


Jul 1st 2010, 19:27:03


ok all u little clannies with ur candy ass etiquette

what is the proper response for some guy hitting me seven times oop?

Edited By: starstalker4 on Jul 7th 2010, 14:13:18
See Original Post
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



Jun 11th 2010, 2:31:30

hmm how to encapsulate a description of gregg to someone who did not experience his play?

how to explain why we all still talk about him weeks after his retirement?

a mere list of his accomplishments
1) exposing LaE
2) getting a rule named after himself
3) killing c r o a t i a three times in one set
4) forcing LaEx to hide their names
5) singlehandedly increasing the number of players who play express by twenty percent
6) being the most popular forum topic by far for weeks on end even long after he retired
7) bamboozling NOW3P into acknowledging the cheating
and on and on and on

doesnt do him justice

perhaps the best way to tell a new player is just to say that gregg made the server exhilirating, infuriating and fun for tons of players

before gregg arrived this server was just an extension of LaE
now all we talk about is gregg and LaE has faded into obsolesence

Edited By: starstalker4 on Jun 11th 2010, 2:32:38
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



Jun 7th 2010, 5:01:13

proof that ice cheats?

u guys r shameless

ten days ago even u were compelled to admit it
after days of lying and covering up

now u try to pretend the accusations r baseless

llaar's choice of u for the face of LaE is not a joke
it is a travesty

at least fordy is just a pitiful joke
and the choice of thunder has a nice little comedic touch to it
but there is nothing humorous about NOW3P's posts
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



Jun 7th 2010, 4:19:23


the poor itty cheater is tired of hearing complaints about his crimes

get used to it

people still talk about shoeless joe jackson

u r forever tarred as one of the LaE Liars

no one believes anything you say period

u still play in LaEx so your name is sill synonomous with filth

Edited By: starstalker4 on Jun 7th 2010, 4:19:49
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



Jun 6th 2010, 15:10:27

it is not a question of ability to detect cheating

cheaters and authorities in all walks of life are in a constantly escalating cycle

it is just hat when you catch them red handed, you do not punish them

and when they taunt you on the forums by saying the more you push the more we thrive

you let them get away with it

will you eventually catch cheaters? of course
will you deter them from cheating again? no

Edited By: starstalker4 on Jun 6th 2010, 15:11:27
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



Jun 6th 2010, 0:51:43

cheaters never think they are hurting their game

llaar is the barry bonds of this game

DENY DENY DENY even to themselves

if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



Jun 6th 2010, 0:41:24

on first reading thunder's post is just typical LaE pap


is it likely that LaE has hacked into the site and changed the program so that their spies never fail while everyone else's spies are weaker than obama's response to the oil spill?

while it is true that no one in LaE is above suspicion
while it is true that they whine and lie like 5 year olds
while it is true they cheat every reset on every server

i doubt if they have hacked into the site for that purpose

i think thunder's post is just typical LaE stupidity

no wonder he is the "president"
that is a good joke, llaar,
thunder as "president" rofl

Edited By: starstalker4 on Jun 6th 2010, 0:46:47
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



Jun 6th 2010, 0:30:10

how about a server where any player who has had a country deleted any time in the last year is not allowed to play?

that way anyone on that server will know that he is competing against legitimate players

also having a country deleted will have consequences beyond the current set . That rule will act as a deterrent in situations where a deletion which occurs after the set war is over is quite literally no penalty at all.
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



Jun 5th 2010, 20:51:18

why do you like guys who are demonstrably killing the game?

i despise them and i am not alone
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



Jun 5th 2010, 20:49:06

oh and in anticipation of LaEx silliness

I am not gregg
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



Jun 5th 2010, 20:42:52

is anyone surprised that the recently announced rule that ffa clans can not play en masse on individual servers is observed only in the breach?

is anyone surprised that the rule is not enforced?

is anyone surprised that Ice celebrates the abeyance in his final rankings post?

no no surprises here

i think that taunting the admins because they can not stop you is a little over the top ice

but u earned it i guess
they pushed hard but you still know who is LaEx and have a solid end set clan strategy
The mods must be distraught at their inability to run a clean game
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 31st 2010, 19:21:28

NOW3P's last post explains a lot

the only guys who say that are diminutive

that puts so many of his previous posts in perspective

i apologize for making you feel stupid NOW3P
you have enough to worry about
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 30th 2010, 13:21:37

gregg hasnt played in three weeks and you are still talking about him?

he got into your tiny litlle heads
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 28th 2010, 21:06:15

that lie is as credible as most of your posts

if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 28th 2010, 13:20:49


if u want to talk dont send your puppets
they just make you look stupid
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 27th 2010, 13:18:07

some people still have not figured that out

i bet if you took a poll and asked the community how many people thought llaar, jag ice and MB were cheating this reset

i bet fully 35% would say they were not cheating this time
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 27th 2010, 8:00:45

maki says
if that happens on the express boards...

