
iScode Game profile


May 27th 2012, 5:30:07

Originally posted by Mr. Iris:
Most of the posts on these forums from alliance members and leaders alike are highly inaccurate, uneducated and quite frankly retarded. Your own alliance's posters included.

That is what these forums are for.

I disagree, the leadership posts are accurate from that alliances point of view, the trolls posts are not.

i do agree that my members make retarded posts, i tell them so often. difference is, if they get us in to a war, its kinda a good thing for imag...

There is an old saying amongst imag vets. The members who cause trouble and start wars are usually the ones promoted into leadership.
God of War


Mr. Iris Game profile


May 27th 2012, 5:33:32

Even better, they requested a WarDNH which Rival granted by instead FAing the alliance SOL was at war with. The appropriate reaction by SOL showing that they did not appreciate it isn't up to you or I, it is up to SOL.

As a disclaimer, I am not saying what anyone did is wrong. It is things like this that at times makes this game great.
Originally posted by archaic:
see many colors
fluttering in the spring winds
Iris blooms again

iScode Game profile


May 27th 2012, 5:38:28

A wardnh, as stated in that thread, is to stop people GRABBING an alliance at war. It has nothing to do with FA.

If SOL had an issue with the FA, they should of dec'd war on Rival.

In this situation I dont agree with the FA being sent due to the sensitivity of the issue. However in a normal war fought over policy, not an alliance having their leaders cheat, then i would expect my allies to FA my alliance, unless our enemy was an equally friendly alliance with our ally, then i would understand if they wanted to stay neutral.
God of War


Alin Game profile


May 27th 2012, 5:41:45

mmmm way to take my post way out of context? What does the cheating scum hanlong and TC got to do with this???

What I am saying is your posts are highly innacurate and are obviously uneducated, you do not know what you are talking about, so shut up and let the people who do know what they are talking about discuss it, rather than making your alliance look like its full or retarded members who dont have a clue about this game.

jesus i mean i refuse to impose an AT ban on imag members but there comes a point ill hit them up in pm and tell them to pull their bloody head in and stfu

I am tierd of your so called persons with lidership abilities that worked "so good" on destroying this game since Mehul`s 2025.

All the bad things that happend in this game - were done by people with your seth of skills.

Backstabing each others because you have a big EGO, exploring all the limits of cheating ( from bots to breaking into DB ), runing hardcore politics in this dying on-line game that drives every single new member out. Yea that`s what your type did - not mine.

I prefere to just stay here, not knowing what i am talking about but with a clean history and a healthy interpretation of an on line game.


Edited By: Alin on May 27th 2012, 5:45:02
See Original Post

Pain Game profile


May 27th 2012, 5:44:52

Originally posted by PraetorNLS:
Originally posted by Pain:
where does this "reselling land" fluff come from? they have every right to use a different country to retal and that country have every right to let the original country take its land back. where do you guys come up with this fluff? lol

Did you even look at the news before posting ?
There are 3 Rival countrys involved.
A Country that got LGed
B Country that retaled
C Country that hit B

If A hit B, that would be another story, assuming it was a legit retal, but i dont se a point debating the sematics of that anymore now that SoF is hitting SOL over this ?

Given the scenario:

Country #1234 in tag (B) LGs
Country #1 in tag (A) is LGed
Country #2 in tag (A) overretals
Country #3 in tag (A) hits Country #2 for land so that country #1234 in tag (B) cannot get its land back.
That is textbook land reselling.

your scenario is correct if they actually over retalled. i did not look at the news myself but my understanding is that they took L:L for your topfeed, that is not over retalling that is them enforcing thier own retal policy on you. what they do with the retalled land after that is not your choice. you say #1234 couldnt get its land back, but it wasnt its land to get back anyways.

if your gripe is not accepting L:L then that is another story. but i guess in the end what it comes down to is who can enforce thier policy and it looks like Rival is enforcing theirs.

