
Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 2nd 2025, 22:36:15

<3 KoH

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2025, 12:43:39

Still best server

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 25th 2025, 17:59:37

Typically clearing your cookies fixes that issue for whatever reason.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 19th 2025, 21:37:34

ttt, sounds painful

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 12th 2025, 5:17:41

Congrats LB and all the top 10!

Pretty nice techer too, KoH.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 7th 2025, 14:05:21

I've noticed this in other servers as well, like Primary.

Specifically, I think expenses can be off if you have military PS'd out, but that may not be the only mismatch.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 5th 2025, 1:15:05

Honestly, I thought KoH's response was moving:

Message from Cartel Del Norte Sicarios (#39) sent on Dec 26, 3:28
Report this message
F U lol

Merry Christmas :-)

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 2nd 2025, 18:59:19

Ah, I agree completely with it being shared on clan-based servers - partially because I assumed it was already working that way since I knew it did on coop and alliance (I haven't played Team much recently).

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 2nd 2025, 15:03:24

The argument I always heard about even having alliances on solo servers is to help develop community and get players to interact with each other. Similar to why there is a bonus for posting on the forums.

Personally, I'd extend the reasoning the other way and remove all allies (and I've felt that way for a decade) because it certainly gives an advantage to long-time entrenched players; if we were to go that route though, it would have a number of balance implications (and I don't mean to hijack this suggestion).

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 2nd 2025, 14:34:24

While I'm not against the idea entirely, this would make collusion on solo servers basically approved by an in-game mechanism.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 2nd 2025, 14:30:17

*meep meep*

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 31st 2024, 18:26:38

The reverse is almost more painful for these oil prices. I know a few of us have done that in 1a where we PS a bot with an extra 0 and lose a ton of military and oil, especially for commies who can easily send 30-60M jets for no benefit =/

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 31st 2024, 14:08:22

Originally posted by Cumorah:
Imagine trying to get one more grab in before 2025, and in your haste you forget to add an extra 0 for the number of jets to send!

Happy new year.


Happy New Year everyone.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 28th 2024, 23:46:13

Seriously uncool.

*emails galleri and sov to join TSE*

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 26th 2024, 18:02:09

Ginger bread man

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 21st 2024, 1:59:30

*cries* won't someone think of the commies??

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 11th 2024, 15:54:35

get the points

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 1st 2024, 20:40:02

Get the bonus

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 20th 2024, 14:09:11

Tech start - I think one of the farmers who typically goes straight didn't this set. After a few mass explores, the volumes will increase.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 17th 2024, 16:19:39

Same, I could use one more.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 12th 2024, 14:12:53

I think three claimed players will be plenty, even if there is a war it should be reasonable. If you want to bring the prices notably lower than in recent sets, you could be a farmer, to the benefit of cashers probably. So not necessary, but if you want to switch it up, you're always welcome!

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 11th 2024, 14:27:00

Maybe I'll go farmer, assuming two out of three of us get into wars, the server is still okay.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 11th 2024, 14:25:46

Thanks and congrats all! It was quite competitive at the top with all the big commies.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 2nd 2024, 14:47:06

Thanks for the details, Cath - seriously, facts are important to me. I should've had an asterisk - I only skimmed through 100 express sets so like 2 years. But you don't recall any of those other points? Like the one where four guys in team FA'd you daily and then walked you through how to jump to the all-time top NW since you admitted you weren't so good with math? I mean, that might actually explain a lot if you have some sort of brain damage that causes you to conveniently forget things and then make up fluff on the forums instead.

And then you keep moving the goalposts. The whole point of my post is that you like to dismiss arguments against you because you say you only respect people who can net and that you have bestest IQ, and then when I showcase that you're not actually top tier, now you 'were only saying that because everyone else did that against you and now they get what they deserve'? Who else was doing that? TC? Because BlackHole hounds him mercilessly for his silly comments about IQ and elitism. Even if a few players did, you use it casually against anyone who disagrees with your brand of crazy, which is most players on the forum.

