
Purposeful1 Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 21:56:03

Dearest Rage,

We tried to resolve conflicts reasonably through discussion last set, but you chose instead to attack us without so much as *asking* for reparations, blocking us from our attempts at netting in the fourth set in a row in which we attempted to net without conflict.

This set, when we approached you once more, we were met with disdain and dismissal. And although last set we held our own, this set we were prepared for war, as you too appeared to be with your country names.

In conclusion, we saw your wish list, and our apologies, but our little gift got delayed in the mail. Merry late Christmas!

LCN declares war on Rage.

LCN President

dustfp Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 22:33:44

SancTuarY President
icq: 123820211
aim: fudgepuppy6988

kemo Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 22:37:59

second first
all praised to ra

TAN Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 22:39:45

thrice first

Loafer Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 22:39:55

I declare fudge

SpeedWood Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 22:42:43

grudge war is the fail of such games.


Imperial Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 22:55:36

This is no grudge... I actually asked rage leaders if they would like to squash the war... they said no and they wanted the war. Ask your fellow Rage leaders for confirmation.

spawn Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 23:02:11

gogo LCN :)
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

Heston Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 23:09:48

SpeedWood is a earth dinosaur that still lives.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

SpeedWood Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 23:15:08

I feel hurt Heston..

And thanks for killing me off first. I'll be real busy from today on with RL.

Heston Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 23:22:17

dont stop playing sw, its nice to see old timers around still.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Frisky Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 23:22:58


ex prez of rage

Frisky Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 23:23:22

and fluff to all

Imperial Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 23:37:02

what Heston said =)

haven't seen you in awhile SW

Trife Game profile


Dec 27th 2010, 23:38:34

Confirmed, this one's for Ravi :D

Silent Sentinel Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 0:01:39

Purposeful1 - LCN12/14/2010 6:19 PM
LCN has been planning to hit you guys this set

Purposeful1 - LCN12/14/2010 6:24 PM
I wanted to fight you, but my greater concerns with what games SOL is playing at are forcing me to reconsider my initial motivations.

Purposeful1 - LCN12/14/2010 6:52 PM
if sol hits us, we've got allies to call in. That's not something I'm getting my panties in a bundle about.

Yeah, you guys really did want to work it out when you told me you were planning on hitting us. The only reason you had any intention of coming to any sort of terms is because of SOF/SOL, otherwise you would have no reservations about squashing us.

I'm not angry or upset, it was always going to happen, but don't play that tune, nobodies going to buy it.

aponic Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 0:51:04

First striking an alliance less than half your size?

/me throws the normal SOF trolls in the general direction of LCN

Sauron NBK Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 1:39:54

Bunch of netter pussies are too scared to war someone their own size so they make up some bullfluff excuse to war someone less than half their size. fluff you guys are a joke.

locket Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 1:51:21

Dude they have 10 kills already. Theyd have stomped sol with that FS :P And considering how rage was last set is this really something you can flame them for? They hit them on the last few days? Plus rage destroyed fern gully :P

Frisky Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 2:31:48

last set was because of a suicider that was even encouraged by their leadership, they were very very slow to prepare to "kill" the suicider. this set croatia suicided on rage and then tagged LCN, so naturally we killed him.... and they are the ones thats upset... interesting logic.



Dec 28th 2010, 3:09:11

Sad to see you NBK guys having love for Rage but whatever.
You guys made your bed last set so live with it.

Thomas Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 3:17:10

Originally posted by Sauron NBK:
Bunch of netter pussies are too scared to war someone their own size so they make up some bullfluff excuse to war someone less than half their size. fluff you guys are a joke.

Well... RAGE had to know LCN would want payback for ruining their netting set last set. Any fool could see that.

Thomas Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 3:19:17

And yeah, that was a pretty impressive FS, no matter the reason or size of the alliance. 12 kills already 0.o



Dec 28th 2010, 3:27:34

Originally posted by Frisky:
last set was because of a suicider that was even encouraged by their leadership, they were very very slow to prepare to "kill" the suicider. this set croatia suicided on rage and then tagged LCN, so naturally we killed him.... and they are the ones thats upset... interesting logic.

Croatia only hit Rage after they started killing it (and took quite a bit of land too). It then tagged up LCN late in the kill run.

Unless of course Croatia was doing harmful spy ops. But then again, Rage just killed Fern Gully for no reason, so maybe they recognized the name as belonging to a long time LCN member and decided to take advantage of its untagged status.

But what do I know, I'm just a troll.

Thunder Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 3:30:01

/me offers a quarter to cross the bridge*
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

Sauron NBK Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 3:39:16

Actually iron man, when NBK played on this server rage was one of the few large alliances that was decent to us.

