
Sov Game profile


Mar 11th 2020, 3:56:04

They are 2 brothers. They don’t live together and they are well known in SoF. Some SoFers have met them irl and we have them on Facebook etc. One must have visited the other or something thus prompting a deletion.

Sov Game profile


Mar 11th 2020, 3:42:18

We are confident that upon appeal they will be reinstated.

Sov Game profile


Mar 6th 2020, 4:31:50

Shoot me a message

Sov Game profile


Mar 4th 2020, 21:30:32

Originally posted by Kat:
The flu (most common strains) - 300k -600k deaths/year

Coronavirus (yeah yeah, it's a strain of the flu) - 3k deaths/year so far and flu season is almost over.

Do I want to catch either? Nope. Am I freaking out about either? Still nope. And I have a daughter with a compromised immune system that forces me to pull her out of school if another child in her class is brought in sick or if her temp rises as much as a degree.

Relax. We'll get over it. Just like bird flu and swine flu and... etc.

I think you are underestimating how much you should be panicking right now. I suggest you start allocating the appropriate level of doom and gloom and prepare yourself to take on the Coronazombie hordes like I am.

Sov Game profile


Mar 4th 2020, 13:13:05

Originally posted by ninong:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by Sov:
Derrick now has a poster of me on his wall.

A shirtless poster!

Shirtless Sovs:

I am not surrounded by beautiful women in this picture so it is obviously a fake.

Sov Game profile


Mar 4th 2020, 13:11:26

Well I’m visiting Japan in April so I’m gearing up to walk the barren wasteland of what used to be Tokyo and take on the Coronavirus zombies.

Sov Game profile


Mar 3rd 2020, 23:41:44

Originally posted by TheLegion:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Funny you say that every war I’ve ever been in I’ve always taken the moral victory!

I've never not won according to me

Derrick is that you?

Sov Game profile


Mar 3rd 2020, 21:52:04

Originally posted by Gerdler:

I made out and did other things with a Korean woman last week. :)

You have 2 weeks to live. I hope you make the most of what little time you have left.

Sov Game profile


Mar 2nd 2020, 3:46:49

Originally posted by Gerdler:
We are the illuminati and we gone full hippy foot fetish!

Sorry, SoF owns all IlluminatiX patents, trademarks and intellectual property.

Sov Game profile


Mar 2nd 2020, 3:43:38

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

just don't kill me in first raid :P

As the sole conservative Alliance in EE, and with consideration to the obvious atrocities being committed against your core values within the Liberal Alliance Force, we shall consider your reasonable request.

Sov Game profile


Mar 2nd 2020, 3:28:30

I removed the email address. If you want it you can request it via pm from Marshal.

Sov Game profile


Mar 2nd 2020, 3:13:20

KoH I am shocked that as a conservative you are playing for a Lefty Liberal Alliance. You do know that LAF stands for Liberal Alliance Force right? The LaFamiglia thing is just a deception straight out of the CNN playbook.

Sov Game profile


Feb 29th 2020, 0:29:17

The game has more players this set than the same set last year.

Sov Game profile


Feb 28th 2020, 1:27:58

Originally posted by Pang:
Discord's API is limited to 120 events per 60 seconds, or about 2 per second.

During attacks, newsbots will far exceed this volume.

The way to get around this is to put the messages going to the channel into a queue and send the request to Discord every 0.5s if the queue has > 0 messages.

I haven't had time to add that logic into either a game-related bot or the IRC <-> Discord bot that we're using.
If someone else codes it into the IRC <-> Discord bot I'll see about setting it up, though!

There's still the obvious downside of potentially not having hits make it to the channel for 0.5s, which might upset some people who want their information to be instant (like IRC is).

We have a few people around who work on Discord so I think this could be achieved.

I don't think a fraction of a second will matter much in terms of news delivery.

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Sov:
Yes, more insight from those who have experience with the technology would certainly be advantageous.

Are you attempting to speedpost® ?

Secret... :p

Sov Game profile


Feb 27th 2020, 14:07:07

Originally posted by Chevs:

will derelicte and xyle put aside their differences and CLEAN sweep laf and sol?

11 pages or gtfo?

LAF and SoF vs everyone else. The ending is already determined, Weezy dies.

P.S. SoF/Elders warred together only 3 sets ago and fought an amazing war. Derrick now has a poster of me on his wall.

Sov Game profile


Feb 25th 2020, 9:53:08

For SOL contacts, please refer to the SoF contacts page.

Sov Game profile


Feb 25th 2020, 8:41:01

SoF does not recognize the LaFxDD tag. If you post a pre-emptive surrender, we may consider affording a DNH to this tag.

