
Savage Game profile


Aug 5th 2019, 22:41:26

I’d dispute some arguments in there but +1 for effort

Savage Game profile


Aug 5th 2019, 2:12:20

Originally posted by Death Cab For Cuti:
The larger point is that you'll be punished, in various ways, by over zealous mods, for breaking rules that don't exist.

You weren’t killed by mods. You were killed by community members. Literally the only thing a mod did was say your original username.

Savage Game profile


Aug 4th 2019, 18:08:28

Lol.. Afaik Hash might be the only remaining AoD member left aside from myself. He could likely confirm that or not, would definitely know better then me.

We did hit 100+ members at one point. Tag protection and pacting weren’t really issues thankfully

Savage Game profile


Aug 4th 2019, 17:50:06

Personal relevance and greater relevance can be different things as well. My first alliance was AoD and I have pretty fond memories of it and it’s membership. To those on the outside it’s likely barely a footnote

Savage Game profile


Aug 4th 2019, 17:24:56

Seawolf had a decent run...

Savage Game profile


Aug 4th 2019, 14:41:49

Originally posted by Requiem:
I think everyone is missing the point here. You cannot and should not be mad at the player because the game allows this kind of game play. If something is allowed by virtue of the game and a players does that then you cannot blame or be mad at the player.

Does it show a possible character flaw with this player? Maybe.

Bottom line is you cant hate the player for playing the game as it was designed. You should focus your efforts in more productive ways, focus it into something that can actually change this type of thing not on things that will never fix anything.

Disagree there. You can blame and hold people accountable for their actions. Yes the game allows it. Doesn’t make it common or acceptable practice. It’s not a solo server, this place is filled with etiquette.

There is nothing that will fix this behaviour short of developer intervention and Pang has said he’s working on it.
If he didn’t already Josie now has a stigma attached to him and he deserves it.

Savage Game profile


Aug 4th 2019, 12:57:54

I have zero anger towards you, only disdain. There would be room for civil debate but you would need to engage questions posed to you and acknowledge your actions for what they were. Given how you keep posting paragraphs without actually saying anything, I don’t see it happening.

If you had a point to make you could have come here two months ago and had a discussion. Instead you launch missiles at a country competing for the top spot. Then when you’re called out for that BS you play a victim.

Savage Game profile


Aug 4th 2019, 2:02:19

Originally posted by Death Cab For Cuti:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
I disagree with moderators outing players, that is not your job.

If some people were smart, they wouldn't be drama mama llamas and post on here, so then no one would even know who it was ;)
I mean I guess it is a risk folks take when they do it. Either way the person still a POS no matter what name they use. And this guy, in particular, is pretty distasteful.

You guys can wonk all you'd like about Suiciding but that really wasn't the point. This is a good illustration of the point up above. We play not by the Welcome statement of EarthEmpires but rather by Moderator rules that change depending upon the moderator. One of them doesn't like you, and you're a "POS." Or your Outed. Or your threatened with banishment if you use the wrong vocabulary. This one is a bit of a bully... labled me as a "suicider" when it was nothing of the sort, then acted as judge, jury, and executioner. Think whatever you wish. Step out of line, and you're punished. You all saw it in this thread. Now....further witness the additional persecution that this very post will provoke.

You want some cheese with that whine? Your post inspires persecution because it reeks of idiocy. Really though, it’s your actions that deserve persecution. You did suicide by firing missiles at Monsters for no reason, it provided you zero benefit.

You conveniently haven’t responded to Warster, Cyref, drinks or anyone who’s questioned how your actions accomplished anything you’ve stated. Now you’re fluffing about Mods controlling the game?

1. Wasn’t just mods calling you a suicider, it’s basically everyone if not everyone. You DID suicide here.

2. LaF was your executioner. If it wasn’t LaF it would have been someone else. As Derrick said, you’re an asshole you deserve death. I’d have more respect if you just owned it.

3. You don’t want to be outed then don’t do actions you think you need to hide from. What you did is pretty cowardly and you should be embarrassed.

Savage Game profile


Aug 3rd 2019, 16:27:12

Don’t think anyone said it was against the rules. It’s just a fluffty, douche, fluffity thing to do and most in the community dislike it and people who do it.

There is a reason you hid behind some fake nick. Why not just do it under your normal one?

Savage Game profile


Aug 3rd 2019, 16:07:01

You're a "Game Moderator?" No offense, but please show me the rules pertaining to what you are terming Suiciders. Honestly.

This really isn't about suiciding but your response is proving my point, thank you.

Nothing personal.

Here is Earth Empire's welcome page message... again:

"Earth Empires is a free browser based strategy game where you take control of your nation's military and economy. Command your country's military to attack and defend against your enemies. Execute attack strategies to relieve opponents of their resources and land. Strategically invest in technology to outpace the economies of other countries. Ally with your friends or make new friendships by joining a clan. Conduct military operations, govern your country and build your empire." [/quote]

Nobody said it wasn’t allowed by the description. Look at the server your playing on. The alliances dictate the norms and generally accepted practices within this server.