meaning that maki wont take ten minutes to see their conduct first hand for himself

thus proving my point that he is willfully oblivious
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 26th 2010, 21:59:20

mr ford is not known for his intellect
this thread is a great example of why he was chosen as one of llaar's puppets
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 26th 2010, 21:32:26

if u guys would stop the cheaters u would not have to moderate these posts
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 26th 2010, 21:28:32

if u see nothing but grace from LaE u have not read their posts
i suggest u spend ten minutes reading their posts on EXPRESS

they whine, lie and insult people regularly
they are a danger to the survival of the game

frankly makinso's post is more disturbing than jag's cheating and LaE's general conduct
because Makinso is a good man who has the best interests of the game at heart
when good men willingly turn a blind eye to misconduct
things get even worse

we know that there will always be cheating
but if there will also always be naivete

then there is no reason for hope
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 26th 2010, 21:14:36

the admins have said they dont value the primary server and are seeking to change its name to something like the noob server
they are having a naming contest
the leader so far is noobile lounge

I think that is a shame

individual servers are dead on this site the only action is in the alliance, ffa and express servers where clans are active
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 26th 2010, 21:07:44

i dont think guys mind losing
they know that it takes a while to learn any worthwhile game
guys mind getting cheated
a lot and they wont play games where cheaters prosper
just that simple
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 21st 2010, 22:17:07

when you say i write as well as gregg, i take that as a compliment

but i know better you just arent used to reading good writers

when i say your first post was worthy of Mr Ford
you know that is no compliment

when i say the second post could have been written by NOW3P
you know you should aim higher
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 21st 2010, 21:22:35


what is that?

if you are trying to say in the LaE manner that i speak the king's english

yes i do you would not know it form this site
but a lot of people speak properly

i know you are not LaE so when you speak as profoundly poorly as they customarily do, i wonder why this game attracts and retains many iq levels but can only seem to retain one

Edited By: starstalker4 on May 21st 2010, 21:32:16
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 21st 2010, 20:30:47

i am not gregg

not everyone who went to college is named gregg
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 21st 2010, 12:43:42

why discourage land thin countries from expanding through war gaining?

often countries carry large amounts of cash and tech with little or no defense
at swirve a good attacker could move up quickly by attacking these lurkers, dropping the land and attacking again

so now that wargaining strategy is banned

so the idea of carrying cash with no defense is encouraged
why encourage that practice?

to say this site is netter friendly is an understatement

if all you have is netters the game can not grow
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 21st 2010, 12:34:23

is it baseless to say that LaE promised the cheaters had left the game?

no, anyone with a memory knows they did
they swore it up and down so that pang would not impose any real penalty

having received no penalty not even a slap on the wrist
they now deny ever saying it

no one in LaE is above suspicion-pang
LaE cheated in multiple servers-pang
LaE lied-pang
LaE whines like 5 years olds-pang

yeah it does sound familiar
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 21st 2010, 12:26:21

the medical tech was invened when the game was considered to be a balance of war game and net game

since this site hates wargaining and spying you might as well get rid of all the military tech and replace it with more netting tech
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 21st 2010, 2:22:26

great idea
or suppose different countries had different techs?
or building tech increasing how fast you can build
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 21st 2010, 2:17:29

you guys killed some guy last set, thinking he was gregg"?

no wonder llaar chose u morons as his puppets

if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 21st 2010, 2:06:05


i seem to recall LaEx telling everyone that jag and ice had forever left the game

lol they destroy the site and do it with reckless abandon

you have to hand it to them
their dishonesty knows no bounds

their contempt of pang and his work is staggering
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 20th 2010, 15:03:26

gregg hasnt played in ten days

stop obsessing over him
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 20th 2010, 14:22:19

llaar, jag, DK and Ice Man
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 20th 2010, 14:19:52

llaar once killed 427 of his own countries
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 20th 2010, 13:49:24

read the bill detmer
read the bill

my prediction?
sometime in july obama reads the bill
he then invites the arizona governor to the white house for a cerveza summit

more context?
in mexico illegal immigration is a felony
americans are not allowed to own real estate
foreign nationals may not compete with citizens for contracts

is that policy a little too strict?
maybe but it is not racist

if america adopted it
the recession would be over in three months

Edited By: starstalker4 on May 20th 2010, 14:15:22
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 19th 2010, 17:10:33


someone is going to stand up to llaar on this server

sign me up for AoDTExpress
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 18th 2010, 16:58:22

i dont read children's literature
so i have no idea who you are prattling about

a more apt analogy is gregg was laocoon and i was cassandra
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 18th 2010, 15:12:20

cheating on this server?

no one could ever have predicted that

we must all wonder who it is that is cheating???