grabbing a country 4x your size while youre still officially at war is kind of a fluff move, especially since there is a chance that country could be attacked/killed before they could retal it.
Your mother is a nice woman

Mr. Iris Game profile


May 27th 2012, 5:46:04

We can argue the semantics of requesting a WarDNH if you want however IMO the basis for requesting a WarDNH is to request alliances to RESPECT their war and keep it on even terms. Sending FA to an alliance at war while remaining out of the war yourself is nothing new in this game, but is not respecting the war.
Alliance leaders and members regularly twist facts to troll the boards, same as their 'uneducated' members. AT has never been a legitimate place for alliances to work there differences out with each other nor has it been a basis to start a war. Most alliances left have their own token idiots and a lot of them have had them for many years. Especially an alliance like SOL that has been around for over ten years.
Originally posted by archaic:
see many colors
fluttering in the spring winds
Iris blooms again

Pain Game profile


May 27th 2012, 5:49:17

Originally posted by iScode:

What is wrong with that. When imag warred Rival, Sol put the on war dnh and you proceeded to send imag FA, exactly what rival are doing with laf.

SOL can FA someone warring Rival but Rival cannot FA someone warring SOL?

(not directed at you scodey)
Your mother is a nice woman

iScode Game profile


May 27th 2012, 5:49:30

I havnt done anything you mentioned in that post.

I have never cheated.
I have never backstabbed an ally.

The closest thing I have EVER done as an alliance leader is to mislead one person who was not pacted to my alliance. that was Reignz when imag suprised laf as they were destocking, it was a one of war to get revenge for years and years of farming imag into oblivion, Imag was finally in position for some sort of retribution and i talked to Reignz about when laf would be destocking on the premise that imag was going to try and get a high networth after our victory over Ely.

Thats it, thats the dirties thing i have done in this game. I am simply posting things that should be honourable, that all alliance leaders should stand by and that is the old politics of the game, you stick up for your allies, you defend your alliance and your policies, and you try and reach a diplomatic agreement where ever possible, if its not possible you go to war. You dont kill one country, you dont kill 5 countries that killed one country, you declare war and you protect your WHOLE alliance.

I remember a post on another thread where you said this game was going downhill ever since you came back, maybe its going downhill cause you cameback?
God of War


Alin Game profile


May 27th 2012, 5:57:50

You just found the wrong person to fluff with Iscode.

You started your "case" informing the whole bunch of "us" how bad and unadvised we are compared whith people with "leadership and politic skills".

And i just made you a short briefing about your "informed leaders".

Don`t take it personal - i am talking generally here. And no - i won`t leave because i want to see how this human comedy ends.

Edited By: Alin on May 27th 2012, 6:24:31
See Original Post

Jiman Game profile


May 27th 2012, 5:59:27

Alin go back to your cage.

iScode, have my babies.

Rival knows where I am if an issue occures. Infact I have always made right when ever something has occured. In this instance, Rival is 100% no doubt in my mind wrong for killing our country for an 'honorable and respected' reason. The country in question did not warrent being killed for two grabs. Rival countries have done more to SOL, should they have been killed?! No?

I have ALWAYS created an open dialogue between Rival and SOL. This completely confounds me.

PG Game profile


May 27th 2012, 6:00:12

[quote poster=PraetorNLS; 17878; 329894]
Originally posted by Pain:
where does this "reselling land" fluff come from? they have every right to use a different country to retal and that country have every right to let the original country take its land back. where do you guys come up with this fluff? lol

Given the scenario:
Country #1234 in tag (B) LGs
Country #1 in tag (A) is LGed
Country #2 in tag (A) overretals
Country #3 in tag (A) hits Country #2 for land so that country #1234 in tag (B) cannot get its land back.
That is textbook land reselling.

I cant agree with urs.

