
Buch Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 18:41:58

I don't get why use of force is so touchy if you don't want to be shot don't commit a felony... Its that simple if you break into a house hold someone up you deserve to die

Trife Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 18:45:25

Originally posted by Furious999:
The hunting arguement and defence against wild animals arguement are both naff. No one need (or does I suspect) hunt for meat and wild animals rarely if ever pose a threat if unprovoked. Naturalists and photographers have sought out wild animals in the toughest of environments with no need of guns and people have lived with gorillas.

1) the hunting part of your comment is just silly, plenty of folks hunt for food. i know plenty of people that have multiple freezer chests worth of meat they hunted.

2) timothy treadwell & his gf sure could've used a firearm...

Trife Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 18:47:17

Originally posted by Buch:
I don't get why use of force is so touchy if you don't want to be shot don't commit a felony...

so if someone makes fraudulent statements in applying to welfare, they should be shot?

VicRattlehead Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 18:47:17

Originally posted by Furious999:
A young woman who carries a gun for protection is doing something very foolish. She is a great deal more likely to do herself or others harm with the gun than to gain any advantage. If you could set out a couple of thousand cases where a young woman carrying a gun helped herself as a result then that proposition would come under attack. But I doubt you can. Moreover a society in which young women cannot safely walk home has problems which need to be addressed far more effectively than by asking citizens to resort to carrying guns.


You have no evidence of your assertion, but we are supposed to provide evidence to contradict it in order to keep our rights from being taken away? That's not how rights work.

But since you are so horribly wrong that I can do it anyway...

Money quote: “Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was ‘used’ by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies,” the CDC study, entitled “Priorities For Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence,” states.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 23rd 2014, 18:49:40

Good God, Furious LOL
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up

S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Buch Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 19:02:33

Yes if someone fradulenty applies to welfare they should be shot they are obviously a lazy pos and that will never contribute to society so ya should get rid of them too

Heston Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 19:41:15

Furious is trying to become a mod?
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

mrford Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 20:10:48

Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Dissident Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 21:46:28

what rights are being taken away? is obama coming for your guns?

Furious999 Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 21:52:45

The silliest thing in US society is the growing belief in "rights".

Rights are a bore. Co-operate with people and show goodwill towards them and you will do well. Insisting that other people owe you something is not a good idea.

mrford Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 22:12:06

Originally posted by Dissident:
what rights are being taken away? is obama coming for your guns?

That is an ignorant statent and I suspect you know that.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mrford Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 22:13:13

Originally posted by Furious999:
The silliest thing in US society is the growing belief in "rights".

Rights are a bore. Co-operate with people and show goodwill towards them and you will do well. Insisting that other people owe you something is not a good idea.

How long has it been since you we have been in the real world with society and interactions with the general public? Sounds like a while.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mrford Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 22:13:16

Originally posted by Furious999:
The silliest thing in US society is the growing belief in "rights".

Rights are a bore. Co-operate with people and show goodwill towards them and you will do well. Insisting that other people owe you something is not a good idea.

How long has it been since you we have been in the real world with society and interactions with the general public? Sounds like a while.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Dissident Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 22:20:13

Obama is a huge fan of guns. he's made it easier for you to get guns. It's easier to get auto rifles now than it was under Bush.

you just don't like anything that Mr. Blackzilla does because your guy lost the election.

mrford Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 22:22:47

No where in this entire thread have I referenced obama or even a political party. You are the one making it bipartisan here.

Stop generalizing and acting a fool.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Dissident Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 22:27:55

you're so easy to troll...

mrford Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 22:29:13

If you think that was a good troll you need to raise your standards.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Dissident Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 22:36:04

i didnt say it was a good troll... I just said you're too easy to troll.

Dissident Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 22:45:51

I think Furious999's sentiment is correct... even if the logistics would make it impossible to do away with "rights."

How can anyone disagree with: "Co-operate with people and show goodwill towards them and you will do well. Insisting that other people owe you something is not a good idea." It's a statement to live by really... Out of touch? Perhaps... but it's really a shame that we can't live like this anymore.

mrford Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 22:47:52

I don't think you understand how trolling works.

Saying something tarded isn't trolling. You need to elicit a strong reaction.

You got it halfway down. Work on the rest and report back to me with your findings.

Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Dissident Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 23:03:00

You're getting off track ford... we're back on topic. don't get bogged down by the past.

