
breeze Game profile


Jan 16th 2015, 22:33:25

Originally posted by Duna:
Yeah, i see progress Imag did with all their wars. Your numbers is imaginary, your power is imaginary and your results are also imaginary.

Good imaginary job.

Childish response as usual

breeze Game profile


Jan 16th 2015, 22:33:00

Originally posted by Hawkster:
Look breeze, I applaud Imag, I really do. While I do NOT agree with everything it has done, I applaud it so much I gave it some serious thought into applying. If it had not been for supporting friends in my current clan and recent developments.... I would have.

However, while I understand and even agree with you about mixing it up and warring, etc. There is a big difference between warring just for hell of it and warring for some reason. Warring just for hell of it, isnt a bad thing and in fact I think sometimes it can be better than nothing. But warring for a reason can get the motivation going and get that rallying cry to actually want to fight or fight back, because after all you are supporting your clan and clan mates for something other than just for fun.

Plus netting COULD make the game grow if it COULD lead to altercations, conflict and/or wars. However the way clan pacts and retal policies are currently, this intuitively deters such things happening.

Yes I do agree Hawkster. Thank you for your responses which are positive.

breeze Game profile


Jan 16th 2015, 22:29:28

Childish answers as usual.

breeze Game profile


Jan 16th 2015, 2:24:48

No not a moral victory. We have no claim to a moral victory.

breeze Game profile


Jan 16th 2015, 2:22:25

To be honest I could really care less of what some think. We play how we want. Its a game of war, and that's how we look at it. No its not a moral victory. Did we know Rival was netting NO. Do we care if they were netting NO. Some can say what they want and quite frankly we don't care. Most of the people here now are the cause of the down fall of this game. We at Imag want the game to continue. Tell me what is wrong with mixing it up and going back to the game as it once was with more than 400 players playing. I know some will have a childish answer here. How has netting made this game grow. It hasn't, it has been downsized, by the netting community. Now we have the all mighty powers to be dictating when you can war. I say BS. How about we work for more wars and gaining new people. Instead of the same BS every set. I do know some don't like the way things are here. As for me the President of Imagnum, I take responsibility for the Rival war. We were not set to FS Rival. They were not our first target. Our first target was not available at the time. Rival was a last minute target. But that is not an excuse. That mistake I will grow from. As for Rival, all I can say is a job well done.

breeze Game profile


Jan 13th 2015, 1:57:42

It would be nice to get the game going in a different direction. Add a little excitement to the game. I enjoyed the game more when there were more people playing. The game is on a down hill slide. Why not try and get it going again?

breeze Game profile


Jan 12th 2015, 20:13:35

Bombay is correct, it only happens on EE. A lot of us are having the same problem and we all have one site in common EE. Just sayin

breeze Game profile


Jan 12th 2015, 3:34:39

Ive had trouble the past few days. Today I didn't have a problem.

breeze Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 4:07:06

Welcome back. Plenty has changed.

breeze Game profile


Jan 10th 2015, 4:04:27

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by breeze:
Wow the hostility. Did Imag ruffle feathers again? Like I said in a previous post. I posted for pacts. Some responded and we got pacts in order. Could we have went for a planned war? Yes we could have. We had other intentions. Some of you act like this is a real life crisis. You sound like a bunch of cry babies. Man up for Christ sakes. If Imag gets pounded then so be it. Its war and we expect it. We have fun. We honor our allies and will not make aggressive moves towards them. Imag still lives on and will continue to live. So now let your opinions run free. You wont change our way of thinking. Its a mute point to try.

I suppose being considerate of others and at least trying to find a war with a willing opponent has nothing to do with acting like children

hahahaha Not one of us from Imag are acting like children. I see others acting like children, because, we Imag warred someone. Big deal get over it.

breeze Game profile


Jan 9th 2015, 5:03:40

Good luck Furious999

breeze Game profile


Jan 9th 2015, 4:58:13

Wow the hostility. Did Imag ruffle feathers again? Like I said in a previous post. I posted for pacts. Some responded and we got pacts in order. Could we have went for a planned war? Yes we could have. We had other intentions. Some of you act like this is a real life crisis. You sound like a bunch of cry babies. Man up for Christ sakes. If Imag gets pounded then so be it. Its war and we expect it. We have fun. We honor our allies and will not make aggressive moves towards them. Imag still lives on and will continue to live. So now let your opinions run free. You wont change our way of thinking. Its a mute point to try.

breeze Game profile


Jan 8th 2015, 1:08:59

Thanks timmie

breeze Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 23:24:10

iTarl is correct. We never disappeared. We are here and playing a war game as we see fit. If some don't like it, then that's their problem. So don't get your panties in a wad.

