


Nov 22nd 2011, 5:59:03

does this mean that gummy strawberries are now a fruit? mmm they're tasty.



Nov 22nd 2011, 3:18:39

wasn't xxx = WildAce? can't remember.



Nov 22nd 2011, 1:56:03

he was... later on he stopped caring so much about netting and started doing some 'un-legit' alliance killing.

but his finishes were very much legit.. he used to be watched like a hawk by Patience and a bunch of other players



Nov 22nd 2011, 1:22:02

Milsbeek = Ronnie.

I think he won Primary server 4 or 5 times and 1a about 6 or 7 times.



Nov 22nd 2011, 0:44:46

I think you're more likely to play yahoo chess with Milsbeek than convince him to play this game again :P



Nov 10th 2011, 5:34:38

+1 on Raf's comment heh :)

If interested in joining us in RD.. shoot me a msg on here.



Nov 9th 2011, 20:48:29

99% effective sdi or is it 1% bloody ineffective :)



Nov 9th 2011, 6:22:50

maybe we could put Enron incharge of the marketplace :)



Nov 8th 2011, 5:49:08

dunno it it's worth that much more :) there's a lot of land.. and kills are stacking up all over the place on those that don't have military..

but make us an offer, we'll haggle heh :)



Nov 8th 2011, 5:30:49

not to mention the magic baby bullet we gave to Mr.Plum



Nov 8th 2011, 5:25:16

Are you fighting a war?

Empty unproductive acres?

Broke and can't afford oil or troops?

Having too much land and not enough military keeping you up at night?

Limited time offer.
RD will buy your land :)

$150,000,000 for every 1,000 acres. Payable upon delivery.

-Will pay more for bulk acres :)
-Group Packages available.

Edited By: Mr.Silver on Nov 9th 2011, 22:31:55
See Original Post



Nov 6th 2011, 17:50:23

listen to Russel Peters and beat yor kids :)

Edited By: Mr.Silver on Nov 7th 2011, 0:35:33
See Original Post



Nov 4th 2011, 19:31:18

heh I wonder how long until both the Leafs and the Oilers start their losing skids



Nov 4th 2011, 3:14:14




Nov 1st 2011, 0:36:53

Anoniem: I never said anything bad about evo. :) just posted about the flip side of what you just posted about an ally of ours having 0 integrity. Even later on said if you guys felt so wronged by what they did you should of just attacked them. Either way you're fighting now so might as well have fun with it.

But it's nice to hear what you think actually think of RD :)
Nuke: You don't know me :) I've had my share fair of "legit" as you would word it finishes. Had 6 finishes that I can remember of where I was the top "legit" country and was aided over or had a country get a buyout to push them above me, causing me to finish 2nd or 3rd. Actually I think Kingme was a defencive ally of mine one reset I finished as top legit and there were 2 RD and 3 Elitez all aided above me :)

I used to get all pissy about it, argue it, spazz at players who got the aid... but I came to realize about 7-8 or so years back.. who cares? it's an alliance server, do what you can as a group... the individual play doesn't really matter that much and just as a group try to meet your goals.

Edited By: Mr.Silver on Nov 1st 2011, 4:34:43
See Original Post



Oct 31st 2011, 20:35:29

just saying, if you don't like it fight them :)

but yes.. no i don't really think member dumping, or any of these 'aid' things are big deals. Every alliance has the ability to do it. If you really wanted to, you could have divied up Evo into 6 tags and taken most of the top 10 Avg. Networtht hings and I'm fine with that too.

Edited By: Mr.Silver on Oct 31st 2011, 20:40:22
See Original Post



Oct 31st 2011, 20:27:37

Originally posted by NukEvil:
I'm not saying it didn't happen. I'm just saying you (probably intentionally) left out a very important detail.

The detail about "country dropping" end of last set? I don't really think country dropping or any of this stuff people think are big deals, really are all that big.

However, if you didn't like it why not attack them instead of the passive agressive country naming?

The war ended up happening anyways.



Oct 31st 2011, 20:03:48

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Originally posted by Mr.Silver:
or sign an unbreakable pact and make 90% of the country names in your tag mocking the alliance you just pacted with since "they can't hit you" :)

I swear, it's like people are choosing to be stupid nowadays...

Saying that didn't happen? :) Doesn't make a difference to me either way, it's just an observation at the start at the set.



Oct 31st 2011, 19:12:29

or sign an unbreakable pact and make 90% of the country names in your tag mocking the alliance you just pacted with since "they can't hit you" :)



Oct 31st 2011, 18:20:02

the main thing shady I found in the whole thing was placing AAA status on the loans knowing they were doomed assets.

But as H4 says, everyone that invests needs to do their own research. The ratings you get even just on Stocks. If it says Strong Buy from your bank, however your bank is the one funding them or is incharge of their new stock placement. Maybe go to another source. :)



Oct 31st 2011, 17:36:21

Rockman: I think you nailed it.

