
KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 10th 2015, 5:30:57

Damn you martian, put a like button already!

Well said, fordy :-)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 10th 2015, 11:09:47

Heston, you're a straight up, no nonsense, imbecile. Thus I have no argument for your stupidity since I can't think that far below the mean, like you.

And it helps not to feed the trolls, like you, who only post in order to find some means of starting something that drags the entire conversation down into a Nyah, Nyah contest.

The arguments on this thread have drifted quite a bit from guns and arms, and drifted off into the lower regions of intelligence that is the kind of citizen that the government of the US wants to have. People like Heston, who lap up the pablum being slung down by the liberals that continually keep tearing down every opportunity for a citizen to improve his own situation.

Obama has GOT to know that he has crushed the dreams of every child of color in this country to ever become president since he will in fact be the first and the last black president. There is no way in hell that the general population will ever try another experiment like this again.


And I think that the lesson was learned. This guy came in on the promise of real change in the political machines that run the U.S. and turned out to be just as dirty as all the politicians who came before him.

What a surprise, huh?

The bottom line concerning the importance of the 2nd Amendment is that none of the other rights spelled out can be enforced without the 2nd Amendments protection.

I think that a good round-up of lawyers that are caught up in graft and corruption and detected in their stupid schemes to defraud the taxpayers should all be deported to the kind of country that they wish to live in, where the Muslims are peaceful and kind, and the government gives every citizen everything they ever wanted because they are rich like that. Not that there is any place on Earth (with a blue sky over it) that is like that.

You think you can solve the problems of income inequality? I got a little information for you. If you want to solve that problem, you can't use the government to rob the successful to pay the lazy, or the stupid. The simplest way to provide good government has nothing to do with income equality.

There are rules that work, and policies that don't.

Rule #1 for a successful government is "Don't hurt people and don't take their stuff".

If you do that, and stop the government from thieving from anyone who makes a successful business, perhaps there would be more people out there setting up businesses to improve their situation, instead of laying about on the couch watching the boob tube and getting a welfare check forever.

We have signs saying "Don't feed the wildlife, it will make them unable to care for themselves in the natural world", the same is true of PEOPLE. If you feed them like we're doing, we make them unable to survive because they never get motivated to improve their situation by working, and generally are then forced to resort to burglary to get that nice new large screen boob tube. Thus, crime goes up, costs go up, and the standard of living goes down.

Want to really fix it, spend several election cycles voting out all the incumbents. Do not reelect any of them, and sooner or later, one of them will get the idea, "maybe if I really work hard to make things better for the nation and the people, they might decide to allow me to stick around a while and do some more and have this cushy job with all the wonderful perks and benefits longer.

Then, you can control the politicians to a much larger degree, and the money which fuels the engine of politics will have to find another way to try to control things since that congressman, or senator that you bought a couple of years ago will have to be replaced with the next guy in line for the job.

Although, I have my doubts about that being a real option in the coming future of the US as I suspect that the current administration will not just "retire" at the end of his legal term. He LOVES his vacationing, and his golf, and having the ability to do whatever he wants whenever he wants to, and that's not going to be an easy thing for him to give up. Especially now that he's figured out that he can make big changes in the way the government does its job by fiat.

Everybody thought he was a stand up guy, but now everyone is realizing that the only things that come out of Chicago is Mobsters, Corrupt Politicians, and Deep Dish Pizza.

Edited By: Cerberus on Jan 10th 2015, 11:12:28
See Original Post
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!



Jan 10th 2015, 15:39:11

Originally posted by Dissident:
then why is the average salary income of america 25k for a family of 4?

you can work your bag off and make shyte for pay at a bunch of crappy jobs... or you can get lucky and find a job that pays well enough for you to call yourself middle class.

Of my waking hours, I have spent 40% of them at work in my entire life. I'm 31. I'm not rich... i'm not the most powerful person in the world, and i guarantee you i worked just as hard as any of the rich people in the world. But they had something that i didnt have. Luck of timing and circumstance? Right family line? family wealth? family connections?

pls tell me.

Cite your source for this 25k family of four bullfluff. Did you just make this up or did you read it at some website that strokes the ducks of Democrats to get them votes by publishing fake statistics?