Trife Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 23:13:46

obama's been the best thing for gun sales and gun manufacturers recently

Sturm Ruger and S&W have had record years

for someone who's going to take yer guns he's doing a turrible job!

mrford Game profile


Dec 23rd 2014, 23:16:44

I would attribute that to the fear of tighter legislation, not removal of it.

Pretty sure every gun owner knows what happened a year or 2 ago when an AR cost 3 as much because of demand. Hell, ammo is just now being kept in stock in stores like walmart and sporting good chains. Good luck with .22 still. Magazines are in low supply as well, especially high capacity.

Classic example of needing to look past the data itself and more at the cause in the spike.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 23rd 2014, 23:36:09

Originally posted by mrford:
I don't think you understand how trolling works.

Saying something tarded isn't trolling. You need to elicit a strong reaction.

You got it halfway down. Work on the rest and report back to me with your findings.

Am i a good troll O'Mighty troll rating rater man guy fella?
wasn't me...



Dec 24th 2014, 3:58:00

Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by Buch:
I don't get why use of force is so touchy if you don't want to be shot don't commit a felony...

so if someone makes fraudulent statements in applying to welfare, they should be shot?

Thin the herd, lower future liability.... duh

mdevol Game profile


Dec 24th 2014, 4:26:19

Originally posted by Dissident:
what rights are being taken away? is obama coming for your guns?

You are an idiot, and yes, the gun control advocates are trying to come after my guns, asking my children to commit multiple felonies along the way. As usual though, with the gun control crowd, the ends justify the matter the cost.
Our attorney general explaining that we need to brainwash future generations to hate guns because the older generations are a lost cause and wont give up their rights..
The psa about turning in gun at school? Arent schools gun free zones?
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis



Dec 24th 2014, 4:46:35

I can not think of anything more reckless than having kids sneak their parents guns into a school...

Buch Game profile


Dec 24th 2014, 6:06:48

Ya but what's best for the gun control people tell a bunch of kids to bring guns to school kids get charged with multiple felonies or worse and they have another story to push gun control through

Serpentor Game profile


Dec 24th 2014, 6:55:43

If someone pulled a gun on you, how can you pull out your gun to defend yourself? You gonna get shot. Neither of you tards should've had a gun in the first place. Hence regulating guns off the streets and back into the hunting/sporting community where they belong. If you really are a responsible owner you should be ok with good regulation, instead of an every man gets a gun and every man regulates to his own ethics.
The EEVIL Empire



Dec 24th 2014, 9:54:00

Originally posted by Serpentor:
If someone pulled a gun on you, how can you pull out your gun to defend yourself? You gonna get shot. Neither of you tards should've had a gun in the first place. Hence regulating guns off the streets and back into the hunting/sporting community where they belong. If you really are a responsible owner you should be ok with good regulation, instead of an every man gets a gun and every man regulates to his own ethics.

This is the dumbest thing I have read on the forums today, which is crazy because I just got done ready Jayrs posts.

#1 you hear someone breaking into your house... grab gun, shoot them, one less dipfluff.

#2 Rarely does some one just pull a gun on you.... especially if they know you are armed.

#3 Not sure you are American. Read the second amendment to the Constitution. So you are saying ignore 2nd Amendment, and somshow your other rights will be ok? I think not.... violence solves problems and you want the govt to be the only ones with the means?

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

mdevol Game profile


Dec 24th 2014, 17:13:04

The 2nd amendment alone should be enough, if it is not, when coupled with the declaration of independence it shows its true meaning.

The 2nd amendment is not about hunting and sporting. Quit pretending that it is.

Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

VicRattlehead Game profile


Dec 24th 2014, 19:07:37

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
violence solves problems

I don't think we as a society have enough overt recognition of this simple fact. I share this a lot (I didn't write it) because it is a fantastic summation of this clear, irrevocable truth.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Dec 24th 2014, 19:09:01

I love this part:

"If you are trapped in a room with me and I grab a pipe and gesture to strike you with it, no matter who you are, your monkey brain will immediately understand “or else what.” And thereby, a certain order is achieved."

Your monkey brain *knows* "or else what" if I am carrying a gun.