Country #1234 in tag (B) LGs
Country #1 in tag (A) is LGed
Country #2 in tag (A) retals + get landgrabbed by PDM + retals and take 10k acres(with ghost acres) back
Country #3 in tag (A) hits Country #2 and take around 9500 acrse of PDM!

see that is better..

country #1 still had ur acres, it was only 1670 #1 took from u.

this is all the news in question:
2012-05-17 12:01:03 PS Baby Einstein (#542) RIVAL Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL 3082A (4015A)
2012-05-17 12:00:58 PS Baby Einstein (#542) RIVAL Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL 3185A (4388A)
2012-05-17 12:00:52 PS Baby Einstein (#542) RIVAL Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL 3273A (4510A)
2012-05-17 09:14:22 PS Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL Project Independence (#33) Paradigm 6151A (10084A)
2012-05-17 08:53:04 PS Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL LaF aint got no honor (#931) SOLdier 513A (1246A)
2012-05-17 08:52:57 PS Project Independence (#33) Paradigm Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL 3020A (5791A)
2012-05-17 08:52:27 PS Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL LaF aint got no honor (#931) SOLdier 550A (1305A)
2012-05-17 08:51:54 PS Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL LaF aint got no honor (#931) SOLdier 607A (1377A)

Edited By: PG on May 27th 2012, 6:03:15
See Original Post
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

PG Game profile


May 27th 2012, 6:01:24

Originally posted by PG:
Originally posted by PraetorNLS:
Originally posted by Pain:
where does this "reselling land" fluff come from? they have every right to use a different country to retal and that country have every right to let the original country take its land back. where do you guys come up with this fluff? lol

Did you even look at the news before posting ?
There are 3 Rival countrys involved.
A Country that got LGed
B Country that retaled
C Country that hit B

If A hit B, that would be another story, assuming it was a legit retal, but i dont se a point debating the sematics of that anymore now that SoF is hitting SOL over this ?

Given the scenario:

Country #1234 in tag (B) LGs
Country #1 in tag (A) is LGed
Country #2 in tag (A) overretals
Country #3 in tag (A) hits Country #2 for land so that country #1234 in tag (B) cannot get its land back.
That is textbook land reselling.

I cant agree with urs.

Country #1234 in tag (B) LGs
Country #1 in tag (A) is LGed
Country #2 in tag (A) retals + get landgrabbed by PDM + retals and take 10k acres(with ghost acres) back
Country #3 in tag (A) hits Country #2 and take around 9500 acrse of PDM!

see that is better..

country #1 still had ur acres, it was only 1670 #1 took from u.

this is all the news in question:
2012-05-17 12:01:03 PS Baby Einstein (#542) RIVAL Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL 3082A (4015A)
2012-05-17 12:00:58 PS Baby Einstein (#542) RIVAL Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL 3185A (4388A)
2012-05-17 12:00:52 PS Baby Einstein (#542) RIVAL Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL 3273A (4510A)
2012-05-17 09:14:22 PS Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL Project Independence (#33) Paradigm 6151A (10084A)
2012-05-17 08:53:04 PS Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL LaF aint got no honor (#931) SOLdier 513A (1246A)
2012-05-17 08:52:57 PS Project Independence (#33) Paradigm Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL 3020A (5791A)
2012-05-17 08:52:27 PS Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL LaF aint got no honor (#931) SOLdier 550A (1305A)
2012-05-17 08:51:54 PS Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL LaF aint got no honor (#931) SOLdier 607A (1377A)
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

PG Game profile


May 27th 2012, 6:02:02

grrr quoted insted :/
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

PG Game profile


May 27th 2012, 6:03:44

[quote poster=PG; 17878; 329999]
Originally posted by PraetorNLS:
Originally posted by Pain:
where does this "reselling land" fluff come from? they have every right to use a different country to retal and that country have every right to let the original country take its land back. where do you guys come up with this fluff? lol

Given the scenario:
Country #1234 in tag (B) LGs
Country #1 in tag (A) is LGed
Country #2 in tag (A) overretals
Country #3 in tag (A) hits Country #2 for land so that country #1234 in tag (B) cannot get its land back.
That is textbook land reselling.

