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EE Patron

Jan 10th 2015, 11:09:47

Heston, you're a straight up, no nonsense, imbecile. Thus I have no argument for your stupidity since I can't think that far below the mean, like you.

And it helps not to feed the trolls, like you, who only post in order to find some means of starting something that drags the entire conversation down into a Nyah, Nyah contest.

The arguments on this thread have drifted quite a bit from guns and arms, and drifted off into the lower regions of intelligence that is the kind of citizen that the government of the US wants to have. People like Heston, who lap up the pablum being slung down by the liberals that continually keep tearing down every opportunity for a citizen to improve his own situation.

Obama has GOT to know that he has crushed the dreams of every child of color in this country to ever become president since he will in fact be the first and the last black president. There is no way in hell that the general population will ever try another experiment like this again.


And I think that the lesson was learned. This guy came in on the promise of real change in the political machines that run the U.S. and turned out to be just as dirty and all the politicians who came before him.

What a surprise, huh?

The bottom line concerning the importance of the 2nd Amendment is that none of the other rights spelled out can be enforced without the 2nd Amendments protection.

I think that a good round-up of lawyers that are caught up in graft and corruption and detected in their stupid schemes to defraud the taxpayers should all be deported to the kind of country that they wish to live in, where the Muslims are peaceful and kind, and the government gives every citizen everything they ever wanted because they are rich like that. Not that there is any place on Earth (with a blue sky over it) that is like that.

You think you can solve the problems of income inequality? I got a little information for you. If you want to solve that problem, you can't use the government to rob the successful to pay the lazy, or the stupid. The simplest way to provide good government has nothing to do with income equality.

There are rules that work, and policies that don't.

Rule #1 for a successful government is "Don't hurt people and don't take their stuff".

If you do that, and stop the government from thieving from anyone who makes a successful business, perhaps there would be more people out there setting up businesses to improve their situation, instead of laying about on the couch watching the boob tube and getting a welfare check forever.

We have signs saying "Don't feed the wildlife, it will make them unable to care for themselves in the natural world", the same is true of PEOPLE. If you feed them like we're doing, we make them unable to survive because they never get motivated to improve their situation by working, and generally are then forced to resort to burglary to get that nice new large screen boob tube. Thus, crime goes up, costs go up, and the standard of living goes down.

Want to really fix it, spend several election cycles voting out all the incumbents. Do not reelect any of them, and sooner or later, one of them will get the idea, "maybe if I really work hard to make things better for the nation and the people, they might decide to allow me to stick around a while and do some more and have this cushy job with all the wonderful perks and benefits longer.

Then, you can control the politicians to a much larger degree, and the money which fuels the engine of politics will have to find another way to try to control things since that congressman, or senator that you bought a couple of years ago will have to be replaced with the next guy in line for the job.

Although, I have my doubts about that being a real option in the coming future of the US as I suspect that the current administration will not just "retire" at the end of his legal term. He LOVES his vacationing, and his golf, and having the ability to do whatever he wants whenever he wants to, and that's not going to be an easy thing for him to give up. Especially now that he's figured out that he can make big changes in the way the government does its job by fiat.

Everybody thought he was a stand up guy, but now everyone is realizing that the only things that come out of Chicago is Mobsters, Corrupt Politicians, and Deep Dish Pizza.

I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!