
Walding Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 17:54:35

You dont like us.

We dont like you.

You LG us. We let it go and retal but you retal on retal :).

So we war.

Plus QM pissed off Nightwolf.

Nightwolf sends his regards "go fluff yourself" I think is how he put it.

PG Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 18:01:54


Some Random fluffed Up Person In SemperFI
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

rebelnbk Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 18:09:46

no problem but a dow would have been nice :)

Walding Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 18:15:05

I am sorry was distracted.

I had a nice one but forgot :(.

HeadHunter Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 18:19:44

We got the FS this time, now we get to use our missiles ^^
Error 354 - Signature too awesome

zodiac Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 18:24:27


Sauron NBK Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 18:36:42

So this is gonna be an every set thing like we did with AoDT eh? Should be fun:)

Kill4Free Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 18:43:39

Hmm so they go around claiming that they want to net, then declare war on us when we do a lg on em :P
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Dragon Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 18:46:16

We'll see how this shapes up when SF and NBK are equal in numbers. That would be epic.

Kill4Free Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 18:47:09

Even fights are oldschool :P
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Dragon Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 18:48:17

The parting of the Red Sea was Old School too. Still epic. ;)

Walding Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 19:07:09

Here we go with the even fight fluff. You would FS CC every chance you had if you thought they were hitting you no matter the numbers.

Walding Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 19:08:58

Actually we just wanted a pact so we could net in peace. It was made very clear that we would be hit.

You guys wanted a Do Not War pact with option to LG. Meaning you could farm us all you want but we could not war in return if you got carried away. Yes we turned it down and you laughed at us when we offered it back at ya with limits on your grabs.

You grab this set and first retal gets retaled back by you guys.

So yeah we not interested in your fluff.

Popcom Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 19:26:10

wow walding you are a retard.
do u want us to post the chat logs where u threatened us with death every set if we didn't pact you?
not sure why u thought NBK would allow you to bully us...but its not going to happen.
then u make 65 commies and 30 dicts and declare to the server you want to must think the entire server is retarded.
just be glad your 35% bigger again...but i guess u would have to be, you have always been a fluff afraid of a fair fight.


~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

Dragon Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 19:27:28

Originally posted by Walding:
Here we go with the even fight fluff. You would FS CC every chance you had if you thought they were hitting you no matter the numbers.

I just said I'd like to see an even fight, Waldo. You don't need to go being a fluff because you guys are now the Server Bully. Your fluffs are bigger than ours. We get that.

Popcom Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 19:41:35

it was obvious NBK wanted to war.
we told u we wanted to net, then made 50 reps to throw you off our sent LOL

~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

Walding Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 19:59:15

Your retards in your tag ran Reps last set when you FSd us. Same guy taht builds 20 to 40 CS.

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 18th 2011, 20:00:17

I just had to have my say. Here ya go, NBK!
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

kemo Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 20:34:57

aint fought in a while so dont make me regret this nbk

also we all know my fluff is bigger. the floor boards on my jeep is worn out in 3 places
all praised to ra

Dragon Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 20:36:19

If your fluff is that big, careful not to step on it. Hurts like hell.

kemo Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 20:36:55

aint easy puttin on new bubble wrap every day buddy
all praised to ra

PapaSmurf Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 20:45:19

Do what I did. Have one of your legs cut off, and keep it protected in the false leg.

kemo Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 20:55:55

see thats why i probly wouldnt even mind havin a colostomy bag. very few would be willin to shove their hands in there to see what im stealin
all praised to ra

Dragon Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 20:59:22

Originally posted by kemo:
see thats why i probly wouldnt even mind havin a colostomy bag. very few would be willin to shove their hands in there to see what im stealin

Yeah, but you're always one blowout from clearing a room and mentally scarring people. Which is cool if you're into that fluff. Pun intended.

synoder Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 22:32:41

all my countries be dead :( well now I can use my uber war restart strat instead of my lame half netting half warring start I was using.

gambit Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 22:33:21

so one grab is why a netting clan decides it no longer wants to net? lol

and what did qm do?

i must have missed both of these weak excuses :P
Natural Born Killer

gambit Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 22:43:27

and we were adamant about not hitting you guys and giving our members a break... even when your 2 day long spy oping started, we did not hit first because we still wanted to avoid a war, like we have said all along, we have no reason to lie about our intentions

now i just hope that semper plans to net next set :)
Natural Born Killer

synoder Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 22:43:29

ok so i was looking through my dead countries news and I have some tips...

