
mdevol Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 4:34:05

do we start to try to ban knives now?

Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

mrford Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 4:45:05

the weapon doesnt make the criminal, it just provides a convenient scapegoat for a deeper issue with our society that has been around for all of recorded history. some humans are evil. you cant medicate everyone into society.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 19th 2014, 4:45:35

Ban them!, knives kill people too!!!!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Heston Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 7:34:10

Ban people. People are stupid.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

timmie Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 10:36:52

Ffs when are people going to wake the fluff up and realise its ALWAYS been the person not the weapon. We've even got a government sponsored campaign down here in aus called #onepunchcankill and it does. We have hundreds of stories where fights break out and people are killed using bare hands or the coward unexpected punches.

We need to finally wake the fluff up to mental health issues and start to really open the conversation up, look for the clear "oh fluff that person needs help" instead of 'guu shoots parents, then goes to school or workplace and try's to kill people there. And colleagues or classmates say "yeah he was kinda a loner, always acted a little crazy , a little off". Hello!

Mental health issues are real and its a silent killer. Its time to actually start talking and communicating and it being something we can help each other, our friends and family through instead of judging or excluding andadding to the disease.

Furious999 Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 12:16:28

There is nothing wrong with trying to identify and help psychotic people, or at least monitoring them seeking to reduce the number who go on a killing spree. But that is not an arguement against banning guns and knives. Carrying either as a weapon has been against the law in most countries for as long as guns and civilised societies have existed. Long may it continue so. Banning the manufacture and sale of guns and knives designed for wounding would be an excellent additional measure.

iccyh Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 12:23:14

Mental health issues are real, shouldn't be stigmatized, and need to be treated, but I'm doubtful you could find statistics or studies that would correlate murder and mental illness, and suggesting they're linked does more to stigmatize mental health issues.

Furious999 Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 13:43:47

There would be a very high correlation (at nil) in England. That is because an insane person charged with murder is not found guilty, rather not guilty by reason of insanity.

Queen Victoria could not understand this and when an insane person who killed someone in her presence was found not guilty she said, "But I saw him do it." As a coutesy to her, the form of such verdicts was changed for a while to "Guilty but insane" but it was soon enough changed back when the puzzled lady had departed.

That said, the definition of insanity in english law is generally thought bizarre and bears little relationship to psychiatric ideas as to mental health.

Almost all murders take place within families, that being the place where emotional involvement is at its height. In my limited experience all sorts of weapon are used, certainly including guns and knives. But it is tempting to think that more of the small group of murders where the person killed is a stranger might be carried out by use of a gun or knife or explosives. No doubt many of the murderers are emotionally or mentally unstable but surely not all. Banning guns, the types of knives used to wound and high explosives so as to make them less easily accessible would be a particular help in those cases if that is true.

iTarl Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 13:55:52

Originally posted by Furious999:
There is nothing wrong with trying to identify and help psychotic people, or at least monitoring them seeking to reduce the number who go on a killing spree. But that is not an arguement against banning guns and knives. Carrying either as a weapon has been against the law in most countries for as long as guns and civilised societies have existed. Long may it continue so. Banning the manufacture and sale of guns and knives designed for wounding would be an excellent additional measure.

Banning whatever copulated and gave you birth, would have been a better idea

iccyh Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 13:57:42

Well, uh, that got personal really quickly.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 19th 2014, 14:06:24

You should just lay down the law and close this thread, iccyh ..
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

NukEvil Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 14:07:19

Oooo, eugenics! That program would have been perfect if only it hadn't gotten corrupted by racist idiots who thought they were above everyone else. Stupid people wouldn't exist in today's society, and we wouldn't have nearly as many of the problems that we have today. We would have colonized Mars by now.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

mrford Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 14:09:37

you seriously want to ban knives furious? i carry a pocket knife every day. it is to cut fluff. it is convenient. i should lose that right because you care about some nutjobs more than you care about the general population? an extremely small percentage of the population isnt responsible enough or mentally stable enough to own a knife so no one should be able to? what about knives in the kitchen. they have been used as murder weapons quite a bit. do away with them too?

designed for wounding? what kind of idealistic horsefluff is that? tell me something. how exactly are you going to differentiate a knife designed for wounding, and a knife designed for utility?

bring back eugenics. the human race is clearly ruining itself by allowing all the flufftards to not get eaten by predators. you cant save everyone. the mentality of trying to will ruin you and everyone else.