Dissident Game profile


Dec 24th 2014, 21:17:16

The 2nd amendment was put into place so that if there was ever a tyrant to rise in the government, the people would still be armed enough to begin a civil war in order to restore the government and depose said tyrant.... NOT so that you could enable your own version of vigilante justice or have a showdown at sundown (so get yourself gone)...

I'm not anti-gun... I'm not anti-hunter or anti-defend yourself... But I AM against ordinary (stupid) citizens having fully automatic rifles with enormous clips. I don't think I should have one because it's a ridiculous amount of firepower. I mean, where do we draw the line? At least in normal countries, like Canada, you can own guns if you have a Firearm Acquisition Certificate or some kind of possession licence.

On the other hand, I'm entirely unopposed to letting morons shoot each other because they are a drain on the world's resources. Maybe they need to create an island so that people can go, on their own free will, and PvP for a while. For free.

mrford Game profile


Dec 24th 2014, 22:55:29

Do you even understand how prohibitively expensive a fully automatic weapon is? We are talking $10k+ for a transferable one and many are a lot more.

Maybe you are talking about semi-automatic. I'm not sure. I only know one person with a fully automatic weapon in his personal collection. Criminals, unless they are in a massive organized crime syndicate, do not have fully automatic weapons. I can promise you this.

In the US there are also different levels of permits. To legaly purchase a pistol or a SBR you need approval from the sheriff in the form of a pistol purchase permit that includes a background check. If you want to purchase a fully automatic weapon, or a silencer, you need to get a permit that is such a pain in the ass to get it almost isn't even worth it.

This stereotype of some random person being able to walk down to walmart and but a military grade fully automatic M4 and a silenced postol just doesn't exist. When i bought my first pistol, before i had my concealed carry permit, i had to apply for a permit in person downtown, and 5 days later. I was approved and issued a permit signed by the county sherrif.

You can be for tighter legislation, but don't use false statments in order to support your view. It is silly and ineffective
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Dissident Game profile


Dec 26th 2014, 4:56:56

"You can be for tighter legislation, but don't use false statments in order to support your view. It is silly and ineffective"

please list all of the "false statements" I made in the last post I made to support my view. But if you are referring to my statement that "I AM against ordinary (stupid) citizens having fully automatic rifles with enormous clips" let me amend my statement to read, "I AM against ALL citizens from having fully or semi automatic assault rifles with enormous clips."

Please notice (since you won't until I tell you) that this is my opinion and not meant as a fact that people should be using for their own purposes. It's just something I THINK... so it can't really be a false statement. So, try again.

Dissident Game profile


Dec 26th 2014, 4:57:39

Unless you are saying that my knowledge of the 2nd amendment is faulty... you're welcome to have a constitutional debate instead if you like.

Rockman Game profile


Dec 26th 2014, 5:19:57

Originally posted by Dissident:
The 2nd amendment was put into place so that if there was ever a tyrant to rise in the government, the people would still be armed enough to begin a civil war in order to restore the government and depose said tyrant.... NOT so that you could enable your own version of vigilante justice or have a showdown at sundown (so get yourself gone)...

Civil war is not an attractive option, and we do not want civilians having the firepower and preparation necessary to conduct an armed offensive against the police and military and win. The amount of firepower needed to be able to defeat not just the initial attack from the SWAT team, but the subsequent attacks from the SWAT team and military is incredibly frightening.

Look at how bad it has been in Ukraine, and then multiply that by maybe a thousand to compensate for how much more effective the US military is compared to the Ukrainian military. We do not want that.

Guns cannot make us free. Guns merely allow us to die as a terrorist instead of as a martyr. Non-violence is what makes us free (as long as it is combined with a politically interested populace that is afforded 1st amendment free speech rights). But guns just get us killed.

iTarl Game profile


Dec 27th 2014, 0:57:51

then dont buy a gun and you will live forever, I'll just live 90-95 years and keep my guns if you'all dont mind.

Dissident Game profile


Dec 28th 2014, 1:52:35

Thats what i mean though, the second amendment is ancient and needs an upgrade (as your constitution was intended by the founders).

Heston Game profile


Dec 28th 2014, 7:54:31

Originally posted by Dissident:
Thats what i mean though, the second amendment is ancient and needs an upgrade (as your constitution was intended by the founders).

