
En4cer Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 2:45:01

Thanks again for ruining this place for the masses.

I was seriously contemplating ruining this set for everyone else outside of LaF that is putting in the effort to do well - but in the end I'm not that kind of person and won't stoop to that level. I have played this game at its various homes for 16 years with the one motto - do to others as you would have done to yourself. I have always tried to make this place better and never burn it to the ground.

I'm out -

And to whoever the piece of fluff is that's brought this on

fluff you and eat a fluff!


Vic Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 3:02:36

You are one of the greats en4

commandos Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 3:25:29

Bye dude

farmer Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 3:39:27

game used to be fun

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 27th 2017, 3:41:09

wasn't me...

drkprinc Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 3:43:20

(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

Over The Hill Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 4:03:36

Originally posted by En4cer:
I was seriously contemplating ruining this set for everyone else outside of LaF that is putting in the effort to do well

This type of thinking makes you no different from the suiciders that are ruining this game

These attacks on laf are very similar to what sol did to Omega last reset

En4cer Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 4:11:12

If you read the whole post for what it is you will see that even though I've been broken and am going to call it quits on this community after all this time I decided against it - I haven't done it in the past and I won't sully the legacy I have left behind by doing it to others now.

Dissident Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 4:11:54

This is why I haven't done any netting for 2 years.

LightBringer Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 4:17:02


Ivan Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 4:43:22

:( :( :(

Taveren Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 10:34:17

This is a pretty big loss, not just for LaF, but the game's community as a whole. fluff griefing. Good luck, en4. It's been a pleasure.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

BladeEWG Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 13:27:25

Huh? Letting a few jerks chase you out of the game?
Doesn't sound like the En4 I know.

Buch Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 15:06:16

I thought laf was good

Donny Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 15:37:53

See ya next set. :D

Dear Asians who say they're not ninjas just because they're Asian,
That's exactly what a ninja would say.



Mar 27th 2017, 15:57:06

Dev encouraging it

Bombay Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 16:25:37

I feel bad for En4cer, he was one of the guys with integrity in this game.

braden Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 16:33:17


(French i dont think works in syllables like english might)

braden Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 16:34:37


Mdme. Denis, or whatever her name was, she gave up on me and french.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 27th 2017, 16:59:58

This game hasn't been fun for YEARS. I'm really not sure why people ever thought it was 'Fun' after all the declines in player base.

Anyway good luck en4. I don't play anymore myself i just poke here when I'm curious as to what is going on.

Savage Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 20:17:58

Sorry to see you go:( hopefully you'll come back after some time to breathe. You are definitely one of the greats, and will be missed as long as you are gone. You've provided me help, guidance and served as a great example of how to conduct oneself.

GL with the young one and life in general.


Paladine Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 20:42:01

That sucks En4cer.

I remember way back when UCN closed you said you were going to LaF to work your way up to Don and learn to net with the best. Sad way to see your legacy end :(

Dissident Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 22:18:37

revenge is better than quitting. imo

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 27th 2017, 22:21:21

yeah, fluff suiciders

thanks for the fun times, gl with rl :)

Edited By: Mr Gainsboro on Mar 27th 2017, 22:23:54
Don of LaF

zerol Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 23:39:16


SlashMD Game profile


Mar 28th 2017, 2:18:49

It's been a pleasure playing this crappy game with you all these years, En4. Thank you for the correspondence we've had over the years.

The Cloaked Game profile


Mar 28th 2017, 7:09:38

Yah man, it's really LaF/EE's loss.

You're the best dude. You played with care, passion, and integrity. One of the best dons in the 10 years I've been in LaF and the close to two decades we've spent playing this game. All the best in real life bro.

Zorp Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 28th 2017, 7:59:37

I remember before the bots came and hitting them became the only viable strat for a top 10 in alliance, land trading was all the rage. En4, you were one of the few who could always be trusted to go out of your way to make a trade perfectly even. We had a few good in game conversations as well, and you freely offered me advice.

When I introduced my uncle to the game, he joined LaF, and he told me you were his primary mentor. He got a 151M all-x techer finish in his first ever set, ending with the best nw/land on the whole server. I was truly impressed how much you helped a total noob achieve something, and a 62 year old noob at that.

You'll be missed for your integrity, skills, and love of the game.

Suicidal Game profile


Mar 28th 2017, 12:51:23

Snowflakes are melting.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 28th 2017, 14:03:49

Yes, this is what is killing the game. Always has been.

I remember En4 from the echelon/swirve days but never had any dealings with him so far as I can remember.

Either way this is a problem that can be fixed and has been ignored, which is resulting in a steady decline of the game even though EE is much better now than E:2025 ever was with all these new features like standing orders, market history, constant tweaks to govts/techs/bots to keep things somewhat balanced and at least cheating is less rampant now. Everything is better except this. And so a good game dies.

Bye En4. Hope you change your mind. But even more I hope it will be brought on by a change in the game mods/admins minds.

Donny Game profile


Mar 28th 2017, 14:43:44

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Yes, this is what is killing the game. Always has been.

I remember En4 from the echelon/swirve days but never had any dealings with him so far as I can remember.

Either way this is a problem that can be fixed and has been ignored, which is resulting in a steady decline of the game even though EE is much better now than E:2025 ever was with all these new features like standing orders, market history, constant tweaks to govts/techs/bots to keep things somewhat balanced and at least cheating is less rampant now. Everything is better except this. And so a good game dies.

Bye En4. Hope you change your mind. But even more I hope it will be brought on by a change in the game mods/admins minds.

Oh, GOD FORBID you have to interact and deal with other players in a interactive web WAR game. Its you fools who are playing this game wrong. You sit here and farm bots/yourself all reset and carry little or 0 mil what do you expect is going to happen. You whine / quit when someone hits you? LOL... I think its the way YOU play that shouldn't be allowed. You should have to interact and hit other clans / players to win, you should have to learn how to balance military and income. any douche bag can farm a bunch of defenseless countries keep little or 0mil and build one building type to net.

Dear Asians who say they're not ninjas just because they're Asian,
That's exactly what a ninja would say.

Ivan Game profile


Mar 28th 2017, 16:27:15

Apparently not any douchebag because you cant donny :D

Wu Game profile


Mar 28th 2017, 16:40:00

bonus post

DruncK Game profile


Mar 28th 2017, 16:55:37

Hey Donny, how many times have you been farmed? How many sets of FFA have you won?

Red X Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express & Team

Mar 28th 2017, 17:43:10

Originally posted by Ivan:

Apparently not any douchebag because you cant donny :D

My attitude is that of a Hulk smash
Mixed with Tony Montana snortin' bags of his coke stash

Heston Game profile


Mar 28th 2017, 18:40:29

I'm sick of social justice rage quits. You take a guy like en4cer, skilled, respected leader who shares his experience. Undoubtedly pissed off because his status and tag wasn't enough to scare people into not hitting a country macdaddy could farm on his first day playing. Then poeple say what a loss it is he is going. The loss of his contribution likely happened long ago. His mere presence was comforting enough to some I guess.
Instead of not destroying his legacy in game he hops on his menstrual cycle and starts revving the engine.
I refuse to believe running a fluff ass country was the straw that broke the en4cers back. Anyone who wants to blame his departure on someone else is a sissy lalaa sjw.

❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Donny Game profile


Mar 28th 2017, 19:14:10

Originally posted by DruncK:
Hey Donny, how many times have you been farmed? How many sets of FFA have you won?

0 times farmed. 6 FFA sets won-


because i play the way you should play. You'll never catch me defenseless.

Dear Asians who say they're not ninjas just because they're Asian,
That's exactly what a ninja would say.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 28th 2017, 19:31:44

First off, what you think or what this makes you think of en4 has no relevance. A game that is shrinking just lost one of its oldest players who has been through it all hundreds of times. Most of the people I knew from when I played 10+ years ago has quit for this very reason, and I did too. I probably wont keep playing very long though or at least not in alliance.

Griefing is punished in CS, LoL, WoW etc which have automated or player/mod/tribunal systems that deal with these things and try to set the game up to make it harder. These games are (arguably) more successful than EE or E:2025 so why do you assume EE/E:2025 did this better than them?
LoL is probably the most successful online game ever created, do you honestly think they are wrong? If so you should be able to consult for them and argue for removing the barriers meant to keep toxic behaviour out. They will likely ignore you, possibly laugh at you but probably feel sorry for you when you bring up this obscure dying text based math game as a proof that no such measure is needed.

I get the impression this is the reason most players quit, and as such it is a problem that if dealt with will bring players back or at least reduce the shrinkage. The game at ~600-800 players is not as good as 6000-8000 players so cure the shrinking, and as far as I can grasp this is how.

This has nothing to do with alliance btw. Greifing is and always has been a huge problem in all game servers except maybe tournament game A. This is why I always loved tournament, because scrubs were kept out by their own lack of skill. Now tourney game A is really easy to get to and therefore scrubs can join, sadly.

Buch Game profile


Mar 29th 2017, 20:04:18

If you are a good player a "scrub" shouldn't be able to break you.... Just get more spies and military maybe... I dunno

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Mar 29th 2017, 21:11:41

Sheesh, guys... Please don't make me say I agree with Donny

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 29th 2017, 21:35:28

Originally posted by Buch:
If you are a good player a "scrub" shouldn't be able to break you.... Just get more spies and military maybe... I dunno

Well the game has been around for about 20 years and there ought to be a guide out there somewhere to show a scrub how to stockpile. When he blows his stock on jets he will break, that is the way the game has been set up. What you are saying is that good players shouldn't be allowed to stockpile. To make it fair or what?

You can only stockpile once you have turrets, tanks, SDI and troops so no one can break you in any way otherwise you deserve to get hit based on umm jealousy? Because it is sure as hell not in their self-interest.

In the same way you should not get out of your house if you are not wearing an armor suit that will render you immune from bullets and suicide bombers. Otherwise you are just asking for it.

En4cer Game profile


Mar 30th 2017, 1:37:41

FYI when I was hit I had triple the defense of anyone inside the t20 in land in the game.

Donny Game profile


Mar 30th 2017, 1:39:52

Originally posted by En4cer:
FYI when I was hit I had triple the defense of anyone inside the t20 in land in the game.

But look how much fun everyone else is having now

Dear Asians who say they're not ninjas just because they're Asian,
That's exactly what a ninja would say.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 30th 2017, 6:16:55

Yeah, back when the game still had players you'd have never expected to be able to net into the billions without enough defense to cover your tail.

....sort of ironic that the community points out that the game is dying while simultaneously getting mad for stuff that would happen if the server were populated.

When this game was good. And i mean full af with thousands of people, most clans had at least one suicider to deal with daily.

And i do feel for you en4. It probably sucks to build something up that long and that well just to have it ruined, I understand that's frustrating. But thats part of what made the good clans so good. You guys were fully stocked and yet it took days to get that one country and by then you were toast. Elders just had a suicider. It died in 1.5 hours.

Being a great country or a great tag isn't about being great at netting or warring or anything else. It's about taking your thumps and battling thru it and fighting to make yours the best.

Remember when the bots didnt exist and with every LG you took you had to risk it so you wouldnt just farm people all day and have no military? And remember how we all reminisce about that being when the game was most fun?

What happened to LaF when they just fold up and complain instead of being a bunch of hard nosed abrasive fluffs? Y'all used to have some serious coconuts. Now all I see is coconut milk.

Vic Game profile


Mar 30th 2017, 6:27:32

hate to sour the spin stories, but en4 was planning on retiring this set - this wasn't some emo driven quit. getting suicided gave him reason for a two week early retirement, nothing much more dramatic unfortunately!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 30th 2017, 6:39:39

That's good to hear. Been a good run. Seems like any time he ever got to the top like clockwork his number was called. Haha. Such is this game i guess. Thats my main point.

Vic Game profile


Mar 30th 2017, 6:47:37


archaic Game profile


Mar 30th 2017, 14:27:43

Sad to see en4cer, you taking the reins at Laf was one of the few bright spots on this cancerous server after Eug stained lafs reputation. I have not played 1A in years and this is why. The ability of skill-less greifers to ruin the game for others has only been amplified with the shrinking player base.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Syko_Killa Game profile


Mar 30th 2017, 15:11:37

Yeah sorry to hear that En4cer, he is easily a great dude. these suiciders are fuggin retards. But yeah Gogy needs to be careful who he LG's because it costed LaF in the long run. The nicks of the suicider clearly showed why it all happened. If LaF was America, Trump would have deported his ass by now.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 30th 2017, 15:54:57

Vic trumps Trump.