Edited By: mrford on Dec 19th 2014, 14:17:43
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mrford Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 14:09:55

god damnit nuke. i was posting about eugenics!
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Trife Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 15:31:08

before we ban knives, we need to ban a far deadlier weapon



iccyh Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 15:32:23


KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 19th 2014, 15:58:12

Well on our way towards idiocracy with that mentality...

Dai weaklings dai!!!!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Serpentor Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 18:10:15

Imagine there was a device that if you typed in someone's name, they died instantly and untraceably. Should this device be available to the public? It doesn't kill people right? It's the operator that kills people, right? It just makes it easier and more accessible to do so with less risk to them self.

Guarantee you one thing... That crazy, loner, nerd in high school ain't going to go on a one punching kill spree, or a running around in hand to hand combat trying to stab people spree. Lol. That takes balls... Something these people seem to lack along with their sanity.

Better regulation and less accessibility works. Sure packing a gun might allow you to murder a guy trying to rob you or something, but imagine how many confrontations would lead to manslaughters if everyone was packing all the time. It'd be crazy.

Plus the more guns in the community would just mean more guns stolen out of vehicles or from homes, and more guns used in crimes.
The EEVIL Empire

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 19th 2014, 18:17:58

We don't have that problem in Oregon, Serp, we carry guns here...
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Buch Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 19:20:16

Shoot everyone that steals anything problem solved :)

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 19th 2014, 19:25:30

Originally posted by Buch:
Shoot everyone that steals anything problem solved :)

I like that policy, YOU LOOT I SHOOT!!!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Buch Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 21:18:29

Solve a lot of problem mabe make people think twice before they break into fluff

Serpentor Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 22:30:13

I had a buddy in high school (not a buddy anymore) who stole a car and found a gun in it. Almost killed his friend playing around with it with the clip out. Also decided he was a gangster all of a sudden and robbed a restaurant and shot at people chasing him when he stole his next car.

We got pretty good gun laws in Canada, but just saying... More guns around means more retards like this guy get their hands on em.

The EEVIL Empire

Serpentor Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 22:39:18

My other favorite one is gun nerds saying stuff like: "who needs boxing or martial arts? I got a gun. Can't move faster than bullets." Lol

Like as if they're willing to pull it out at any opportunity and murder someone who they're having beef with. "Oh wait, i know i cut you off, but my guns in my gun cabinet at home... I swear I'm really tough when I have it with me, really I am. Wait don't fluff kick me yet for being a mouthy prick, wait while I leave here and go home to unlock my gun cabinet and come back, which I won't do because I don't want to go to jail and I'm all talk when it comes to my gun anyways. "
The EEVIL Empire

mrford Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 22:49:37

You sound like a douche.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Serpentor Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 23:01:50

You must brag about your guns.

This topic just pisses me off as much as the Pitt bull topic.

Oh yeah don't regulate anything, it's not the dogs, its the owners... Yet every fluffRat in the country wants a bit bull because they are so bad ass. Then those dogs go ripping your kids face off when they escape, because they're not cared for properly.

It's the same god damn debate. Except the gun enthusiasts are saying don't regulate our guns, yet every fluffRat in the country who isn't responsible wants guns because they are so bad ass.

Shut your face ford. You're probably just another fluffRat that thinks he's bad ass because of his gun. Oh and you probably own a pitty too right?
The EEVIL Empire

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 19th 2014, 23:06:58

The breed or artist, he's a dog too...
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

mrford Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 23:13:10

Yep. You are a douche.

As for me, I was a badass long before I got any of my guns. They had no effect on my ability to be better than everyone else.

My dog is a 14 year old basinji/German Shepard mutt. Not sure what that has to do with anything other than you generalizing like a classic douche.

Edited By: mrford on Dec 19th 2014, 23:16:53
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Serpentor Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 0:01:51

Yup wanting a safer community sure is douchie. Lol.

I guess I nailed it. You are definitely so bad ass. I'm sure you tell everyone about it all the time.
The EEVIL Empire

Serpentor Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 0:13:24

Oh and MrDouche, I'm not for banning guns all together, just proper regulation. I have lots of friends who are hunters and gun club members. But we have decent regulations here not like you cowboys down there.

One last thing, if you were truly great you wouldn't have the need to self promote, others would be telling you. Probably doesn't happen that way right? Lol. Better go pump some more iron and make yourself look more intimidating so everyone will believe you when you tell them. Lmao
The EEVIL Empire

mrford Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 0:13:25

You arnt a douche for wanting a safer communuty. You are a douche because of the way you generalize.