While there are a few players who are more just puritans, ie:Ivan. That have an ideal of what they would want the game to be.

The rest arguing it are doing it more so to keep the status-quo going on what they want to achieve from the server. If someone has the ability to be online 90% of the day and can then bottom feed efficiently, they want it to stay that way. Since then they can win and others don't have a chance to complete.

The argument against landtrading has actually nothing to do with it 'making the server less competitive' or 'cheating' or any of the things people keep stating.

It more or less has to do with Person A wants his group to win and realizes that Person's B, C, and D would all have the same chance if something were opened.

Locket: as for the FA in the last week, I'm totally fine with that too. If lets say LCN had Castejon come back in the last reset and decide they want to aid him to #1. Great on them.

The cost would be is they'd lose a bunch of top 100's and other ranks trying to push that one player up. It's their call, and maybe what they wanted. But it could all backfire if someone else aided another on top, and then they would have just lost all their ranks to make a #2 country.

In addition to that, LaF has been one of my favourite alliances to play in over the last decade and a bit, and the sets I haven't played there I was fairly close to a number of members there or leadership. I'd say that LaF countries have finished 1st more and had more Top 10's than any other alliance in the game over that time.

now over that time I can't think of a single reset where Aid, tech allies to a non techer, or landgifting weren't used in some way or another. Many of even the first place wins were co-operative wins of a few individuals helping one.

Examples could probably be pulled out for every single alliance in the game and off the top of my head I can think of them for SoF, LCN, LaF, MD, SOL, Omega, Monsters, and many others of co-op play to push someone a higher rank.

The only difference between what has been done in the past and land trading would be that it's easier to point a finger at landtrade countries as it shows in the country news rather than them trying to hide it.

I'm indifferent to landtrading. I couldn't really care less if it existed or didn't. I just more or less find it funny that a majority of the "anti-landtrade" people if you boil it down they aren't actually thinking anything about this good of the game rhetoric, or making things more competitive as they say.

It's because they see a chance to win fading away and more individuals able to compete for those desired ranks.



Oct 31st 2011, 5:41:48

I'm still curious what the difference is between

Tech Allies, Land trading, defencive allies, having an alliance tag, country dropping, foriegn aid, buyouts, having an FR in the alliance make pacts.

Just find it funny how some people will complain, but you can spy them on a random reset playing a casher with Tech allies.

heh hell, being a techer with a tech ally is still receiving something that wasn't earned.

Now I'd completely understand ppl wanting to take action on the Primary, express, or tourny servers as they're individual.

but ingame mechanics and the whole idea of alliance server is figure out how to make your alliance "win" whatever random goal your alliance has.



Oct 29th 2011, 22:04:07

RD is policing for SFR.

all attacks done from this point on on SFR will be retaliated land:land



Oct 29th 2011, 17:11:12

Originally posted by TAN:
fluff. Locket is actually right about that. I hate myself for agreeing with him.

But if you got fluff tons of acres, there is nothing in this game that can prevent you from getting grabbed if someone is so determined.

And a certain amount of defense will prevent grabs from all but the most tenacious of untags.

Every hit is lowland trading heh.. No more l:l only 1:1 as Ivan says :)



Oct 29th 2011, 16:55:52

Originally posted by hanlong:
i think the game will benefit if we collectively figured out a way to integrate landtrading as a strategy.

gives players more options (they can bottomfeed, midfeed, all-x, or landtrade) and as long as our policies regarding to that balances all of them we will have more players (more options = more people happy = more players not leaving).

and like i said voiding L:L on landtrading countries is a good step in that direction. it's a compromise for those who don't like landtrading by balancing it while still allowing those who want to landtrade the capability to do so without pissing half the community off.

Topfeeding traders becomes the best strat then :P

But as a side question... in an alliance co-op server.. what's different between
Land Trading
Alliance members running Untags
Tag Protection
Research Allies
hell, even defencive allies.

They're all giving you something that you wouldn't have ability to get on your own.



Oct 29th 2011, 16:53:11

ahh, but even bottom feeders don't have enough defence to bottom feed successfully.

If not then that cheapshot on Hanlong's country wouldn't have happend last reset :)

Countries use their tag as "defencive protection". There's also the case of SS's country last set sitting on 5m turrets and $50bil cash.

Basically regardless of how much defence you have. If countries can not carry all military instead of stock, someone can always break you.

It's been like that since Mehul increased military costs.

So saying that they need to defend thier own land doesn't make sense unless costs get nurfed again so that people buy military instead of stocking bushels.



Oct 29th 2011, 7:54:18

Enshula : was it actually about that policy or deeper? since Land:Land had been around for a decade heh.



Oct 29th 2011, 7:24:04

I like the random AI bot idea.

S.S. : what war was fought over Land:Land retals? I remember a number of wars from then but none had much to do with retal policy.