As I mentioned in the other threads, engaging with you is neither fun or productive. Sure, you can get 1st place any time you want. Oh, except in Tourney where you were trying for the win, realized I had you beat, and then suicided me out of the blue. And that's a weird definition of smoked - I dislike rehashing cross-server threads, but I already posted all the receipts in the other one: I personally knocked you out of Game A three times (where you started the fight each time) while I kept the same name for a year. Even in this last one where you "molly whopped" me, at the end, you were a parking lot, I was mostly built, and I had 400m cash that I chose not to use so Ping could go through if he wanted.

Keep spitting your half-truths and macho bullfluff. If you say it enough, maybe someone will start to believe it.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 31st 2024, 17:52:58

Originally posted by Arthos:
While you were getting smoked, I was in a fight with the person who was going to win the set.

Oh snap! No shade intended, you just clearly have the most land in the top 10.

That said, nice self burn on admitting that you had a fight with someone and couldn't knock them out of the first place...

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 31st 2024, 13:21:57

Congrats to the winner! I'm a little surprised Arthos didn't make more of his huge land lead from farming an inactive Vic, but maybe he got caught in some special attacks too?

My hippies are quite happy with my choice. I'm somewhat curious how next set will go with some of the fireworks between top players possibly continuing next set, so maybe I'll check in on the forums. Let me know if you can make it to A again Cath - I'm only like 70% sure it doesn't round up.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 31st 2024, 1:30:49

I told you I was out, I sold a bunch of military to save a spot for someone more deserving, but I'll admit I made a mistake if it rounds and #9 gets to stay in A with only 17 players. My end of set status below that I had plenty of cash to jump to 7th from my PM.

The Status of the Communism of Happiest Time of the Year (#16)

The Basics
Turns Left 14
Turns Taken 2046
Turns Stored 3
Rank 11
Networth $7,448,639
Land 4839
Money $396,129,437
Population 67,375
At War No
GDI Member Yes

Land Distribution
Enterprise Zones 0
Residences 0
Industrial Complexes 4072
Military Bases 0
Research Labs 0
Farms 17
Oil Rigs 16
Construction Sites 65
Unused Lands 669

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2024, 14:34:14

Not mentioning you doesn't change anything because you actively keep coming after me, specifically, even though we were once long time allies and you make big talk about loyalty.

If you want to be the new Ektar, that's fine, but then don't get sad when we mock you for being bad at it. That's what this thread was really about - the third post has news from in game, when we didn't know who the player was (surprise, it's you!) that was later mentioned "definitely told [Vic] they were playing for the win and not a war" but when you couldn't even get the top spot as a netter when you were actively trying, you decided to take out the person who was going to win (me!)... but then here we are months later, and you have a new name, and I don't, because even though you attacked me out of the blue and I was in full netting mode, I knocked you out of game A while I got to keep playing.

Oh and then several months before that, you blindsided multiple people saying that you were looking for me - and guess what, I knocked you out of game A that time and stayed. There was a whole thread on how people wanted you banned because you were toxic, but it's not against the rules to be a jerk:

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
I think the original intention behind no "express style" GDI in tournament was that players who want to remain in game A need to keep a good reputation due to the unchanging country names. If they acquire a bad reputation then other players will punish them. There isn't any rule against acting like a jerk in tournament and there isn't any rule against other players punishing them for it.

I don't know what is considered to be normal on tournament, but I can see why other players would be weary about a country doing quad taps. Maybe #6 started doing ABs because he didn't want to be quad tapped himself. Maybe #6 thinks he can win a war with #7 and come out ahead. Maybe #6 is a Pepsi fan. It doesn't really matter as long as players aren't coordinating with each other to gain a significant advantage or to bully and harass other players.