Sov Game profile


Feb 24th 2020, 1:39:07

Yes, more insight from those who have experience with the technology would certainly be advantageous.

Sov Game profile


Feb 24th 2020, 0:29:34

I believe Discord adoption accelerate if there were live news feeds direct to Discord and not just IRC relays.

Sov Game profile


Feb 14th 2020, 15:31:37

Originally posted by 87Fresh:
Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by 87Fresh:
I deleted chats from WA but we can chat later and see how long it takes, XyGuy

How about you can start a new thread. You can bring your friends if you want, that way I can humiliate you all at the same time. I like these games.

Your ego is already showing by making you take this seriously lol

I know, he posted.

But start the thread fresh, we know you have a lot you want to get off your chest. It is time you and your friends stop sizzling about me in the background and air your grievances openly so we can all give you council and comfort.

Sov Game profile


Feb 14th 2020, 14:01:40

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Oh you guys didn't hear? Sov does FA for us now too. You can add him on twitter for elder pacts this set. He @EgoSpeedkill

Derrick is my pawn.

Sov is my Aunt Shirley.


Sov Game profile


Feb 14th 2020, 13:58:54

Originally posted by 87Fresh:
I deleted chats from WA but we can chat later and see how long it takes, XyGuy

How about you can start a new thread. You can bring your friends if you want, that way I can humiliate you all at the same time. I like these games.

Sov Game profile


Feb 14th 2020, 11:41:59

Originally posted by 87Fresh:
Originally posted by Cerberus:
Originally posted by Sov:
You should join the SoF family of tags. We already secretly control LAF.

Man, you gotta let us know where you get your drugs, they're obviously superior to anything we can get.

Not drugs, just ego

How about you post some examples of my ego and I'll post some examples of your emo ;)

Sov Game profile


Feb 14th 2020, 5:55:09

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Oh you guys didn't hear? Sov does FA for us now too. You can add him on twitter for elder pacts this set. He @EgoSpeedkill

Derrick is my pawn.

Sov Game profile


Feb 13th 2020, 14:14:03

Originally posted by mrcuban:
I guess the question is do you want to be a big fish in a small pond or small fish in a big pond?

Or you can be a big fish in a big pond.

Sov Game profile


Feb 13th 2020, 0:27:40

Originally posted by Requiem:
Ok then f you sov! Dai

We are looking for you. Any tag that harbors Requiem this set will incur the wrath of PDM.

Sov Game profile


Feb 13th 2020, 0:26:40

Originally posted by mdevol:

Welcome to SoF mdevol!

Sov Game profile


Feb 13th 2020, 0:25:13

You should join the SoF family of tags. We already secretly control LAF.

Sov Game profile


Feb 12th 2020, 7:26:31

Originally posted by Gerdler:

Sov: Ohh baby its raining
GarryOwen: When the sun shines, we shine together
Sov: You can stand under my umbrella
GarryOwen: ella, ella, eh, eh
Sov: Come into me


Sov Game profile


Feb 11th 2020, 13:06:07

SoF & Rage leadership for the new set.

President - Xyle
Vice President - MauricXe
Head/Advisor - GarryOwen
Head FA - Mobster
Head IA - Class

All pacting for our tags will be primarily handled by Mobster, our new Head FA.

To clarify for everyone, SoF and Rage are 2 Alliances that operate separately but are lead by 1 united leadership group.

Sov Game profile


Feb 10th 2020, 12:27:58

It didn't end up a great war, but obviously the restart changes posed some serious challenges for both sides. SoF came out with the victory this time around, but who knows what else is around the corner.

To Elders and Mercs... We know you guys are great competitors and respect the hell out of you. Looking forward to seeing you guys bounce back next set. I've known Spaced, Symbolic and Ironx forever and you guys are awesome. Don't quit Spaced!

To Stones... We have not had much contact or dealings with you guys, but you are always seem to be great sports and I like how you guys just do your thing without making too much of a scene. Props to Groot for having a nice country.

Good walling efforts from Derrick, Requiem and Celphi. We enjoyed the challenge!

Much love to Azn. Sorry for killing you first... forgive me? :p

Sov Game profile


Feb 10th 2020, 7:05:30

I suicided on En4cer with nukes.

Gratz everyone! Nicely done Gerdler.

Sov Game profile


Feb 10th 2020, 7:04:16

Originally posted by Requiem:
Good war SoF, I haven't had to wall in a very very very long time! I now remember why you do not sit at 300-400 pop with SPEEDKILL on the other side! Nothing better than dying with over 2b cash and over 100 turns on hand :)

It was fun; all my fluff talk was in jest! Good luck in the new set 👍 👊 🔥 💯

In jest? We already declared lifelong vendetta upon you. This is jihad on you infidel. Speedkill coming to every country you own henceforth!