It isn't that hard of a concept. The vast majority of gun owners are responsible ones like myself. You don't seem to understand that. To display this fact you related this to some weird Pitt bull debate no one here in this thread is having.

I can only assume you want to eradicate that breed because of a few irresponsible ownews as well? Douche viewpoint. Everyone that likes guns owns a Pitt bull and is an irresponsible owner? Douche viewpoint.

As for self promoting, that was a joke making fun of your douche viewpoint that all gun owners are pussies and don't want to fight. Sorry you missed that. And once again you make generalization assuming that I lift? Lol. Douche.

Edited By: mrford on Dec 20th 2014, 0:15:54
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Serpentor Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 0:38:42

I'm all for responsible ownership. It's just the system you idiots down there have makes it very easy for people to attain unreasonable weaponry for their needs, and too quickly. Also it is way too easy for illegal guns to filter around your communities because there are too many guns and not enough regulations. That's all. I've got plenty of responsible gun owner friends ( hunters/gun clubs). USA just has poor regulations and breeds un-responsible gun ownership. Although maybe you're right... It could be your people.

I'm done with you loser. Off to work.
The EEVIL Empire

mrford Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 1:06:08

You change your argument more than a $3 hooker fills her penicillin prescription

This incident was in australia, a country with mass gun restrictions, and was committed with a knife.

You are over here talking about American gun laws and Pitt bulls and gun owners not wanting to fight.......

Jesus. I'm sure glad you have friends that are responsible gun owners. Atleast we have one expert on these boards.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Heston Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 6:09:53

I think mrfords machismo turns on Serpentor.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Zorp Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 20th 2014, 8:13:40

lol @ "you idiots down there," come on man at least try and make an arguement.

dagga X


Dec 20th 2014, 9:47:55

Every time an American defends the "second amendment" is another idiot ensuring that the next massacre with an assault rifle is juuuust around the corner! Let's all join the macabre betting pool! Kindergarten? Cinema? Old peoples home? What fun!

When a nutjob can enter a school and shoot up kids with a military weapon, and you retards in the gun lobby prevent reform, what more is there to say apart from you're a fluffing lost cause.

Yes, this was a massacre with a knife, but in a private setting and would be impossible to cause such carnage that is seen in the schools and public places in the USA. It's not in the same ballpark.

It is such a shame that such a wonderful country can allow brainwashing of this magnitude in the face of irrefutable evidence and statistics.

Zorp Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 20th 2014, 10:16:26

Won't someone please think of the children?!

Symbolic Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 12:54:38

Guns are bad mmmmkay

Suicidal Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 12:57:47

Reduce the number of fat people! Ban knives, forks and spoons!

mrford Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 16:02:51

Originally posted by dagga X:
Every time an American defends the "second amendment" is another idiot ensuring that the next massacre with an assault rifle is juuuust around the corner! Let's all join the macabre betting pool! Kindergarten? Cinema? Old peoples home? What fun!

When a nutjob can enter a school and shoot up kids with a military weapon, and you retards in the gun lobby prevent reform, what more is there to say apart from you're a fluffing lost cause.

Yes, this was a massacre with a knife, but in a private setting and would be impossible to cause such carnage that is seen in the schools and public places in the USA. It's not in the same ballpark.

It is such a shame that such a wonderful country can allow brainwashing of this magnitude in the face of irrefutable evidence and statistics.

there is a difference in preventing gun reform, and preventing all reform pertaining to the shooting. im not sure you even know what you are talking about. recently school security has been increased by a wide margine, pushes toe increased access to mental health, and national databases for firearm restrictions are being formed.

you just want to go straight for the high profile fix, which isnt even a fix to start with. not to mention that the vast majority of gun crimes are not committed by "military weapons" just the high profile ones that the 24 hour news media likes to analize for weeks and give the person that committed the atrocity exactly what they wanted. attention. that would be an easier fix than taking guns away from a nation of 330mill people wouldnt it? naw. lets take the guns because the tool is clearly to blame because it made the evil easier!

you sound like a news channel with your sensationalism. your arguments hold about the same weight. some people simply dont believe in regulation of an entire population because of an extremely small group of people that either abuse their rights, or arnt mentally stable enough to make good decisions. it is called freedom.

Edited By: mrford on Dec 20th 2014, 16:06:38
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Serpentor Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 16:36:38

You sound like you have no idea what your talking about ford. You are brainwashed as he says.

