyable lol Thanks hobo ive bookmarked that page.

king7012 Game profile


Aug 31st 2011, 21:58:52

I still play my nintendo lol. Ive got 3 of them, ive got FF1, Zelda, Link and a fluff load of other wicked old school games.

I personally hated Mario 2. fluffing stupid throwing turnips lol

But ya I still own Dr.Mario

I love how at the end Barbara Walters there asks if its to violent lol God if they only had some kind of foresight lol

Edited By: king7012 on Aug 31st 2011, 22:07:33
See Original Post

king7012 Game profile


Aug 31st 2011, 19:21:49

Creamy lol

king7012 Game profile


Aug 30th 2011, 20:48:28

Vs sounds more forceful lol

king7012 Game profile


Aug 30th 2011, 18:14:15

Well holy fluff its Boltar. Long time no see buddy. Hows it going?

And you remember Herpes is the gift that keeps on giving lol

king7012 Game profile


Aug 29th 2011, 20:27:35

Hey just because im married dont mean a hell of alot lol. Im still allowed to watch :) Plus you've never met my wife so for all you know she could be perfectly fine with it lol