Oct 29th 2011, 6:06:11

na won't get that high...

It's gonna take me days to get buildings on all my acres, They're pretty sparce right now heh.

My country is set up like Canada right now.. large amount of useless land.



Oct 29th 2011, 5:19:47

Bottom feeding still works quite well, and it's quite effective to start as that. Even later on, take a look at KSF's top player. He's done awesome this set and is fully built.

But currently there's a lot of carrots being dangled as someone said infront of land trading. Land is basically king in this game right now and there's 4 ways to get there...

1. Farm the few untagged 20 times a day
2. All Explore
3. Land Trade
4. Farm an alliance after winning a war.

Options 2 and 3 atleast allow so the untags don't get hit so often.
Option 2 is good for those without much time on thier hand, but not really all that fun.

3. Allows for player interaction and has higher possibilities of reward.

Take RD/PDM in this case... A few resets ago the 2 alliances were fighting and at eachothers throats. Now I'd venture to say about 1/3rd of the people I talk to on a daily basis from the game are in PDM and it sounds like they along with the RD members doing it are having a lot of fun and interacting with eachother constantly... both ingame and now by email, irc, and icq. They're having fun and have made new friends in the game.

Alliances at different times have 'exchanged hits' since I've started playing again I've seen arranged hitting involving countries from Evo, SoF, PDM, Monsters, RD, LaF NA, and a number of other alliances.

The only difference is this reset we're being quite a bit more blatent about it, but it's the same thing.

Even with the trading going on this reset I'll make 2 predictions.

1. The country that wins this reset will have been a non-trader.
2. There will be atleast 3 non-trading countries in the top ten, likely 4. (quite a few considering the number of alliances that fought this set and the %'age of alliances that traded of those left).

Edited By: Mr.Silver on Oct 29th 2011, 5:27:00
See Original Post



Oct 28th 2011, 6:08:26

I really could have used a Van Riemsdyk hat trick in that game... gotta do something to make up for the injuries to Doughty and Green in my pool :)



Oct 25th 2011, 17:11:11

haha that ship was awesome! I'd rent that thing almost every weekend when I was a kid :)



Oct 24th 2011, 4:51:33

what's a top 5 networth gonna be looking like this round?



Oct 23rd 2011, 18:44:38

congrats :)



Oct 18th 2011, 15:06:14

I'm not saying you guys did bad.. I'm completely fine that he was aided.. Just saying that there are a number of ways to assist alliance members. This ones just more obvious.

It is the alliance server after all.. Primary and tourny are the servers where its 100% personal skill.

Wether its having tag protection, tech allies, aid, member quit, or whatever qe get help in alliance

Lol just so you know I'm not trying to air dirty laundry, just pointing out it's alliance server. It was just an example I figured would make sense... We could find it abou every alliance :)

Haha and yes, rd's history was shadier than a $3 hooker but I'm not trying to insult or put down anyone.. Just pointing out a few thing about this team group server that countries have received help since 1998.. 13years later we still have the same arguments.. I use to be on the other side of it but then I realized its an alliance server for a reason... We have other servers for oter styles of play



Oct 18th 2011, 13:30:15

How is this different from SoF's last 1a win? Oats would even admit that aponic and others were aiding him all set plus a buyout

Which is completely fine and great on him for winning..Which ever means you use to bring up your networth without cheating is fine.

I'm only using oats as my example since the thread was started by sof. Every alliance has something a rather where they gain a step up on another alliance in one way shape or form

Doing the landtrading correctly is more challenging than getting an FA shipment each day. Or having a tech ally when you're not etching. Both those other cases are always done.

If they want to take the risk it soesnt hurt anyone else and it can do well but not a well as others.

Ie last reset the top trader had 220mil net but look at all the techers that broke 300mil net.

So while ita a good strategy it isn't the best. Just find a way to bring up your country is my view. Some will try for over all win, others for avg networth, others for who has the most spies or land. It's a game, have fun :)

Edited By: Mr.Silver on Oct 18th 2011, 13:34:14
See Original Post



Oct 17th 2011, 8:16:45

Last reset was team evo world police, this time SoF... I nominate RD for next resets world police :)



Oct 8th 2011, 7:00:04

Braden.. Pm me if you still have an opening



Oct 6th 2011, 22:20:51

Just so that when players receive that "your IP Gateway has already been used" bug on the catchpa's

Can we have a button that can be clicked to still receive the bonus points?

just so we don't miss out on all those bonus shenanigians.

Edited By: General Earl on Oct 8th 2011, 19:53:52. Reason: categorized



Sep 29th 2011, 17:32:13

posting here incase you're full..

looking for someone who's going to be D heavy. send me a slot.



Sep 29th 2011, 2:35:11

i like picking crappy strats hehe :) send me a tech slot.. Innocent Hostility



Sep 28th 2011, 2:45:10

na, you'll just get hit on by random russian spam :)