Jan 10th 2015, 15:40:19

Also, if you are only working 40% of your life, you are not working hard enough and probably play ee most of your work hours.

mrford Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 17:52:19

It is equal opportunity, not equal starting and finishing points. That can't be controlled by a governing body in a free market environment, only hard work, certain priorities, and generational success will solve this.

Comically a lot of the people complaining about inequality don't vote. If you arnt willing as simple as that what else are you neglecting in your quest for wealth?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Jan 10th 2015, 18:52:51

Ford.. they are too busy waiting for handouts and too lazy to work.

Dissident Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 19:00:56

I dunno Sewellusmc, currently I work 50-60 hours a week, a lot of it out of town away from my family, and I've been doing it for 15 years. sooooooo. thats 108 hours to sleep/be with family and 60 hours to be at work. I sleep 6 hours a night which leaves about 66 hours of waking time (or driving to and from work) with my family and 60 hours at work.

Don't give me a lecture on not working hard enough if I only have worked 40% of my waking hours. Also, I don't work in an office with a computer so there's no ee.

mrford, ironically, due to the recent voter legislation that requires people to have photo id with addresses on em. As it turns out, this legislation only affects a certain sector of people. Can you guess who?



Jan 10th 2015, 19:03:42

I can guess who - the people who aren't citizens or are too lazy to go get an ID. They seemingly can find their ID for their welfare benefits!



Jan 10th 2015, 19:06:20

I never said you didn't work many hours... just not hard enough doing the right things. The premise of profit and loss is based on ability to forecast. If you wanna dig ditches for a living or work at mcdonalds, you will be competing with a large uneducated workforce that does not demand high pay. If you want to differentiate yourself, do the right things, and put in hard work, you can make a fortune.

mrford Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 19:15:26

Originally posted by Dissident:
mrford, ironically, due to the recent voter legislation that requires people to have photo id with addresses on em. As it turns out, this legislation only affects a certain sector of people. Can you guess who?

the sector that doesnt pay $5 to get a state issued ID? why does everything have to be turned into a racial debate? you are perpetuating racism by arguing against it when you perceive it.

and only around 60% of eligible voters vote anyways and that is for presidential elections. something like 35% turned out for the most recent elections. that was my point.

Edited By: mrford on Jan 10th 2015, 19:21:48
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Dissident Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 19:21:27

as it turns out ssewellusmc, I dig ditches for a living for real.

and here is my shovel:



Jan 10th 2015, 20:55:56

And how many people can do that.... I would imagine a fluff ton. I am surprised corporate America hasn't trained monkeys to do it yet.

Edited By: ssewellusmc on Jan 10th 2015, 23:15:38
See Original Post

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 10th 2015, 22:07:53

Originally posted by Dissident:
as it turns out ssewellusmc, I dig ditches for a living for real.

and here is my shovel:

That's what you do for a living and complain about not being able to grow, fluff, i have friends that run heavy equipment and recently one decided to try his luck in the gold fields of the Klondike, guess what?, 3 months of work there pays equally to a years work in the lower 48, if he with a family did it, you can too, it's called DRIVE if you don't have DRIVE you won't better yourself, simple.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Heston Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 23:03:01

Stfu cerberus. Nobody likes to scroll past your long winded bullfluff.

"Although, I have my doubts about that being a real option in the coming future of the US as I suspect that the current administration will not just "retire" at the end of his legal term. He LOVES his vacationing, and his golf, and having the ability to do whatever he wants whenever he wants to, and that's not going to be an easy thing for him to give up. Especially now that he's figured out that he can make big changes in the way the government does its job by fiat."

