
amy winehouse


May 27th 2016, 0:01:08

own it.

amy winehouse


May 27th 2016, 0:00:25

wow, how could you possibly prove yourself to be more wrong?

two mods have said it wasn't me. they both said you were wrong. they both continue to say you are not right. also, if i'm banned how is it i prove you right now to be so god damned fluffing wrong?

just admit it and walk away- you thought it was me, as did red and many others, you aren't alone. just say, hi guys, i was incorrect, braden is a drunken retard, but of what i and others have accused him of? we, on this off chance, happened not to be correct..

be a man, apologize.

amy winehouse


May 10th 2016, 1:49:41

friendship is magic, zelda.

amy winehouse


May 9th 2016, 2:53:57

i don;t like you and ou can go hang yourself off a highway overpass, but i dun did play the role of you and for this i feel ashamed.

i accept and love and embrace you as a person, whether you yourself do or not.

huurt <3

amy winehouse


May 9th 2016, 2:49:57

Originally posted by mrford:
I do not accept it.

But at least you know you were wrong.

i have freely admitted i was wrong before you and i knew one another.. or at least before i knew your rd name was elsewhere ford, but thats between like you me vic and whomever reads this

amy winehouse


May 9th 2016, 2:48:43

i am already permabanned like nineteen times.. at this point, as the seventeenth player of the game, i have nothing to lose, other than respect for myself. i have never been too proud to admit when i was in the wrong. and it has been awfully plenty.

i am least from perfect, but at least i understand that amends should be tried to be had.

banned? nigga, i hacked the game and let orange and silver take the fall. do you know your intrawebs banking password?" because orange and silver do..

amy winehouse


May 9th 2016, 2:44:56

and i may have one or two or three nicks at this stage, but pang raised very good points whether he meant to or not..

what makes us Canadian, what makes a Canadian, is the willingness to accept and love somebody different, even when they won't accept themselves.

sometimes i need reminded what makes canadians the single greatest people on the planet.

we will, and we have, died, so as to offer others freedom.

when i espouse racism i lose this, and this is what defines us as canadians.

you would need to be canadian to understand. i just drink my comprehension out of my sentiment. david reminded of this. never before, but heart GU? ;p

amy winehouse


May 8th 2016, 15:40:42

Originally posted by Marshal:
Originally posted by archaic:

Hi B, please quit drinking so much - I don't want that forest fire to get you.

wouldn't be that big loss.

And the hundreds of thousands of people displaced or killed while it works its way across, essentially, three provinces to me?

Not only are you worthless but youre also a psychopath. These are real people trying to live their lives, and youd burn them just to get to me?

One more socialist european without respect for human life.

amy winehouse


May 7th 2016, 1:06:30

Rye, crack, meth, crystal, pcp, amatuer poetry, watercolours, the h train.. i aint got no room for no more hobbies, son. Add in the money for women to pee on me? Nigga, who can afford hobbies after rent, food and vices?

amy winehouse


May 6th 2016, 22:49:48

Originally posted by Marshal:
not outside team and alliance.

Yea but the fluff you know?
Are you friends with braden?
Do yall snap your chats?
Or yall insta your grams?
Yall twit your ters?

No. I thought so.

amy winehouse


May 3rd 2016, 12:49:50

Originally posted by Marshal:
braden is still playing (sadly) but deathrider isn't nor jakeb (atleast not posting for weekly bonus).

Are you sure? I thought his permaban was for ingame as well as forums. Does anyone know where he plays? Any express or primary?

amy winehouse


May 3rd 2016, 12:45:47

Not all teams have 5 members enshula, so total land wouldn't give me the overview of the netting teams that av land would.

amy winehouse


May 3rd 2016, 12:43:52


amy winehouse


May 3rd 2016, 12:39:50

Yes, taylor.
Amy winehouse was.
Hows your reading comprehension coming along?
Ha, actual irony. Whodda thunk it?
Gotta love that us education. No child left behind, sure, but what about the hundred million adults left dumb as fluff?

I still consider you a friend, taylor. We can disagree or even not like one another and still be frien.. oh.. wait..

The er is no charge (notice i didnt say free), so id be a fool not to. Sometimes i go just to talk to the pretty nurses and we gab about the doctors and whos dating whom.

amy winehouse


May 3rd 2016, 5:48:32

pfft, i csnt afford no mayo clinic. even if i could, blake never made it back to his so out of respect i wouldnt ever go. theres a mount sinai somewhere, at least one closer than egypt (theyd kill me thrice: for being born zionist, for having converted, and for being christian)

amy winehouse


May 3rd 2016, 5:43:56

she was an amazing woman, taylor.
if you say otherwise, i say no no no.

something tells mr we're gonna go down in flames.

*youtubes t swift*

ps. superfly: we both know you didnt need to google those quotes. youre a swifter, too??