Sov Game profile


Feb 10th 2020, 2:22:49

Originally posted by Getafix:
Ahem. SoL will miss abm's excellent leadership but that doesn't mean there's no one left in SoL...

Welcome to SoF Getafix!

Sov Game profile


Feb 10th 2020, 1:09:02

Welcome to SoF!

Sov Game profile


Feb 9th 2020, 12:22:30

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by major:
romney is politically finished..... trump will win election in 2020... polident polosi is done as well.. we should dissolve the united states congress for treason

Lol nope. Congress did its job. the president is not above the House, nore is he above the law.
And ironically, I believe there's now a large group of "moderate" republicans who are kicking themselves, seeing his immediate behaviour after the vote. So much for "he'll be more cautious". nope, just double down on the same fluffery.

You watch too much CNN.

Sov Game profile


Feb 6th 2020, 3:42:41

Originally posted by Pang:
Apparently I deleted it but I don't remember doing that. I do remember reading a thread from you on my phone so either I fat fingered it or, more likely, my kid grabbed my phone and deleted it. There's no confirmation on deletes :D

Either way I restored it!

Haha exactly what I thought I had done when I opened this thread. I was innocent this time!

Sov Game profile


Feb 5th 2020, 14:59:38

Ok it wasn’t me... carry on.

Sov Game profile


Feb 5th 2020, 14:58:56

Wait!! Let me make sure I didn’t accidentally delete...

Sov Game profile


Feb 5th 2020, 4:41:21

Just to correct you regarding those switching tags, Rage is a SoF tag. We shifted anyone who *preferred* to netgain this set out to Rage, and anyone who wanted to fight in to the SoF tag. Amongst the players who shifted to Rage are Ninong, Class, Trilogy and Milla... all of whom are some of our best performers. In fact I'd argue that those 4 are stronger than those who changed in. Ninong is one of SoF's best and always has a monster country as you would have seen last set. It just came down to who wanted to fight and who wanted to netgain.

Unfortunately this set we learned that restarts came out with zero turns which really damaged the impact restarts had on the war (and also reflected badly on the restart rate of both sides). With the restart changes there was a lot less attacks being made from both sides and as a result a lot less kills. What we are finding is that those who have died are going inactive while sitting on the sidelines for a few days after being unable to participate.

Sov Game profile


Feb 4th 2020, 0:21:12

Fake news.

They aren’t out to get me, they are out to get you but I’m in the way.

Sov Game profile


Feb 1st 2020, 0:02:05

Thanks Chevs. We have built a really solid core group over the past couple of sets.

Sov Game profile


Jan 31st 2020, 0:30:53

Come back to Rage -

Sov Game profile


Jan 29th 2020, 14:58:16

Actually SoF had a dominant war display last set alongside Elders in our win against SOL/Stones.

Originally posted by Celphi:
Anyone can cash in their stock for networth. Nothing in that image represents their stock.

SoF still has higher stock. Elders/Mercs/Stones were production heavy countries. We rotated nuke targets to nerf production.

But the war is far from over and is a bit of an arm wrestle. Not even close to a winner being determined as yet.

Sov Game profile


Jan 27th 2020, 3:37:24

We killed Azn. War is over.

Sov Game profile


Jan 16th 2020, 22:30:25

Originally posted by Marshal:
Originally posted by galleri:
Three time World War Champion coming up....

Too soon? lol

if russkies and yankees would duke out now then it'd be more or less equal fight if no nukes etc used.

Without nukes it would be no contest. You overrate Russia. Russia’s military budget is a fraction of the USA.

Sov Game profile


Jan 9th 2020, 5:36:02

Sov Game profile


Jan 8th 2020, 11:22:39

It is obvious then that you did not watch the testimonies in full. Watch them unedited and not part of a news report.

There is a reason why the charge was not of bribery which is what they were all talking about before impeachment. They went for “abuse of power” instead because there was no solid evidence to warrant the bribery charge which they really really wanted.

Sov Game profile


Jan 8th 2020, 2:57:14

Yeah I think you’ve been watching too much CNN and MSNBC.

Sov Game profile


Jan 7th 2020, 13:03:47

The thing is the aid was not withheld nor was the aid even mentioned in the phone call. The witnesses are pure heresay and secondhand information.

I think in this regard the Democrats don't really have anything and are just trying to execute a political maneuver that appears to be backfiring on them.