#1 dont sabatoge my missles then start a KR right afterwards and fail about 30 demo ops. You put my in spy dr with the sab. ops

#2 dont lemming kill me when you have the FS and its a couple weeks into the set. Its just sad.

#3 dont kill all my countries in the FS, cause then I have too much time to plan your demise.

Bigwiggle Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 23:22:45

Lol synoder.

I'll be the first to say good luck to both sides

I'll also be the first to say, make it a set long war ;)

*Sells all my turrets*

Pandora's Last Vikings | THE OMEGA

msn -

Gmann03 Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 23:56:50

I got oil for sale, GL to both sides.

ZIP Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 0:08:52

buy my bis and res tech fluffes!! it will help with cash flow and give you more pop :P
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

Twain Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 0:37:57

This is why I've always said you judge a clan by their history instead of their stated intentions.

SF's a powerhouse clan, but calling themselves a netting clan at this point seems like a misnomer considering their history thusfar.

Let's see an entertaining war!

Popcom Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 1:04:17

wouldn't say they are a powerhouse clan. they are just big. and when u get a HUGE # advantage it makes things a lot easier with the turns being 120 120 now.
i just think its retarded that they try to play everyone for fools, like we all just started playing earth last week lol

~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

Walding Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 1:20:56

Was their confusion? I know it was made very clear that hits from NBK on SemperFi would lead to war. We were not willing to accept your grabs and you were not willing to pact.

It was that simple.

synoder Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 1:25:55

so you dont accept LGs at all? i know you pretty much pacted out the server so i am guessing thats the case.

Popcom Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 2:19:14

pacted out the server then built for war. yep. netting clan lol

~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

AquaView Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 3:09:21

we really wanted to net but we needed assurances that nbk would not jump us. we came to nbk 3 or 4 times trying to hash out some sort of agreement. as semperfi do not trust nbk not to take advantage of us not having defences. we know how nbk fels about us and me. all we got that nbk doesn't pact self farmers we didn't require full pact just a agreement of no war and limited grabs.

all we got that we was threatening nbk

funny thing is when i was in nbk they would never gangbang another clan or call on allies to fight a single clan.

we are a clan that will net and war. but we can not do well at netting knowing that a clan like nbk will either farm us or fs us if it suits there fancy. so war gaining is not really going to work for us.

but if nbk wants to war set after set that is fine to but we would like a agreement of no hostilities would have resolve so much.

we do not look for war but we will not walk away from a fight

Popcom Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 3:30:02

NBK is all about fair wars. and hitting a clan 35% smaller then u is just a fluff move..just the kind of thing u like aqua...

also, u JUST said u know NBK doesn't pact self farmers. so why would u think we would pact you. we told semper on more then 1 convo with more then 1 FA that we were netting. then we built for netting..
aqua your head is so far up your ass its insane.
NBK doesn't farm any clan. and u know that so wtf are you talking about?

and u don't look for war? really? u threaten us, then pact the server out and build war countries? again, do u guys seriously think everyone in the FFA community are a bunch of retards that just started playing? get your head out of your ass...

~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

Asing Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 3:35:04

Originally posted by Popcom:
NBK is all about fair wars. and hitting a clan 35% smaller then u is just a fluff move..just the kind of thing u like aqua...

You shouldve said this few sets back when NBK FSed CC.

AquaView Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 4:06:11

we built for war because we couldn't get assurances that nbk would war us

we knew that nbk would provoke a war with grabs or even war. xi came to us for a pact we was willing to give them one kc offered to try and mediate as agreement between nbk and semperfi we said that would be good. but we didn't hear back so i assume that kc found that nbk was not open to agreement. as they wasn't with us.

we very much wanted to net. i have wanted to net since are last netting set. but would not be able too with nbk are the door.

yes nbk doesn't pact self farmers. we just wanted agreement not a pact. so we have war and now called in xi to help you. funny thing is they have killed more then you have for there size.

xi i feel for you you pacted a clan that will not always be your friend. focus back nbk in there time of neet against aodt and others. but since then have been warred on by nbk a few times.

nbk just pissed that they can't beat us with or with out fs that burn you as you so baddly wanted to make me pay for leaving nbk. which wasn't my doing.

