Dec 26 - Feb 23
Feb 12 - Feb 16
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Feb 2 - Mar 2
Active countries: 2801
Currently Logged in: 202

Top Players - Primary

Next Reset Ninth round: May 03, 2011 - Jul 02, 2011 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 882 countries in the Primary server.

1 Dokai Weaver (#184) 54,386$117,952,057 CG
2 Apple Cider (#79) 51,445$107,677,221 RG
3 Homo Homini Lupus (#20) 51,550$87,454,817 C
4 Vive la revolution (#167) 36,771$78,060,929 DG
5 EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#84)  Game profile 47,571$72,478,889 CG
6 Midkemia (#99) 29,197$70,802,707 HG
7 Coltane (#11) 48,013$69,113,533 CG
8 Planetary (#267)  Game profile 34,687$66,413,726 HG
9 Shev (#50)  Game profile 42,447$60,319,227 R
10 Monex (#24) 40,800$60,049,615 CG
11 HeglumeH QaQ jajvam (#6)  Game profile 32,142$54,136,500 FG
12 Aldo (#247) 27,200$53,321,249 R
13 Las Vegas (#130)  Game profile 17,945$52,266,995 DG
14 Join MONSTERS and WIN (#15)  Game profile 15,228$46,735,392 D
15 Steak and beer (#194) 21,622$46,122,091 H
16 BUTTLAND (#139)  Game profile 16,964$45,928,731 HG
17 alphaHD (#317) 20,677$43,632,376 HG
18 Beelzebub (#120) 38,765$43,263,921 DG
19 I Wish That You Were My Lollipop (#221) 13,053$42,326,609 HG
20 Tubes (#61)  Game profile 29,304$40,879,405 TG
21 DCCA (#8)  Game profile 20,757$40,546,017 FG
22 Say your prayers now (#103) 48,206$39,970,166 D
23 pyramid of greatness (#216)  Game profile 23,253$37,683,015 CG
24 PointBlank (#159)  Game profile 23,693$36,666,961 H
25 Eriador (#474)  Game profile 28,838$35,824,340 RG
26 Slimey Slapper (#14) 20,650$35,308,995 FG
27 where would i put this (#178) 17,580$34,906,928 D
28 Wrapper (#218) 8716$34,328,905 H
29 Z (#122)  Game profile 19,790$34,213,019 RG
30 Fear Thy Communist (#59)  Game profile 34,774$32,780,117 CG
31 Soul Hunter Testicles (#185) 17,303$32,516,333 DG
32 The Coffee Palace (#105)  Game profile 26,587$31,708,198 H
33 m e d i u m r a r e (#217) 30,320$31,536,869 D
34 ou812 (#316)  Game profile 11,508$31,481,101 HG
35 tsunami island (#190)  Game profile 15,525$31,425,078 RG
36 llaars landfarm (#57) 17,612$31,288,051 RG
37 tired playing this game (#162) 28,236$31,203,336 DG
38 nothingtoseehere (#467) 17,370$31,148,983 DG
39 lalala (#478) 17,251$30,568,756 FG
40 webastator (#78) 28,381$30,103,077 R
41 Cary Grant (#172)  Game profile 10,067$29,199,384 DG
42 HeyJude (#240) 22,068$28,365,715 T
43 mugwamp (#76) 28,016$27,607,041 H
44 Dissident Aggressor (#112)  Game profile 18,330$27,483,925 C
45 Kammer (#119) 12,528$27,378,939 HG
46 Xceto (#21) 28,627$27,122,994 R
47 oligos archo (#203) 28,470$26,766,772 R
48 Yankees No 28 On The Way (#233) 24,147$26,659,294 H
49 AGGRESSIVE l e s b i a n s (#53) 17,692$25,981,695 HG
50 Wombat (#70)  Game profile 28,129$25,783,354 R
51 Salient MYC (#238) 23,190$25,194,274 I
52 Monster Milk (#191) 13,506$24,941,998 H
53 slow cooker pork (#74)  Game profile 17,404$24,032,063 CG
54 Classless Act (#16) 28,512$23,799,511 CG
55 This game is like utopia (#381) 21,318$23,601,063 HG
56 spoonsville (#318) 9450$23,394,002 R
57 I DONT BELIEVE WHAT I JUST SAW (#40) 25,998$23,270,729 DG
58 Goog (#391) 22,751$22,830,792 C
59 Mangles (#31)  Game profile 32,587$22,535,351 C
60 candyland (#341) 23,537$22,506,289 DG
61 HighSpeedThrillCoaster (#241) 25,479$22,338,587 H
62 ruby is furious (#183) 23,286$22,218,036 R
63 WEST (#153) 16,022$22,094,665 CG
64 KiLLeR (#276) 10,872$21,802,006 HG
65 BASTION63 (#81)  Game profile 13,234$21,666,074 R
66 The Last Outpost (#71) 17,277$21,193,699 D
67 Blink (#198) 10,893$21,110,216 RG
68 More than 1 Eq Ur Screwed (#244) 17,368$21,012,400 HG
69 Somthings Outside Flagget (#109) 15,114$20,950,031 R
70 Like School in Summertime (#256) 10,653$20,790,798 D
71 THE WALL (#205) 20,550$20,756,336 I
72 C R O A T I A (#88)  Game profile 13,881$20,533,224 D
73 El Dorado (#196) 16,284$20,500,906 R
74 Klawzlandiastan (#306) 23,526$20,329,221 CG
75 Benden Weyr (#126) 21,293$19,898,305 RG
76 ImagNum (#121) 14,502$19,803,862 I
77 The Second Future (#132) 18,711$19,731,697 DG
78 OneShotOneKill (#199) 14,417$19,633,655 I
79 tutuwarrior (#125)  Game profile 14,599$19,578,543 DG
80 Termotech (#94) 16,274$19,253,272 C
81 Asia (#329) 29,785$18,754,329 F
82 Killer Clown (#334) 21,383$18,621,761 F
83 wolfie (#42) 10,081$18,273,363 M
84 HK Milk Tea Factory (#222) 18,661$17,047,587 T
85 IAMBABOON (#252) 11,509$17,018,169 D
86 Intrepid (#163) 15,397$16,984,560 FG
87 Tinsle Town (#289) 18,222$16,961,471 R
88 FourBin Labratories (#657) 17,803$16,879,359 R
89 Degalopia (#508) 16,653$16,465,458 R
90 Newboid (#579) 16,002$16,349,497 RG
91 Luigedom (#219) 11,630$16,126,399 R
92 Flexdom (#254) 14,797$15,768,626 R
93 Niguar (#138) 23,455$15,502,380 C
94 InTheHood (#442) 18,302$15,223,492 D
95 The Pasture (#12) 20,802$15,139,193 FG
96 Osama Bin Rottin (#104) 11,822$14,981,628 FG
97 iseo (#308) 25,543$14,969,915 I
98 Munchkinland (#13) 23,263$14,937,828 DG
99 Vekelsteff (#27) 9496$14,878,810 DG
100 Bauer (#143) 20,737$14,368,366 TG

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