I cant agree with urs.

Country #1234 in tag (B) LGs
Country #1 in tag (A) is LGed
Country #2 in tag (A) retals + get landgrabbed by PDM + retals and take 10k acres(with ghost acres) back
Country #3 in tag (A) hits Country #2 and take around 9500 acres of PDM!

see that is better..

country #1 still had ur acres, it was only 1670 #1 took from u.

this is all the news in question:
2012-05-17 12:01:03 PS Baby Einstein (#542) RIVAL Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL 3082A (4015A)
2012-05-17 12:00:58 PS Baby Einstein (#542) RIVAL Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL 3185A (4388A)
2012-05-17 12:00:52 PS Baby Einstein (#542) RIVAL Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL 3273A (4510A)
2012-05-17 09:14:22 PS Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL Project Independence (#33) Paradigm 6151A (10084A)
2012-05-17 08:53:04 PS Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL LaF aint got no honor (#931) SOLdier 513A (1246A)
2012-05-17 08:52:57 PS Project Independence (#33) Paradigm Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL 3020A (5791A)
2012-05-17 08:52:27 PS Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL LaF aint got no honor (#931) SOLdier 550A (1305A)
2012-05-17 08:51:54 PS Frgedg May Urbanus (#258) RIVAL LaF aint got no honor (#931) SOLdier 607A (1377A)
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

Alin Game profile


May 27th 2012, 6:10:58

learn to use the forum PG - god damn it :)

PG Game profile


May 27th 2012, 6:14:34

lol yeha i notest after i quoted haha..

but hey i just want to make sure u got my point on this =D
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

iScode Game profile


May 27th 2012, 6:55:36

Originally posted by Alin:
You just found the wrong person to fluff with Iscode.

You started your "case" informing the whole bunch of "us" how bad and unadvised we are compared whith people with "leadership and politic skills".

And i just made you a short briefing about your "informed leaders".

Don`t take it personal - i am talking generally here. And no - i won`t leave because i want to see how this human comedy ends.

So what your saying is 'I cant argue the points you made, so its not personal now its general!!! geees dont you get that iScode'.(note the s is capital not the i)

Your sounding more like dagga with each and every post. You made a short breifing on leaders who are not posting on this thread. You are using vague posts and generalizations to substantiate your argument. Clasic dagga tactics.

Please come back and post when you actually have a reasonable argument.

FYI, I never said i wanted you to leave. I was just pointing out something you said and how coincidental it was...
God of War


iScode Game profile


May 27th 2012, 7:05:03

oh hey Jiman, hit me up we need to chat when ever your around.
God of War


Murf Game profile


May 27th 2012, 8:17:06

iScode wins this this arugment hands down

Alin i'm starting to question if your semi retarded or normal, you clearly don't know when to take that foot out of your mouth

13thscholar Game profile


May 27th 2012, 10:17:38

lol, alll i will say is that in my professional life, people that tell me how great they are tend to be incompetent.

but as the topic states, of we can come back to it.....SOL, where is your war DEC?

Sifos Game profile


May 27th 2012, 10:57:08

Originally posted by Alin:
Backstabing each others because you have a big EGO, exploring all the limits of cheating ( from bots to breaking into DB ), runing hardcore politics in this dying on-line game that drives every single new member out. Yea that`s what your type did - not mine.

I prefere to just stay here, not knowing what i am talking about but with a clean history and a healthy interpretation of an on line game.

Rofl, your healthy interpretation may be healthy for your mental state, but it's not very correct. Imag backstabbing? Ask our previous and current allies. Start with your own, during my first years in imag SoL was pretty much our closest ally. Then suddenly maki decided that we shouldn't be able to disturb netters and warred us for a few sets.

Bots and breaking into the DB? K...

Hardcore politics? I don't think ours differs much from yours.

