
Nekked Game profile


Jul 28th 2012, 19:05:39

It all most end of the set, so who won all these wars? Which side has the most orginal countries as to who won. For killing restarts isn't winning.

anoniem Game profile


Jul 28th 2012, 19:22:12

tie > rival? (i havent checked it in ages though)
laf,sof,rd,mgp > evo,sol,pdm,rage,md
imag > sanct
imag > na
imag > mgp

i don't know of any other wars.

Boltar Game profile


Jul 28th 2012, 20:27:10

It's a dead even sissy slap 3way between LCN monsters and omega for pacting out

crag Game profile


Jul 28th 2012, 22:45:02

tie killed off all rival originals 3 or 4 weeks ago. tie still has 2 originals left, but they will probaly die soon due to rivals 'recruitment'

but even if they pass us in nw and get our last 2 originals i still think its a war win for tie
TIE President

Sifos Game profile


Jul 28th 2012, 23:14:11

Or atleast a tie?
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

Syko_Killa Game profile


Jul 28th 2012, 23:32:25

sissy netters
Do as I say, not as I do.

iScode Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 0:39:44

definitely a war win for tie, no way can anyone take that away from them
God of War


Flamey Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 1:11:27

Except for soon to be almost every single stat:

iScode Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 1:21:08

yeah but they needed how many more members to do it, after taking the FS...

I could hit rival now and then tie would smash them, we have no pact so who says we wont?
God of War


iScode Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 1:23:21

God of War


crag Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 1:35:58

every stat except hpk, hpc, i discount hpm since they added 20 members, tie still has more kills. i add 2 kills to tie due to 2 self deletes once they were parking lots as well. tie has 500 more hits after being out numbered 43 to 33 for the last 4 weeks.

what is rival leading in flamey? restart rate and deaths so far.
TIE President

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Jul 29th 2012, 1:40:00

yeah, victory for TIE here. ofc the war eventually turned around after RIVAL added "members" but TIE won it while it still counted and stayed strong throughout.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Vulk Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 2:01:02

@Pontius - Glad the community agrees with me xD

^TIE member

Flamey Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 2:09:41

All I can say is that Rival FSed TIE, because TIE refused to pact them, and was going to FS them anyway.

TIE had a small number advantage that was equalised after the FS, but TIE actually grew from the higher 20's to the 30's (As even now they have a 1.07 restart rate). Rival on the other hand declined to under 20 and TIE turned the tide.

Rival responded with their own recruitment effort that far surpassed TIE's number increase and eventually turned the war on its head, using good strategy and superior activity and incredible resilience. However, I can vouch that every player Rival recruited was either a new player, an untag, or a vet they convinced to play, whilst I know for a fact TIE lured one SoF member away.

There was a verbal agreement at the beginning of the war that both sides would receive no help from other alliances and I can confirm Rival has received no FA, or members, despite offers from various allies. On the other hand, I know TIE took at least one SoF player and have received other (more controversial) support from allies, which I've promised to withhold.

I personally believe that non-friendly/unarranged wars have no rules (except for the game rules) and there are no bars held and found it credible that Rival could double their strength not only setting their way for a war win, but strengthening themselves for future sets. Now that you have declared war on them, obviously they will not win the war, but again that’s how the cards fall. Some people may perceive it as unfair, but I believe politics is part of the game.

Red X Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express & Team

Jul 29th 2012, 2:16:34

spin flamey spin
dance dance dance

I droped the Rival pact because last set we got downgraded to a Land Trade Pact only

why should i pact them because it fits there needs...TIE pacts who we want when we want. Thats your normal logic, ok they wont pact us they will FS us.

and that SoF member, is a old vet of TIE that wanted to return home, and he only returned home after Rival recruted all there old Vets. I guess its only allowed when its on your side as TIE is not on any side!
My attitude is that of a Hulk smash
Mixed with Tony Montana snortin' bags of his coke stash

Flamey Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 2:17:49

Originally posted by crag:
every stat except hpk, hpc, i discount hpm since they added 20 members, tie still has more kills. i add 2 kills to tie due to 2 self deletes once they were parking lots as well. tie has 500 more hits after being out numbered 43 to 33 for the last 4 weeks.

what is rival leading in flamey? restart rate and deaths so far.

I would class TNW as the all important factor and ANW, Hits, Kills, Restart Rate, HPM, HPC all to a lesser degree and I did state 'soon to be' extrapolating what the stats would be like in a few days/week; but none of it is important now; there is only one winner of a Rival vs TIE/iMaG war.

