
Bsnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 5:29:27


poor simple fools... i can see you are ABing countries with tones of cash and Tyr's lol...
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Dissident Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 5:32:29

or he's a restart spilling with turns and bored because the killing is done.

you decide.

Bsnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 5:33:45

or you are getting spanned and desperate...
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Bsnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 5:34:38

<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Dissident Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 5:42:09

spanked... that's for certain. have you seen the stats? lol...

you know... gloating is the sign of an excellent winner.

fluffing about getting ABed while you're winning? i think just stfu or die in a fire.

again, your call.

Bsnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 5:44:53

no best to use your turns to kill, even if its a restart... kills count, AB's = nothing...

Abs on countries with massive cash on hand even more pointless, they keep killing, rebuild for ready, this isn't a 1 country server...
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Dissident Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 5:45:46

Originally posted by Bsnake:

poor simple fools... i can see you are ABing countries with tones of cash and Tyr's lol...

or just anyone that this little itty bitty restart can reach.

it's not a conspiracy... just having some fun since he can't do much else. you MUST see that.


Dissident Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 5:47:03

Originally posted by Bsnake:
no best to use your turns to kill, even if its a restart... kills count, AB's = nothing...

Abs on countries with massive cash on hand even more pointless, they keep killing, rebuild for ready, this isn't a 1 country server...

when you're 126 (120)... you do whatever.

you and i both know that getting parking lotted is annoying af. why else did patrick waaaaahhhh buy up tanks so he wouldn't get ABed. Those minor inconveniences actually piss players off. Don't kid yourself...

Dissident Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 5:48:50

and you have players grabbing land from restarts...

thats not exactly the most efficient use of turns in war either.

so just stfu or I will start to point out double standards.

Bsnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 5:51:11

i would of agreed till you said chump...

always targets people can hit if you are organised..

you play in a fluff clan, no skill bunch of wankers with no direction, no skill and you let your noobs waste turns, thats why you will disband again, go back to being suicider and bitter.

<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Bsnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 5:52:23

Originally posted by Dissident:
and you have players grabbing land from restarts...

thats not exactly the most efficient use of turns in war either.

so just stfu or I will start to point out double standards.

you really are clueless aren't you lol

easier and better returns SS your restarts than exploring, learn to play before making a tit of yourself.
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Xninja Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 5:53:15

Originally posted by Bsnake:
i would of agreed till you said chump...

always targets people can hit if you are organised..

you play in a fluff clan, no skill bunch of wankers with no direction, no skill and you let your noobs waste turns, thats why you will disband again, go back to being suicider and bitter.

Most have skill, just lack time....
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

Bsnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 5:54:43

lack time... i have spent 3 weeks of the set living in hotels for work and hardly able to play, com on ninja you are better than pissweak excuses..
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Xninja Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 5:56:13

Originally posted by Bsnake:
lack time... i have spent 3 weeks of the set living in hotels for work and hardly able to play, com on ninja you are better than pissweak excuses..

I will agree I'm an exception to your statement...

Just saying, I have not done what you have done and can promise I put less effort into my countries than most.
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

Xninja Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 5:58:50

Especially trying to claim I run some top notch war clan. Go fluff yourself bro, we won't disband, we probably won't be great, but I promise we won't sit around not trying to have fun in a silly text game...
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS


Jun 30th 2016, 6:06:24

I wouldnt talk smack bsnake if that whole clan of chaos did disband and hit you out the gate next set you wont be laughing....

Oriontakers Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 6:14:35

Im still alive, there is always a next set.. :)

Bsnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 6:15:37

do you even know me lol

i always talk smack and then i back it up.

if/when chaos disband and they do hit CC untagged or otherwise, they will suffer the same fate.

Run along new member douche.
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub


Jun 30th 2016, 6:17:33


Remember the set donny and billy almost quit when I hit yal by myself? I mean ya he might have finished 2nd or third that set, but come on. Can you imagine 172 countries starting the set out doing that to you?

and another 160 ish countries keeping your allies busy.
On another note no one playing in Chaos/Loc this set was in xtxpx if you were wondering where the members went.

