
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 22nd 2020, 2:38:34

And there it is gentlemen! The only Free nation on earth! I rest my case.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2020, 3:09:40

Originally posted by Requiem:
Oh yes, Marshal will stop them. Never mind!

LOL hahahahaha, post of the thread, Req wins the internet today! Hahahahaha
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

archaic Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 3:10:52

Originally posted by Gerdler:
And there it is gentlemen! The only Free nation on earth! I rest my case.

You are putting words in my mouth Gerdler and I thought you were better than that. If you are happy and feel free in Sweden than good on you, happiness is the only metric that counts and Swedes are in general some of the happiest people on earth. America is full of misery and discontent - moreso than any wealthy nation, there is no doubt about that. I said "Americans despise government of any kind". Period. I never said we were the only free nation and that we were better than anybody else. I said we HATE being governed and each individual resist it at every opportunity, even in spite of ourselves.

That spirit of individuality and rebellion (and yes violence) has served us well Gerd - in under 250 years we have become the most powerful nation in the world. We were the first to lift ourselves from the earth, the first to harness the atom, the first to set foot on another world, we created the modern computer, the smart phone and the network that connects them all together. Yes, we are brutal violent racist savages - but that savagery has shaped the world.

What has Sweden ever done Gerd? Peace has just as terrible a price to be paid as violence - mediocrity.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2020, 3:13:23

Originally posted by archaic:
I think the issue here is that you guys don't understand the fundamental psyche of america. We fluffing despise government, your government, our government, all government. As the newest of the major powers our government is still young enough that they have only just started dipping their toes in the pool of tyranny. Every government that has ever existed has only ever grown and grown and taken more and more power from the people until the day that the field of liberty gets fertilized with the blood of tyrants (and patriots).

When I say that I would rather die than live like an englishman in a nation where there is one state surveillance camera for ever 9 subjects - its not hyperbole - the thought literally makes my skin crawl. Watching the heavy handed meddling of Brussels in the Irish tax code this year was an appalling attempt to seize Irish sovereignty. Don't even get me started on China and Singapore and Turkey and Russia and Indonesia and the Philippines and . . . . so many other first world tyranny's

Am I happy that the price of having a failsafe tyranny insurance policy costs 11k Americans killed last year - no, absolutely not. Do I think there are means by which that number could be reduced without threatening my liberty - yes absolutely so. Am I willing to cancel that insurance policy to buy myself a little bit of safety - hell no. There is a reason that after the founders chose as our very first endowed right to be the right to protest and speak freely against our government - that the second right we were endowed with was the right to fight for the first right.

Sic semper tyrannis

Post of the year!


fluff yeah!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

braden Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 3:36:43

Originally posted by Nate:
Originally posted by braden:
Originally posted by ZEN:
Originally posted by braden:
zen is racist because I dont think he comes from a quiet or complacent place so he steals and literally proclaims as himself theft of .. culture.. ideology? It occurs to me now im iffy on the theft zen by her

(If I dont know anything I do know zen enjoys his lady parts)

((I hope somebody is clever enough to see the hilarity of the joke.. or even the joke itself)

(((No it's not me)))

One step away from enlightenment my friend. The acknowledgment that we are nothing. Pretty damn poetic if you ask me.

Um science people tell me there's a camera in space that can prove im not the center of the universe but they only exist when i watch them with my eyes and when I dont they don't exist. When I press send zen ceases to exist..

If i quit rhe game entirely right now marshal wouldn't ever fluffing have existed..


Schrodinger's camera hard at work, or is it?

I have four rescued cats you animal hater future serial killer!!!!

braden Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 3:42:38

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Regardless of what gains or I or soviet say the fact is that Sweden is not part of NATO. I bet both I and Gains will succumb to Soviet eventually and accept Sweden is in fact part of NATO, when our energy runs out. But it doesn't make it so.

You skin for lamp shades, though, yes? Glasses or gold in your teeth? Childrens shoes? Who just shrugs off being a nazi?

I might be a drunk but I don't take pride in serving.. like I thought you smart and a good person gerdler but you're just another anti semite.

braden Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 3:43:39

fluffing filthy euros.

braden Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 3:44:59

It takes a real fluffless coward to be anti kikel.

braden Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 3:53:27

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
Regardless of what gains or I or soviet say the fact is that Sweden is not part of NATO. I bet both I and Gains will succumb to Soviet eventually and accept Sweden is in fact part of NATO, when our energy runs out. But it doesn't make it so.

