
Makinso Game profile


Feb 27th 2011, 11:51:26

I Smell WAR!

ZIP Game profile


Feb 27th 2011, 12:25:43

you mean you can't hold 20k land on 1 mil turr anymore?

bottom feeding is so yesterday
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops



Feb 27th 2011, 13:02:40


that is the problem, same problem with why the game was dying.

everyone thinks they are entitled to something, like crappy WoW players think they should be playing the end game, so they fluff and moan until the admins makes the game cheesewalk.

everyone else signs pacts, why does PDM expect another alliance to simply GIVE you a DNH at the start of a reset with out confirmation, there are pacts that are signed that says it's auto renewed, but in this situation, looks like it isn't it.

PDM thinks they are entitled to respect, to be able to do anything they want, including using special attacks, missiles, and harmful spyops to 'retaliate' against other alliances.


again, like ZIP mentioned, this is a war game, it's not hug the trees until the cows come home game. If you want to survive, you have to be able to retal (with SS/PS) and hold your land.

if you want to run around with 300k turrets with 20k land, and your alliance isn't pacted out with everyone on the server, then it's your fault. sure, having 3m turrets would increase your expenses, but guess what, you aren't a prime target.

Alliance earns respect, and for others to leave them alone, they have to show that they can retal. Look at WoF, they are doing very fine.

Instead, PDM whines and fluffes, does their stupid stunts, and then when they can't take it anymore, kills a country and comes to AT crying.

Wait, when have we heard this before? Oh right, PDM does this every couple reset.

Ever since Comwood and his attempt at botting, PDM sure seems like they will do anything and everything to get what they want.
And ignoring what's generally accepted and what's not.

Sounds like terrorism to me.

And before you guys point out 17 in 24 again, 17 in 24 is still land grabbing, not missile/AB/steal tech and finally, killing a country (which, is a declaration of war)

AT observer.

dagga Game profile


Feb 27th 2011, 13:28:13

Again, long winded BS.

You hit them 17 times in a day. It was obviously coordinated and is a clear sign of war. There is no real defending that action, and if you get hit then you asked for it.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22



Feb 27th 2011, 13:51:35

sure doesn't look like it's coordinated in the news to me.

but I can't see inside LaF, I guess dagga can because he's so sure of it

jakeb Game profile


Feb 27th 2011, 14:41:25

PDM, i like your retal policy on the part of country:country L:L. it is nice if i get grabbed by you, but i would think it would really suck for you because they can't come out ahead in lging other tags. don't like the special ops as retals though, how do you keep track of those?? they are not in the news and if you look at news it looks one sided.

laf. lol, you always have done excessive grabbing then jumping out of range to overwhelm the little guys. you constantly did it to Neofed every reset, then wanted to appease us with a DNH.
ICQ - 562899104

Sir Balin Game profile


Feb 27th 2011, 15:10:59

Originally posted by hanlong:
just look at the news, PDM was the first to SS/PS LaF countries, they were the first (and only) to send nukes, they were also the first to GS a country to death.

unlike some of my predecessors i'm not in the boat of taking advantage of smaller alliances. but some of your actions are force spoonfeeding us into that situation, and yet your FA still doesn't want to talk and instead make random actions and then announcing their stupidity of their actions on AT like they are proud of it.

hanlong, as noted previously our FA is travelling, hence the forum messages i've been sending you and enshula. you could reply to those instead of saying over and over that we aren't talking.

i'd really like for you to clarify whether or not you truly believe that the farming you did was an appropriate response to the two grabs we did on you, which we contacted you about, and which you retalled. i think you should be able to agree that your actions absolutely set the tone for the current situation we're in. you said as much in earlier threads when we were whining about being farmed by you.

you don't even have to clarify that on AT. just send me a message.

Rockman Game profile


Feb 27th 2011, 16:12:24

When you do harmful spy ops on countries that have never attacked PDM, are those pre-emptive retals? How does that fit into PDM's retal policy?