If you look at a shooting as an individual case only, yeah you can write it off to "oh that guy was nuts", but if you look at your overall patterns, and severity of the shootings... How the fluff are all these nut jobs getting automatic weapons so easily? You got a problem. These whackos shouldn't be able to access uncle Jed's locked up shotgun let alone the arsenal they seem to accumulate.
The EEVIL Empire

Zorp Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 20th 2014, 16:40:57

The extent of these mass shootings has not increased in scope over time. At all. This is an absolute myth. Literally all that has changed is media reporting.

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 20th 2014, 16:43:21

Originally posted by Zorp:
Won't someone please think of the children?!

6 hours and no-one said "aim lower, pull trigger"
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


mrford Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 16:48:55

Originally posted by Serpentor:
You sound like you have no idea what your talking about ford. You are brainwashed as he says.

If you look at a shooting as an individual case only, yeah you can write it off to "oh that guy was nuts", but if you look at your overall patterns, and severity of the shootings... How the fluff are all these nut jobs getting automatic weapons so easily? You got a problem. These whackos shouldn't be able to access uncle Jed's locked up shotgun let alone the arsenal they seem to accumulate.

Ironic post is ironic. I can't remember a single mass shooting with an automatic weapon. Media brainwashed.

It isn't my fault that people irresponsibly store their weapons just like it isn't your fault that someone drove drunk and killed someone.

My point remains. It isn't the government's responsibility to make sure everyone is living their life the way everyone wants them too. I'm a responsible gun owner, all my fluff is locked up, I do not accept your blanket generalizations and legislation.

I also do not accept your igorance in a post while accusing me of not knowing what I'm talking about. But I do enjoy it for its entertainment value.

Edited By: mrford on Dec 20th 2014, 17:01:52
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Serpentor Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 17:28:55

Good view point. It doesn't matter what others in my community do, as long as I'm responsible. It will be your problem when someone else's gun ends up in one of your kids friends hands, or your community has a shooting due to an irresponsible or crazy owner.

Yeah sure it's not your fault someone else drives drunk. You should remove regulation against drinking and driving. Your family or friends still die when they get run over or are involved in that accident...but it's not your fault because you don't drink and drive, so who really cares right. While you're at it you might as well remove all regulation and law... you know how to live like a responsible person, so who cares what others do. Ignorant Fool. You make so little sense.
The EEVIL Empire

mrford Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 17:33:12

That isn't what I said at all. Your sensationalism blinds you clearly. How does an aversion to blanket legislation because of isolated incidents related to removing all laws? Do you see how silly you are being here in an attempt to get your point across?

Removing laws against drunk driving isn't even a good analogy. Banning alcohol would be. It is still illegal to shoot someone, just like it is illegal to drink and drive. It isn't illegal to purchase booze or a gun. It is the action, not the vice.

If you want to insult someone and then use analogies, be sure to not be an idiot in your execution. Maybe I make so little sense because you are senseless.

Edited By: mrford on Dec 20th 2014, 17:47:10
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Serpentor Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 18:32:26

You compared it not me. As long as you are doing what's right, f everyone else. That's how you came across.
The EEVIL Empire

Heston Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 18:43:14

Originally posted by Serpentor:
As long as you are doing what's right, f everyone else. That's how you came across.

Whats wrong with that? fluff everyone else!
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

mrford Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 18:47:06

That isn't what I said at all. Stop sensationalizing and generalizing everything.

The vast majority of gun owners are responsible, just like the vast majority of drivers are. Punishing everyone with sweeping legislation because of the irresponsibility of a few is a dangerous path to follow.

It is also not as effective of a path as say attacking the problem itself. It ain't the weapons trust me. It is a cultural problem. You are going for a stopgap and in the process taking something away from me.

I'm sure you will twist that in some way but it has been my point all along. Maybe you should go re-read my posts.

I'm not sure what you are referring to when you say "you compared it not me" as it was your analogy. My point was that you should still be allowed to.drink, despite others not doing it responsibly, just like I should able to shoot, despite others irresponsibility. What does that have to do with making it legal to drink and drive? Sensationalism. It makes you look like a fool, but I am the ignorant one. Right.

Edited By: mrford on Dec 20th 2014, 18:58:25
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

flgatorboy89 Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 21:56:34

Yall some retarded people.....especially furious.

<jon> off to bed fluffbeater :p
<mrford> i dont beat fluffs
<mrford> i eat them
<mrford> gosh
<jon> well, fluffeater
<Kat> oookay....