No I’m number 6, no one did anything. I was just in a warpath. Honestly I thought the techer was tert lol

So I guess the moral is stop losing so much if you want us to stop talking about you.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2024, 13:06:56

Honestly, the banter doesn't bother me. And I don't typically whine about the game - many of us have played it long enough that we know it's just the way it goes sometimes. Not like how you came on the forums after LaF blindsided you and you cried and cried about how it wasn't fair and how they must be cheating with the admins. It's funny how you now enjoy doing that to others.

The problem is that you're outright crazy. You keep moving the goal posts and try to claim moral victory, even when you lose repeatedly, across servers, even in 1v1's with me when you attack me out of the blue. And so there's no handshake at the end, no gg hf, no respect gained or earned, it's just a waste of time and then it happens again. It's not productive and it's not fun.

So keep up the smack talk - I don't mind, and you haven't said anything worthy of a ban - so no worries. But ideally, you'd follow through on all of your previous talk about how this game is no fun, and you'd just leave the rest of us to enjoy it without you.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 29th 2024, 18:57:57

I know your profile pretty well Cath, have you forgotten that we used to be teammates until you started suiciding me everywhere because... SuperFly somehow?

Your only win in team is because we wanted to challenge ourselves with a team push, and we got you to 200M+ (you're welcome!).

Your highest NW in alliance was when you were in Evo when tmac and I taught you the ropes.

You got a single win in Express by playing every week and finding a set where Nite and Skol weren't trying. Kudos for your tenacity.

You have a single win in Primary where you've made a slightly def-heavy casher a legitimate, smart play to stay out of wars.

Your best 3 in tourny is rank 20, putting you at the bottom of the top 10 of currently active players.

You're the one who loves the stats, and like to wield it against people on the forums that you deem beneath you, but it's a joke - like your skills at forum debates or your performance in evenly matched wars.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 29th 2024, 16:53:58

lol, I'm sure the 100 AB's and missiles you sent are really setting you up for the top spot after you had already been fighting Ping all set (and I with Turd).

Plus, even when you tried to get top spot, you couldn't get it, which is why you attacked me out of the blue as 3rd Special Forces Group, and even with the FS, you didn't stay in A and I did. What competition? When should I expect it?

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 29th 2024, 15:10:00

I don't mind fireworks when they're meaningful - llaar changed the dynamic, but ultimately was very reasonable.

I've gotten into wars a number of times where a double tap (or outright farming) led to a war, where both players respected the other: metaphorically shook hands and said good fight, leaving each other alone for the foreseeable future. Captain Obvious comes to mind as a great one of the past, Turd Ferguson this set around (I could've swore he had been an easy target who went inactive when tmac was around, but he showed up and let me know that was not the case these days).

I have zero respect or interest in those who make war countries and then just blindside people - or who realize they can't net and won't win, so they attack the top player out of spite. I had a longer run than I expected for this country name (started the set before the holidays last year!) given all the wars where I squeaked into the top half to stay in A (including apparently beating Cath 1:1 in war multiple sets as he kept starting problems, surprise he was 3rd Special Forces Group above) so I figured someone would come after me, but I think I'll duck out for a while.

We'll see if 2025 brings in any new fun (or more realistically, gets rid of some of the irrational griefers).

Edited By: Tertius on Oct 29th 2024, 15:50:44

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 27th 2024, 4:58:30

I can't remember

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 23rd 2024, 15:59:02

Cordy is too modest - he's always getting "lucky" with his monster finishes - congrats!

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 22nd 2024, 13:12:20

For a number of sets it was just me and SF running farmers. I wanted to switch it up for the last two sets, and since then prices have been higher (with only SF and a few smaller random people each set). This set, SF is effectively out, so it's down to the randoms.