Driving new members out? Due to our history of having been farmed and stuff we're one of the most friendly towards untaggeds/startups in here.
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

Helmet Game profile


May 27th 2012, 12:36:55


Alin is so dumb.

Killa Game profile


May 27th 2012, 13:08:02

If You didn't declare war why are you nuking a country that did not join the KR?

You guys suck
Rival Wasn't netting


Makinso Game profile


May 27th 2012, 18:31:14

SOL members should stay off this thread :) read your insites dagnammit.

As for you murf. I'm not inactive - I do IA nowadays yeah scary!

TNTroXxor Game profile


May 27th 2012, 19:49:20

too much text

Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

Souly Game profile


May 27th 2012, 20:10:00

I think that says everything about a war declaration Killa and they should expect the consequences

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 28th 2012, 14:31:49

I'm waiting for a war declaration involving ceiling llama.
If i was still playing I would have made one by now.
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

May 28th 2012, 14:57:46

yea stay off this thread SOL and get stonning you are dropping like flies you should be concentrating on your countries before you get slaughtered for the second time this set.
Witness the fitness!



May 28th 2012, 18:04:31

Originally posted by martian:
I'm waiting for a war declaration involving ceiling llama.
If i was still playing I would have made one by now.

challenge accepted. expect it soon(ish) on another board here
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Pride Game profile


May 28th 2012, 21:14:14

Originally posted by TaSk1:
yea stay off this thread SOL and get stonning you are dropping like flies you should be concentrating on your countries before you get slaughtered for the second time this set.

Sol has Alin and Sof has you ;)

archaic Game profile


May 28th 2012, 22:12:23

This is all moot anyway, Rival committed a hanging offense when they involved themselves in the war by actively FAing Laf restarts. Sol pretty much does not have to honor jack fluff with Rival once Rival put their loyalty to Laf above the DNH. Rival is getting off easy by only having 5 countries killed, Sol, Evo, and MD would be 100% justified in turning the full weight of their guns squarely on Rival.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

danzigrules Game profile


May 28th 2012, 22:43:11

/me watches as archaic's nose becomes even browner than it already was

archaic Game profile


May 29th 2012, 1:02:53

Originally posted by danzigrules:
/me watches as archaic's nose becomes even browner than it already was

lol, how so? Are you suggesting that I'm Sol's boy now? A lot of Sol would laugh at that notion. I was simply stating an observation, if somebody FA's your enemy during a war, they are agreeing to share the burden of war - its been that way foe as long as the game has been played.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Kumander Otbol


May 29th 2012, 10:12:49

Originally posted by archaic:
This is all moot anyway, Rival committed a hanging offense when they involved themselves in the war by actively FAing Laf restarts. Sol pretty much does not have to honor jack fluff with Rival once Rival put their loyalty to Laf above the DNH. Rival is getting off easy by only having 5 countries killed, Sol, Evo, and MD would be 100% justified in turning the full weight of their guns squarely on Rival.

so you mean that it is okay for you that if somebody TFs your people, you will follow that tags retal policy? considering the fact that even if Praetor had been warned about his first TF, he still decided to do a second TF (or they call it RoR). he voluntarily suicided on rival that have caused this mess on their alliance, that have caused his countries death. sol and archaic then blames rival for that. lol. guess i should join sol and topfeed archaic's tag all the time. #931 deserved his death.

and by the way, are you saying that SoL should only get FAed and not LaF? lol.
Originally posted by cypress:
no reason to start slacking just because they are getting FA

fluff them....we'll steamroll them even with the FA they are getting

locket Game profile


May 29th 2012, 11:19:21

Originally posted by archaic:
This is all moot anyway, Rival committed a hanging offense when they involved themselves in the war by actively FAing Laf restarts. Sol pretty much does not have to honor jack fluff with Rival once Rival put their loyalty to Laf above the DNH. Rival is getting off easy by only having 5 countries killed, Sol, Evo, and MD would be 100% justified in turning the full weight of their guns squarely on Rival.