Sauron NBK Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 4:50:37

Oh please aqua don't flatter your self. I have always had respect for you but you ability to weave a web of bullfluff never ceases to amaze me.

Semper Fi haven't even come close to being as good a clan as NBK. I hate to burst your hallucinogenic bubble but its true. NBK have been an established well respected war clan for over 10 years. You guys have been here what two sets? You aren't even in the same league as clans like tko, pan and NBK. You guys are big that's basically all you've got goin for you.

Sure you beat NBK when you had a huge country advantage, but still felt that you needed the fs to beat us? Good job. It is not smart to have a vendetta against NBK. Just ask aodt, cc, and countless others in the old days.

And FYI I'm pretty sure we only warred focus once, and that was at the same time as we warred pan. You were playing with us then why would you even try to spin that? focus knew we didn't pact self farming clans and a policy you helped us come up with. At least they beat us without developing a massive superiority complex in the process.

Come back in ten years and if you've still got as good a core of players as us and are still as much a force as we are now, then you can claim to be in the same league as us.

Drinks Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 5:02:48

Originally posted by Bigwiggle:
Lol synoder.

I'll be the first to say good luck to both sides

I'll also be the first to say, make it a set long war ;)

*Sells all my turrets*

Haha fluff i laughed out loud when i read that bigwiggle. Your a legend!
<Drinks> going to bed
<Drinks> pm me if I get hit
<-- Drinks is now known as DrinksInBed -->
<DrinksInBed> looks like I'm an alcoholic

Pain Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 5:48:07

well NBK if you wanna get technical this could be a war over policy dispute. they are warring you to make you change your policy on pacting self farmers. thats a legitimate reason to war, alliance have gone to war over policies hundreds of times.

that being said i dont know why you dont find it easier to just agree to a land grabbing pact with terms that doesnt make them have to worry about a 12k acre country hitting a 40k acre country (like you did to focus just before you got FSed). theres no reason you cant agree to not hit countries over 150-200% your size or agree to terms that make it so neither side loses out after the retals.

i dont understand why youre not happy with a war since RIU was just chest beating earlier in the set. plus you knew SF was gonna hit so you cant pretend you werent ready for it.
Your mother is a nice woman

AquaView Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 7:01:19

Pain your right we tried to come to a agreement

they call us bullies. but not the ones telling the server they wont pact clans that self farm. then dictate to all netting clans that they will get gabbed like 8 times a day. like they said to us.

funny thing is nbk back LAE who was biggest clan that self farmed and farmered all small tags. after they disbanded then nbk comes up with the policy against self farming.

all other netting clan should thanks us as nbk was planning on netting so they say. the whole server be farmed.

as far as saying Semperfi great as clan ever i am not not saying we great now just we not going to be dictated to. and all clans don't have to fear us when new set starts less they screwed us.

I respect XI for backing there FDP i have no problem with you for that. but you should know we tried hard to agree to terms. but you should not have got involved as you backing the wrong side.

Focus back nbk at great cost. so focus wanted to self farm should still gave focus the right to not get attacked by nbk ever. less focus pulled some crap to deserve it. NBK like to war that fine. but if your clan suits there needs to fill the war needs you will suffer the same cost. bank on it.

as far as QM hes the worst prez NBK ever had

GunGrave Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 8:16:21

Originally posted by Dragon:
The parting of the Red Sea was Old School too. Still epic. ;)

nah, that was old testament. doesn't any ever look in a book anymore

Originally posted by Walding:
Was their confusion? I know it was made very clear that hits from NBK on SemperFi would lead to war. We were not willing to accept your grabs and you were not willing to pact.

It was that simple.

ok, let me see if i have cleared any confusion... you decide to ignore both your own and NBK's retal/LG policies with the statement "We were not willing to accept your grabs", pact out the server, with the exception of NBK [grant it, aside from an official NAP or FDP, we would not accept a pact that ignores our retal/LG policies]. you build 65 commies and 30 dict's, and finally spend 2-3 days spying every country in NBK, just before FSing us, and still you claim that all you wanted to do this set was net? have i missed anything.

don't get me wrong, i do like to war, not to piss in someone's cereal or get revenge or anything petty like that. i just like the the act of warring. netting gets to be too repetitive and boring. i do hope it's a hard fought, challenging battle between us, regardless of who wins. what i don't get and i find a little annoying is how someone who claims to want to net would go to such great lengths to create the conditions for a war, then even FS to start the war. honestly, we never even considered warring SemperFi until we saw the spy op rolling in. and even then we were holding back from FSing, just to avoid a war.

