
kwmi Game profile


Jan 16th 2011, 6:09:26

don't triple tap a clan that can kill you is the rule here.

I don't see why there is so much confusion about a retal policy.

There is no way a retal policy can include every contingency.

We're more than happy to deal with hits on a case by case basis via contact through our FA, this is just a basic guideline of what you can expect.

kwmi Game profile


Jan 16th 2011, 6:06:26

would be nice if that information was included SOMEWHERE in the game.

kwmi Game profile


Jan 15th 2011, 5:35:41

I could ask the same thing for every single landgrab RD makes, with your 1:kill policy.


kwmi Game profile


Jan 15th 2011, 5:25:28

I'm guessing there is some rule here where tech sold too cheap is automatically cleared by creating a sale to nobody?

This is what came up in the market news, it is different from a normal sale

419,477 Medical were sold for $42,367,177.

Typically you will see a message like this

You sold 205,968 Agricultural for $406,168,896.
No more Agricultural remain for sale.

So my question is, what is the rule, what is the minimum price you can sell tech for without this "auto clear". Would be nice if this information was available in the game.

kwmi Game profile


Jan 15th 2011, 5:11:48

bumping this.

Tried to transfer tech from one country to another. Put tech up at $101/point and had THE ONLY standing order on the market for $300. Well the tech sold, but not to my standing order. It seems to have just disappeared. In fact, in the market news, it simply said, You sold XXX points of XXX for $XXX. It didn't say, No more XXX remain on the market, as it usually does.

Why didn't this work like it was supposed to? where did the tech go? Its not even showing up in the market news. Is this some fail safe against market buyouts?

kwmi Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 16:47:40

Originally posted by SuperFly:
MKR will accept missle retals.


if you LG me I can retal with Nukes?

This is mainly for untaggeds to give them a chance to retal, its a policy we've always had so we decided to keep it. Obviously any country or clan capable of retalling would rather regain the land than just destroy it with a nuke.

As for top feeding, Ozzy, you are correct in your interpretation. Hitting any country with any amount more land than you is a top feed. Our policy on top feeds only dictates L:L, however. So if you don't want to get taken for L:L, then hit somebody smaller.

L:L is 90% of original land lost (does not include ghost acres). So unless you really make an epic topfeed, L:L will likely be over with just one grab.

These are our policies and this is how we will conduct retals made on our clan. We will also accept all of these policies when we landgrab other clans.

kwmi Game profile


Jan 13th 2011, 6:51:33

i need 1 pm me back

kwmi Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 6:25:27

banana who?

kwmi Game profile


Jan 8th 2011, 8:06:00

we had a dnh anyway, i don't know why the first you did was topfeed MKR, what did you think was gonna happen?

kwmi Game profile


Jan 8th 2011, 7:56:43

Dec 31/10 11:17:02 PM $2,218,185 10,865 DBD2 Monarchy No
Dec 31/10 4:41:19 PM $4,010,586 15,375 MKR Tyranny No


kwmi Game profile


Jan 8th 2011, 1:42:21

we coulda retalled but i didn't want to bother getting L:L because it was such a massive and blatant top-feed.

definitely a legit kill.

kwmi Game profile


Jan 7th 2011, 2:44:40

Originally posted by Pang:

One problem: Rolling back the law would probably increase federal budget deficits by a total of about $230 billion by 2021, according to a preliminary estimate released Thursday by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

The long-run outlook isn't any better. A repeal would increase federal deficits in the decade after 2019 by around 0.5% of GDP.

And that's a major problem for Republicans -- who also say they want to reduce the deficit and roll back federal spending to 2008 levels.

Do you think the Republicans will still try and fail at repealing Obama's health care laws, now knowing that doing so would go against their other core campaign promises (lowering the deficit and lower spending across the board)?

Obviously, with a Democratic controlled senate and Obama holding the veto pen, there's no way this would actually pass, and it would be -- at best -- political showboating. At worst, it would be an attempt to continue to line the pockets of the insurance industry and keep the right polarized against change.