The only subjects you could possibly give a relevant opinion on are adult diapers, who the next grand dragon wizzard should be and 1930s infant cereals analogies.
nyah 😜😜,,!,,🐔🐳!
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Dissident Game profile


Jan 11th 2015, 0:31:34

im not complaining about my life or wage as a ditch digger. i made 100k this year, im not hurting for money. I make more than teachers and most of my friends as a "ditch digger."

you have no clue about digging ditches... which we actually call trenching. nobody in the industry calls it digging ditches anymore unless you are actually digging ditches. And those guys make a lot of money too... because there aren't a lot of people who run heavy excavators out there. well, they say they can but they only have a couple hundred hours on it. I have over 10,000 hours on an excavator and im just scratching the surface when it comes to quality. i can make it safe and i can do it pretty fast, but it doesn't look as good as the guys who do it for 20 years.

but, im assuming you made that post just to get a rise out of me. im just setting you straight that you can't just get a monkey in there to do it... and the people who get schooling for it are the WORST. they have an arrogance that they can do it but they haven't seen pipelaying before in their lives. I worked in water and sewer for 8 years in various roles before becoming a digger (which is the top of the totem pole besides the foreman)...

i dunno, $40/hour isn't too bad, is it?



Jan 11th 2015, 4:01:19

Originally posted by Dissident:
im not complaining about my life or wage as a ditch digger. i made 100k this year, im not hurting for money. I make more than teachers and most of my friends as a "ditch digger."

you have no clue about digging ditches... which we actually call trenching. nobody in the industry calls it digging ditches anymore unless you are actually digging ditches. And those guys make a lot of money too... because there aren't a lot of people who run heavy excavators out there. well, they say they can but they only have a couple hundred hours on it. I have over 10,000 hours on an excavator and im just scratching the surface when it comes to quality. i can make it safe and i can do it pretty fast, but it doesn't look as good as the guys who do it for 20 years.

but, im assuming you made that post just to get a rise out of me. im just setting you straight that you can't just get a monkey in there to do it... and the people who get schooling for it are the WORST. they have an arrogance that they can do it but they haven't seen pipelaying before in their lives. I worked in water and sewer for 8 years in various roles before becoming a digger (which is the top of the totem pole besides the foreman)...

i dunno, $40/hour isn't too bad, is it?

They have school for running an excavator? Wow - super simple to use. I stole one from the CB's one time because I didn't want to use a a spoon sized shovel to build a fighting position. I had never used one before was able to start it, drive it, and use it. So simple a monkey could do it.

I make a living defending companies from the goverment. My job is pretty simple since goverment employees are dumb as a rock. Perhaps they could not run a bulldozer, but I am pretty certain monkeys or chimps could be taught.

Assuming you make 40 an hour, you only work 5 hours of overtime a week... not 50-60 a week. Work harder...

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 11th 2015, 17:22:17

Originally posted by Heston:
Stfu cerberus. Nobody likes to scroll past your long winded bullfluff.

"Although, I have my doubts about that being a real option in the coming future of the US as I suspect that the current administration will not just "retire" at the end of his legal term. He LOVES his vacationing, and his golf, and having the ability to do whatever he wants whenever he wants to, and that's not going to be an easy thing for him to give up. Especially now that he's figured out that he can make big changes in the way the government does its job by fiat."

The only subjects you could possibly give a relevant opinion on are adult diapers, who the next grand dragon wizzard should be and 1930s infant cereals analogies.
nyah 😜😜,,!,,🐔🐳!

See, you've actually confirmed my statements. You're an imbecilic liberal punk who's had everything handed to him his whole life, and hasn't had to work too hard for it. All you liberals think that salvation comes in a government handout, not looking at the fact that the government does NOT produce it's own money to spend, rather it takes it from the people who are working hard to get ahead to hand it out to the folks who want to sit on the couch and watch Honey-Boo-Boo instead, go and grab a couple of 40's and hang on the corner with their homies.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

mrford Game profile


Jan 11th 2015, 17:56:07

if you bothered to read the thread you would see heston is not a liberal

Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Dissident Game profile


Jan 11th 2015, 18:37:02

sewer the numbskull thinks he can do what i do? hah. a monkey could do pull levers the way you do to dig a hole for you to take a fluff in. Try digging a hole 30 feet deep where people have to be able to enter and exit safely.

and don't tell me what hours im working... i work 10-12 hours every weekday and 8 hours every other saturday. dumbass.



Jan 11th 2015, 19:14:12

Your Math doesn't work... perhaps we should assign that part of your job to monkeys.



Jan 11th 2015, 19:16:05

So you either overstated your wage per hour or you work less... which one is it?



