
smlandau84 Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 20:01:25

I think you really just pissed off a lot of people in LaF
Happy gaming!!

Edited By: smlandau84 on Jan 25th 2014, 7:48:01
See Original Post

Cable Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 20:03:03




 

Jan 16th 2014, 22:15:24

lol let's get real. laf has always been a farmer of untaggeds. it's just noticeable the amount that our players have gotten suicided this set.

it's cool. we'll handle business.




 

Jan 22nd 2014, 13:56:47

Originally posted by Xelah: not reflect the views of DK as I am no longer with the group. I've left DK due to some internal problems compounded with what I feel was a poor handling of a FA issue...(not actually with DK... can't seem to change sig)

You still cause problems for your friends in DK. You've hurt relations that Bstrong has worked hard to build. You are selfish and no matter how much you want to separate yourself from DK you cannot because, like you said, you played in their tag all set growing and stocking. The last thing DK needs is to be viewed as a suciding clan, because if that happens no one will take them seriously.

You are a selfish player and have done harm to DK whether or not you want to own up to it.

Found the post about quilty by association, req I know your not a bad guy but your gonna eat your own words here.

Edited By: Cable on Jan 24th 2014, 20:49:04
See Original Post

daspheebsie Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 20:03:21

Bets on when this war starts?
Current SoLer
Retired LaF
One time at band camp Evo

Vic Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 20:03:57

what happened ?

Cable Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 20:08:41

wars already started so I bet it started when Black mumba started hitting... what do I win?

daspheebsie Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 20:10:47

uhm 1 bushel? I dunno. Didn't see a war dec so I can retract my statement now. :P
Current SoLer
Retired LaF
One time at band camp Evo

daspheebsie Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 20:11:19

Originally posted by Vic:
what happened ?

Neofed is poking at laf with massive grabs, chem runs, nuke runs etc
Current SoLer
Retired LaF
One time at band camp Evo

Atryn Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 20:12:40

grimjoww Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 20:15:50

*grabs popcorn*



Jan 24th 2014, 20:18:13

Holy batman overreaction for a triple tap?

Syko_Killa Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 20:18:34

Everyone else who is currently not happy with LaF antics is welcome to join us in battle!
Do as I say, not as I do.

XiQter MD Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 20:21:09

At first I was gonna say it was a dispute over landtrading but now I see the LaF offender hasnt even traded w said country. Looks like he decided it was smart to trippletap someone in the last three weeks... have fun killing fully stocked countries with the new rules! Dare I say #263 just ruined LaFs chances at a top 10

grimjoww Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 20:23:39

prices are up now which is good for me :D

Cable Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 20:26:48

Originally posted by Jelly:

Holy batman overreaction for a triple tap?

An over reaction to the fluffing Head FA attacking one of the servers best countries? Sadly I think not, as I quoted him on the topic of suiciders above, and if I could find the comment made by a Lafer. "That untagged is a player from DK and he just ruined relations between us by doing that... blah blah blah." Quilty by association was what they said about the guy who left DK for personal reason. Well I say LaF gets whats coming to them, whine on AT all they like then the head FA triple taps a country with less then two weeks left in set to ruin his set.


EE Patron

Jan 24th 2014, 20:26:58

Originally posted by Jelly:

Holy batman overreaction for a triple tap?
Not an overreaction imo. Thats just blatantly pissing in Neofeds face. That was 21000 acres lost from one of their biggest players.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Vic Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 20:30:33

ah i see.
candyman triple tapped neo and then neo responded by mass grabbing and missiling laf, and a war dec will likely follow.
got it

Edited By: Vic on Jan 24th 2014, 20:38:21

dannydk Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 20:32:20

Hmmm...Looks like he'll still win it though

Vic Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 20:38:46

who is that?

bstrong86 Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 20:39:24

Umm, how did DK's name get brought into this :/
The Death Knights


Syko_Killa Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 20:39:31

Vic not too mention that our best players had tens of millions in tech stolen and hundred of millions in bushels and billions in cash stolen as well.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Cable Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 20:50:42

Originally posted by bstrong86:
Umm, how did DK's name get brought into this :/

DK has nothing to do with this, I just want too make it very clear to LAF after a week of ignoring AT because of all the suiciders post this is what happens.