Personally, I always think that "universal" health care is going to be like segregation. It's an issue that many will fight against with all their power, but future generations will look back and go "oh my God... what were we thinking :|"

All of this speculation as to what might happen in 2019, 2021, etc is utter BS. There is no way to forecast that far into the future with any accuracy whatsoever. Making decisions based on forecasts 10 years into the future is a problem in of its own.

I would love to see the assumptions made in the calculation that the repeal of Obamacare would increase the defecit by $230b by 2020. I'm sure they are all bullfluff and assume a static and continued trend in healthcare costs.

I'm pretty sure getting rid of obamacare would decrease the deficit in the immediate future. I'm not even going to start speculating what is going to happen in 10 years, because nobody knows, and anybody who tells you they have an estimattion, ask them how much they are willing to wager that their forecasts come to light as predicted, I'm guessing not much.

kwmi Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 20:29:06

well I guess it is a war game =D

kwmi Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 17:16:36

And why do you harbor terrorists / suiciders =P

kwmi Game profile


Jan 3rd 2011, 18:51:56

you can thank me for that, I forgot to login before the set ended and finished 11th, just behind you. Had the cash on hand to buy up another 1m NW but missed out. Thats despite eating 60 missiles midset from some suicider.

kwmi Game profile


Jan 3rd 2011, 16:59:22

our war with HG will be over at the end of this set.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 30th 2010, 17:58:26

Good luck, IMP, I always hated your topfeeding POS clan, so I'm glad I'll have the opportunity to kill you

lol, DKnights

kwmi Game profile


Dec 30th 2010, 7:23:24

what do you mean FSing? You mean CSing. You FS'd Pan last night.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 30th 2010, 0:12:36

ya you play a good TTR JJ, I would try stopping at 20-25k ,stocking earlier, and jumping as full TMBR, would be interesting to see what NW that lands you at.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 23:40:24

Originally posted by DeDLySMuRF:

In closing...

Because Swords and BSS declared war on SancTFFA. One of the top Netters jumped tag from SancTFFA. PANLV grabbed him as soon as they could. Now this netter is likely threatening to leave PANLV if they don't back him. PANLV doesn't want to loose this guy, they feel that going into a server wide war if needed is worth keeping this player.

100% wrong on that one. but very nice guess as to what you think is going on.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 21:33:08

i guess that makes you the Nazis?

kwmi Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 17:46:23

You had 0 spies, I can see why he wanted to steal your food for himself, just don't see why he had to light so much of it on fire =D

kwmi Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 17:44:56

my Demo all XP techer rapes when military is low =D Maybe even more so than your TTR. Reason is that I can jump from the public market (tax free) at ~$170/NW. That is the same as a full blown TMBR, but minus the conversion cost. That really takes away the advantage a theo has over other govts.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 17:41:55

I might understand if Swords had a reason to go to war with SancTFFA in the first place, but they didn't, so I don't get it.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 19:03:32

JJ, that is true but by now you should be jumping anyway. The fact that tech at 1k/point is equal to a farmer selling at 39/bushel is rediculous. Farmer is pretty underpowered imo.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 17:29:03


kwmi Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 17:20:51

ill look into this, what is your country number?

kwmi Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 17:18:57

this usually means there is a high ratio of commies in the game. Good for public market jumping.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 17:16:57

Originally posted by Thomas:
check out #51, #23, #202 on my country #54

If that's not a concerted effort when they were the aggressors, I don't know what is.

Thomas, if you report them there is a chance they will get deleted, or at least warned about this behavior.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 17:15:59

its a bit of a grey area but I did get an explanation. Kammer and his DAs colluded to take down #11 because #11 wouldn't stop hitting Kammer (bouncing most of his LGs) and costing his DAs millions in military. Guy had no tanks or SDI (pretty dumb for a guy who wants to be a bully -_-) so we whacked him.

The mods sent me an email saying it was against the spirit of Primary server to collude against another player. The three of us are clanmates in Team server so I guess the mods felt that this spilled into "clan play".

It is true that we are all DAs INSIDE PRIMARY and are thus incentivized to act for a common goal, it appears the transgression was using outside resources to plan the hit.