Correct me if I am wrong, I don't feel so inclined to google it, but doesn't Sweeden at least work with NATO in some compacity? Let's give him half a point. I feel like I have read about that before.

Of course. Sweden has excercises with Nato troops, both in and outside Sweden. We partake in military operations like enduring freedom in gulf of Aden, Afghanistan, libya and Kosovo. The point is we dont have an FDP. You dont have to protect us and we dont have to protect you.

Now in real life if Russia invaded Sweden, for that to happen would take a major conflict like WW3 and what we have is maybe a strategic importance. If we have strategic importance to the Russians, it means its strategically important to stop them from taking it for NATO, probably. If ISIS/boko haram/al-queda or another terrorist organization, perhaps state sponsored, attacks sweden in a 9/11-like fashion, there is no article 5 to invoke that makes USA come to our aid tho.

So the US will only defend Sweden if it is in their strategic intrest to do so. That is until Soviet comes to Sweden and starts convincing our leaders we are already in NATO and they join just to make him stop...

You can not protect yourself. Even you need to recognize this. You are free because rhe west pays for it.

Ass grass or blue eyed blondes fluffed by Isreal jews your choice but everybody pays, whore fluff.

braden Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 3:54:28

you grow pot?
Then show me that ass, you piece of nazi aryan garbage.

braden Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 3:56:45

your country is a joke and your people are ss collaborators you jew murderer.

braden Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 4:01:02

now im not even drunk im just wondering why Wiesenthal has you burning grandpa's papers, gerds.
Show us the commendation from the allies for aiding against.. oh that's right.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 22nd 2020, 4:11:12

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
And there it is gentlemen! The only Free nation on earth! I rest my case.

You are putting words in my mouth Gerdler and I thought you were better than that.

No, I am not. You say it right here:
Originally posted by archaic:
I think the issue here is that you guys don't understand the fundamental psyche of america. We fluffing despise government, your government, our government, all government. As the newest of the major powers our government is still young enough that they have only just started dipping their toes in the pool of tyranny. Every government that has ever existed has only ever grown and grown and taken more and more power from the people until the day that the field of liberty gets fertilized with the blood of tyrants (and patriots).

All governments that are older than yours have grown more tyranical with time. Which is historyless bullfluff ofc but what you said nonetheless. Your government isn't young. India, China, Russia, Germany, Brazil, Italy, Spain all have much younger governments than yours, much younger constitutions etc. Your nation is young, yes. But what does that have to do with it? Norway is a younger nation than yours, if that matters for anything.

Yeah in the grand scheme of things the US owing to its vast natural resources and the large population its lands can sustain has been a dominant power for the last century or so. And will remain so for another decade or two, most likely. You don't owe it to your second amendment.
If you compare yourself to Sweden you better do it in per capita terms or you will very rapidly lose in absolute terms technologically, economically and militarily to the other big dogs. Either way I never said we are great. I just said you arn't either. :)

Edited By: Gerdler on Jul 22nd 2020, 4:13:25
See Original Post

iScode Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 4:58:22

Archaic is the perfect example of why most of the world hates Americans. Arrogant, ignorant and full of bull fluff to support their arguments. Not to mention no sense of history... For example you or anyone else couldn't have harnessed the atom if it wasn't for a kiwi.

Civilization goes back over 6000 years. You cant just discount the last 5750 years because USA didn't exist.

I work in the freight industry and deal with agents in pretty much every major country. It's no surprise that the most obnoxious people to deal with are Americans (can never admit they are wrong or apologise when provided with written proof) followed closely by aussies (just fluffing incompetent ) and the French ( very similar to Americans! Arrogant and obnoxious )

Basically about 329 million oxygen thiefs...
God of War


Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 22nd 2020, 5:09:19

Originally posted by archaic:
I think the issue here is that you guys don't understand the fundamental psyche of america. We fluffing despise government, your government, our government, all government

It's interesting also that you portray americans as unified behind this idea. While divided on everything else, it's nice to see theres some unity. Maybe something to build upon!