I'm honestly surprised more people aren't interested in farmer - historically wins have been cashers and commies, but in this higher priced food market, there was a recent farmer win. I tried to get a few people to take over farmer for me, but no dice. I'm sure next set we'll have five.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 18th 2024, 0:40:02

If you're not premium, I think the ad before the main menu can sometimes cause it to disappear in my past experience, if that's possibly what happened. There might be other ways where you might refresh and have that news be considered seen.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 15th 2024, 14:54:44

If you look at the past market news on your main page, is the news / sale there or is it just completely missing?

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 8th 2024, 15:59:51

Hey man! Evo is still around if you want to come get into the swing of things / learn the changes in preparation for the big year!

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 1st 2024, 13:37:28

Congrats to NiteIL on the come back win in game A. Surprisingly good NW in the top 3 given the turbulence in the mid-range. Special commendation to rank 5, 6, and 7 who warred most of the set and squeaked into A again for next set with their enemies below them.

Speaking of which, suck it llaar, enjoy being demoted to the lower games. =P

There were 14 countries in game A the Tournament server.

Rank Country Land Networth Special
1 p h i l t r e (#9) 16,203 $32,414,890 HG
2 Aggression (#1) 12,546 $30,899,452 HG
3 Land of Little People (#10) 15,759 $29,677,138 CG
4 Coke Zero (#14) 11,125 $16,873,010 HG
5 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) 11,452 $16,503,367 RG
6 Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 11,724 $11,863,235 RG
7 Ping (#4) 14,159 $11,416,988 FG
8 llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 8850 $9,301,470 CG
9 Ok (#6) 17,606 $9,266,401 IG
10 Nifty Griftys Truckstop (#12) 10,169 $8,268,245 DG
There were 24 countries in game B the Tournament server.

Rank Country Land Networth Special
1 Rattlehead (#3) 13,232 $23,933,579 RG
2 Tyri (#7) 18,741 $23,547,111 FG
3 Not Today (#8) 15,954 $22,110,259 CG
4 Osama Bin Laden (#11) 14,856 $18,221,183 TG
5 Arise (#4) 9142 $13,493,016 DG
6 Turd Ferguson (#16) 10,655 $12,424,948 FG
7 xWATARUxMDx (#17) 10,312 $10,787,182 DG
8 Stabbing Westward (#24) 10,114 $9,186,886 DG
9 HighSpeedThrilCoaster (#12) 9988 $7,549,247 IG
10 Smallville (#6) 9504 $5,522,631 MG
There were 24 countries in game C the Tournament server.

Rank Country Land Networth Special
1 BiBiGoN (#7) 6511 $21,556,401 DG
2 gopherhole (#12) 16,787 $20,390,667 RG
3 THEY ARE CONSUMERS BROTHER (#20) 12,050 $19,698,503 RG
4 UgolinoII (#8) 9166 $17,551,258 HG
5 Arthos (#13) 19,227 $15,677,873 FG
6 Corinthian (#15) 15,080 $15,664,690 RG
7 Switch Switch (#1) 14,458 $14,546,593 CG
8 TheBigRedOne (#5) 11,803 $12,425,942 RG
9 When Sept End (#11) 17,846 $11,515,473 FG
10 The Forgotten (#3) 11,482 $9,967,270 HG

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 30th 2024, 0:17:06

Tell me you're from the pacific northwest without saying you're from the pacific northwest...

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 30th 2024, 0:09:59

Congrats Slagpit on breaking 1.5B and winning the top spot!

Special call out to the first ever to break 1B (and 1.1B) - Tertius - we take those wins.

Some good finishes from LaF and SKA taking the top avg NW with a whopping 708M NW average. Wild, great team work all around.

Also, it's absolutely worth mentioning that the top 10 cut off was less than 1% from the call out by NiteIL (the King of Express) and I guess arseVamp for noting it'd be 1+ Kingme's previous NW.

