
Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Feb 7th 2025, 0:08:25

It's 20% rounded which I guess could be worded better.

"The maximum number of PS per day is refreshed when bonus acres are awarded."

You can see that the change set is 27 on alpha coop as expected:

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Feb 5th 2025, 6:18:11

The current plan (subject to change) is to reform the account sign up process after we're able to send outgoing email again. We will attempt some level of advertising after that.

I'd also like to receive a personal recruitment email from Ivan.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Feb 2nd 2025, 2:03:13

Still no trade allies in primary.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Feb 1st 2025, 21:41:49

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Feb 1st 2025, 21:27:29

The announcement post is up.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Feb 1st 2025, 21:26:24

The Cooperation, Alliance, FFA, Primary, and Express servers will be upgraded to Change Set 27 after their current rounds end. Of note, the Standard Strike attacking loss penalty has been removed from the Cooperation server.

Change set 27:

* Base private market purchase price for bushels lowered from $360 to $100.

* Military bases increase the private market regeneration rate linearly based on military base count divided by land. The maximum benefit is 100% increased regeneration for 100% of land held as military bases.

* Warfare tech starting percentage lowered from 0.200% to 0%.

* Medical tech decreases attacking losses if the non-missile attack is successful.

* Trade pacts grant 1 extra daily bonus turn for every 1000 turns played by a trade ally. For example, if one trade ally has played 1999 turns and one trade ally has played 2134 turns then a country allying them both will receive 1+2=3 extra daily bonus turns.

* On clan servers, building capture limitations are based on total buildings of the attacking country instead of being applied individually to each building type. For example, this means that an attacking country can capture farms from a target even if the attacking country previously had no farms. This behavior is now in line with how building capture works on servers that do not allow clans.

* Weapons technology and the PS attack power bonus increase units sent for type 1 ghost acre calculations. Government modifiers continue to not be included. These changes make it easier for countries to get the maximum amount of type 1 ghost acres possible in attacks. The limit for type 1 ghost acres did not change.

* The building help page has been updated.

Cooperation server only:

* The sliding Standard Strike military loss penalty has been removed.

* Medical technology also reduces food consumption by population and military units.

* Trade pacts are now allowed. FA packages are still not permitted.

* The cost of the infinite BPT bonus has increased from 8 points to 16 points.

* Warfare tech returns and each missile is worth $500,000 NW. Missiles cannot be launched at other countries.

* SDI tech returns with the effect of increasing maximum daily PSes:
** 0-9.9%: 0 additional PS
** 10-29.9%: 1 additional PS
** 30-49.9%: 2 additional PS
** 50-69.9%: 3 additional PS
** 70-89.9%: 4 additional PS
** 90-98.9%: 5 additional PS

Express server only:
* Base private market selling price for bushels lowered from $32 to $29 to match other servers.

Primary server only:
* Oil added to the private market with a base purchase price of $400 and a base selling price of $60. Acquiring military tech increases the sale price of oil. The behavior is identical to the Express server.

Thank you for playing Earth Empires!

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Feb 1st 2025, 21:20:48

This was addressed some time ago.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Feb 1st 2025, 21:19:03

Most likely reason for this to happen is spying a country with significantly more land than you.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Feb 1st 2025, 21:18:21

Addressed in Change Set 27.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 31st 2025, 16:52:30

The bots have been running since the 11th.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 28th 2025, 0:10:58

Cathankins doesn't play on the coop server, so if you want to make fun of his netting go with that approach.

I'd be happy to improve the warring experience (I've put a fair amount of thought into it actually) but players who prefer war aren't clear about what they want on the boards. There are a few minor ideas posted but they usually go 50:50 in terms of support.

I don't think that I've ever asked anyone to financially support the game. It's not an expectation. The expectations are not to cheat and not to break any laws. Exceeding expectations means not doing stuff that deliberately hurts the game.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 27th 2025, 23:27:06

Bringing up stuff that was already deleted by moderators is not helpful. Taking the bait that hard is not helpful. None of this has anything to do with the team server.

We were doing so well =(

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 27th 2025, 22:55:00

To be fair to Cathankins, he's at least talking about the team server and providing supporting evidence for his position. He's even taking pride in his ingame accomplishments! You can disagree with his conclusion, but his behavior is 1000X preferable to spreading lies that hurt the game for no reason.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 27th 2025, 22:03:12

Happy to answer questions from premium patron members: no announced date at this time.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 27th 2025, 19:51:57

The deletion of the team server has been moved forward by one month due to this thread.

I've always felt that a true badass wouldn't need to lie about anything. The truth should just speak for itself. That's clearly a minority opinion around here though.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 10th 2025, 17:11:53

Food is easy to change too. If changed it would use the same base food price as Coop ($100). It seems that a lot of servers these days have issues with food.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 10th 2025, 5:26:35

Same rules as Express? Oil is easy to add from an administrative perspective.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 9th 2025, 18:53:00

Is that a theoretical concern? Or did someone pick it by accident this round?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 9th 2025, 0:58:30

One of the issues with adding very expensive missiles to the market is that it makes market aiding and other forms of cheating much easier.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 8th 2025, 16:29:57


Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 25th 2024, 13:29:25

According to our records, you have purchased or grabbed a total of 194082 tech points. Your country currently has 194082 tech points. It does not look like you did a tech start, so this matches.