No, I don't think you despise government at all. The same people who say what you say, and maybe even you, will say that Edward Snowden is a traitor/terrorist/whatever. The same people who say that get hard when your president says he will use the military against protesters, against foreign states or other adversaries. In the very next post you write you display your greatest achievements as a nation, the majority of which has been lead by the very government you claim to despise. Maybe you don't despise it as much as you say or maybe its a more complex love- hate relationship. Either way I don't think that that it characterizes all americans thoughts on government, or even a majority.

Soviet Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 13:57:42

Edward Snowden has clear ties to Russia and China. So yeah he is a traitor. So are the past 6 or so administrations with special recognition to the last 3 prior to Trump.

By the way if America isn't the leader of the free world, who is? In your opinion.
Imaginary Numbers

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 22nd 2020, 15:17:45

The free world is leaderless at the moment I would say. I guess some would say Merkel and a year or two back maybe some would say Macron. But it's leaderless, atm. That may not be bad on its own.
But the Trump administration has made a strategy of withdrawal from, watering down and/or rooting out any and all multilateral cooperations paving the way for Chyna and Russia to set the agenda more and more on the world scene. While the US under Trump alienates the "fluffhole" countries in Africa, Chyna is befriending them and strategically aquires land, mining rights, partnerships while swaying the public opinion in their favor. Same thing with eastern and southern Europe.
He has alienated the EU by using the same rethoric against us as he did on Chyna and actively seeking to break up the European Union by offering bilateral deals with countries within it (Like if we tried to get some of your states to leave the USA). He has cancelled state visits to allies with short notice in order to show dissatisfaction with the refusal to sell Greenland to the USA (what the fluffing fluff? really? Its a fluffing child with no grasp of the world that we are dealing with.)
This administration has been a dream come true for both Chyna and Russia. Its been a great 3.5 years for authoritarianism globally including in Iran where the secular groupings grew strong under Obama, but has been marginalized in favor of the fundamentalist, oppressionists who now flurish.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 22nd 2020, 15:23:03

Edward Snowden is put in the same basket with that Manning fellow/fella who was a legit traitor leaking documents intended to damage the US+ allies. Edward Snowden should be a hero to you if you believe what Archaic just wrote since he helped shine a light on the government spying on millions of US citizens without a warrant or a suspicion through illegal logging of phone records, bank transfers, emails you name it. If you really want to fight government overreach he is your champion. But no, you really don't dislike big government, you secretly love it.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2020, 15:47:21

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by ZEN:

Just because you "state" an opinion, doesn't make it true.

For Example: I am stating that sweden (I chose not to capitalize this even though I have a deep fear of red underlines) is full of big breasted blondes, and if that offends you....well clearly you don't like boobs or women. I accept when my opinions collide with facts, you should try it.

ZEN, an opinion cant be true or false. It can be stated tho.

The premises can be true or false. I didn't state them which was due to lazyness and perhaps it was a mistake.

If you say Sweden is full of big breasted blonds the only subjective and not controllable part of that(which could be an opinion) is what you view as being "full" of. Even if we had only 1 big breasted blond in all of Sweden and that was a fact(a premise if you will) we were both privy to, you could still have and state that opinion and I wouldn't be able to say its false. We could argue if your definition of 'fullness' limits its semantic usefulness, I guess. But that's it.

Woah there. If we got to the semantics part of the debate, it must be almost over.

I am not sure how defining an opinion ever came up. But sure we can agree on that point. Opinions are not true or false. But you still don't get it. I am not saying opinions are true or false. I am saying opinions differ from facts. Opinions which you've dressed up as fact and pass them as common knowledge.

Sure we could argue over semantics about what my sense of truth is vs what your sense of truth is. However, that isn't the point. The point is, you portray an ignorant opinion as fact. That is my issue. Not you being from Sweden, not you personally, not you commenting about the US. The pompous nature in which you offhandedly replace a fact with an opinion in your narrative.

I do feel that we are at a conclusion or at least an impasse. So....on to more important matters.

Now for real. Is Sweden full of big breasted blondes? Don't give me semantics BS about your imagination and how to you, they are all big breasted blondes and that you don't see gender or species "in your mind" so even the men and dogs are big breasted blondes. I want facts. Naturally born females with over sized mammary glands with a low amount of pheomelanin and eumelanin pigmentation. Are they in abundance?