Wars are also fought to the very end, not midset. The restart changes and code made it possible for Rival to turn it around; but you have to adapt like SoF/LaF have done. We've been fighting at a member disadvantage for most of the last few weeks, but we've been able to keep our nw growing and SPERM flatlining.

postman Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 2:22:16

hmm I am no leader but I think the sof (if he was in sof?) may be a TIE player who was booted and worked out the issues and was welcomed back.and if I am correct he also waited to die before coming HOME to TIE.

Again I say I have had a blast warring rival this set!!

Red X Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express & Team

Jul 29th 2012, 2:23:02

its easyer to do that when its 2 alliances vs 5 or whatever it is flamey you and I both know that so that member advatage they have is out the window.

and TNW you sould like your Arrow or something, sheer numbers can get you that.
My attitude is that of a Hulk smash
Mixed with Tony Montana snortin' bags of his coke stash

Flamey Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 2:26:07

Originally posted by Red X:
spin flamey spin
dance dance dance

I droped the Rival pact because last set we got downgraded to a Land Trade Pact only

why should i pact them because it fits there needs...TIE pacts who we want when we want. Thats your normal logic, ok they wont pact us they will FS us.

and that SoF member, is a old vet of TIE that wanted to return home, and he only returned home after Rival recruted all there old Vets. I guess its only allowed when its on your side as TIE is not on any side!

At the start of the set you told me you dropped them over that, even though we were scepticle over the reason. You also said you were not going to fight Rival, but in Rival's wardec someone admitted that you were going after them regardless.

Regarding the TIE vet, I'm just stating that was contary to the verbal agrement (allegedly) and that Rival got none of their players from other alliances; but my views on the rules of wars (in a non arranged have been made clear). Although, on the other hand ,we in SoF did find it disrespectful that the member never even bothered to tell us he was leaving or TIE never even established contact when taking a member away from our war effort.

Red X Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express & Team

Jul 29th 2012, 2:30:23

When was it my job to tell you when we were accepting a new member? If we were DPed i would have but the fact is we arent.

=note to self=

check with flamey before accepting new members.
My attitude is that of a Hulk smash
Mixed with Tony Montana snortin' bags of his coke stash

Flamey Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 2:30:49


.I can confirm that player was not booted from SoF.
.War has always been determined by NW (individual alliance performance in a coalition war is better highlighted with the other stats).
.Keeping an enemy down is not so much about how many alliances are on side as LaF showed when they perfected the tactic against MD a few sets ago.

Flamey Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 2:34:28

Originally posted by Red X:
When was it my job to tell you when we were accepting a new member? If we were DPed i would have but the fact is we arent.

=note to self=

check with flamey before accepting new members.

You don't have to tell us, but I find it hard to believe nobody knew, when he was recruited on AT by SoF (SMz), had made posts on AT about the war (and about your war), and tagged up TIE with 3k land + NW.

Red X Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express & Team

Jul 29th 2012, 2:35:19

I don't care if the member was booted from SoF or not, and to add to that. I don't care about what you write as I feel and most of the server feels TIE won the war with Rival. TNW pfft you can do that with 100 restarts so sit and spin old buddie.

on a side note if you want to chat non game related im on IRC old buddie.
My attitude is that of a Hulk smash
Mixed with Tony Montana snortin' bags of his coke stash

crag Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 2:35:58


as for rival not getting any fa i have my doubts as i also have seen logs that suggest otherwise.

the sof player we 'took' was always a tie member as most of the server knows. he just got a bit jumpy and joined sof for a while.

rivals superior activity is debatable as they have out numbered tie for many weeks now and still have less hits.

i dont think tie was ever behind in the war and we had 1 extra member at the time of the FS. so hardly an overwhelming majority in numbers for us. that needed to be balanced out. 1.07 restart rate put us at what 28 or 29 members? once again hardly a recruiting spree that needed a over compensating response from rival. if the set was 1 week shorter there would be no doubt tie won.
TIE President

Flamey Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 2:45:56

Everyone interpretates wars in different ways and usually to support the side they support or favour best. I have no idea how most of the server (publically and privately) view the result, but it is no surprise that I favour the side I have a very direct attachment to and read war victories the way I have since my first reset in IX, and my belief that things are not over until the fat lady sings.

Yet, I do find it intreging how my short 2-line post, led to imag prematurely declaring on Rival (they were going to do it anyway) and started such a fiery debate. I knew I should have went to bed after writing it, but alas its 4am now.

P.S. We do need to catch up; just when its not 4am haha.