Edited By: GunGrave on Oct 19th 2011, 9:02:45
See Original Post
Death smile upon all men,
all a man can do is smile back,
so come on... lets put a smile on that face. :D

Asst. Foreign Affairs
Natural Born Killers
email -
irc - #NBK

Walding Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 9:03:37

Originally posted by Popcom:
wow walding you are a retard.
do u want us to post the chat logs where u threatened us with death every set if we didn't pact you?
not sure why u thought NBK would allow you to bully us...but its not going to happen.
then u make 65 commies and 30 dicts and declare to the server you want to must think the entire server is retarded.
just be glad your 35% bigger again...but i guess u would have to be, you have always been a fluff afraid of a fair fight.

Yes please post this. I dont recall speaking with NBK about a pact.

Walding Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 9:04:00

[quote poster=GunGrave; 12908; 228610]
Originally posted by Dragon:
The parting of the Red Sea was Old School too. Still epic. ;)

nah, that was old testament. doesn't any ever look in a book anymore

Originally posted by Walding:
Was their confusion? I know it was made very clear that hits from NBK on SemperFi would lead to war. We were not willing to accept your grabs and you were not willing to pact.

It was that simple.

ok, let me see if i have cleared any confusion... you decide to ignore both your own and NBK's retal/LG policies with the statement "We were not willing to accept your grabs", pact out the server, with the exception of NBK [grant it, aside from an official NAP or FDP, we would not accept a pact that ignores our retal/LG policies]. you build 65 commies and 30 dict's, and finally spend 2-3 days spying every country in NBK, just before FSing us, and still you claim that all you wanted to do this set was net? have i missed anything.

don't get me wrong, i do like to war, not to piss in someone's cereal or get revenge or anything petty like that. i just like the the act of warring. netting gets to be too repetitive and boring. i do hope it's a hard fought, challenging battle between us, regardless of who wins. what i don't get and i find a little annoying is how someone who claims to want to net would go to such great lengths to create the conditions for a war, then even FS to start the war. honestly, we never even considered warring SemperFi until we saw the spy op rolling in. and even then we were holding back from FSing, just to avoid a war.

We tried to pact you guys too.

AquaView Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 9:13:45

Gun graves you always been a good guy to me. maybe i can clear this up a bit

we wanted to net this set we started to build to net. we had hoped we could come to agreement that both allowed nbk and semperfi to net. that didn't happen so we plan on war for atleast the last week

as netting so we can maybe set top 10 would be very hard if we didn't have some agreement with nbk A) you would grab are very fat countries. B) also netting means to carry lower military so we can compete with pan and tko and other. THAT WOULD LEAVE US OPEN TO FS FROM NBK. C) even if we thought we could net the grabs back and forth would likely mean war anyways.

i talked to demon and diz they took a lot of what i said as threats that was not ment to be so. but again new clan on the block can't go around being fluffs when you talk to a clan that already been very agressive.

so since we could not be assured of a peaceful set we had to plan for war doing so ruin any chance of netting. so short of losing interest in the set and doing nothing well we war to hopeful force agreement for next set. if not we know whats coming and we will be ready

GunGrave Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 9:17:59

i said that we did not accept the pact you offered us, but does that constitute our intent to war with you? we have always had limited alliances to give us room to LG without excessively hitting 1 or 2 clans all the time and we have never pacted a clan that self-farms for as long as i can remember.
Death smile upon all men,
all a man can do is smile back,
so come on... lets put a smile on that face. :D

Asst. Foreign Affairs
Natural Born Killers
email -
irc - #NBK

Dizology Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 9:23:50

4 Contact attempts, were to me -- I am not an FA and said I wouldn't discuss pacting.

AV, you were assertive when talking --- That is not what we are referring to as threats. The big one that stood out was NightWolf telling us Semper Fi is going to tag kill us every set.

That last sentence was the one that kind of tipped us off you wanted to war us, Also doesn't sound like a lot of tree hugging going on there.

Anyway, Bring the pain you bastards!