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 22nd 2020, 16:12:47

There was some news the other day of a town absent big breasted blondes for more than 7 hours. Two were quickly flown in from a nearby village where they had excess blondes but we all felt quite embarrased it could go so far.

In other news from Sweden we are all drowning, and the lifeguard society of Sweden says the reason is and this is an actual literal translation; "We have a long coast, and that is not good". So I guess we will work on reducing that coastline so fewer people drown.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2020, 17:07:28

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by archaic:
I think the issue here is that you guys don't understand the fundamental psyche of america. We fluffing despise government, your government, our government, all government. As the newest of the major powers our government is still young enough that they have only just started dipping their toes in the pool of tyranny. Every government that has ever existed has only ever grown and grown and taken more and more power from the people until the day that the field of liberty gets fertilized with the blood of tyrants (and patriots).

When I say that I would rather die than live like an englishman in a nation where there is one state surveillance camera for ever 9 subjects - its not hyperbole - the thought literally makes my skin crawl. Watching the heavy handed meddling of Brussels in the Irish tax code this year was an appalling attempt to seize Irish sovereignty. Don't even get me started on China and Singapore and Turkey and Russia and Indonesia and the Philippines and . . . . so many other first world tyranny's

Am I happy that the price of having a failsafe tyranny insurance policy costs 11k Americans killed last year - no, absolutely not. Do I think there are means by which that number could be reduced without threatening my liberty - yes absolutely so. Am I willing to cancel that insurance policy to buy myself a little bit of safety - hell no. There is a reason that after the founders chose as our very first endowed right to be the right to protest and speak freely against our government - that the second right we were endowed with was the right to fight for the first right.

Sic semper tyrannis

Post of the year!


fluff yeah!

I agree. Fantastic read. It is a shame that Patriotism gets viewed as arrogance, but's scode. It's not like it matters and we can't fix everyone. There is a saying for people who think everyone but them is wrong. Research shows it has more to do with low self esteem and self loathing than anything.

It really is confusing though. Why does "Hey I love my country" anywhere but the USA get met with cheers. But when we say "I love my country" everyone just hears "We think we are better than you". Crazy. I feel like Beerfest explains it the best.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 22nd 2020, 17:46:36

Thats a misrepresentation of what he was saying. He believes you are so star sprangled awesome that you are the only one that are not suffering from tyranny. And as I said before Snowden should be his hero for showing that you are actually suffering from that tyranny which you use a talking point to keep and expand your outdated second amendment.

EU is a tyranny for imposing laws upon its member states, yet the USA constantly fines companies and people abroad with no ties to the USA whatsoever. It is the only country that does so. I don't mind. But if you are going to use the Irish case to fling dirt you better believe its comming back to you when you are imposing your laws on people who never voted for them or indeed set foot in America. I dont call it tyranny but you do.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 22nd 2020, 18:07:09

The confirmation bias tho. You love the big reach of your government including when its overreach is used to infringe on your constitutional right, as long as its not the second amendment it infringes upon. You really dont dislike what you call tyranny, because by the examples you are giving of what you call tyranny abroad, you must be able to see you are actually living it right now and your guns dont do fluff to protect you from those overreaches. But lets be honest, the defence against tyranny is just a poor talking point to keep your guns. We all know it, you can stop pretending.

Tl;Dr: Homicides was 7 times higher per capita in the US than rest of the similar income OECD countries. The gun homicide rate in the US was 49 times higher. 2003-2010 numbers

Now all those countries have drugs. Most of them have immigration, some at higher level than you. All have differences of opinion. All have people with mental health disorders. All of them have poverty. USA is not unique in any of those regards, which sometimes are given blame for all the gun related violence in the USA. 49 times higher... 4900%.

The only thing making the US unique in any aspect related to guns is your precious second amendment. 49 times higher gun related deaths. Your ignorance of that fact, ZEN is why you couldn't grasp my comment earlier.
This is the premise which you have ignored through your own cognitive bias, despite seeing it right in front of you all your life. Maybe its easier from afar? i dont know. just dont call me ignorant again you absolute simpleton.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2020, 19:04:59

Most Americans, like pretty much all countries, are just trying to survive and pay their bills and raise a family.

