
Klown Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 22:17:04

I posted this in another thread but I feel it needs its own thread because I think its the biggest thing wrong with the game.

Attack again is a big reason why this game is dying and to salvage it the 'attack again' button needs to be removed. It is impossible to overcome a member disadvantage in a war because stonewalling is no longer possible unless you either get really lucky or have no life and stare at the news 24/7. It used to be great stonewalling could overcome a member disadvantage. Now that stonewalling is obsolete, adding a crappy alliance like RD swings a war. Its literally a matter of who can get the most countries on their side and nothing more. That may be fun for the 'leaders' that work behind the scenes to politic alliances to their side, but it sucks for regular members like myself that don't have any say in that bullfluff. Stonewalling used to be one of the few aspects of the game that required skill and could set alliances apart from one another. Now the game is reduced to mindless clicking.

Please remove the 'attack again' button to at least add SOME aspect of strategy and skill back to the game and make things enjoyable for regular members again.

braden Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 22:18:47


(minus the rd being crappy, name calling is childis.. nevermind :P)



Jun 20th 2012, 22:21:53

I wouldn't say so much it's hte attack again button as the number of hits required to kill.

instead of 70 chems, or 180 BR's could be 200 Chems and 500 BR's

Would stretch out wars, you'ed keep your country longer, war strategies would change, and little alliances would have an oportunity a bit more since death count won'tbe the end all be all.

just a thought :)

Klown Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 22:23:21

I don't know if that's a good idea given the current number of players in the game. It'd make it difficult for smaller alliances to get enough people online to get a kill.

Boltar Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 22:23:34

if u look back about 4 months or so.. they tried that no attack again feature or put a lag on it.. and the out cry from ffa people was substantial.. they removed the lag

Klown Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 22:24:38

FFA players are not real people.

Jiman Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 22:25:03

I think the delay on attacks was a great idea but very badly implemented. Its hard to do on a browser game sure, but its a good idea either way.

Increasing the number of hits it takes to kill a country have thought through. 180 BR's also means turns for readiness and rebuilding. 500 BR's for a single country could end up meaning that countries would never ever die due to how faster a country could rebuild vs the amount of attacks.

Jiman Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 22:26:01

Originally posted by Boltar:
if u look back about 4 months or so.. they tried that no attack again feature or put a lag on it.. and the out cry from ffa people was substantial.. they removed the lag

The issue is that it was RANDOMLY thrown into the game without any real testing, and imo as i said, poorly implemented.

Boltar Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 22:40:42

i like it how it is.. just make a delay thats useable.. if u click to fast.. ur lag ur screen.. especially with restart changes ur back in the fight in no time.. if it was old school where u got no restart bonus's.. then no.. take it away

MilitantOrgy Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 22:43:29

make each click of it take 3 seconds to submit. simple

Boltar Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 22:46:26

210 hits / 30 countries = 70 attacks *3 seconds 210 seconds... 3 and half minutes to try and get on to stonewall?

oats Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 22:50:10

I'm behind a suggestion like Silver made.

Mostly because I recall wars being much more fun before killing a country was 95% of the objective.

If killing a country took 2 or 3x as many turns it would require some strategizing - BRs or ABs? Missile heavy? What spy ops to do. Wars like that, where alliances wear one another down over time, are much more fun and inclusive of those who can't wall within 30s to 1m.



Jun 20th 2012, 22:57:02

Actually i like klown's idea to remove it altogether as not having it brings some interesting aspects to the strategy of the game, i mean right now, you just have to press the enter button multiple times to hit faster which takes the fun out of the game (at least for me it does) they could just take it out for the alliance server :)

Adding 200 CM and 500 Br i think is a bad idea since it would take a hell lot of members to kill a country just imagine a clan that has 25+ members and has warred half a set versus a clan that has almost the same amount but had the time to stock half a set it would be slaughter :)

Cougar Game profile


Jun 20th 2012, 22:59:56

Like i said the other day.

Before there was the attack again button, there was backspace-space.

Accomplished exactly the same thing just as quickly as the attack again button.

If you want to hate anything, hate broadband internet.



Jun 20th 2012, 23:05:58

Well cougar backspace-space takes a bit longer then hitting enter every .3 seconds or something like that... remember that in the swirve days we used to have lag when massive wars happened and things didn't go that fast if you didn't have enough members where as right now if you have 4 countries with turns you can kill 1 easy ... takes the strategy out of the game all together

Pain Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 1:56:01

id be fine with removing the button as i can hit faster without it.
Your mother is a nice woman

RavenBF Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 2:13:29

I always thought it kinda sucked if u couldnt live, breath, eat, earth 24/7 then u had no chance of surviving a war because if u were going to get on to stonewall it would have to be fast.....
adj: Describing someone as British and homo-sexual.
mint minte mintt gay british person kj
by Master ZEN Aug 28, 2012

Boltar Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 2:14:32

nah its not that bad raven.. u just shouldnt have to care as much about a text based country ;)

lostmonk Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 2:25:21

I think a delay would be a great idea. If ffa didnt like it, dont change it there.



Jun 21st 2012, 2:49:09

Wars don't have to be about killing... At one point in time killing was impossible... Then became very difficult, then became easy... And since then it's been just as easy just people are even more efficient.