Sir Balin Game profile


Feb 27th 2011, 18:36:59

No, that is absolutely against our policy and would be dealt with accordingly. I assert that #394 did no such thing, and I've seen no evidence to counter that, despite my request for such evidence.

Since you won't supply any evidence, we're asking our members if anyone went rogue and did unauthorized harmful ops on LaF. All I know right now is that the target you guys farmed relentlessly (394), the guy this thread is about, did not do harmful ops on LaF.

Spin, spin, spin, though.

crazyserb Game profile


Feb 27th 2011, 19:03:56

both LaF and PDM are farm alliances who are smaller then you, you have a land:land policy(laf) while your members like to top feed....

SolidSnake Game profile


Feb 27th 2011, 19:35:48

LaF doesnt overwhelm peoples retal capacity by hitting them, laf techers start out of range of retals and remain out of range of retals... thats how landgrabbing is supposed to be done if you want to run a good country. Anyone that thinks otherwise is a moron.

And since when does laf topfeed? laf bottom/mid feeds heh...

madjsp Game profile


Feb 27th 2011, 19:38:38

What about what PDM has been doing to sanct so far?

This is why you don't get respect.

joe3: bater sucks so bad imag could teach him a thing about war

Rockman Game profile


Feb 27th 2011, 19:38:54

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
LaF doesnt overwhelm peoples retal capacity by hitting them, laf techers start out of range of retals and remain out of range of retals... thats how landgrabbing is supposed to be done if you want to run a good country. Anyone that thinks otherwise is a moron.

And since when does laf topfeed? laf bottom/mid feeds heh...

Funny, a lot of LaF techers have been successfully retalled.

SolidSnake Game profile


Feb 27th 2011, 19:46:17

well then they fail

Kill4Free Game profile


Feb 27th 2011, 19:53:32

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
LaF doesnt overwhelm peoples retal capacity by hitting them, laf techers start out of range of retals and remain out of range of retals... thats how landgrabbing is supposed to be done if you want to run a good country. Anyone that thinks otherwise is a moron.

And since when does laf topfeed? laf bottom/mid feeds heh...

True story ;)

Although being out of range of retals only works vs some clans :P
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

mazooka Game profile


Feb 27th 2011, 20:41:50

laf topfed me this set =p

crazyserb Game profile


Feb 27th 2011, 21:09:18

they top fed me too...:) but its ok whatchu gonna do

Navisis Game profile


Feb 27th 2011, 22:25:01

Originally posted by Drow:
"#594 gained 4247 acres from his three hits. LaF's posted retal policy indicates they consider an appropriate response to be 6:3 or L:L.

Instead, they responded with 42 hits within the retal window, netting 9180 acres. By their own policies, they grossly overretalled. As the situation was already strained from their systematic farming and our NM response, we did not retal these overretals.

After the retal window expired, #36 helped himself to 2338 more acres in 7 grabs. (Two other LaF countries also made an additional 5 hits and gained 1633 acres) "

so that's 9180+2338+1633 or 13,151a in 'retal' for 4247a, and apparently LaF feels this is ok.
in what universe is that L:L laf?
in terms of numerical retals. 42+7+5, or 54 hits in response for 3 hits?
yet PDM are the bad guys. hilarious.
funny counting of how it takes "4 hits to get land back" isn't it haxor?
but LaF will just keep farming won't they?

well.. the numerical #s are a bit misleading because 20 of the 22 hits from #118 were for 91 acres, so ya.. its 22hits but at 91 acres is not very much land. I also think your counting wrong. It would be (20*91)+(2*135) = 2090 acres, which means that 594 came out ahead by almost 1,000 acres because of the ghost. Seems like a win to me!

Yamaha Game profile


Feb 27th 2011, 23:09:56

C/P from other thread- Perhaps it'll be seen in this one :/

Detmer can correct me if I'm wrong here, but I think what he means is being mistaken.