Scode sounds like a xenophobic asshole. The hatred is real.

Soviet Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 20:11:52

Trump isn't taking my guns nor forcing a vaccine on me. Can't say that of his political opponents.

Did you know India and China are at war? Did you know India loves Trump? Did you know Trump is in the process of replacing cheap Chinese goods with those from India?

China lost the economic war. The Deep State is being routed out every day who have sold our nations vast resources and manufacturing to China for a quick buck.
Imaginary Numbers

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 22nd 2020, 20:18:55

LOL the deep state. I bet a chinese tin foil maker is making record profits, rofl

#QAnon, amirite?

Did you also know marina abramovic drinks the blood of young children? This was all "revealed" during pizzagate.


ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2020, 20:38:48

Originally posted by Gerdler:
The only thing making the US unique in any aspect related to guns is your precious second amendment. 49 times higher gun related deaths. Your ignorance of that fact, ZEN is why you couldn't grasp my comment earlier.
This is the premise which you have ignored through your own cognitive bias, despite seeing it right in front of you all your life. Maybe its easier from afar? i dont know. just dont call me ignorant again you absolute simpleton.

Aww. Must have struck a nerve.

Previously to this post. I spoke about your comment. Never, you are IGNORANT. I don't need to berate anyone to feel good about myself. Well not since primary school at least. I concentrate on their inferior, and IGNORANT, comments/views/opinions. Unless you are defined by your IGNORANT view points. In which case, whatever fits the bill. IGNORAMUS.

Again. Because you just either skewed data intentionally or are just unable to comprehend English. I am going to again call you IGNORANT (you this time, not your comments). Read your own jaw dropping statistical link better if you want to actually be taken seriously. So until you can prove to this simpleton that you are able to read. I will put you down on the same level as Scode. Just spewing BS.

"For 15- to 24-year-olds, the gun homicide rate in the United States was 49.0 times higher"

No more is needed to be said about your level of comprehension. You would do well in this country working for the media. Take a statistic that fits the bill (specifically countries with "high income"), ignore the details, post it.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2020, 21:27:16

My favorite part is I bet you were so giddy when you found that link. Now I get to ignore the whole thing because you got too excited and saw a high number and said "yep, that's the one".

Show me the statistic of gun violence per capita vs guns per capita then lets compare vs other countries. Im just an ABSOLUTE simpleton here, but I get the concept of more boom boom means more die die.

You really shouldn't take this so personal. I make ignorant statements all the time. I just don't have a douche bag ego on top of those statements.

iScode Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 21:46:39

Originally posted by Requiem:
Most Americans, like pretty much all countries, are just trying to survive and pay their bills and raise a family.

Scode sounds like a xenophobic asshole. The hatred is real.

I can only base my opinion on my encounters with people from each country.

While I admit I am making broad generlizations and there are some wonderful American, australian and French people. The majority I have dealt with reflectmy opinion.

I cant and won't deny being xenophobic. But that's due to the amount of time I have been let down by morons who can never admit their wrong and refuse to accept any blame.
God of War


Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2020, 22:19:22

Are you ever wrong?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2020, 22:22:23

But also I can understand your run-ins if you are in that line of work. Uneducated labors really can be a piece of work!

iScode Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 22:56:24

I'm often wrong. I also make mistakes. I am always happy to admit when I do so and there are many occasions where I have done so on these boards that can be used as an example.

However if I think I am right. Until otherwise proven, I will defend myself passionately and I make no apologies for that.

God of War


iScode Game profile


Jul 22nd 2020, 23:00:33

Originally posted by Requiem:
But also I can understand your run-ins if you are in that line of work. Uneducated labors really can be a piece of work!

Maybe it's just the freight workers in the US that are useless lol ( especially FedEx!!!). And my views are unproportional to the rest of the country.
God of War


Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2020, 23:10:45

Oh man, I have a buddy that has worked at FedEx as a maintenance guy and now the railroad... Yes, you are dealing with some of our fluffbags likely :p

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 22nd 2020, 23:59:48

Originally posted by Gerdler:
LOL the deep state. I bet a chinese tin foil maker is making record profits, rofl

#QAnon, amirite?