Jan 24th 2014, 21:10:09

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Jelly:

Holy batman overreaction for a triple tap?

An over reaction to the fluffing Head FA attacking one of the servers best countries? Sadly I think not, as I quoted him on the topic of suiciders above, and if I could find the comment made by a Lafer. "That untagged is a player from DK and he just ruined relations between us by doing that... blah blah blah." Quilty by association was what they said about the guy who left DK for personal reason. Well I say LaF gets whats coming to them, whine on AT all they like then the head FA triple taps a country with less then two weeks left in set to ruin his set.

Best as in potential to finish #1, sure. But not legit anyways, so no, it is not the best country.

LaF and NeoFed's relations is between themselves, all we can speculate as spectators is whether they had a pact or not. Even if they had a pact, the retaliation for a triple tap is, an unjustifiable overreaction.

Vic Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 21:16:51

lol come on seth! :p

2014-01-24 19:35:10 SS BLACK MUMBA MUTHATRUCKA (#335) NeoFed Mr Vomit Green (#330) LaF DH
2014-01-24 19:35:03 SS BLACK MUMBA MUTHATRUCKA (#335) NeoFed Mr Vomit Green (#330) LaF DH
2014-01-24 19:33:44 SS BLACK MUMBA MUTHATRUCKA (#335) NeoFed looking forward to NZ (#282) LaF DH
2014-01-24 19:33:37 SS BLACK MUMBA MUTHATRUCKA (#335) NeoFed looking forward to NZ (#282) LaF DH
2014-01-24 19:32:41 SS BLACK MUMBA MUTHATRUCKA (#335) NeoFed Get Fat and Win (#339) LaF DH
2013-12-18 01:50:14 PS BLACK MUMBA MUTHATRUCKA (#335) NeoFed hAtercville (#516) DH
2013-12-22 16:36:11 PS BLACK MUMBA MUTHATRUCKA (#335) NeoFed Reindeer Poop (#500) Paradigm DH
2014-01-24 19:41:46 SS BLACK MUMBA MUTHATRUCKA (#335) NeoFed Path of Terra (#212) LaF DH
2014-01-24 19:41:38 SS BLACK MUMBA MUTHATRUCKA (#335) NeoFed Path of Terra (#212) LaF DH
2014-01-24 19:43:26 SS BLACK MUMBA MUTHATRUCKA (#335) NeoFed Ron Burgandy is Mr Aftersexglow (#296) LaF DH
2014-01-24 19:45:16 SS BLACK MUMBA MUTHATRUCKA (#335) NeoFed Mr Caput Mortuum (#395) LaF DH

braden Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 21:19:38

thats why he was never rd war mvp, heh

Vic Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 21:20:21

also ... what happened to all the land? eestats says still at 68k acres? were you dropping as you went?

ericownsyou5 Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 21:23:17

Seth would've won and candy must've known it. Congrats Vic. :p

Vic Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 21:24:33

lol why congrats to me?

Cable Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 21:29:24

I think hes implying your gonna win Vic although theres a few good countries still left.

As for this "being legit" LaF aided Candy to his win 2 sets ago so stop calling the kettle black silly pots.

Braden is and always will be the MVP on 1A

smlandau84 Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 21:32:02

On my phone at work, no ops slow connection

Vic Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 21:37:39

no no no i have absolutely no chance to even make t5.

Cable Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 21:40:23

T10 just got junk punched and im guess the 10th player hits 185 million NW

CandyMan Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 21:47:19

LaF and Neofed are unap'ed. Neofed's acts of war would be considered a breach of pact. Will the president of Neofed get in touch with Eugene please?

Vic Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 21:48:30

you imply that the pact was not already 'breached' on both ends, which it was ... no?