Everyone gets outside in every war lately. Until it stops everywhere I see no point in using it to justify anything :P

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

May 29th 2012, 13:40:33

Originally posted by archaic:
This is all moot anyway, Rival committed a hanging offense when they involved themselves in the war by actively FAing Laf restarts. Sol pretty much does not have to honor jack fluff with Rival once Rival put their loyalty to Laf above the DNH. Rival is getting off easy by only having 5 countries killed, Sol, Evo, and MD would be 100% justified in turning the full weight of their guns squarely on Rival.
How does FA during a war warrant passive aggressive topfeeding? FS the clan or stop whining.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

May 29th 2012, 13:41:27

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by archaic:
This is all moot anyway, Rival committed a hanging offense when they involved themselves in the war by actively FAing Laf restarts. Sol pretty much does not have to honor jack fluff with Rival once Rival put their loyalty to Laf above the DNH. Rival is getting off easy by only having 5 countries killed, Sol, Evo, and MD would be 100% justified in turning the full weight of their guns squarely on Rival.

Everyone gets outside in every war lately. Until it stops everywhere I see no point in using it to justify anything :P
pretty stupid of RIVAL to FA LaF who 1) had no chance in the war and 2) deserved to get their asses handed to them that set anyway
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Flamey Game profile


May 29th 2012, 13:42:36

Don't expect a logical answer... according to PDM 100s of defuse missile ops isn't a first strike.

Cougar Game profile


May 29th 2012, 13:52:36

Awesome that Sov's Board Mod position allows us to see country data without spy ops.

Really came in handy for that last kill.

Wulf Game profile


May 29th 2012, 18:13:12

SOL FA'd Imag while they were at war with RIVAL. Now that the shoes on the other foot tears are falling from the skies like rain lol!

Duna Game profile


May 29th 2012, 18:53:16

SoL is ranked to high!

dLpLow Game profile


May 29th 2012, 18:54:20

poor laf
10:36 ee: GS pLow is HERE (#422) [SoF] --> Oslo 1952 (#201) [LaF] -- 2C/81F
And for you freaks.



May 29th 2012, 19:34:30

Well SOL or Prateor ( i'm not sure who ) wanted to drag Rival into a war and make a big mess of things but it didn't quite turn out as they were thinking

PS: SOL has no clue how to wall. :))

locket Game profile


May 29th 2012, 20:08:57

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by archaic:
This is all moot anyway, Rival committed a hanging offense when they involved themselves in the war by actively FAing Laf restarts. Sol pretty much does not have to honor jack fluff with Rival once Rival put their loyalty to Laf above the DNH. Rival is getting off easy by only having 5 countries killed, Sol, Evo, and MD would be 100% justified in turning the full weight of their guns squarely on Rival.

Everyone gets outside in every war lately. Until it stops everywhere I see no point in using it to justify anything :P
pretty stupid of RIVAL to FA LaF who 1) had no chance in the war and 2) deserved to get their asses handed to them that set anyway

Well luckily for Laf that is a matter of opinion and some differ ;) I'd assume it was simply something between friends because it was never official and I heard of it first here on AT ;)

Sov Game profile


May 30th 2012, 1:24:41

Originally posted by Cougar:
Awesome that Sov's Board Mod position allows us to see country data without spy ops.

Really came in handy for that last kill.




May 30th 2012, 2:08:49

PG = Rival ?

too lazy too read everything :)

Helmet Game profile


May 30th 2012, 2:12:16


Also, welcome to the "too lazy to read most of this horsefluff" club.



May 30th 2012, 2:14:09

OK! and you are the real Helmet from SoF ?

Junky Game profile


May 30th 2012, 2:18:30

ppfffftt... I was at that when this topic was made.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.



May 30th 2012, 2:21:27

and i still lub ya Junky <3