and NOW3P in the middle of it

deja vu all over again

if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 18th 2010, 14:59:17

it is just too much

LaE just got caught cheating on primary and had more deletions

Like gregg, i am gone
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 17th 2010, 16:46:32

ghost acres were a bad idea to begin with and their failure is apparent

to solve the problem of bottom feeding raise the % of nw below which one can not attack insead of 10% make it 25%
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 17th 2010, 16:32:24

gentlemen and scholars are hounded off this site
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 17th 2010, 16:29:16

how about starting with the next scandal not this one

every time the cheater's puter logs in the following set it costs $1?
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 17th 2010, 16:26:44

this site hates spies

i think they will ban them altogether soon
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 16th 2010, 19:28:46

here is a partial trasnscript of our two hour interview with the greatest express player of any and all time

the interview took place inside a conference room in a large office tower in a major midwestern city where we got exclusive access to his war room

ExpN: Gregg, the rumor is you retired, is that true?

the holy gregg: I accomplished everything i wanted; there is no reason to continue. The game is addictive and may detract from work so yes i retitred.

ExpN: How can you walk away at the pinnacle of your sucess?

the holy gregg: Mr. Brown did it, Michael tried it, always leave them wanting more.

ExpN: The most popular posts are all about you, there are more threads about you than any other topic, the server has more players than ever before in large part because of you, how can you leave your fans like this?

the most holy of greggs: Hate to burst your bubble but i have no obligation to my express fans, my obligations are to god, family, country and work in that order.

Expn: Aren't you afraid that LaEx will destroy the game?

Gregg the great: of course they will, but i do not care, anymore.

at that point the room filled with the sounds of a slide bass playing an unreleased version of the oldie ,"dont care no more"
and a giant screen about 10' by 12' slid down and filled half of a wall of the room

the monitor disclosed three massive flow charts marked LaEx ESC and LaE. a digitized female voice intoned , "Jag3 is on line and pounding one of the LaEx land farms.

gregg pushed a button on the table and seconds later a goth appeared

the gregg of greggs: i thought i ordered this program erased

goth girl: susan said to keep it, you might get addicted again.

our favorite player: you do know susan is not the boss?

goth girl just gave a blank stare and left after a few seconds.

we stared at the screen and it became clear that this program was how Gregg the omniscient had detected tracked and eventually exposed LaEx.

It looked like the mosaic board on steroids, all digitzed with blue lines instead of red

ExpN: what does this do?

gregg the modest: it tracks LaEx and their nefarious dealings. it pays particular attention to the ESC portion of LaEx

ExpN: How does it work?

Gregg the virtuous:It tracks the login time on ffa of the known cheaters and extrapolates their arrival on express. It has a pattern recognition software that runs the names of express countries against the naming patterns of the four main cheaters to determine the likelihood of ESC ties. It also uses spy alliance data and ingame strategies to determine the odds they are part of LaEx.

ExpN: we all know about LaEx but what is the ESC?

Gregg the victorious: The ESC is the Evil Shadow Clan i have discussed at length. It consists of llaar( I only cheated for twelve hours) , Ice ( I cheated for years) Man, Dark (the game needs cheaters) Morbid and jag(i will keep on cheating for years) ernacht. They lost ten countries last set and according to my puter have fourteen countries this set. So the server's newfound numbers are only partly due to me. Fourteen of the new countries are LaEx. All four of the cheaters said they would play this set.

Expn: Yes they did but those players said they were only playing to kill you.

Gregg the farsighted: You believed them?

ExpN: What are the other factions?

Nostragreggus: The puppet regime and the indirect beneficiaries. The puppet regime consists of thunder (all noise and no substance), Mr (no vocabulary) Ford, and NOW3 ( iadmitted the cheaters all played here when gregg said they did((()P.

ExpN: That is the new leadership of LaE surely Llaar and company will obey their every command?

gregg the wise:

Expn: What of the indirect?

gregg the alpha: this interview is over get out

ExpN: any last words for your fans?

gregg the omeg

unfortunately weather destroyed the last words of the greatest player of any and all time

Edited By: starstalker4 on May 16th 2010, 19:46:28
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 13th 2010, 19:51:03


we lost our best writer and most entertaining poster

i expected him to quit after he exposed LaE on Express anyway

he had more fun in six weeks than i have ever had playing this game
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 13th 2010, 19:36:57

i am new and did not mean to post((( sorry

Edited By: starstalker4 on May 13th 2010, 19:40:51
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 11th 2010, 23:14:39

how about an acreage bug like the 2 bil bug?

Edited By: starstalker4 on May 11th 2010, 23:51:40
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 11th 2010, 22:55:44

the only cryin i see is by the prez of LaE

Why is the LaE prez trollin over here?

Edited By: starstalker4 on May 11th 2010, 22:58:02
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game



May 11th 2010, 22:51:43

LaE whines like 5 year olds

LaE cheats on every server

this thread proves em both right
if you can win a game without ever fighting a battle; it is not a war game