Our last two sets where we were pacted to Laf were in the interest of friendship, or at least starting to repair our very hostile history.

When our two countries landgrabbed Laf earlier this set Laf was on DNH, we didn't know if Laf had us on DNH and it wasn't that important. Laf took the retals and profited from it. We had no quarrels with that, as we believed we were in the wrong for those two countries breaking the DNH with Laf that we imposed on our end.

Laf took those two landgrabs as evidence that we were open for landgrabbing. This wouldn't have been a problem, we would have taken you guys off DNH and treated you like LCN,ICN,Sanc, and any other non-pacted, non-hostile alliance. Basically landtrading in the normal LG ---> Retal way.

We don't contact ICN,LCN,Sanct and the rest and ask them if it would be ok to have a normal non-pacted landgrab ---> Retal relationship with them. No massive farming, just normal landgrabbing is a given between two non-hostile non-pacted alliances.

This is where Laf is different. When our countries did those two grabs on you and you retalled you decided we were open for grabbing. That's fine, but you went ahead and took 17 hits in 24 hours on PDM. That is not the landgrabbing action of a friendly un-pacted alliance.

I suppose maybe it was our error to assume that after the last two pacted sets the Laf:PDM relations had been repaired enough that we could treat each other with respect in terms of landgrabbing in the event that we go unpacted :/

It's regularly noted by Laf members that PDM started it with those two landgrabs, and you are correct. Laf retalled them and opened us up for landgrabbing (Which is ok). However, I still haven't seen an explanation as to why LAF took those 17 hits in 24 hours right after we became open for landgrabbing. Why mass farm us from the word go?

Examining a bit farther there.

#519 5-taps within 25 hours
#388 4-taps within 24 hours
#443 4-taps within 24 hours
#598 2-taps within 26 hours
4 counries single landgrab
2 countries retal PDM's 2 landgrabs

In the same timeframe there are

2 - PDM landgrabs (Initial hits between PDM & Laf)
2 - PDM retals - single hit retals

Those are the first 25 landgrabs between PDM and Laf all set

That my friend is not respectable landgrabbing, and unfortunately shows us the very very low level of respect Laf holds for PDM even after our 2 sets of pacting each other in the interest of a better future.

Why mass farm from the word go?
Paradigm - The Nuthouse
IMP - Haters Gonna Hate

trout Game profile

New Member

Feb 28th 2011, 0:06:48


Sir Balin Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 0:44:46

so much for hanlong's "oh you should have just contacted me, i'm so reasonable" song and dance.

Makinso Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 0:56:33

stop crying and kill each other already!

hanlong Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 1:02:55

huh? what's going on?
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

JamesBond007 Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 1:15:14


Spaced Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 1:40:24

LAF declaring war over retals? Never have I seen this sort of behavior before... Not even when we were FS'd in RAGE twice. I can never see LAF using something like this to ones advantage.

sb Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 1:44:52

Spaced , ya hurt me :'(

Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 1:57:17

LaF has repeatedly pushed this form of behaviour on multiple alliances.

It covers the fact they can't compete with Omega and Evo without farming alliances into the ground.

They have a deliberatly manipulative "topfeed" policy, which turns any beneficial mid-feed situation where countries could mutually benefit into an abusive relationship.

Their grabbing practices are not based on fostering grabbing between alliances, but instead on abusive bottom-feeding/lower-mid-feeding with a 1-sided relationship.

Whilst they pursue these policies, they will continue to be suicided, to be derided in the forums, and to be scorned by other netgaining alliances, warring alliances and smaller clans alike. The more they post, the worse their reputation gets too.

What is amusing is that whilst LaF are busy farming PDM and the like, SoF is busy completly dominating the server and taking control of the game.

Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 1:57:57

p.s. a couple of those laf countries do look good for top 10 this set but!