Rank Country Land Networth Special Clan
1 too manly to join GDI (#132) Game profile 546,662 $1,524,179,521 H SKA
2 Lead Bucket (#178) Game profile 699,069 $1,399,166,196 F LaF
3 amaurotic nightingale (#230) Game profile 527,834 $1,281,027,513 H SKA
4 HeadHunter (#5) Game profile 543,347 $1,176,114,907 F LaF
5 Milk Ocean (#116) Game profile 558,900 $1,053,315,244 T LaF
6 Blair Atholl (#276) Game profile 443,176 $1,007,592,800 F LaF
7 The Whisperers (#6) Game profile 205,555 $786,989,030 T LaF
8 Fallen Angels Taz (#122) Game profile 463,781 $775,434,577 M SKA
9 SaphBear is MY Killer Queen (#144) Game profile 331,467 $752,372,776 H SKA
10 Testing 1 2 3 (#164) Game profile 138,393 $738,605,314 D LaF

Edited By: Tertius on Sep 30th 2024, 0:12:12

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 28th 2024, 0:37:46

Originally posted by now im nothing:
Maybe is was not Cat? :) NIN back for some RORs. It is a war game after all. And if anyone retals and I can farm them forget about it. I might pick and choose some people to let it go, you know. But not super fly. Del he is cool. Just pretending to play cat since your message and posts were so convinced it was them. Not too mention your retal within one minute when someone with more land and just as easy as a break still left aside and picked Cat lol. Clearly cat triggers you. And you can call me all kinds of names.... it is alright. I do not really do the name calling too too much. cheers :)

Okay, I didn't see that coming, lol.

Remind me, didn't you leave after some sort of war? I almost want to say it was a war with Cath too (not to say that was your reason for leaving or not).

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 27th 2024, 16:04:00

I'm sure there is some formulaic value, but I base mine on experience: find the baseline for how many ghost acres you typically get per grab, and if you see that value go down, send a bit more and see if it goes back up. There's always some variance, and especially around PS where you might get 50% more ghosts with 50% less units, but that is a quick and dirty way to make sure you're not missing out on land.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 24th 2024, 15:30:43

Will next round have any change to bot strategy and/or proportion of playstyles?

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 24th 2024, 13:03:30

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Originally posted by galleri:
Edited post to add Tertius. The king of express.

Yo NitelL has like 20 out of the last 25 #1s how you gonna do him like that

QFT - NitelL is the king of the Express Server.

I am a general manager of a number of clothing stores in a top 50 sales region, including but not limited to Buckle, Express, and Express for Men. I can see how this could cause confusion.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 24th 2024, 2:10:41

It's been a missile and tanks kind of day

PS Sep 23, 16:37 llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) p h i l t r e (#9) 1105 A
NM Sep 23, 17:50 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 1044 A
NM Sep 23, 17:50 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 992 A
NM Sep 23, 17:50 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 943 A
NM Sep 23, 17:50 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 895 A
NM Sep 23, 17:50 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 851 A
NM Sep 23, 17:50 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 808 A
NM Sep 23, 17:50 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 768 A
NM Sep 23, 17:50 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 729 A
AB Sep 23, 17:59 Scorched Earth (#2) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 210 B
AB Sep 23, 20:27 Scorched Earth (#2) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) DH
AB Sep 23, 23:03 Scorched Earth (#2) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 214 B
AB Sep 24, 00:01 Scorched Earth (#2) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 210 B
AB Sep 24, 00:02 Scorched Earth (#2) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 209 B
AB Sep 24, 00:03 Scorched Earth (#2) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 198 B
AB Sep 24, 00:03 Scorched Earth (#2) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 195 B
AB Sep 24, 00:04 Scorched Earth (#2) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 188 B
NM Sep 24, 00:05 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 693 A
CM Sep 24, 00:06 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 515 B
24,182 C
CM Sep 24, 00:06 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 495 B
21,038 C
CM Sep 24, 00:06 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 475 B
18,303 C
CM Sep 24, 00:06 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 456 B
15,924 C
CM Sep 24, 00:06 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 438 B
13,854 C
CM Sep 24, 00:06 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 420 B
12,053 C
CM Sep 24, 00:06 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 404 B
10,486 C
CM Sep 24, 00:06 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 388 B
9123 C
CM Sep 24, 00:06 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 372 B
7937 C
CM Sep 24, 00:06 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 357 B
6905 C
SS Sep 24, 01:29 Happiest Time of the Year (#11) Scorched Earth (#2) 825 A
PS Sep 24, 01:31 Happiest Time of the Year (#11) Scorched Earth (#2) 1163 A
NM Sep 24, 01:31 Happiest Time of the Year (#11) Scorched Earth (#2) 551 A