P.S.S. If Rival tag up 100 restarts then they have one hell of a recruitment team or they've recruited a very active Romanian.

archaic Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 2:48:25

Flamey, you're drawing flies. Agreement not to receive FA or aid?? where do you come up with this stuff? TIE>>>Rival and all of the late set sof and Laf tag jumpers that Rival picked up. When did you become the official Rival cheerleader? It was a great war, the only one of the set - quit trying to taint it with your poop-spin.

Great job TIE.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Sov Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 2:52:36

SoF and LAF did not send any tagjumpers or FA to Rival. If you want to make such accusations I challenge you to present evidence. Evidence of tag jumpers can be done by restart bonuses.

iScode has full members access to SoF site and can verify that SoF did not send any tagjumpers nor did it send any FA at all to Rival.

You can grasp at straws and blame SoF all you like.

iScode Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 2:57:29

yep i can definitely confirm sof or laf has not sent any members to rival.

God of War


Flamey Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 2:59:56

PDM spent too much time with EVO. Signing a uNaP with us then flinging insults and accusations at us. :(

Red X Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express & Team

Jul 29th 2012, 3:04:46

i dont get on MSN anymore so only IRC =/

Lord_X , Red_X are teh 2 ones i reg that i use
My attitude is that of a Hulk smash
Mixed with Tony Montana snortin' bags of his coke stash

archaic Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 3:23:27

So a tagkilled alliance that has never exceeded 36 members just recruited over a dozen brand new members and taught them how to war well enough to pull Rival back into the race huh? Wow. Great job Rival, bringing that many new members to the game in one set easily tips my opinion of your performance to a victory.

Great job Rival.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Sov Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 3:34:43

I believe most of their recruits came from Mars2025 and old vets.

There are members from a few neutral alliances who have full members access to SoF forums as guests, SoF has conducted itself with transparency for the entire set.

crag Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 4:27:24

i have never said the players came from sof or laf. im pretty sure they were from mars as ive said many times.

as for taught them how to war. dont take much skill to hit at 1k. rival has had a large numbers advantage for maybe weeks now and is just now overtaking tie. not elite war recruits.
TIE President

PG Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 5:34:04

Dammit hate AT banned, so I’ll have to wait with the comments.

/goes back to eating popcorn

ohh btw just 1 comment from FFAT:
Originally posted by Donny:
What constitutes a war victory?

Originally posted by Red X:
ave nw in my eyes
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

Duna Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 5:59:49

How is killing small inactive countries with less than 1M nw makes TIE win?:)

/me joins PG with popcorn

Zahc Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 7:36:42

If you never signed a cf, killed all enemy originals, and are winning more than half the call it a win.
llort orp s`fos

Pride Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 7:40:46

Originally posted by Duna:
How is killing small inactive countries with less than 1M nw makes TIE win?:)

/me joins PG with popcorn

Lol clueless.



Jul 29th 2012, 8:28:08

This war has been fun... we should do it again in a few sets :)

/me joins PG and Duna with popcorn

davidoss Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 9:30:35

Originally posted by archaic:
So a tagkilled alliance that has never exceeded 36 members just recruited over a dozen brand new members and taught them how to war well enough to pull Rival back into the race huh? Wow. Great job Rival, bringing that many new members to the game in one set easily tips my opinion of your performance to a victory.

Great job Rival.

I'm not entirely sure if there was sarcasm in what you said. But I can definitely confirm that LaF has not sent any FA or had any tag jumpers to RIVAL. I'd invite anyone to present evidence to the contrary. RIVAL's membership increase during this war is directly related to their intense recruitment efforts and I think they should be applauded for this. Bringing both new/old members to EE can only be good for the game.

Great war all-around between TIE and RIVAL. Good job you both! :)

anoniem Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 10:08:40

Actually, you often signed uNaps with Evo only for Ivan to rant on AT about evo farming the untagged suiciders (with 1k jets) who were grabbing your countries sitting at 7-10k land with 0 defence.

the only thing i've accused sof of doing is bullying pdm and crying about evo "over-recruiting", yet i see that Rival are being applauded for fsing tie and then "recruiting" more players.

just more proof that this game isn't worth playing. still too many people trying to quantify their existence through a text-based game.

locket Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 10:34:23

Not entering this fluff storm beyond this but there is a difference between recruiting in a fair arranged war and in a war that was obviously not meant to be super friendly. I'm also not commenting on the arranged war in question :P

Oh and wow. Glanced at those stats and thought there was no way Rival would pull it out despite member advantage but they did. Crazy.