The mods explained this and gave all of us the opportunity to get our countries back if we promise not to do this again. That seems fair enough to me, but still a VERY grey area.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 25th 2010, 19:13:10

tbh if we weren't war prepping we probably let the triple tap slide. But because we were looking to war this set and had nothing to kill, the triple tap made 88 a target.

that said, we will draw the line and will not war a netting alliance for no reason other than because we are bored and having nothing to kill. The hits on DBD outside of 88 were made on accident by a player who didn't get the right memo.

We wish DBD luck netting this set and apologize to the countries that were accidentally damaged.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 24th 2010, 3:44:11

It must have something to do with the fact that I put the hurt on some guy who was farming my DA, costing me millions in military everyday. I was acting purely in my own self-interest, and do not see how this is in anyway against the rules. It would be great to hear how this violates any rule?

kwmi Game profile


Dec 24th 2010, 3:42:30

my country got deleted, wtf. Just put the smack down on some guy who was farming my DA, costing me millions in military everyday. If that is against the rules in Primary, then so long, Primary.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 24th 2010, 3:40:24

39 is actually pretty bad. my 27k farmer is doing about 250k bushels/turn and is around 200% agri tech. That is only 9.75m per turn, which is far less than a 27k techers, which would be doing 9k TPT, and probably less than a 27k casher, however I couldn't be certain beause I never play casher.

9.75m/turn is pretty bad for a 27k acre country.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 23rd 2010, 18:54:07

i'll let these guys know not to retaliate in anyway.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 23rd 2010, 17:55:20

Dec 23/10 4:21:59 AM SS Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Killing machine (#4) (MKR) 127 A (+125 A)
Dec 23/10 4:20:59 AM SS Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Killing machine (#4) (MKR) 142 A (+197 A)
Dec 23/10 4:20:39 AM SS Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Killing machine (#4) (MKR) 145 A (+202 A)
Dec 23/10 4:20:03 AM SS Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Killing machine (#4) (MKR) 148 A (+205 A)

kwmi Game profile


Dec 23rd 2010, 17:48:48

Dec 23/10 4:43:04 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 95 B
Dec 23/10 4:43:02 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 96 B
Dec 23/10 4:43:00 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 97 B
Dec 23/10 4:42:58 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 99 B
Dec 23/10 4:35:43 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 100 B
Dec 23/10 4:35:41 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 101 B
Dec 23/10 4:35:39 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 103 B
Dec 23/10 4:35:38 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 104 B
Dec 23/10 4:35:35 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 106 B
Dec 23/10 4:35:33 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 107 B
Dec 23/10 4:35:31 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 109 B
Dec 23/10 4:35:30 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 110 B
Dec 23/10 4:35:27 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 113 B
Dec 23/10 4:35:25 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 114 B
Dec 23/10 4:35:23 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 116 B
Dec 23/10 4:35:21 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 117 B
Dec 23/10 4:34:38 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 119 B
Dec 23/10 4:34:36 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 121 B
Dec 23/10 4:34:33 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 122 B
Dec 23/10 4:34:30 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 124 B
Dec 23/10 4:34:29 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 126 B
Dec 23/10 4:34:27 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 127 B
Dec 23/10 4:34:25 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 129 B
Dec 23/10 4:34:23 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 131 B
Dec 23/10 4:33:24 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 133 B
Dec 23/10 4:33:22 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 135 B
Dec 23/10 4:33:20 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 137 B
Dec 23/10 4:33:18 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 139 B
Dec 23/10 4:33:16 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 141 B
Dec 23/10 4:33:13 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 143 B
Dec 23/10 4:33:10 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 146 B
Dec 23/10 4:33:09 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 148 B
Dec 23/10 4:33:07 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 150 B
Dec 23/10 4:33:06 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 147 B
Dec 23/10 4:33:04 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 149 B
Dec 23/10 4:33:02 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 151 B
Dec 23/10 4:31:52 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 145 B
Dec 23/10 4:31:50 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 148 B
Dec 23/10 4:31:48 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 144 B
Dec 23/10 4:31:42 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 146 B
Dec 23/10 4:31:38 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 135 B
Dec 23/10 4:31:35 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 136 B
Dec 23/10 4:31:31 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 130 B
Dec 23/10 4:31:26 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 130 B
Dec 23/10 4:31:18 AM AB Death By Dewey Duck (#91) (DBD2) Thracian Peloponnese (#2) (MKR) 132 B