Did you also know marina abramovic drinks the blood of young children? This was all "revealed" during pizzagate.


I see you read twitter today. Congrats. :P

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2020, 0:01:02

Originally posted by Requiem:
Oh man, I have a buddy that has worked at FedEx as a maintenance guy and now the railroad... Yes, you are dealing with some of our fluffbags likely :p

USPS are the worst, not one single package that arrives at my house is damage free, that tells me a lot about those people, very angry bunch, there's a reason for the "don't go postal" remarks LOL
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2020, 0:26:36

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
LOL the deep state. I bet a chinese tin foil maker is making record profits, rofl

#QAnon, amirite?

Did you also know marina abramovic drinks the blood of young children? This was all "revealed" during pizzagate.


I see you read twitter today. Congrats. :P

Next time read reddit, and you won't be disappointed!

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 23rd 2020, 0:43:04

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
LOL the deep state. I bet a chinese tin foil maker is making record profits, rofl

#QAnon, amirite?

Did you also know marina abramovic drinks the blood of young children? This was all "revealed" during pizzagate.


I see you read twitter today. Congrats. :P

Next time read reddit, and you won't be disappointed!

LIT today. I tell you. :P

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Nate Game profile


Jul 23rd 2020, 0:48:02

I would just like to congratulate the right on destroying the US to "own the libs" when most of those libs are barely to the left of facism

Soviet Game profile


Jul 23rd 2020, 0:55:51

Originally posted by Gerdler:
LOL the deep state. I bet a chinese tin foil maker is making record profits, rofl

#QAnon, amirite?

Did you also know marina abramovic drinks the blood of young children? This was all "revealed" during pizzagate.


Just wait and see.

Also according to this site Sweden has twice the amount of rape as the United States.

Sweden has 3x the amount of crimes per 1000 citizens compared to the US...

Once again Sweden has 1.5x the burglaries per 100,000 people...

Oh lol in Sweden you're more likely to be a victim of a violent hate crime...

There's a few more I can't be bothered to list but I have to ask the question. Maybe if you had more guns there wouldn't be so many victims?
Imaginary Numbers

iScode Game profile


Jul 23rd 2020, 1:33:06

I read a was into post article that showed there is a major floor in American crime stats due to the way they are reported. Especially in the poorer areas where most crimes go unreported.

The above things you mentioned are definitely more likely in the states than sweden. Any moron knows that with out stats
God of War


Soviet Game profile


Jul 23rd 2020, 1:56:01

So sources and statistics only matter when bashing America. I get it now.
Imaginary Numbers

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 23rd 2020, 2:06:01

Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
LOL the deep state. I bet a chinese tin foil maker is making record profits, rofl

#QAnon, amirite?

Did you also know marina abramovic drinks the blood of young children? This was all "revealed" during pizzagate.


Just wait and see.

Also according to this site Sweden has twice the amount of rape as the United States.

Sweden has 3x the amount of crimes per 1000 citizens compared to the US...

Once again Sweden has 1.5x the burglaries per 100,000 people...

Oh lol in Sweden you're more likely to be a victim of a violent hate crime...

There's a few more I can't be bothered to list but I have to ask the question. Maybe if you had more guns there wouldn't be so many victims?

Do you know what rape is in sweden lol. Compare the definitions dude.

We have a fluffload of boat engines being stolen, Im not sure if that counts as burglaries depending on where the boat is.

Either way the rape stats is wrong because the definition in Swedish law includes things that go under sexual assault or similar definitions in other countries.

Im not sure who has the most/least crime but when it comes to hate crime, violent crime and sex crime we have quite high propencity to report, owing at least partly to a, perhaps misguided, trust in government.

Either way I've said over and over again that sweden is a fluffhole country... Im not refuting that. Im just saying you are too. :)

iScode Game profile


Jul 23rd 2020, 2:09:41

Originally posted by Soviet:
So sources and statistics only matter when bashing America. I get it now.

When the stats are manipulated by your govt departments yes.
God of War


galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 23rd 2020, 2:18:30

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
LOL the deep state. I bet a chinese tin foil maker is making record profits, rofl

#QAnon, amirite?