Jan 11th 2015, 19:21:09

2080×40 =83,200 yearly Reg Time

100,000 -83,200 = 16,800 OT wages

16,800 ÷(40 *1.5) = 280 hours

280 hours ÷52 = 5.38 hours OT a week

Dissident Game profile


Jan 11th 2015, 19:51:39

you forget that im in canada. that kind of work is harder when there's 4 feet of frost to dig through, so our hours get cut from december to middle of april for the spring thaw. So for the winter i get the same hourly, but fewer hours than during the regular digging season. In -40, diesel starts to gel... machines don't run right when you're out in that temperature. At that point we work just full time 8 hours a day, unless there is snow to remove with a loader or tractor backhoe... then i go do that at night... can pick up overtime that way. Or i can pick up overtime by doing water breaks or sewer breaks...

who am i kidding, you have no fking clue what im talking about because you're just trying to be a douchebag. do you get a lot of pleasure out of being a troll?

Dissident Game profile


Jan 11th 2015, 21:54:39

oh i get it now... you're just pissed that i make more money than you do when all i do is dig ditches... OOOOHHH KKKK



Jan 11th 2015, 22:03:00

Not by a long shot... I made more than $40 an hour my first job out of college.

I forgot we were dealing in funny Canadian money.

You are right - the machine need to be built more robust and sturdier if you need to get through the frost. Must be even harder to pull the lever.



Jan 11th 2015, 22:04:48

If you want to Americanise the math above, multiply by .85.

Edited By: ssewellusmc on Jan 12th 2015, 1:36:24
See Original Post

Dissident Game profile


Jan 11th 2015, 22:26:50

more robust for the frost? are you kidding me? Clearly you've never been close to an 800 series excavator or you'd know that it's plenty robust. when dealing with frost, you need special pointed teeth to scratch through it. even a machine that can lift 80,000 lbs has trouble in frost. the levers are all hydraulic or electric. it doesnt matter how hard you pull on them, they lift or pull just as much. you should have known that... since a monkey knows that.

Heston Game profile


Jan 11th 2015, 22:51:13

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Originally posted by Heston:
Stfu cerberus. Nobody likes to scroll past your long winded bullfluff.

"Although, I have my doubts about that being a real option in the coming future of the US as I suspect that the current administration will not just "retire" at the end of his legal term. He LOVES his vacationing, and his golf, and having the ability to do whatever he wants whenever he wants to, and that's not going to be an easy thing for him to give up. Especially now that he's figured out that he can make big changes in the way the government does its job by fiat."

The only subjects you could possibly give a relevant opinion on are adult diapers, who the next grand dragon wizzard should be and 1930s infant cereals analogies.
nyah 😜😜,,!,,🐔🐳!

See, you've actually confirmed my statements. You're an imbecilic liberal punk who's had everything handed to him his whole life, and hasn't had to work too hard for it. All you liberals think that salvation comes in a government handout, not looking at the fact that the government does NOT produce it's own money to spend, rather it takes it from the people who are working hard to get ahead to hand it out to the folks who want to sit on the couch and watch Honey-Boo-Boo instead, go and grab a couple of 40's and hang on the corner with their homies.

Have you cerberus, ever in your life, considered your ass to be the fluffhole for hundreds of trolls and not an info source ?

❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

archaic Game profile


Jan 11th 2015, 23:59:31

I like boobies, beer is good too, I might even read a book once in a while.

Endless troll-a-thons that even calli would have bailed on are not as enjoyable.

I think the best part of this thread 'trickled down' its mama's ass about 5 pages ago.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov



Jan 12th 2015, 1:35:40

Originally posted by Dissident:
more robust for the frost? are you kidding me? Clearly you've never been close to an 800 series excavator or you'd know that it's plenty robust. when dealing with frost, you need special pointed teeth to scratch through it. even a machine that can lift 80,000 lbs has trouble in frost. the levers are all hydraulic or electric. it doesnt matter how hard you pull on them, they lift or pull just as much. you should have known that... since a monkey knows that.

Leary you didn't pick up the sarcasm I laid down for you. I'll give you a banana if you behave the rest of the week monkey.