kwmi Game profile


Dec 23rd 2010, 6:19:45

VilSe, I have PM'd you offering you a ceasefire and possible reps for the accidental damage done to your other members. I grow weary the longer I do not hear back from you.

If you want to war, of course we are up for that. Damage has been done and that would be acceptable. I'm simply offering you an option to continue playing this game the way you all prefer to play it, which is to net.

Please try to get back to me on this within 24 hours of this post.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 23rd 2010, 6:13:00

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
So you're admitting that because your tag is too unorganized and poorly ran to retal me, you killed me... and you think that will hinder me fromn farming all of your tags relentlessly?

Team is far easier to pull this off.. and ask ICN/NEO how hard of a time they had killing me in alliance a year or so ago after I had farmed them to the ground ;-)

not poorly organized, prepping for war or optimized for killing are a better choice of words.

you are more than welcome to try to farm our tag as much as you want next set, I would be interested to see how you would attempt to do so.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 23rd 2010, 1:26:35

we contacted your FA, we let him know we were war prepping and did not have the capacity to retal, only to kill (hint hint).

we asked him that he let the hit player L:L on a smaller country in the tag.

Request denied, but he did offer a future favor, which was a bit of a slap in the face, because there I was, asking for a favor...

kwmi Game profile


Dec 23rd 2010, 0:44:09

and focus?

kwmi Game profile


Dec 23rd 2010, 0:38:08

Just curious to see the rationale here.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 23rd 2010, 0:37:38

yea and your idea of fun is pounding dudes in the ass, nice one ;-)

kwmi Game profile


Dec 23rd 2010, 0:33:35

it is a horrid war. thats what happens when two tags jump a clan that wants to net and has no interest in warring.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 23rd 2010, 0:04:06

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
pretty lame. A triple tap on what i thought was a poorly run new team, and 1 grab on MKR tag, and you kill me?

Not that I haven't become used to this...

We don't accept triple taps, and yes that was the reason you were killed. I posted our tags on TT within a few days of the server starting, sorry you didn't see it.

I contacted Vilse about it and asked for reps but he basically said no.

As for the hits on the other DBD country, one of our players missed the kill run and was mistakenly under the impression that we were to war all of DBD.

I'm not going to lie, there was some talk of it so I can't say it is completely his fault for having that impression. It is unfortunate because we do not want to ruin your set. I know you are netters, and, being that it is the holidays, I don't think anybody wants to take time to be involved in warring right now.

Vilse, I'll contact you via PM.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 22nd 2010, 0:40:23

Originally posted by Mathais:
Is it a buyout?

Where's ICe? He's likely behind this. :P

lol buyout, that is just plain funny.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 21st 2010, 20:59:46

Ya, KA farms the fluff out untaggeds, why don't you give them some of your "love".