Did you also know marina abramovic drinks the blood of young children? This was all "revealed" during pizzagate.


Just wait and see.

Also according to this site Sweden has twice the amount of rape as the United States.

Sweden has 3x the amount of crimes per 1000 citizens compared to the US...

Once again Sweden has 1.5x the burglaries per 100,000 people...

Oh lol in Sweden you're more likely to be a victim of a violent hate crime...

There's a few more I can't be bothered to list but I have to ask the question. Maybe if you had more guns there wouldn't be so many victims?

Do you know what rape is in sweden lol. Compare the definitions dude.

We have a fluffload of boat engines being stolen, Im not sure if that counts as burglaries depending on where the boat is.

Either way the rape stats is wrong because the definition in Swedish law includes things that go under sexual assault or similar definitions in other countries.

Im not sure who has the most/least crime but when it comes to hate crime, violent crime and sex crime we have quite high propencity to report, owing at least partly to a, perhaps misguided, trust in government.

Either way I've said over and over again that sweden is a fluffhole country... Im not refuting that. Im just saying you are too. :)

So I did some reading on rape in Sweden. I am confused. Because per the aritcles I smells, looks and sounds like....well rape.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Nate Game profile


Jul 23rd 2020, 2:29:04

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
LOL the deep state. I bet a chinese tin foil maker is making record profits, rofl

#QAnon, amirite?

Did you also know marina abramovic drinks the blood of young children? This was all "revealed" during pizzagate.


Just wait and see.

Also according to this site Sweden has twice the amount of rape as the United States.

Sweden has 3x the amount of crimes per 1000 citizens compared to the US...

Once again Sweden has 1.5x the burglaries per 100,000 people...

Oh lol in Sweden you're more likely to be a victim of a violent hate crime...

There's a few more I can't be bothered to list but I have to ask the question. Maybe if you had more guns there wouldn't be so many victims?

Do you know what rape is in sweden lol. Compare the definitions dude.

We have a fluffload of boat engines being stolen, Im not sure if that counts as burglaries depending on where the boat is.

Either way the rape stats is wrong because the definition in Swedish law includes things that go under sexual assault or similar definitions in other countries.

Im not sure who has the most/least crime but when it comes to hate crime, violent crime and sex crime we have quite high propencity to report, owing at least partly to a, perhaps misguided, trust in government.

Either way I've said over and over again that sweden is a fluffhole country... Im not refuting that. Im just saying you are too. :)

So I did some reading on rape in Sweden. I am confused. Because per the aritcles I smells, looks and sounds like....well rape.

Now factor in how under reported rape is in the US and the expanded definition in Sweden

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 23rd 2020, 2:29:34

It's interesting with the rapes. Women predominantly voted for the parties that wanted all the immigrants to come here. Then women get raped and fingered(which counts as rape here), and Swedish men get blamed ofc. :)

When it comes to immigration, you don't have a problem... well maybe you do, but its nothing compared to ours. If you would design an economic system, a language and a culture with the sole purpose of making it maximally difficult middle eastern and african immigrants to be integrated, you'd pretty much come up with a copy of Sweden. Add to that the highest per capita immigrants of any country in the developed world in one year during 2015 and you can realize we wont be out of this hole we dug for ourselves in the 2020s. Thats one of our problems. I can see it. I can face it.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2020, 2:35:25

/me eats popcorn
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 23rd 2020, 2:44:40

Originally posted by galleri:

So I did some reading on rape in Sweden. I am confused. Because per the aritcles I smells, looks and sounds like....well rape.

You have all these kind of definitions like sexual assault, aggrevated indecent assault, indecent assault etc as well as rape. We kind of bundle lots of them into "rape" legally.
Secondly, the law has been changed like 10 years ago to make convictions easier which basically is about how consent has to be apparent. It made the reported cases go up quite dramatically because many of the cases that seemed impossible to prove as rape were no longer. So the % of rapes that are reported is surely higher since then. I dont think its feasible to compare propensity to report in different countries accuratly.
Even so Im sure there has been a lot of rapes. It's not very hard to figure out that its what happens when an abundance of 15-30 year old boys/men from countries with very different ideas about women come all at once. :/

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 23rd 2020, 2:46:26

That said. I think murders are reported accuratly in most developed nations.