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 23rd 2024, 13:44:11

I think those are the tech starts selling low to get some cash to rebuild - this is usually one of the time periods for the lowest price, but in general, there are typically too many techers for the size of the server: especially with the addition of some rainbow techers that I typically spot.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 23rd 2024, 1:49:45

Llaar continues, but so do a number of other quarrels.

CM Sep 20, 11:01 Ok (#6) TitsRUs (#5) 251 B
10,407 C
PS Sep 20, 14:08 p h i l t r e (#9) Scorched Earth (#2) DH
SS Sep 20, 14:49 llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) TitsRUs (#5) 144 A
SS Sep 20, 14:50 llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) TitsRUs (#5) 117 A
SS Sep 20, 14:50 llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) TitsRUs (#5) 95 A
PS Sep 20, 14:53 llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) NewNationPewpewpew (#8) 783 A
PS Sep 20, 14:55 llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) Ok (#6) 649 A
PS Sep 21, 14:14 p h i l t r e (#9) Scorched Earth (#2) 1310 A
PS Sep 21, 16:34 llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) Ok (#6) 500 A
PS Sep 21, 16:36 llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 711 A
PS Sep 21, 16:37 llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 655 A
PS Sep 21, 16:37 llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 614 A
CM Sep 21, 17:33 Scorched Earth (#2) p h i l t r e (#9) 594 B
68,049 C
PS Sep 21, 17:39 Scorched Earth (#2) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 420 A
PS Sep 21, 20:13 Happiest Time of the Year (#11) Scorched Earth (#2) 1067 A
PS Sep 22, 13:44 llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) NewNationPewpewpew (#8) 508 A
PS Sep 22, 13:50 llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 1168 A
PS Sep 22, 13:51 llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 791 A
PS Sep 22, 13:51 llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 547 A
PS Sep 22, 17:57 Scorched Earth (#2) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 614 A
PS Sep 22, 17:58 Scorched Earth (#2) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 457 A
SS Sep 22, 18:05 Happiest Time of the Year (#11) Scorched Earth (#2) DH
SS Sep 22, 18:25 Happiest Time of the Year (#11) Scorched Earth (#2) 793 A
SS Sep 22, 18:26 Happiest Time of the Year (#11) Scorched Earth (#2) 777 A
SS Sep 22, 18:29 Happiest Time of the Year (#11) Scorched Earth (#2) 653 A
PS Sep 22, 22:44 p h i l t r e (#9) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 1429 A
SS Sep 23, 00:32 Happiest Time of the Year (#11) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 1369 A
SS Sep 23, 00:36 Happiest Time of the Year (#11) llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 1310 A
AB Sep 23, 01:36 Scorched Earth (#2) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) DH
AB Sep 23, 01:36 Scorched Earth (#2) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) DH
AB Sep 23, 01:37 Scorched Earth (#2) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 260 B
AB Sep 23, 01:38 Scorched Earth (#2) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 261 B
AB Sep 23, 01:39 Scorched Earth (#2) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 253 B
AB Sep 23, 01:40 Scorched Earth (#2) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 251 B
AB Sep 23, 01:40 Scorched Earth (#2) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 243 B
AB Sep 23, 01:41 Scorched Earth (#2) Happiest Time of the Year (#11) 239 B