Alana Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 3:46:40

yay LCN!
LCN Peon

Frisky Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 3:57:09

to be fair we knew LCN wouldnt say bygones be bygones. they did encourage a suicider last set. and croatia is a common name by lcn that player does it all the time, same theo build set after set. strange how just after lcn encouraged a suicider to hit rage, the next set rage gets suicided on by a few more countries early set. say what you will but LCN looks pretty desperate in the need to avenge something of their own doing in the first place.



Dec 28th 2010, 4:05:25

Originally posted by Frisky:
to be fair we knew LCN wouldnt say bygones be bygones. they did encourage a suicider last set. and croatia is a common name by lcn that player does it all the time, same theo build set after set. strange how just after lcn encouraged a suicider to hit rage, the next set rage gets suicided on by a few more countries early set. say what you will but LCN looks pretty desperate in the need to avenge something of their own doing in the first place.

So by your lack of a denial, we can assume that Rage killed Croatia because of their country name?

Also, since Rage appears to be in the business of randomly killing untags (as evidenced by the kill of Fern Gully), is it any surprise that they'd get a few a countries land killed out of protection?

Also nice to see that Rage isn't even trying to resist LCN - just waiting for their allies to deal with the mess they created at the end of last set.

Purposeful1 Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 4:23:50

Thomas--it's ten kills. Two Rage countries were dead beforehand, somehow.

Vinag Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 4:25:24

Never fear me, we are going to launch the most impressive CS ever seen!!

If not, I blame the leprechauns. they are awful randy this time of year.

Stop whining LCN, you had a very impressvie fs, keep this going and it will be over soon despite our best efforts. Regardless of the goings on, Rage had a rather disrupted start to the set so our performance will not be as polished as we would like. Quite a few were of us were very much still switching as is plain to see.

You chose your time well to fs.

Frisky Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 4:45:42

or rather their suiciding worked well. whichever people wanna look at it. and me. your attempts are weak in your spinning. upper leadership knew LCN has a grudge. LCN made the grudge everyone knows that

locket Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 6:08:03

Actually frisky, if you are done your whining... I remember LCN being the side who was put upon. But hey everyone knows it ;)

Murf Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 6:12:45

must say this is seriously lame, pretty hard to justify fsing a tag half your size at the best of times, never mind a piss poor attempt to carry over a grudge for when a smaller tag fsed the larger tag.

Thomas Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 6:26:41

I guess I see things differently. Had I FS'd an Alliance larger than my own, I would have a backup plan for the following set in case they were to exact revenge. There was plenty of time to develop one, and I can't imagine too many were surprised with LCN's FS on RAGE.

These days if you FS someone you need to be prepared to get FS'd the following set by that Alliance. Unless you FS that Alliance and they still destroy you (see: PDM FSes SoL).

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Dec 28th 2010, 6:28:47

that's been going on for years, Thomas!

GL to both sides!
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 28th 2010, 6:46:09

Not an easy call. I agree.

Its bad both ways.

One can understand why LCN would be upset to get FS after some of its countries started to jump last reset.

One can understand why this looks bad for LCN to FS a tag 1/2 its size.

I'm probably sticking my nose where it doesn't belong.

last reset shouldn't have happened
This reset shouldn't have either.

Fortunately/Unfortunately, depending which side of the fence you are on,
as Murf said, the bigger alliance, comes off as the bully, no matter the circumstances. Even if one see's LCN's version of the situation as the 100% legit one.

Not saying they are,
just saying how it appears.
and perception is 90% of things.

Historically, LCN has not been the bullying type.
But, people don't remmeber that in the middle of a situation like this.

However, both wars were needless and should have been avoided.
Not that my 2 cents on the matter matters.
Z is #1

Emp1r3 Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 7:00:06

ur right it doesnt :P but I will still take it, and give you a penny for your thoughts

Imperial Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 7:08:42

many people don't know the intricate details of this war, but both RAGE leadership and LCN leadership know how we came to where we are today, albeit somewhat differing viewpoints.

Rage was actually made aware that they will be FS'ed this set weeks they had time to prepare, do an FS of their own, or whatnot.

Rage was also made aware on more than one occasion that LCN would be willing to squash the war, but due to differing viewpoints Rage thought LCN wanted to sqaush the war because LCN was afraid of repercussions from Rage's ally's. Of course from LCN's viewpoint this was not the case and we just had other plans in mind that we would have rather taken this set.

Nonetheless this is not a grudge, keep in mind there are TIE members in LCN now, many members within TIE have no problems with rage, myself included. Of course I'm sure someone will come on here to spin everything I'm saying or say I'm whining or blah blah blah. Last set was last set... this set will be this set... and I guess we'll see what happens later this set or even next set.

SakitSaPuwit Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 7:24:44

this makes me happy
but what do i know?
I only play this game for fun!