CandyMan Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 21:51:01

Nope, three landgrabs do not constitute breach of pact. Reps and such could have been negotiated. The response by Neofed would be a breach of pact considering the response from multiple members who had no association with the initial grabs.

Edited By: CandyMan on Jan 24th 2014, 21:53:13
See Original Post

smlandau84 Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 22:02:46

Candyman you're a joke. You try you ruin 1 finish in neo and will lose 10+ top 25 finished in laf as a result. Do LaF a favor and stay off the boards

Atryn Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 22:06:38

LOL CandyMan...

So it was or wasn't you making those "three landgrabs" (triple tap)? I think an FA loses his/her credibility to negotiate reps if/when they are defending their own bad actions.

boneSAW Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 23:20:22

reps will never be an issue when you try screw us over candyman. What happen after the triple tap you asked for!!

Cable Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 23:21:06

Originally posted by CandyMan:
Nope, three landgrabs do not constitute breach of pact. Reps and such could have been negotiated. The response by Neofed would be a breach of pact considering the response from multiple members who had no association with the initial grabs.

We all know there would be no reps paid by LaF for your actions but play the victim card some more asshole. Own up for acting like a child as Req says, you make a FS on Neo with two weeks left. We brought the pain to everyone becuase of YOUR act of war Candyman.

Erian Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 23:34:31

Argh... this is unfortunate... Looks like war is unavoidable now tho :/

dannydk Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 23:35:49

Should go to war with 10 days left with 100mil NW countries pounding it out!

dannydk Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 23:39:01

Originally posted by Erian:
Argh... this is unfortunate... Looks like war is unavoidable now tho :/

Thats not so bad for Laf it seems
Most of their t10's were already suicided

Neo gave up a #1 country probably, not sure how many other t10s tho

euglaf Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 23:39:36

As far as I'm concerned neo has broken a unap with laf.

After seeing the initial hits on titanium I was fluffing about having to pay reps to neo. However, with all the suiciding, and the subsequent conversation that our FR had with neo's FR, its clear to me that neo is deciding to go to war.

This is disappointing to me because there could have easily been a diplomatic solution, but we have two idiots, one from laf and one from neo, decide to put things into their own hands and go full retard.

LaF folks, please stay off this thread.

AzNiZe Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 23:56:15

Hey look at that neo country. He's going for number 1. Let's have laf's head fr fluff his set up and then send him some rep afterward. I'm sure those Neo tree hugger won't do anything.


Cable Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 0:13:23

No offense Euglaf but we all know LaF wouldn't have met the Reps in the unaped agreement.

Had it not been your Head of FR perhaps words would have been exchanged. A lot of innocent LaFers got hit for YOUR leaderships responsibility leave it up to them to make up their minds on the situation. Fact of the matter you cant replace 21k acres losses plus stock at whatever neos retal policy is.

Nekked Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 0:24:36

Yeah! Finally war, fuels all missiles, release spies from barracks, chases hookers from those barracks

ericownsyou5 Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 0:40:55

Easy diplomatic solution?? Candy directly ruined the top country in the game. He is your FA. I'm not sure what I'm missing. How does one conduct Foreign Affairs with a head FA who does that?

euglaf Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 1:08:06

if you all really think laf can't pay reps then you're all idiots. also, the fact that you all act without even having an FR discussion shows what type of people you really are. you all can speculate and claim that laf wouldn't have paid. unless you actually ask us you will never know. laf actually has a strong history of paying the reps they agree to.

as far as im concerned, there were idiots on both sides of this and i dont think candy was the biggest one.

locket Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 1:11:07

Candy you are such a fluffing child.

And Eugene I dont know how you can claim anything about political solutions when the #2 in Laf who does most of the political work is the one doing the suiciding.

smlandau84 Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 1:13:02

Hey Eug is that you I PSed earlier?

Expect another one 20 hrs from that attack. Jump some more so I can destroy more of your country ;)

anoniem Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 1:20:44

laf suck fluff