That "upgrade" will require the blood and lives of people like you. Opponents of the second amendment do not have that kind of resolve or support. Never have. The pen is not mightier than the sword. It doesnt even effect the majority of you fluffing about guns on AT because you dont live in the USA.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Heston Game profile


Dec 28th 2014, 8:09:08

Both stats come from the CDC

An estimated 15,529 people with an AIDS diagnosis died in 2010
HIV in the United States

Firearm homicides 2010, Number of deaths: 11,078
Assault or Homicide (Data are for the U.S.)

Who would have thought that aids would be almost 1/3 more deadly than being killed by a gun, at least in 2010 in later years twice as many die of aids. Where is your battle cry for the gay community? Outlawing them would make you a bigot?
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

mrford Game profile


Dec 28th 2014, 8:11:24

i dont really plan on giving up any of my weapons. i am responsible with my ownership and would see no legitimate reason for me to do so. i also understand that at this point no one is asking me to.

that being said, my zombie bugout plan also doubles as a plan for when obumur declines to hand over the reigns of the government and turns this great democracy into a dictatorship. when assembling your tin foil hats, shiny side out.

Edited By: mrford on Dec 28th 2014, 8:14:06
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Dissident Game profile


Dec 28th 2014, 18:07:13

Now the zombie apocalypse thing i can get behind... gotta have guns for that.

Dissident Game profile


Dec 28th 2014, 18:11:25

Heston, did you just blame gay people as a whole for the spread of HIV? Lol...

Crazy people tend to use false equivalencies like this. One of these things is not like the other mate. If you want to argue about guns, then argue about guns... not banning gays. Also, nobody is banning guns dude. All i said is that your constitution was designed to be upgradable. Even Ford should be able to agree with me on that.

Heston Game profile


Dec 29th 2014, 2:31:23

Originally posted by Dissident:
Heston, did you just blame gay people as a whole for the spread of HIV? Lol...

Crazy people tend to use false equivalencies like this. One of these things is not like the other mate. If you want to argue about guns, then argue about guns... not banning gays. Also, nobody is banning guns dude. All i said is that your constitution was designed to be upgradable. Even Ford should be able to agree with me on that.

No. You say the 2nd amendment is outdated and needs upgrade.
People that dont believe in firearm ownership tie us gun owners in with cold blooded murders like jared loughner. To say that the gay community is solely responsible for aids is as ridiculous as outlawing guns or putting further restrictions because of a tiny minority. Furthermore discussing gun rights in america with people that dont live here is a total fluffing waste of time. People want to ban guns cause they are deadly , there are many things more dangerous and deadly than guns. Maybe you hate guns as much as i hate the idea of sex with a man. Thats ok, but it doesnt make you less of a bigot than me.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Dissident Game profile


Dec 29th 2014, 16:22:33

I didnt say i hate guns or that i want to ban guns. You have to read more carefully. I said your 2nd amendment is fluffed and old. It needs to be fixed! Holy crap man, i have to say it three times. Maybe youll catch it this time. Ill assume that since youre not arguing against my pov of the 2nd amendment that you must agree that it needs upgrading.

In general, every law that is 200+ years old requires revision from time to time. But not guns because it has become religion and inherently ties to political partisanship. All of the crazy gun nuts align themselves with the same political party, wonder why that is...

mrford Game profile


Dec 29th 2014, 16:58:34

your last statement is incorrect.

however, i will bite and offer an explanation. Conservatives want less government in their lives. the fact that you seem to focus on the dislike of gun legislation is your choice, but they want smaller government across the board. not just weapon legislation, but a lot of the silly regulatory legislation. agree or dissagree, it isnt just about guns here. stop making it about that and using it as a point in your debate. it is just one aspect of government parenting that some people are against.

Edited By: mrford on Dec 29th 2014, 17:06:23
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Trife Game profile


Dec 29th 2014, 18:44:08

Originally posted by mrford:
Conservatives want less government in their lives.

that is for the most part true. except when it comes to gay marriage and abortion.

in those cases, they want more government in a bedroom. and more government all up in a vagina.

Hneftafl Game profile


Dec 29th 2014, 18:47:46

Conservatives want "smaller" gov't because by choking off gov't expenditures, the rich end up paying less in taxes. It's as simple as that. Everything else is just wedge issues to keep poor dumb slobs voting Republican.
If at first you don't succeed, reverse the polarity.