Dec 20/10 5:41:22 AM SS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF5 (#3383) () 34 A (+3 A)
Dec 20/10 5:41:20 AM SS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF5 (#3383) () 34 A (+4 A)
Dec 20/10 5:41:18 AM SS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF5 (#3383) () 73 A (+22 A)
Dec 20/10 5:41:17 AM SS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF5 (#3383) () 74 A (+22 A)
Dec 20/10 5:41:16 AM SS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF5 (#3383) () 99 A (+45 A)
Dec 20/10 5:41:14 AM SS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF5 (#3383) () 101 A (+45 A)
Dec 20/10 5:41:57 AM SS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF6 (#3384) () 33 A (+3 A)
Dec 20/10 5:41:56 AM SS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF6 (#3384) () 33 A (+3 A)
Dec 20/10 5:41:54 AM SS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF6 (#3384) () 70 A (+20 A)
Dec 20/10 5:41:53 AM SS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF6 (#3384) () 71 A (+20 A)
Dec 20/10 5:41:52 AM SS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF6 (#3384) () 95 A (+43 A)
Dec 20/10 5:41:50 AM SS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF6 (#3384) () 96 A (+44 A)
Dec 20/10 5:41:22 AM SS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF5 (#3383) () 34 A (+3 A)
Dec 20/10 5:41:20 AM SS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF5 (#3383) () 34 A (+4 A)
Dec 20/10 5:41:18 AM SS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF5 (#3383) () 73 A (+22 A)
Dec 20/10 5:41:17 AM SS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF5 (#3383) () 74 A (+22 A)
Dec 20/10 5:41:16 AM SS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF5 (#3383) () 99 A (+45 A)
Dec 20/10 5:41:14 AM SS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF5 (#3383) () 101 A (+45 A)
Dec 20/10 5:40:47 AM PS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF4 (#3382) () 33 A (+0 A)
Dec 20/10 5:40:46 AM PS CRNA GORA (#537) (KickAss) LF4 (#3382) () 34 A (+0 A)
Dec 20/10 5:38:40 AM SS George Jefferson (#548) (KickAss) LF4 (#3382) () 32 A (+3 A)
Dec 20/10 5:38:39 AM SS George Jefferson (#548) (KickAss) LF4 (#3382) () 32 A (+3 A)
Dec 20/10 5:38:37 AM SS George Jefferson (#548) (KickAss) LF4 (#3382) () 32 A (+3 A)
Dec 20/10 5:38:31 AM PS George Jefferson (#548) (KickAss) LF4 (#3382) () 103 A (+31 A)
Dec 20/10 5:38:30 AM PS George Jefferson (#548) (KickAss) LF4 (#3382) () 105 A (+31 A)
Dec 20/10 5:38:28 AM PS George Jefferson (#548) (KickAss) LF4 (#3382) () 141 A (+67 A)
Dec 20/10 5:38:26 AM PS George Jefferson (#548) (KickAss) LF4 (#3382) () 145 A (+68 A)

kwmi Game profile


Dec 21st 2010, 20:56:55

Originally posted by NOW3P:
fluff - if you guys wanted a war, you shoulda just come ask for a friendly. We woulda found you someone to lend you a hand instead of having to hit a netting clan that's only 1/2 active.

But yeah, um, Sanct.....suck it the fluff up and fight, or you will not be long for FFA. I can't speak to the old dynamic of FFA much, but in this FFA this will not be the last time this happens to you if that's your stance on being hit.

See, I was under the mistaken impression that one could net and have fun on this server. I guess I was wrong and will not be coming back, this is bullfluff.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 21st 2010, 16:05:30

Originally posted by DeDLySMuRF:
Pre War - SancTFFA had 164 countrys
Pre War - Swords + BSS had 152 countrys

Pre War - SancTFFA had 650+ mil Total NW
Pre War - Swords + BSS had 580+ Mil Total NW

If SancTFFA would have acted like NBK, IMP, or hell even PANLV, it would have been a fair war and not a gangbang.

To be honest, I don't think anyone expected it to turn out like this from the start.

Regardless, we will have fun killing Sanctuary. And we won't forget about those pesky tag jumpers either...

i think you're including the countries already in our graveyard in these numbers, we had around 100 active countries all set. Not like it matters, we all wanted to net and have no desire to war, not like it ever would have been a fair fight.

kwmi Game profile


Dec 21st 2010, 5:58:08

Originally posted by Kill4Free:
Meh you can say you won, fair enough. But don't insult someone that was double jumped after already using all their turns in a war.
I know they outnumbered Jam, but it was only a few players fighting Jam, rest were just netting. But their killers all had no turns.

Originally posted by Kill4Free:
Even number wise :/
We both know the difference between a ton of fresh war ready countries vs a bunch of week into war/netting countries.

But its all good nicely done fellows, I just wish there was more of a fight going on back towards you!

This guy knows whats going on. But go ahead and beat your chests and feel like winners.