Dissident Game profile


Jan 12th 2015, 3:52:49

Sometimes it's hard to differentiate between sarcasm and stupidity. I just assumed your education system failed for you... since you really have no idea.



Jan 12th 2015, 4:06:21

Atryn Game profile


Jan 12th 2015, 4:23:33

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Obama has GOT to know that he has crushed the dreams of every child of color in this country to ever become president since he will in fact be the first and the last black president. There is no way in hell that the general population will ever try another experiment like this again.

Wait, are you being incredibly racist or just accusing the majority of U.S. voters of being racist? Whatever your opinion of Obama, he doesn't foretell the quality of character or capability of all future black people.

It must be sad in your world.

Dissident Game profile


Jan 12th 2015, 4:24:14

Another day at the office for me... 6.5 meters deep. 120 meters in.



Jan 12th 2015, 4:29:06

That's pretty impressive work for a five year old girl on an amusement ride.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 12th 2015, 4:32:12

Originally posted by Dissident:
Another day at the office for me... 6.5 meters deep. 120 meters in.

That's awesome Dissident, I would love to develop the skills to operate those toys 😁
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Dissident Game profile


Jan 12th 2015, 4:33:44

i really enjoy that kind of work. it's very fulfilling. and ya... the big toys are fun.

Yippie Game profile


Jan 12th 2015, 5:16:44


Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 12th 2015, 18:01:56

Originally posted by mrford:
if you bothered to read the thread you would see heston is not a liberal


Ford, your idiocy is showing.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Heston Game profile


Jan 12th 2015, 18:39:11

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Originally posted by mrford:
if you bothered to read the thread you would see heston is not a liberal


Ford, your idiocy is showing.

❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

mrford Game profile


Jan 12th 2015, 19:18:24

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Originally posted by mrford:
if you bothered to read the thread you would see heston is not a liberal


Ford, your idiocy is showing.

please, do elaborate. dumbass.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 12th 2015, 20:07:10

Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by Cerberus:
Originally posted by mrford:
if you bothered to read the thread you would see heston is not a liberal


Ford, your idiocy is showing.

I wonder what the reason for that was, did he sexually assaulted the nurses? LOL
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Heston Game profile


Jan 12th 2015, 21:04:14

Originally posted by Cerberus:

❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

mdevol Game profile


Jan 12th 2015, 21:51:06

I am going to Cabelas tomorrow to buy myself a gun as a late birthday present.

Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Heston Game profile


Jan 12th 2015, 22:00:16

Cabelas sucks. Do yourself a favor and dont shop there for firearms. If you encounter a defect and return it they send it to a gunsmith to be checked out instead of the manufacturer no matter the warranty. They refused to send it back to the manufacturer. They did return the firearm for a full refund though after a yelling match.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

mrford Game profile


Jan 12th 2015, 22:06:56

i always shop around before purchasing a firearm because it is like any other good, it will be on sale somewhere. my last pistol purchase was my XD-subcompact. places like cabelas, bass pro, gander mountian, and fluffs wanted $550-600, i got mine for $430 at a local gun shop that i had never been too.

if you dont care about money, then by all means buy it wherever you want, i just prefer to support local businesses and get better prices that arnt nationally set regardless or region or demand. sometimes finding a FFL online that over ordered a certain weapon will be your best friend. many deals can be had that way.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Taveren Game profile


Jan 12th 2015, 22:12:53

You cited a buzzfeed article. Response not warranted.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

mdevol Game profile


Jan 12th 2015, 23:11:24

Originally posted by Taveren:
You cited a buzzfeed article. Response not warranted.

That was part of the troll...
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Trife Game profile


Jan 13th 2015, 22:24:18

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Also, if you are only working 40% of your life, you are not working hard enough and probably play ee most of your work hours.

TIL that if you're not putting in 27 hours of overtime in each week, you're a lazy ass

are you japanese by chance, sewageusmc?



Jan 14th 2015, 1:35:47

Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Also, if you are only working 40% of your life, you are not working hard enough and probably play ee most of your work hours.

TIL that if you're not putting in 27 hours of overtime in each week, you're a lazy ass

are you japanese by chance, sewageusmc?

No I am the person paying yout welfare check.