I also see a market transaction history record for your country in which you purchased 60,098 agri tech. You also gained 316477 NW between 3:55-4:00 GT.

It seems like everything checks out?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 18th 2024, 23:56:39

The overall theme is to remove restrictions and to give players additional options.

Some slight changes compared to what was previously announced:

Edited By: Slagpit on Feb 1st 2025, 21:27:09
See Original Post

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 16th 2024, 4:35:54

Winning a round means that you've got to be or beat the best casher, best farmer, best indy, and best techer. Techer is equally accessible to all players yet every single top ten techer has been tagged LaF so far. The round one first place finish wasn't luck.

There are a lot of different ways to compare LaF and SKA:

1 TNW win
15 top ten finishes
1 first place finish
5 players in top ten "best 3" leaderboard

2 TNW wins
3 AVG wins
14 top ten finishes
2 first place finishes
5 players in top ten "best 3" leaderboard

I've never felt like SKA had a locked in win until the final day of each round. I think the tags are closer than you give them credit for. With that said, I welcome healthy competition between tags and hope that players take pride in their tags.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 8th 2024, 0:01:51

Originally posted by TAN:
You are calling it terrorism, which is a SERIOUS charge. You are either being serious and will report it to the authorities, or you are knowingly using the term flippantly and frivolously, and banned him simply because you don't like him.

So which is it? Are you seriously worried about threats of terror and you'll loop in the FBI, or are you being hyperbolic?

The simple fact of the matter is, if you hadn't responded at all or banned him, everyone would have laughed it off and forgot about him already.

I understand that it appears you interpreted his post differently from others, which is fine - like I said, a lot is lost when people communicate via text. I don't agree with your interpretation, but I can see how you'd take it as a threat.

But digging in your heels and doubling down by calling it a terrorist threat is just such a weird thing to do. Can you imagine someone making a serious terrorist threat over THIS GAME? lmao

What the fluff? Blackhole himself used the word "terrorism". How the fluff are you this bad faith? I'm closing this thread for the reasons that Pang mentioned.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 8th 2024, 0:00:35

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Slagpit:

You've got dipfluffs like symbolic (I think he's an alliance leader) sucking off multi runners in this thread.


I would respectfully ask that you refrain from making sexual harassment comments regarding a player from my clan.
I will also ask that you refrain from name calling.

"-Do not insult other players based on personal characteristics including race, religion, origin, or sexual preference. Trash talk is fine in moderation but it should be focused on a clan or a country instead of a personal attack."

These are the rules you made.
What example are you trying to set here?

Dear Coalie,

I respectfully ask that you eject the players from your tag who support cheating and running multies. I will not be respectful or civil towards players who do that. I find it disgusting and shameless that your tag supports multi-runners while you bloviate all over these forums about how much you support the game.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 7th 2024, 23:18:17

Coalie, I invite you to go to your local coffee shop and inform the manager that you will engage in terrorism until they change their business practices in the way that you want. Let us know how that goes.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 7th 2024, 23:13:45

Originally posted by TAN:
Slag everyone and their mothers could tell BH was joking. It is VERY obviously trolling and a joke. If you missed it as a joke, well I mean sometimes sarcasm is hard to translate through text, so it's possible you just didn't realize it was a joke. It happens, sometimes things get lost in translation. But everyone else took it as a joke.

So if you think this was legit terrorism, I take it you've reported the thread to the FBI?

You can act as an unpaid defense lawyer for a multi-runner all you like, but that final question makes it extremely clear to me that you're not engaging in good faith.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 7th 2024, 22:06:25

TAN, I did not make a single forum post for two months. Despite that, a thread threatening terrorism to destroy the game still popped up. Your solution is for the game admins to ignore threats of terrorism? Why can't the solution ever involve the players?

You've got dipfluffs like symbolic (I think he's an alliance leader) sucking off multi runners in this thread and nobody even bats an eye. That's viewed as perfectly normal behavior in this community now and it's a really big problem. It's a way bigger problem than ~3 players getting banned over the past 5 years.

Edited By: Slagpit on Dec 7th 2024, 23:00:15
See Original Post

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 7th 2024, 0:01:22

Originally posted by TAN:
Slag, I stopped talking smack about you in that cesspool (which I've left, btw) the day we made that deal. Apparently, you haven't noticed, because you think I continue to disparage you and talk trash. You continue to think I act uncivil towards you.

I honestly did not know that you left and I apologize for getting that wrong.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 7th 2024, 0:00:42

Sick burn bro, did you smirk while typing that? Maybe stick to running fluffty war countries instead of "thinking".

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 6th 2024, 23:39:27

Superfly, I honestly mostly had respect for you over the years because you obviously love playing the game and mostly focus on doing that, even though you sometimes rub people the wrong way and misbehave a bit in Express and on other servers.