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 28th 2011, 2:27:34

lafs manipulative topfeed policy is 80% l:l not counting ghost acres

dont some others do 90 or even 100?

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 2:30:14

true story. FIRE ROR'd me, and by our policy I could only do 80% L:L I hit 84.9% in two hits but by THEIR policy I could take 150% land...

I took an extra hit for like 120% land could have done 1 or two more but let it slide.

Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 2:40:06

that is NOT laf's policy.

laf's policy is if the RETALLER doesn't get 80% land back on the first hit.

So country A could hit country B, both 15k acres, country A gets good land on hit.

LaF will retal with country C, who is twice the size, who only takes 60% of land off retal, so can then retal again to get another 60% to get 120%, instead of B hitting and getting 100% back.

Ironically i think PDM's country:country L:L only policy solves this issue.

LaF have improved their policy over the last year or so though i will say.

Dragonlance Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 2:41:07

You might be right on other clans' policies though enshula.

Want a medal LT? jesus get a grip on life lol.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 2:42:19

I have a great grip on life thanks :-)

Makinso Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 2:43:33

You all sound like women.

There's a problem.


And then some!

And in the end nobody does anything. :-P

Edited By: Makinso on Feb 28th 2011, 2:45:54
See Original Post

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 2:45:23

^ We just coordinated a chat to take 160 of our several hundred(maybe thousand?) retals.

Thats doing something Makinso :-p and shush or else I won't leech you more tech in team next set, I'll play farmer or something! :-p

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 28th 2011, 2:45:59

we dont think through who takes what retal that much

anyway even if 2 grabs for about 79 and 79 for 158 total

the country that grabbed will usually get 147

thats not that big a difference and the reason the next retal threshold is below 100 is tro try and balance it out a bit between who gains and loses in what situations

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 2:48:26

ya DL you are fluffing nuts. When someone opens a retal it's first come first serve. Like 10 minutes reserve is all you get.. some of us camp the boards for retals...

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 28th 2011, 2:55:30

You don't m ow what you are talking about DL, but for a guy that seems to hat laf so much you are sure giving us a lot of credit

hanlong Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 3:03:24

btw get ur ass online h4 ;)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

hanlong Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 3:04:26

lol makinso, you just want to see war =) not everyone is like SOL and wars over everything you know ;)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 28th 2011, 3:06:18

Nothing I can do with no money



Feb 28th 2011, 3:06:33

Im m0nz0
Trouble Maker

Medic Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 3:12:15

Kill PDM. Simple!
Patty loves a big dict

Detmer Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 3:16:02

Originally posted by Medic:
Kill PDM. Simple!

Kill PDM because LaF farmed us? Makes great sense...

hanlong Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 3:22:02

lol ok then h4, PDM will continue to make you a parking lot then ;P

how much does it cost to park at one of your spots h4? ;)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Spaced Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 3:52:45

i want to see a 15k acre landkill please.

Drow Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 7:56:54

keep spinning LaF :)
just waiting on full turns to return your friendly farm of my country.
So long as I make back 13-14k acres + ghost acres, I am apparently taking L:L by LaF's own retal policy. Just like they took from #594.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Drow Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 7:58:22

oh and for anyone trying to claim I was on 20k acres with 300k, I was sitting on 14k with 1.5 million, and climbing. The LaF'er I grabbed by accident at the start of the set was sitting on like 10k with a 10k ss break...

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

hanlong Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 9:35:30

go drow =)

think of all the ghost acres we are generating for each other!

it's win win!

just don't send nukes, you have to understand its lose-lose since you are destroying good acres for no reason :(
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Drow Game profile


Feb 28th 2011, 9:58:47

meh, I've never been a fan of nukes. as you say, very wasteful.
it's land I could farm.
and I believe I may be getting old, I am mellowing towards LaF. I am still going to farm you back, no doubts of it, but without any malice and much amusement.
Han: shame we had to run into each other under circumstances like this

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie