
Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 24th 2016, 14:45:50

For someone claiming to follow the teachings of Jesus you seem to have a lot of anger in your heart

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 24th 2016, 14:45:15

So you take the smaller example of the two and use it to try to cut down the entire argument? That's dishonest at best

The wide scale anti pagan laws of the Roman Catholic empire are far more significant but of course you ignored them

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 24th 2016, 14:19:48

Originally posted by damondusk:
Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
Good job going black and white.

It's called reading the text for what it says, not applying your own tint to the lens or 'reading between the lines.' It's not up to you to decide the writer's intent for them.

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
Compassion, love and forgiveness are positive traits. As are aspiration, desire to achieve, sexual confidence

In Genesis, one of the very fist instructions ever relayed to mankind was to "be fruitful and multiply, go forth and fill the Earth and subdue it" which, by my book, seems like a hell of an aspiration to achievement. Not sure what you're reading but again, I'm somewhat certain that you are running a mile with one inch instructions not to be enslaved by the love of wealth and worldly possession, which is not the same as lacking aspiration. As for sexual confidence, I don't need to have sex outside of my marriage or reorient myself sexually to feel sexually confident. One has nothing to do with the other and you're mincing words here is more than a little dishonest. If you want to claim that the Bible denounces homosexuality or extra- / pre- marital sexuality, then say that, but quit with all of the overblown, specious crap.

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
Jesus's teachings lack balance. Adherents(true adherents) are very one dimensional

This is my favorite. Let me use the distributive property of bigoted statements to bring that into focus. All "true adherents" to Jesus' teachings will inherently and invariably be assholes, while anyone claiming to be Christian but treating people right is not the real deal? WOW!!!! Here's your hood, Grand Dragon. Heil Fuhrer Tarnava.

You don't have an argument so you need to pervert the meaning of mine. Good job, what you claim I said is not close to what I said

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 24th 2016, 14:07:48

As for burning of texts, this is the best I am willing to find right now(away on business, writing this as I'm doing my 'morning ritual')

Policies by the Roman Catholics and the Coptic Orthodox's around the same time to loot, vandalize and burn all pagan temples. Christian mobs taking it upon themselves to do likewise. Epicurus and Socrates were atheists- their works were targeted specifically

As for texts

This talks about how it wasn't until the 5th century that church leaders 'decided which gospels were true'

As for date of first writings, it even talks about it on this page

And here

Feel free to peruse the citations on the gospels that have not been included to read about what they suggested, and how it greatly differs from what was canonized

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 23rd 2016, 2:36:42

Also, I'm talking about original accounts before the NT was written. Also many of the books which were omitted from the NT.

The first written account of Jesus was roughly 60 ad but I'm sure you knew that.

Also I'm sure you knew the Catholic Church attempted to purge all philosophy that wasn't Christianity, and what we have left only survived in the libraries of Egypt. Entire works of Epicurus, Socrates... Gone. Just scraps remaining.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 23rd 2016, 2:31:07

How do you read that text differently?

Good job going black and white, shows your level of critical and analytical capacity.

Compassion, love and forgiveness are positive traits. As are aspiration, desire to achieve, sexual confidence,

Jesus's teachings lack balance. Adherents(true adherents) are very one dimensional and if all were like that, society wouldn't be progressing.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 22nd 2016, 20:48:52

My biggest issue with christ's teachings may be the denunciation of achievement, wealth, accomplishment

Here are two quotes which articulate my thoughts better than I can myself

The acquisition of money, sensual pleasure and esteem is a hindrance(to happiness) only as long as they are sought on their own account, and not as a means to other things. If they are sought as a means, they will then be under some restrictions, and far from being hindrances, they will do much to further the end in which they are sought.

Baruch Spinoza

They have taken a lease of virtue absolutely for themselves, have these weaklings and wretched invalids, there is no doubt of it; "We alone are the good, the righteous", so do they speak, "We alone are the men of good will." They stalk about in our midst as living reproaches, as warning to us-as though health, fitness, strength, pride, the sensation of power, were really vicious things in themselves, for which one would would have some day to do penance, bitter penance. Oh, how they themselves are ready in their hearts to exact penance, how they thirst after being hangmen!...At that time, doubtless, when they succeed in pushing their own misery, in fact, all misery, into the consciousness of the happy; so that the latter begin one day to be ashamed of their happiness, and perchance say to themselves when they meet "it is a shame to be happy, there is too much misery"... But there could not possibly be a greater and more fatal misunderstanding than that of the happy, the fit, the strong in body and soul, beginning in this way to doubt their right to happiness. Away with this "perverse world"! Away with this shameful soddenness of sentiment! Preventing the sick making the healthy sick, this ought to be our supreme object in the world.

Parsed together two Nietzsche quotes

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 22nd 2016, 17:08:21

The New Testament is virtually void of dangerous texts.

As for your FF analogy, I would use a better one:

A police force using archaic laws to harass citizens, knowing full well they'll be over turned in court, but to achieve the result of shame and guilt.

First off the New Testament clearly prohibits divorce, and alludes to 1 man 1 woman, which I disagree with for many reasons.

Here is a verse from the NT citing Jesus, where he lists fornication as an evil attribute:

[Jesus] said, "It is what comes out of a person that defiles. For it is from within, from the human heart, that evil intentions come: fornication, theft, murder, adultery, avarice, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, folly. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person." (NRSV, Mark 7:20-23)

Humans are sexual beings, shaming our sexuality causes repression, anger, leads to hate. It is abhorrent.

Jesus also taught that the poor should have no concern over worldly comforts or riches as they will receive reward in heaven(he actually didn't at all, original texts are very vague and I am much less against, no sky daddy in paradise, but we are talking with what is understood as christs teachings not what they actually were). This type of magical thought also causes division, an us vs them tribalism that has lead to many of the atrocities committed in his name. It is harmful to the human psychology, and believing in this sort of nonsense also works against scientific advancements

I believe 'turning the other cheek' and absolute forgiveness for anyone is very short sighted and goes against what we know about neurobiology. Chemical imbalances are real, we need to be wary of predators in our midst, and a subset of the population can never be rehabilitated(although the majority can)

I also reject equality. People and cultures aren't equal, and do not deserve equal reward or respect. Evolution favors the strong and intelligent, and that goes for evolution of culture, technology and science also.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 22nd 2016, 4:33:12

The vast majority of the Christian claiming population has no idea the teachings, history or philosophy of Christ. In fact, I would be surprised if you do- seeing as how the modern texts have been perverted so much throughout history away from what Jesus or Yeshua actually was, and taught(i.e no actual miracles, first account had him married with children, very vague on whether he spoke of an after life or a peoples communist uprising, etc). It could be argued that modern day Christianity is closer to Platonism than it is to original Christianity.

Now let's talk about exactly when Christianity turned for the worse, I'd pinpoint it to around Tertullian. Definitely Tertullian, when he gave the first account of heaven(decades after hell was accepted in Christian circles) and described it, to paraphrase, as a 'sanctuary in the sky for the true believers to blissfully look down to watch the eternal torment of the non believers'

Not very Christian, and only about 200 AD. Once Constantin got his hooks in and the Romans started re writing everything, the rest went to crap.

If you want to speak strictly of the philosophy of Jesus, it isn't particularly dangerous, although I largely disagree with it. However, the vast majority know virtually none of his philosophies, practice less, and believe the made up miracles and horse crap, believing just enough for the organized leaders to be able to frighten the populace to keep shame and guilt high, spurring on hate and mistrust, and sowing the seeds of evil.

and while not an expert, I have read both the NT(many times, several different versions) and the OT(horrid, evil piece of trash that it is)

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 21st 2016, 14:33:09

[quote poster=damondusk; 39968; 766413]
Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
Like I have stated, I am an anti theist, and may even contemplate arguing that Islam contains slightly more dangerous scripture than Christianity, but please do not rosify your own religion.

Slightly? Here's some homework for you: find one word from Jesus Christ anywhere in scripture commanding his followers to violence. Not find me a crazy who claims it's for Christ, actually back up that nonsense you're selling with some citation. Here are a few of over 100 easily searched quotes from the Quran calling Muslims to literal war on non-believers:

Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority"

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than killing...but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [belief in and worship of other gods along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun"

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Quran (8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more fitna and religion is all for Allah"

Quran (9:30) - "And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!" ***I particularly like this one because it names and calls for the destruction of Jews and Christians. I remember that one verse when Jesus was like, "Hey guys, fug those Allah guys! May God kill em all!" You remember that?***

You're a hack, Tarnava. "Slightly more dangerous scripture" is like describing a bear as slightly more dangerous than a beagle. There's no intellectual honesty in the fertilizer you're spreading. Your words are tainted with your poorly veiled contempt for Christianity and no matter how you claim to loathe all of the theists equally, your bias betrays you. Why don't you just come out and admit that you hate Christians, regardless of individual character, much the same way a KKK member hates a black regardless of individual character. At least your honesty could be respected, you coward. I'll be flamed to a charred cinder for this post by a few guys but at least I've got the stones to state my real position and take my medicine. You, on the other hand......... [/quote]

When Christians stop quoting the Old Testament to shame others, or justify hate and discrimination, disavowing the text, you can hide behind only the New Testament

Until that time your post is dishonest

I despise Christianity and I stated that Islam is slightly worse, meaning I feel more strongly against it than Christianity

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 19th 2016, 19:32:25

Serbia and Croatia's attempted genocide on the muslim populations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Croatians had the virgin mary on their rifle butts, and the Serbians wore an Orthodox cross on their uniforms.

When radical Christians commit heinous acts 'they aren't true Christians', but when radical Muslims do likewise they are indicative of all muslims?

Like I have stated, I am an anti theist, and may even contemplate arguing that Islam contains slightly more dangerous scripture than Christianity, but please do not rosify your own religion.

How about the systematic rape of young boys, and the massive cover up that ensued, the leadership of the Catholic church being complicit to the highest level?

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 14th 2016, 16:22:41

Originally posted by damondusk:
Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:

What would possibly make you believe I am a champion of tolerance and diversity?

I slammed cultural relativism as being misguided earlier in this thread and view it as dangerous

Not all cultures are equal

If all cultures are not equal, necessarily one/some must be superior to others. Which culture is superior to the rest? Yours?

That was an asinine comment on your part. My culture is also deeply flawed- whichever focus of the blend you choose to fixate on(Canadian nationality with various heritage/cultural influences from family)

Superior in which regard, and what focus of society holds the most value? Some criteria can be used by fact, others will be subjective, but it isn't an easy question to answer

It is something that can confidently be stated in extremes- I.e Canadian culture and society is superior to a failed state such as Somalia

We could figure out an ideal culture through science, careful intentional adjustments, and lots of time. It would be incredibly painstaking, though.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 14th 2016, 12:48:57

Double post, not sure how that happened. I refreshed twice and my post wasn't here so I hit back and submitted again and it popped up twice


Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 14th 2016, 12:48:06

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Well, with all that said above, some of those thoughts are indeed on a higher level and I appreciate that discourse.

First, equating "religion" with "faith" is a non-sequitur of the first order.

I believe in God, and I believe in Jesus, but I'm not religious, nor do I force my views on anyone.

But, let me point this out. It was western Christianity that built the United States, and after a time gained a good solid foothold in Europe that allowed the Europeans to finally set aside their nationalistic differences and form up a cohesive continental political system, it led to advances in every science and art, and allowed for freedom of expression, freedom of the press and accountability for ones actions not only to an earthly government but to a God who will punish those who are deserving of it no matter what anyone else might think.

I don't have to prove God's existence, I simply choose to believe and it is so.

Why does no one ever seem to question that the attacks against Christians and Christian businesses seem to avoid mentioning the same things about Islam? I think it's because the Atheists and others are fearful of being attacked by the Islamics for any criticism, yet have no fear of doing the exact same thing to Christians who would simply ignore them, as we've been doing for many many years.

So, to sum that up, atheists are cowards at heart, not only do they not have any kind of moral compass, they deny the existence of God because they do not want to face what they know to be true at the end of days, and thus spend their time convincing themselves of their rightness.

If you want to believe there is no God, feel free to do so, but don't start trying to fluff me over because I see it differently, unless you would appreciate me pissing in your corn flakes over it.

First, belief in Jesus and the miracles surrounding him is enough to convince others to behave irrationally, as quoted about and evidences throughout history

Second, advances in sciences... It was the atheist revolution starting with scientists like Darwin that set science back on track. Christianity created the dark ages, and we lost most of what the Greeks and Romans discovered

Third, I agree with most leading anti theists alive and deceased(Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens etc) that Islam was put together using some of the worst, most brutal and violent tendencies of Judaism and Christianity. Please do not speak in black and white regarding atheists, just as I would not say all Christians are like... Literally a million possible examples

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 14th 2016, 12:46:52

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Well, with all that said above, some of those thoughts are indeed on a higher level and I appreciate that discourse.

First, equating "religion" with "faith" is a non-sequitur of the first order.

I believe in God, and I believe in Jesus, but I'm not religious, nor do I force my views on anyone.

But, let me point this out. It was western Christianity that built the United States, and after a time gained a good solid foothold in Europe that allowed the Europeans to finally set aside their nationalistic differences and form up a cohesive continental political system, it led to advances in every science and art, and allowed for freedom of expression, freedom of the press and accountability for ones actions not only to an earthly government but to a God who will punish those who are deserving of it no matter what anyone else might think.

I don't have to prove God's existence, I simply choose to believe and it is so.

Why does no one ever seem to question that the attacks against Christians and Christian businesses seem to avoid mentioning the same things about Islam? I think it's because the Atheists and others are fearful of being attacked by the Islamics for any criticism, yet have no fear of doing the exact same thing to Christians who would simply ignore them, as we've been doing for many many years.

So, to sum that up, atheists are cowards at heart, not only do they not have any kind of moral compass, they deny the existence of God because they do not want to face what they know to be true at the end of days, and thus spend their time convincing themselves of their rightness.

If you want to believe there is no God, feel free to do so, but don't start trying to fluff me over because I see it differently, unless you would appreciate me pissing in your corn flakes over it.

First, belief in Jesus and the miracles surrounding him is enough to convince others to behave irrationally, as quoted about and evidences throughout history

Second, advances in sciences... It was the atheist revolution starting with scientists like Darwin that set science back on track. Christianity created the dark ages, and we lost most of what the Greeks and Romans discovered

Third, I agree with most leading anti theists alive and deceased(Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens etc) that Islam was put together using some of the worst, most brutal and violent tendencies of Judaism and Christianity. Please do not speak in black and white regarding atheists, just as I would not say all Christians are like... Literally a million possible examples

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 13th 2016, 16:03:25

Originally posted by damondusk:
Before everything went personal and off topic, I THINK the point of the OP was that the current administration seems to be comfortable defining acts of terror as acts of terror only when the actors are non-Muslim. Case in point: when Nidal Malik Hasan shouted "Allahu Akbar!" and opened fire at Ft. Hood, the administration did triple backflips and moonwalked over water to keep the word "terrorism" out of the narrative and that this kind of padding of said narrative is typical only for those incidents involving assailants who identify as Muslim. It was a simple case of "violence in the workplace." (Obama, to his credit, did finally use the word terrorist 6 years after)

Now before any of the hard left or hard right guys get all pissy, I'm stating a FACT that can be fact checked. It isn't tempered by my opinion and the facts don't care what you or I think/feel. I do not speculate as to WHY the administration chooses to do this (ie, I do not subscribe to Obama is a Kenyan Muslim Manchurian Candidate nonsense). I am simply pointing out that if the assailant is non-Muslim, words like "terrorist" and "terrorism" seem to slide right off the tongue with the greatest of ease.

OP, feel free to tell me to STFU if I read you wrong. Not trying to put words in your mouth - I just thought that your initial point was good and worth discussing but it got lost in the sea of insults.

Another note - to the "all religion is dangerous" statement: tell me how that bigotry right there is different from any other bigotry? Religion = ideas. It's intangible. You can't pick up some religion at the sporting goods store and shoot a dozen people down with it. Ideas simply cannot hurt people. People hurt people, often over their ideas. They do it over political ideas; protests and demonstrations over political issues become violent all the time. People hurt people over social ideas; protests turn to riots involving thousands of people over issues of racial equality, police overreach and other issues in society. Even the global warming camp has straight up militant (yes, that is the appropriate word) believers who have gone so far as to say that "deniers" of their IDEA should be executed for not agreeing (Prof Richard Parncutt).

The point is this: ideas them selves cannot hurt people. This is a simple matter of physics. Only people, acting with fervor fueled by their ideas, can hurt other people (in this context. Obviously, a bear can hurt people, etc). That said, Lord Tarnava, the branding of cultural diversities (which is what religion is) as inherently evil or bad or "dangerous" is out and out bigotry. You loving champions of tolerance and diversity need to stop this double speak.

What would possibly make you believe I am a champion of tolerance and diversity?

I slammed cultural relativism as being misguided earlier in this thread and view it as dangerous

Not all cultures are equal

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 13th 2016, 4:41:54

The comment about leaving the left makes no sense

And I am up to date, and it still shocks me every time I witness it that the majority fall in line in either a black or white view(whether it be blindly following whatever leftist dogma, or mindlessly regurgitating the crap you have touched on)

Makes me feel like I'm witnessing a lesser species lacking certain cognitive functions but appearing mostly human

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 13th 2016, 4:25:37

Read your first comment in this thread

You're implying that the left should denounce Islam, I'm presuming they're defending the religion while deriding the single lunatic, which you've interpreted as the left 'siding with Islam over the lgbt community'

I presume this because no one legitimate in the 'left' would state that 'Islam is above the gay community'

What you said is very black and white thinking.

Personally I believe anyone defending Islam is wrong, and following cultural relativism to the detriment of logic. All religion is dangerous, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism. Look what the Buddhists have done in Sri Lanka, Japan in the past(recently in Sri Lanka)

If a movement can make one believe absurdities, it can make them commit atrocities to paraphrase Voltaire

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 13th 2016, 4:14:36

Originally posted by Heston:
Lol i nailed you to a cross. Bye bye now.

You're an idiot. Probably religious, too, although that is one instance where correlation almost means causation- close enough for a general rule, anyways

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 13th 2016, 4:13:34

Originally posted by Heston:
Amazing! the blame the other half speach and the im almost half american.... I know fluff.

That's not what I said, not even close. I'm not American at all and DO NOT WANT TO BE, my intention was to show I have intimate knowledge of American culture through first hand experience- likely far more than you

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 13th 2016, 4:12:00

All bets are that Heston is an absolute failure in all areas of life, has terrible health, is morbidly obese and in poverty, so chooses to resort to an 'us vs them' tribalistic stance in order to feel some level of pride in his existence


Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 13th 2016, 4:10:02

Even look at your asinine responses, asking what country I'm from to reduce it to an 'us vs them'

This ideology is very primitive tribalism that most of the first world is eorking towards eliminating, but in Murica it is making a resurgence

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 13th 2016, 4:05:51

Canada, but I actually spend just under 50% of my time in the USA

I've been to 34 states, doing significant business in all of them. My business partner lives in Texas. I look in as a 'close outsider' and I am not saying that Canada is perfect.

But the black and whiteism going on in the USA is frightening, and it is doing nothing but stall any progression towards fixing the deep issues plaguing America and fostering hate and distrust towards the other side

Your country is broken, and the majority would prefer to blame the 'other half' than to actually use any logic, analytical or critical thought to evaluate the situations and fix them

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 13th 2016, 3:36:11

Originally posted by Heston:
The left just put Islam over gays. Defining moment for the lgbt community. Maybe the lgbt community will wake up. Prolly not though.

While I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to, and belong neither to the left or right, I'm confident from this post you've decided to align yourself in a black and white manner.

The dichotomies existing in your country are incredibly alarming on multiple levels. There are shades of grey and assessments based on context. Not every situation can be easily packaged into 'this or that'

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 13th 2016, 2:39:01

Originally posted by BattleKJ:

I don't think anyone mentioned aqua and cm. They were pretty good back in the TTR days. There was a guy in Evo or RED for a while too that came from FFA I think called DOM (I believe) that was really good. I also thought the pinoys that joined Evo for a while were really good (legit or not can always be debatable). Aswell as other people already mentioned like eugene, hanschlong and co. I would debate the legitimacy of most of them though, all the netters had a bit of a culture of getting aid and being handed acres etc. Towards the end of me playing as the game died I would often just play untagged and hit other untagged before they came out of DR.

But really saying who the best is at netgaining and warring is like saying, who had the least substance in their life at those times as it was so time consuming to netgain successfully or war well.

While typically true in the past recently things are much easier to post a top finish. I came 3rd with very little effort and screwed up royally, if I played it right I could have won...

I did this while running my one business and launching a multi national start up, going through federal regulations for health products in Canada, state department in the US for importing to Canada/exporting from the US a 'military grade' substance in thousands of pounds, organizing hundreds of people for my product launch, organizing patents and scientific testing... Not to mention the small stuff like website, label, meeting with software company to fine tune commission structures and payouts for the MLM, All in all about 80 hour work weeks- while spending enough time with my girlfriend to maintain a relationship. Some people are just more active than others in EVERYTHING, successful people tend to do whatever they're doing well, and do many things

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 13th 2016, 2:30:10

The shooter called in 911 to swear his allegiance to ISIS, a political organization prone to committing acts of terror, and then targeted a specific demographic out of hate

the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

It was an act of terrorism, by definition. Don't let your own political motives blind you of the truth

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 6th 2016, 4:48:29

200m won't be close to t10 this set

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 5th 2016, 15:15:08

Originally posted by Vic:
no back in e 2025 LT kept country names more in line with the dungeon and dragons/Lords theme stuff :p
then he became a ladies man as he grew older :)

Have never had a dungeons and dragons theme lol

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 5th 2016, 3:00:33

Originally posted by Slagpit:
It was productive actually. What would you know about it? Apparently less than nothing.

Does anyone have anything new, intelligent, or interesting to say around here?

About being productive? Or about coding a copy of an almost dead game so a bunch of cranky, mostly anti social middle aged men can stay in their safe place?

Quite a bit about the former, literally nothing about the latter

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 5th 2016, 2:37:02

What a productive use of your guys time. You should have spent it on self improvement in literally any area instead.

Are you still so emo you can be trolled this easily?

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 5th 2016, 2:16:13

That's why Evo failed, mrford

It was full of emo losers like fagpit, kj and nukevil who would rather whine and cry foul than actually try to be competitive at literally anything

An alliance consisting of members with such a loser attitude was bound to fail sooner or later

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 21:07:33


Reignz and Doll were cheating? That changes my perspective and how I rank them.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 2nd 2016, 22:47:52

I agree.

Also, destock options were weak for me this set. I still should beat the oil destock route, even screwing up a perfect public destock by upwards of 70m, I still likely beat the safe route by 15-20

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 2nd 2016, 18:50:28

I don't know I'm not sure what actions were made or what the cheating was

But your logic is flawed. If what Evo was doing was cheating, the game rules wouldn't need to be changed as they were already breaking them

That type of flawed logic is par for the course for someone who was kicked and banned from a dying alliance that was recently caught cheating.

#I could do this all day

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 2nd 2016, 16:16:05

I interpreted it as he caught Evo cheating, and however he did it, or whatever he did in responde to it- i.e his actionsafter the fact for finding it, caused the rules of the game to be changed.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


May 31st 2016, 20:50:32

I think what hurts the most about pulling the trigger on my destock a day late(trying to give myself the shot at NW record) is more that I may miss beating SS's techer record. I should have blown past that, while playing on my phone mostly living in hotels... and from what enshula and en4cer say, your set was better for techers


Lord Tarnava Game profile


May 31st 2016, 20:39:57

love you too SS

Lord Tarnava Game profile


May 31st 2016, 6:00:27

Why go for ~5th when there's a shot at 1st?

Someone jumped the gun on my by 6 hours or so and spoiled the market in me, I felt there was a good chance it would happen, but aiming for 5th is never in my mind set, so I gambled

Especially since unless things go much worse I still should finish t5 or 10

Lord Tarnava Game profile


May 31st 2016, 5:10:19

Rockman, read my country thread it is already turning to a catastrophe. Few reasons why, and I intentionally chose a very risky path. 1st or bust.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


May 31st 2016, 0:04:24

but really it is too hard to say. So many players were amazing in their time, or throughout many times.

samxz was really good. Reignz was really good during his period. SS was really good. I can say that during sets where we were all head to head, SS would typically be 30-40 turns ahead of myself, Son Goku, bakku etc. He ran his start ups and timed his hits perfectly.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


May 31st 2016, 0:00:21

I am

Lord Tarnava Game profile


May 27th 2016, 23:36:44


Lord Tarnava Game profile


May 22nd 2016, 18:56:46


Lord Tarnava Game profile


May 12th 2016, 19:39:07

So laf has taken initiative to declare open farming on stones? Nice!

Lord Tarnava Game profile


May 7th 2016, 5:12:43


Lord Tarnava Game profile


Apr 27th 2016, 17:51:29


Lord Tarnava Game profile


Apr 23rd 2016, 22:52:08

I said where IN SK not where is

Been all over Saskatchewan for business, well not too far north/not north of PA or the highway between the battlefords and cold lake, but I've traversed the province quite a bit

Plus my mom grew up in whitewood near the q'apel(sp) valley so we used to visit a lot

The point I was trying to make was we are fragile beings, dropping another 10-20c can be the difference between tolerable and quick death

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Apr 23rd 2016, 19:24:11

Where in SK?

I'm sure I would have better tolerated it better if I had proper gloves, socks, boots and long johns etc

One of my best friends works in construction, he had said in southern Alberta where he lives/I grew up(Lethbridge) the same winter a year and a half ago, he was working in -53 C with the wind chill. He said it was brutal, but you learn to wear multiple layers, expensive insulated boots, etc etc, multiple hot thermos's

By 6 pairs of socks I am referring to athletic style white socks, and runners. Multiple pairs of gloves, those little cheap fabric ones, couple bucks at wal mart, and then just jeans and a long sleeve shirt with a fall style jacket(suede, slight insulation)

When I meant 'inhuman cold' I'm saying there is a point where you actually need to properly dress, no matter how well you handle the cold/ how well adapted you are to how cold it is... getting to -60 or -70, is likely enough to get frost bite even for short durations outside.. you'd need to have 0 exposed skin

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Apr 23rd 2016, 18:05:27

Conversely I can't be outside in +25C for more than an hour without getting heat stroke. Just how my body is.. When it's hot I take 3-4 cold showers a day and carry around ice packs to keep my body cooled, frozen water bottles etc.

When it gets +35 to +40 even with the safe guards I employ I start getting tired, nauseous and a splitting headache.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Apr 23rd 2016, 17:08:37

Dissident, I don't know man...

I like to think I can handle the cold, and have always taken that with pride. Whether it was playing football in Alberta growing up into November, sometimes games at -20 snowing with no issues. When I used to run door to door sales crews, I'd work a 6 hour shift in a t-shirt in -10C to prove to my staff it wasn't cold/make sure they didn't complain to much.

I lived in Toronto for 3 years without a winter jacket. I'd go to train for 6 hours at my martial arts gym, and go in shorts and a t shirt and drive home like that in -20 winter.

Skiing in -20 to -30 I don't wear long underwear or layers, just a couple pairs of socks and gloves, and a toque, everyone else I know wears many layers...

but there is 'inhuman cold'

I was in rural saskatchewan last winter and it hit -46 C. It was unbearable. I went and bought 3 pairs of gloves and put on 6 pairs of socks, and I couldn't be outside for more than a minute or two. it felt like I was dying.