breeze Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 17:18:08

Its funny how some frown on Imag. We are a warring clan. Always have been. Its a game of war. Even though some think trading is the way to go. If land trading is good for you, then fine. Have fun so be it. We do not net and see the game a little different. So don't let Imag ways spoil your fun. To our allies we will be true and honor our pacts and do what it takes to keep our pacts. For those who didn't want a pact with us, that's fine as well. But don't belly ache about being hit. I asked for pacts this set on this forum. The responses I got were responded to and we made pacts. So however you play the game have fun. Its just a game. Thanks to everyone who have responded in a positive way. :)

breeze Game profile


Jan 7th 2015, 3:09:03

Good luck to both clans.

breeze Game profile


Jan 6th 2015, 22:13:33

Stones will be policing for Imagnum

breeze Game profile


Dec 9th 2014, 2:36:52

Originally posted by Little Joker:
Final stats
Total OMA 18 kills vs Imagnum/Stones 14 kills

OMA vs Imagnum

OMA 2542 10 254 3033 8 379

Imagnum 3033 8 379 2542 10 254

OMA 10 kills and Imagnum 8 kills.
OMA vs Stones
OMA 3120 8 390 2711 6 452

STONES 2711 6 452 3120 8 390

OMA 8 Kills and STONES 6 kills.

Thank you for the great war. Stones we have nothing but the up most respect for you guys and we wish you the best of luck next set and every other set after that. Imagnum you jumped us with your 12+ members in the middle of our war with Stones. You kept talking smack but we will turn the other cheek and thank you as well and wish you the best of luck in the future. Special thanks to LCNostra for their policing on our side and MD for their policing on Imagnum's side.

It was a lot of fun. I can say OMA never gave up. I would also like to thank MD for policing for us (Imag). It was great working with Stones and we look forward to working with Stones again. Thanks OMA for the fun set.

breeze Game profile


Dec 9th 2014, 2:27:26

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Who's "we"?

OOPS we are Imagnum

breeze Game profile


Dec 9th 2014, 2:26:40

I haven't received anything Suncrusher

breeze Game profile


Dec 9th 2014, 1:10:09

Message sent

breeze Game profile


Dec 9th 2014, 1:06:46

We are looking for pacts. Drop me a message. Thanks

breeze Game profile


Dec 9th 2014, 1:05:40

Messgae sent TAN

breeze Game profile


Dec 9th 2014, 1:01:35

breeze Game profile


Dec 4th 2014, 4:20:16

I agree Blade hahaha

breeze Game profile


Dec 4th 2014, 4:18:43


breeze Game profile


Nov 29th 2014, 5:56:51

Originally posted by iccyh:
There's room for both in this game.

It sure doesn't seem like it.

breeze Game profile


Nov 29th 2014, 5:54:57

Originally posted by locket:
Maybe you need to understand what many children understand. Different people have different fluffing opinions and tastes. Jesus.

Im not a child and I understand others have different opinions. That's life DUH. There were more players when Earth engaged in war and not netting. That's a proven fact. Numbers have dwindled. Like it or not.

breeze Game profile


Nov 29th 2014, 4:01:09

I have played this game since it first started. Heck I even played BRE and ran a BBS to play a war game. Not sure many remember what BRE and a BBS system was (search and see). I know Earth has lost quite a few good players. Maybe playing Earth as a war game, others may return. I just see the boring netting Earth losing players. I remember having players numbers reach a thousand and then when killed restart again. Now were lucky to have 400 to start a set. So where has the numbers gone. Lets see netting and arranged wars. Now the EWPP. Come on don't some see what's going on here? I know some can see it. But some things others don't want to see. Just food for thought.

breeze Game profile


Nov 28th 2014, 4:42:09

Just food for thought which I know will make me a bad guy here. Is this a war game or is this a netting game? Do all the netters get bored with the same old hum drum crap each and every set? Land trading makes me laugh. Netting makes me laugh. How about we all get back to it being a war game? Curious how a lot of other people feel, other than the same few all the time. I'm trying to see what makes netting so wonderful. For me personally Id rather play a war game and kill others. What fun is it without clans going to war?

breeze Game profile


Nov 27th 2014, 5:12:47

Originally posted by Riddler:
they loot shoe stores and steal Jordans but not a single pair of Redwings or Wolverine work boots were

Isnt that the truth

breeze Game profile


Nov 26th 2014, 1:54:05

Originally posted by Riddler:
Breeze why all the hostility? lol

hahaha Riddler. Its all good Riddler my bad

breeze Game profile


Nov 15th 2014, 5:24:55

Originally posted by Riddler:
I find it funny imag is getting killed by a group who has been getting hammered all set, but then again I find it funny that OMA is hanging in with both tags warring them