I'd say wars were a lot more fun when individual countries could make a difference.

It would add a lot more strategy to fighting than just running through killing :)

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 3:22:12

Originally posted by Mr.Silver:
Wars don't have to be about killing... At one point in time killing was impossible... Then became very difficult, then became easy... And since then it's been just as easy just people are even more efficient.

I'd say wars were a lot more fun when individual countries could make a difference.

It would add a lot more strategy to fighting than just running through killing :)

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 21st 2012, 3:28:34

Also remember, turns were every 40 minutes...not every 20.

and we only had 75(37)

and we played on DIALUP!

And we ran war chats on ICQ where the room kept splitting in 2!

I agree, the faster turns, faster speeds of the inet have thrown everything out of whack

Z is #1

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 3:35:48

The attack again button is no faster than the good ole f5 enter. Its just more convient (and with the new js attack page f5 enter doesnt work).

The speed of attacks comes more from not having to worry about losses. Put a higher % of mil killed on the attackers side, and increase the effect of medical tech and this will change.

Soviet Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 3:37:29

Originally posted by Servant:
Also remember, turns were every 40 minutes...not every 20.

and we only had 75(37)

and we played on DIALUP!

And we ran war chats on ICQ where the room kept splitting in 2!

I agree, the faster turns, faster speeds of the inet have thrown everything out of whack

A 'midsized' alliance isn't 100 members, either.
Imaginary Numbers

dagga Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 3:42:19

The attack again feature is so easy to fix yet nothing has been done about it. The admins basically admitted it was an issue when a hasty, poorly implemented slow down was canned inside of 24 hours.

Every attack has a millisecond stamped time on the server end - disallow any attack that is made within .5 second of another.. 10 attacks per 5 seconds is fair and it allows people to mash the button but only every 4th press gets through
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

Magellan Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 4:21:35

Originally posted by Mr.Silver:
Wars don't have to be about killing... At one point in time killing was impossible... Then became very difficult, then became easy... And since then it's been just as easy just people are even more efficient.

I'd say wars were a lot more fun when individual countries could make a difference.

It would add a lot more strategy to fighting than just running through killing :)

Agreed. I liked earth when I first started where you couldn't even kill nations.

This whole just get a bunch of people on and which ever side has the mots people wins kindof blows. Kill runs in 40 seconds? Stinks.



Jun 21st 2012, 4:22:40

or maybe put DR back in to GS/BR/AB
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Cougar Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 4:41:42

If we could go back to GS stealing bushels instead of destroying them, that would be fantastic.

Marco Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 6:05:01

I have a life. I've walled a majority of the runs against me.

Suck less?

Or buy a smart phone, set up mobile irc with highlights. Or have one of your all I ance mates design a lesseesditty warbot

Karim Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 6:17:36

Imho, the only problem is getting killed in less than a minute: if you are not at the pc you have no chance to log on and wall.

At least that's how i see it :)
-[Panzer Division MD]-

Junky Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 6:54:53

my feeling is... yes the lower members will beable to get on... but it'll seriously effect their own kill runs.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Mr Charcoal Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 7:31:51

I agree.with karim, just slow the attacks down a tad. The attack again Hutton is fine so that you don't have to input, but give the defender a few minutes to get online. Makes wars a little more competitive.
Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

TNTroXxor Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 11:01:36

i guess you dont have much of a life anyway Klown? Cause you're just slow ?

Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

Deerhunter Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 12:14:00

No TNT its because he, unlike you, has a smoking hot girlfriend. Maybe you have seen the vid of her boobs during SOLs war DEC? If you could be playing with those all the time would you be here?
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

Chand Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 13:20:19

Attack again does indeed take out the fun in attacking..
-Rival HC-

Son Goku Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 14:59:56

It's harder to wall when you start wars on Day 8.

I had no trouble walling all last reset, when your break is higher than 400k troops you get more time to get online.

The issue here is 50% early wars, 50% broadband internet. The only thing that slowed me down from spam attacking back in the day was dial up.

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jun 21st 2012, 15:06:15

we could go back to the pre 1998 ruleset where it wasn't possible (or almost impossible) to kill countries using gs and br.. I don't know how people feel about that.
and yeah high speed internet makes everything so much faster lol
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


UltraMarines Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 16:24:39

The only way to kill a country back then was to destroy all of its land right?

Starting on Day 8 does add some complications!

133tz Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 16:36:07

Easiest way to protect yourself against the attack again button: Max your medical and weapons techs and then you can sit there for twice as long :P
I am an EE noob.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jun 21st 2012, 20:47:33

The reason attack again was implemented is because some people were doing backspace enter or backspace click; or submit-to-tab with ctrl-click; and that reloaded the whole webpage every time; this saves a ton of bandwidth and levels the playing field in terms of attack speed

A delay was implemented at first, but everybody screamed bloody murder about it; we could probably go to 1s attacks, but honestly I think the better way would be slightly altered mechanics discouraging the attack-again spamming in the first place.
Finally did the signature thing.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Jun 21st 2012, 20:48:06

(for example, double readiness lost, and double readiness regained; in theory the same number of attacks per day, but you have to spend more turns in between to prevent from going insanely into the red?)
Finally did the signature thing.

driv Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 21:15:27

agrees . get it removed