My interpretation of your comments in this thread are that the things posted in discord are true (they are not), that they qualify as "trash talk" (they clearly don't), and that the offender should not have been banned (this is a matter of opinion). I don't see how that's defending me?

If I misunderstood what you were saying go ahead and correct me.

EDIT: I now see your recent posts in this thread. I don't know what that's supposed to be, but it's clearly not a defense of me. But in general yeah, I think it's better for players to focus on playing the game on offer instead of committing crimes.

Edited By: Slagpit on Dec 6th 2024, 23:41:32
See Original Post

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 6th 2024, 23:36:19

TAN, when I said "wallowing in filth together" I'm referring to the discord chat in which you and others have made literally thousands of negative comments about me. I think that I'm treating you all with a perfectly reasonable level of civility. If anything, I'm being way too nice. It's always the same pattern every time:

1) A player cheats or does something egregiously stupid that's against the game rules
2) The player gets punished, often in a small, inconsequential way
3) The player whines that he is being treated unfairly
4) A group of players believe the whiner without considering evidence or credibility, grab their pitchforks, and over-escalate the issue
5) (OPTIONAL) The group of players eventually admit that they were wrong but then start to complain that the admins didn't address the issue with delicate, flowery prose that would make even a PR professional blush

You do understand the default position held by many players is "I should be able to call the admins a fluff but they must be civil and professional in response at all times"? Do you know how insane that is? I don't give a fluff about professionalism.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 6th 2024, 20:44:50

Bioterrorism stacks on a target. The odds of a backfire increase based on the number of stacks that the defending country has. You were likely spying a country that already had a large number of stacks.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 6th 2024, 19:45:35

I need to be civil? Superfly is in this thread DEFENDING those screenshots that you saw from discord. You guys are so far gone that you're completely unreachable.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 6th 2024, 18:11:01

You already passed judgment and directly accused me of misconduct. Your mind is made up and my words will not reach you. Again, my perspective is really simple to understand. By default, you side with disgraced cheaters over the game admins. How can I possibly have a productive conversation with you when that's the starting point?

As an alliance FA, you already understand that other people in this game are going to attempt to manipulate you to their own ends. Yet when blackhole came into your circlejerk discord chat and started complaining about how unfairly he was treated, I'm sure that you instantly believed everything that he said and felt outraged. Or am I wrong?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 6th 2024, 17:40:13

People who ran multies this year should generally not be considered to be credible. Evaluating the credibility of an accuser would interfere with the delight you guys take in spreading whatever false and malicious rumors you hear about the game admins so I understand why you don't do it.

I'm sure that Blackhole is telling you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Enjoy wallowing in filth together.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 6th 2024, 17:28:00

I really don't have much to say to people who think that multi runners are more credible than game admins. Just think about how insane that is. Do you think the old you would approve of the position that you're taking now?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 6th 2024, 16:29:06

I'm not surprised that someone finally went too far when you guys celebrate, whitewash, and encourage unhinged behavior. You would never attempt the same sort of behaviors in a physical business or even in other online spaces. Take a few minutes to think about how this stuff would look to someone outside of the community. Imagine how it would feel if it was done to you.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 5th 2024, 15:27:47

Thank you for playing Earth Empires.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 3rd 2024, 16:27:16

The cost for the infinite BPT bonus has been lowered from 24 points to 8 points.

Thank you for playing Earth Empires.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Oct 2nd 2024, 23:26:37

It is not acceptable to do any of the following under any circumstances:

- harassing other players
- threatening other players to prevent reports of rule breaking activity to the game staff
- sending forum private messages that break our rules

We're at the point where repeat offenders will have their game accounts disabled. Such players will no longer be welcome on any Earth Empires property.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Oct 1st 2024, 6:17:36

The fascist bonus effectiveness bonus will decrease from 15% to 10%. This means that 8 bonus points will grant -1.4% building cost reduction instead of -1.5%.

SS military loss will reduce slower with built acres and now cannot go below 14%:

0 buildings: 98% for both
100k buildings: 68% changes to 70%
200k buildings: 38% changes to 42%
300k+ buildings: 8% changes to 14%

Edited By: Slagpit on Oct 1st 2024, 17:08:21
See Original Post

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Oct 1st 2024, 1:32:47

Changed point 3

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Sep 30th 2024, 19:31:12

This is so the round doesn't end on a US holiday and to give myself a little more time to test the new features.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Sep 25th 2024, 2:03:46

"Earth Empires is a free browser based strategy game where you take control of your nation's military and economy. Command your country's military to attack and defend against your enemies. Execute attack strategies to relieve opponents of their resources and land. Strategically invest in technology to outpace the economies of other countries. Ally with your friends or make new friendships by joining a clan. Conduct military operations, govern your country and build your empire."

There is no secret, hidden game where players use country names, forum posts, forum private messages, discord, or any other means to attack the integrity of the game staff or to attempt to interrupt the game's operations. Any players caught doing this will face severe penalties. As always, we invite players with legitimate concerns to escalate privately with a mod boss or administrator.