I didn't know Imag was getting killed by OMA. Sure you lose a country here or there. HMMMM its a war game and that happens in a war game. DUH But I guess I should consider the source Riddler

breeze Game profile


Nov 15th 2014, 5:18:40

Originally posted by Furious999:
breeze, "you're" is how it is spelt. Mostly you learn that at nine years old. But ten, I suppose if you are a little slow. :)

I find it funny that the grammar police are in a war game. Big deal. You know you're an idiot when you don't have a response for someones comment and have to point out a grammar error. Impressive :)

breeze Game profile


Nov 15th 2014, 0:03:19

Originally posted by Collzaboration:
Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by Glooms:
who is imag anyway ? is that another spamtag ?

A spamming tag I don't think so. Far from it. We are the clan who likes to war in a war game. Unlike a lot of clans now. Everything now needs to be set up and oh lets get with this clan and lets make a war, and lets all not engage in war for 29 days. Whatever. Back in the day you would have a lot of big clans and you had your allies back. Players restart numbers would be in the thousands. Clans warred. Now were lucky to have a restart number of 600. Am I old school Earth2025 yes I am. Do I like EE yes besides all the fluff that I see now. I would rather see everything grow and not subside like things are doing. I am an Imagger and proud of it.

More like a fag tag.......

Now that's funny right there if your 10 years old

breeze Game profile


Nov 14th 2014, 23:48:38

Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by Riddler:
habeneros are for P*ssies...try a ghost chilli... ;)

my anus would melt

hahahahaha I agree

breeze Game profile


Nov 14th 2014, 4:35:47

Crackers all the way

breeze Game profile


Nov 14th 2014, 4:34:16

I agree never and never give up

breeze Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 5:59:37

oops hahahaha :)

breeze Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 5:56:42

iNouda a netter hahahaha funny. Have you gone soft.

breeze Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 5:50:15

Originally posted by Marshal:
Originally posted by Glooms:
who is imag anyway ? is that another spamtag ?


Really Marshal. But that doesn't surprise me.

breeze Game profile


Nov 9th 2014, 5:48:16

Originally posted by Glooms:
who is imag anyway ? is that another spamtag ?

A spamming tag I don't think so. Far from it. We are the clan who likes to war in a war game. Unlike a lot of clans now. Everything now needs to be set up and oh lets get with this clan and lets make a war, and lets all not engage in war for 29 days. Whatever. Back in the day you would have a lot of big clans and you had your allies back. Players restart numbers would be in the thousands. Clans warred. Now were lucky to have a restart number of 600. Am I old school Earth2025 yes I am. Do I like EE yes besides all the fluff that I see now. I would rather see everything grow and not subside like things are doing. I am an Imagger and proud of it.

breeze Game profile


Nov 7th 2014, 1:16:50

Is that kinda like double secret probation hahaha

breeze Game profile


Nov 6th 2014, 4:55:49

looking for ThePinoy FA

breeze Game profile


Nov 3rd 2014, 22:29:00

Yes TAN Soviet is HFA. I can help you and so can Galleri.

breeze Game profile


Nov 3rd 2014, 3:27:33

Originally posted by DARKLING:
bring it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We aren't hard to find since you apparently know who we are. So save us the search tough guy.

breeze Game profile


Nov 3rd 2014, 1:46:32

Originally posted by Riddler:
anyone who wants to wear a mullet is and yes that's merely my opinion

Well your opinion doesn't matter professional or not. We do have a position open at Imag for a water boy. But you probably couldn't get that right.

breeze Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 14:31:37

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Viceroy:
Originally posted by Brille:
But again, iMag could also have read the pact, and you would have avoided this!
The EWPP applies to everyone. The signatories have made certain that there is no way to avoid it, either through actions or through diplomacy. This was unavoidable.

The way to avoid it is to wait until day 29, and then the pact is void. They could have waited one more week, and then we wouldn't have had a situation where we either enforce the pact as it was written, or get laughed at(by the same people who fluff at us enforcing it) for the pact having no meaning and no teeth.

Honestly, it was pretty effing clear what would happen. It's not our fault that the leaders of imag didn't bother to read AT. Hell, breeze(who says he's the president), didn't even have an account until this happened. Shoddy FA work, if you ask me.

Yes I should have read AT before we attacked. That you are correct.

breeze Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 14:26:50

From my experience and just so you all know, ive been around a long time playing this game. This has always been a war game and not a netting game. Am I wrong about that?

breeze Game profile


Nov 2nd 2014, 2:09:45

Originally posted by Riddler:
Imag, you guys are truly idiots.

And is this your professional opinion?