Theseus Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 7:41:52

Nobody is spinning anything Frisky. You seem to continually be ignoring some facts while throwing out bogus accusations.

LCN had nothing to do with those suiciders on Rage this set. We have far too many people who wouldn't stand for it - myself included. They are unfortunate. I will say this in public - Rage helped LCN with suiciders several years back and LCN owes Rage for that still. Call us on that. I'll personally make sure we help if you have an issue with them again and request our assistance.

I don't think there's anyone outside of Rage who seriously believes we encouraged Ravi last set or have anything to do with the countries that hit you this reset. When have we ever done anything like that? Had Rage not hit us last set there's no chance in hell Ravi would even be playing in LCN right now. He was criticized in public by LCN leadership and holds more of a grudge with them than he does with Rage.

Croatia is a guy who previously ran untagged/played in TIE, not a longtime LCNer. He asked for LCN to back him up and to send him FA when Rage started killing him. Our response was to refuse to send FA, request he not hit Rage anymore (even though Rage started the KR on him before he did anything to Rage), chastise him for hitting Rage at all knowing Rage already thinks LCN had something to do with the suiciders that hit them, and essentially call him an idiot for not tagging up sooner and getting himself into that situation.

Purp said what he said for the Dec as well as what he said in private with SS but hitting Rage was far from set in stone. Boxcar runs too slow for me to double check all of this, but at first glance LCN and Rage didn't have any hits exchanged all reset until a little less than a week ago when Rage topfed LCN 4 times and RoR'd once in the span of 36 hours. The RoR was later retalled again. I am not sure what kind of reaction you expected from that...but had there been no hostility at all towards Rage coming into this reset and things went the same way, I can't say for certain that we would be facing a different result today.

On the issue of last set, a Rager suicided first. He did far less damage than Ravi, but you seem to be ignoring the fact that Ravi only ever happened because of Rage's suicider and subsequent response. After that suicide, SS initially refused to take responsibility. He later changed his tune to something more reasonable and proposed amends to the situation, but before those messages were seen, Ravi had already acted (on his own, as should be blatantly obvious by LCN being openly critical of one of our most beloved members in public). Had Rage not had a suicidier hit first, none of this ever happens. Had SS not initially tried to act like a hardass and refuse to accept responsibility for the Rage suicider, none of this ever happens.

It's unfortunate that things happened this way, but please don't try to pass the buck.

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 10:06:20

The only thing I hold against LCN is your timing. It's the holidays guys, could you not have waited till new years? Here I love to battle and you catch me away from home in the mountains and you confine me to playing on a cell phone. SuperFly is sad that he can't give you a decent fight, hell the LGs that I made last night were embarrassing :(

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 10:12:41

ps. I would like to thank Pang and his crew for making boxcar and EE cell phone friendly, you guys Rock!

And Pang, I miss you as my master

locket Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 10:23:21

then you should be in laf again after this set ;)

AxAlar Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 10:50:54

Damnit, I hate LCN for this fluff. They didn't alert me to farm RAGE a couple hours before!

And damnit, I hate RAGE for this fluff. They didn't alert me that they'd be killed and I should farm them prior to it.

As such, neither side has my support. I hope you both die!~

Both sides set to DNH. Enjoy :)

PS where the hell is DL?
Mercenary for Hire
AIM: I The Brandon
ICQ: 167324517

Devestation Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 10:56:06

Meh. Go RAGE. Nothing personal LCN.

Silent Sentinel Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 11:04:48

Dragonlance has been away for over a week. He's in Victoria watching the Ashes. Victoria, the awesome state.

cypress Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 11:54:34

Victoria awesome?? Pffffffffttttttttttttt :P

NSW all the way baby! ;-)

Ivan Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 12:18:10

QLD ftw

Frisky Game profile


Dec 28th 2010, 14:21:03

i personally did ops on some of those suiciders, they had lcn allies mate.

i gave the info to my upper leadership. thats all i could do.

the rager got his land back and them some, because if you did remember the last set, LCN refused to work out anything , and HAD lcn said SS we want to kill him. thats their right but they didnt do that. they suicide in response. anyone who worked in a leader role in any alliance knows suicide means death. had lcn told me i would have approved a suicide kill or a request we kill it.

this whole rage had it coming business as Servant said could have been avoided.

this entire grudge match could have been avoided. Granted the grudge is on LCN's side, Rage finds this funny.

i cant control SS nor DL. but im pretty sure whoever SS talked to wasnt exactly willing to compromise much either. take atleast responsibility too guys because it isnt just rage's fault. it isnt just lcn's. but you chose to carry it over. you killed us last set, you ruined our netting set last set so we ruined yours. how hard was that to understand?