Edited By: ツ on Jun 30th 2016, 6:20:50
See Original Post

Bsnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 6:21:41


18 <--- posts.. New member.

mate i have been hit by 4000 country clans, go learn your earth history and buy a clue.

have no idea what set you are speaking off, but if you hit them and they finished 2/3 means you really didn't do much at all, so your veiled threats are kind of pointless and laughable.

every few sets it seems there is a legend in his lunch time that's going to change the world, but are all piss and wind, you sir seem to be filling that void nicely.
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Bsnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 6:22:54

[quote poster=ツ; 40085; 768450]ツ

Remember the set donny and billy almost quit when I hit yal by myself? I mean ya he might have finished 2nd or third that set, but come on. Can you imagine 172 countries starting the set out doing that to you?

and another 160 ish countries keeping your allies busy.
On another note no one playing in Chaos/Loc this set was in xtxpx if you were wondering where the members went.

Allies busy?????? when have any allies been asked to join a war or help out, not for a long long time and not even sure in this "second" reset of the game!
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Bsnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 6:23:51

" xtxpx" who the fluff are they?????
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Desperado Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 9:04:22

[quote poster=ツ; 40085; 768450]
On another note no one playing in Chaos/Loc this set was in xtxpx if you were wondering where the members went.

I know for a fact bomber was in tp last set along with a few others

Originally posted by Primeval:
pants antler

Bsnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 9:08:06

ahh ok thanks desp...

i know thats not bomber posting and they can go ask bomb about me, he will clue them up...
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Scott Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 11:32:40

[quote poster=ツ; 40085; 768446]I wouldnt talk smack bsnake if that whole clan of chaos did disband and hit you out the gate next set you wont be laughing.... [/quote]

That would prove our point... Nothing but no skilled suiciders that Chaos is harboring.

Oriontakers Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 11:53:14

Lol, then if we are a no skilled bunch of suisiders...why fs us? If you feel all mighty and want to show us how good you are... Why not wait till we fs you... But wait, losing 100 accounts in a fs will make it real hard he..:)

Hey bsnake

Bsnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 11:58:32

hey Orion hope you and knup are well, slap him for me ;) have u still got the shop??

we held of for weeks waiting for you, thats why i didnt play a full set of turns lol

the fluff part of this game now is with only 16 a good FS can by any clan of a equal or close size is the end, has taken the the fun out of war... the hard thing for anyone fighting CC is that we all get active and warred together for along time.
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Bsnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 12:00:34

giving ppl 32 countries and doubling the size might be the option...

our FS was on you guys was awesome, hard to come back from.
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Oriontakers Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 12:57:21

We are doing real good, solled i have time to play again.
First set again, made some mistakes building my accounts. But still they where much better then yours...:)

Can ask knuppeldik, pienjo etc. To play again. C them almost every day/week. But then cc will be crying... You know how we play..... :)

Easy change for the masive advantage is Just lower killcount population.

Bsnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 13:04:55

ahhh glad you are all well mate :) we had lots of good times.

you dint even know what my accounts were lol...apart from the fluff ones lol

more players are always good, just harder these days with only 16, but i prefer it, no time for more..
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Bsnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 13:05:35

forgot about pienjo... lol
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Oriontakers Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 13:22:14

Haha, i also try to forget him. But he is my brother :)

I didnt know what your accounts are, but do you know my accounts :p

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jun 30th 2016, 13:32:30

Miss that guy. Its been a long time since I've played turns with him.

Oriontakers Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 13:38:18

We did some stupid things together prime..:)

Bsnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 13:42:35

hahaha yeah he is.. u jogged my memory lol..

mine are the crap ones ;)

yours are dying lol
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Raging Budda Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 13:44:28

[quote poster=ツ; 40085; 768450]ツ

Remember the set donny and billy almost quit when I hit yal by myself? I mean ya he might have finished 2nd or third that set, but come on. Can you imagine 172 countries starting the set out doing that to you?

and another 160 ish countries keeping your allies busy.
On another note no one playing in Chaos/Loc this set was in xtxpx if you were wondering where the members went.

Where you getting all those countries? Your dog going to get an account too?
Your base is mine!

smegma Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 30th 2016, 14:06:02

Why not? Donny's cat has one.

Scott Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 14:47:36

Originally posted by Oriontakers:
Lol, then if we are a no skilled bunch of suisiders...why fs us? If you feel all mighty and want to show us how good you are... Why not wait till we fs you... But wait, losing 100 accounts in a fs will make it real hard he..:)

Hey bsnake

You had your time to FS us, but clearly you guys wimped out.

Also, lg a restart with 400m and taking 60m in 5 or 6 grabs is smart.

You guys didn't lose 100 in the FS, you lost 60 :)

Edited By: Scott on Jun 30th 2016, 14:50:43
See Original Post

Scott Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 14:51:07

Originally posted by smegma:
Why not? Donny's cat has one.

It is a smart cat.

Oriontakers Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 15:07:48

Wasnt talking about your fs, but us.....muhaaaaa :)

Bsnake Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 15:09:55

and you all know bsnake is god...

well god like...

ok drunk and needs sleep ;)
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub


Jun 30th 2016, 15:33:31

[quote poster=Raging Budda; 40085; 768477][quote poster=ツ; 40085; 768450]ツ

Remember the set donny and billy almost quit when I hit yal by myself? I mean ya he might have finished 2nd or third that set, but come on. Can you imagine 172 countries starting the set out doing that to you?

and another 160 ish countries keeping your allies busy.
On another note no one playing in Chaos/Loc this set was in xtxpx if you were wondering where the members went.

Where you getting all those countries? Your dog going to get an account too? [/quote]

You met the Mrs budda. Don't be sour that we can round up people with a like minded goal. And its the parrot he will play.

Scott Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 19:00:09

[quote poster=ツ; 40085; 768492][quote poster=Raging Budda; 40085; 768477][quote poster=ツ; 40085; 768450]ツ

Remember the set donny and billy almost quit when I hit yal by myself? I mean ya he might have finished 2nd or third that set, but come on. Can you imagine 172 countries starting the set out doing that to you?

and another 160 ish countries keeping your allies busy.
On another note no one playing in Chaos/Loc this set was in xtxpx if you were wondering where the members went.

Where you getting all those countries? Your dog going to get an account too? [/quote]

You met the Mrs budda. Don't be sour that we can round up people with a like minded goal. And its the parrot he will play. [/quote]


Xninja Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 21:16:24

Well congrats, another successful chaos trash taking thread. Keep pushing the haterraid, we will drink it all up.

Keep preaching about chaos being the spawn of suisides and we can make those past set minor inconveniences a nightmarish reality.... 3-4 suicides is nothing compared to an entire clan dedicated to it, you want to blame the tag as a whole we can make it happen. Until then, keep the past in the past and enjoy the REBORN chaos...
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS


Jun 30th 2016, 21:30:26

ninja I can confirm that chaos never harbored suiciders, but the super intelligent people here seem to think other wise. I guess we can say CC suicided on Chaos this set right?

mrford Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 21:43:13

So the suiciders used to play in chaos, but chaos didn't harbor them.

Lol, okay.

fluff tags accept fluff members. If you don't want that moniker then be more selective with your membership or more active with your leadership.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford


Jun 30th 2016, 21:45:39

Lets break it down for you barney style.

1. We started in chaos no intention of suiciding.
2. At the end of a horrible war set during our netting set we left chaos.
3. We played untagged and suicided.

What are you not getting? At no time did we retag chaos, nor have we retagged chaos since suiciding. or warring as we call it.

fluff do I need to get an engineer to spell it out in equations for you ford.

Scott Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 22:19:33

[quote poster=ツ; 40085; 768539]Lets break it down for you barney style.

1. We started in chaos no intention of suiciding.
2. At the end of a horrible war set during our netting set we left chaos.
3. We played untagged and suicided.

What are you not getting? At no time did we retag chaos, nor have we retagged chaos since suiciding. or warring as we call it.

fluff do I need to get an engineer to spell it out in equations for you ford. [/quote]

#retard logic


Jun 30th 2016, 22:22:56

Ah fluff guess we gotta get a box of crayons and draw it out for scott.

Scott Game profile


Jun 30th 2016, 22:27:38

[quote poster=ツ; 40085; 768544]Ah fluff guess we gotta get a box of crayons and draw it out for scott. [/quote]

More like we have to explain basic logic to blow cow. The only thing you know how to do is suicide...

I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and fluff a better argument than you have ever made on these boards.