Ivan Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 10:51:35

Actually we signed 1 unap who lasted for 4 sets after the ECM war when I ranted about evo running untagged suiciders to get land to their countries so no we didnt sign a number of unaps as usual yer clueless about actual facts anoniem and I wasnt about to break our pacts with you because of the above facts altho in hindsight i should have and just farmed you to the ground.

And there is a huge difference in recruiting in a friendly war and into a hostile war anwyay glad that you posted more proof of how clueless you are and how honorless you are as a leader

Archaic has clearly spent too much time with Dagga, its just sad that he does it as a representative as an FA of PDM

Regarding my thoughts on the TIE/Rival war personally I think both sides made a GREAT war, tie took the fs and was winning initially rival never gave up and brought players back and managed to turn the war around and walk away with the victory imo both clans should be very proud with their performance

Ivan Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 10:54:47

Posts: 2,294
Quote Post
Jul 29th 2012, 3:23:27
So a tagkilled alliance that has never exceeded 36 members just recruited over a dozen brand new members and taught them how to war well enough to pull Rival back into the race huh? Wow. Great job Rival, bringing that many new members to the game in one set easily tips my opinion of your performance to a victory.

Great job Rival."

Also Archaic, other then ICN Rival actually managed to succeed 36 members and used to have up above 150 members so I dont see why they wouldnt be able to bring old vets back just like every other tag has done

Elihaar Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 10:58:18

Originally posted by archaic:
So a tagkilled alliance that has never exceeded 36 members just recruited over a dozen brand new members and taught them how to war well enough to pull Rival back into the race huh? Wow. Great job Rival, bringing that many new members to the game in one set easily tips my opinion of your performance to a victory.
Great job Rival.

Rival leadership knows the secret of Planet Portal System that was made in early earth2025 time. They just used it to summon some alliens from other planets with old earth2025 players and their heirs. :)
Words that rhyme with rival are:


anoniem Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 11:49:17

hindsight: not worth my time.

Edited By: anoniem on Jul 29th 2012, 12:28:55
See Original Post

TNTroXxor Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 12:28:36

Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

pele Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 12:31:33

unfortunaly many tie:ers took vaccation when rival was tagkilled :/

but no matter what.. its been a fun war, atleast thats what i think.

Flamey Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 13:01:46

It wasn't an isolated incident.

The two-stepping wasn't just on low defense high land countries, it was on people who mass farmed our alliance oop, before anyone can get adequete defence (without the whole alliance going Commie Indy turrets), and people who ABed us early. We introduced our clause so (LaF/Evo) didnt camp people who suicided on us and it allowed us to retal the retallers ourselves, thus deterring suiciders. This was an annoyance, but the thing we had a real problem with was the fact one of the suiciders had been in a friendly alliance many sets ago and he left his api code updating his status insite so we knew who he was. They were able to track that player and it showed that he was freely interchanging between playing in Evo and suiciding on SoF. Then we have the fact that a Evo head was suiciding on RD, throught a pact and the mysterious ABs on LaF at the start of this set. It a recurring pattern, just like when you decide to flame us everytime we sign a unap or committed to warring us.

I have also made my thoughts clear about the difference between an arranged war and a real war. If alliance's don't make an arranged fair or enjoyable (or seek to undermine them), you might as well gangbang a bunch of netters and get the same satisfaction. In a real war, you fight to win and for the enjoyment of your members at heart.

The most interesting thing in these two threads is the total political posturing in the two threads:

Evo: "Actually, you often signed uNaps with Evo only for Ivan to rant on AT about evo farming the untagged suiciders (with 1k jets) who were grabbing your countries sitting at 7-10k land with 0 defence."

Translation: We'll fashion the debate around making it look like SoF disagrees with iMaG's ideology; please be our friend imag.

PDM: 'Rival used SoF/LaF members. Flamey is a Rival cheerleader, becase he presented an argument and actually had to nerve to argue his viewpoint.'

Translation: We don't like SoF, but we want to net next reset. We don't like Rival, because they are allied to SoF. Be our friends TIE, because we want more people to hate SoF.

MD: "Rival are dirty"

Translation: Well things are not going the way we wanted it to, so we'll resort to calling everyone we dislike dirty or allies of dirtyness. We do not like Rival because they stood up to SoL's bullying last reset, just like RD stood up to us. Sooo, lets call the close allies of the alliances' we are trying to make peace with (after dumping and FSing them for our own agenda) 'dirty'.

Ivan Game profile


Jul 29th 2012, 13:11:28

Funny thing tho anoniem, as soon as we started using the 2 stepping clause with EVO the suiciding stopped happening! wierd!

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 29th 2012, 13:25:59

/me dips into the popcorn

who cares who won, warring did :)
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"