Suiciding would be violating those norms to the point any alliance would kill you.

Savage Game profile


Aug 3rd 2019, 13:22:12

It’s cute you think you have a point. Do you think you’re offering unknown insight? Telling people something they don’t already know?

Your sad fact is big netting countries are under defended?
Nobody would have ever known that had you not come around and “proved” it here. /sarcasm

I’d say all you accomplished was ruining someone’s netting set but you really didn’t pull that off. I imagine #160 still takes it, you just lowered his finish.

You want to find out why netting countries run with low defence, go look at Gerdler’s suggestions to Pang et al.

Savage Game profile


Aug 3rd 2019, 1:21:20

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by galleri:
You do know that I delete new nicks if you have a regular profile if you are using it for suicide bs? And I expose the person.....



Savage Game profile


Aug 2nd 2019, 22:17:22

Looks like time for #4

Apparently the land kill was a no go

Savage Game profile


Aug 2nd 2019, 18:49:37

Land kill challenge could be fun

Savage Game profile


Aug 1st 2019, 22:57:57

Savage Game profile


Jul 25th 2019, 22:17:56

All hail Queen Gerdler

Savage Game profile


Jul 23rd 2019, 12:59:13

Originally posted by TaSk1:
Please KoH stick to the topic this is a thread dedicated to the future of our beloved game, show some class and leave the trash talk to another thread.

That’s a great idea. Perhaps some more comprehensive guides would be beneficial. You could say even presently applicable.

“How not to lose multiple wars to a bunch of netters”
“Why production matters”
“Target selection for dummies”
“45 minute speed run(tm) setups are boring and unnecessary”

What we don’t need is the “Let’s kill a 5x restart while better targets exist” guide, that territory is well tread.

Savage Game profile


Jul 23rd 2019, 3:33:04

Originally posted by TaSk1:
Can you make us a babysitting page like lafs please pang?

Lol, quit sharing Dragon’s password around with all of Sof/SoL

Savage Game profile


Jul 22nd 2019, 17:51:18

9. You read the “clean sweep” thread and then you made the questionable choice to look at it again.

Savage Game profile


Jul 21st 2019, 18:26:15

I haven’t read all posts but more mobile notification, not something through IRC. Get attack or sale alerts right through EE.

Savage Game profile


Jul 20th 2019, 3:12:25

I like it. That car, apparently 60k +/- seems pretty fantastic to me

Savage Game profile


Jul 15th 2019, 21:26:20

This is the only way I can reconcile how fast Dragon is.

Or maybe he’s the machine?

Edited By: Savage on Jul 15th 2019, 21:33:14. Reason: Alternative option
See Original Post

Savage Game profile


Jul 15th 2019, 18:29:54

Originally posted by Buch:
I have started netting. And I believe there should be a land redistribution system. It's not fair that there's certain countries with more land than me. We should take a socialist approach. I don't want to work to get land but the people that do should redistribute that land to me and other skinny countries. So I guess there should be like a tab where you can just get land from people with more than you?

Good idea no?

What could possibly go wrong in a system like that?

Savage Game profile


Jul 11th 2019, 15:25:19

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
It is a simple question.

Selling ‘cures and treatment’ for diseases as alternatives to proven treatments that work (but are flawed) kill people

Stanislaw burzinksi is an indirect murdered. No hyperbole.

Not directly killing. Just making people believe his treatment is their best choice when it may do nothing. If they had pursued traditional options initially they may have had a better chance.

I’m playing devils advocate here. It’s possible there is something there. As I said before there are some super compelling stories. I’d like to see further clinical testing following the proper protocols.

Savage Game profile


Jul 11th 2019, 14:55:39

I think LT’s point is that there are people forgoing traditional, proven treatments to be treated at Dr. Burzynski‘s clinic. If he’s peddling woo then he’s essentially giving these people a guaranteed death sentence. Preventing something like that from happening is probably worth it for the FDA on principle.

Savage Game profile


Jul 11th 2019, 4:39:09

If you want to learn the game join the alliance server.

Savage Game profile


Jul 11th 2019, 4:37:59

Kill all civilians or take/destroy all land. Chances are you didn’t kill him unless it was very small scale. Just out of protection kind of timing.

Savage Game profile


Jul 11th 2019, 4:32:30

I don’t believe they’re saying it’s a cure all for every type of cancer nor that it will always be effective. Only that in some cases, some percentage of the time it will be. That is obviously a huge, huge win. Given the relatively minor side effects compared to chemo/radiation it could disrupt the industry.

I’m naturally skeptical of this kind of thing but I leave the door open to the possibility. I wouldn’t call someone sheeple (that’s a silly thing to do) the same as I would expect a reasonable person to not always believe all narratives that are spun to them.

This is the info from

Most of the testing info comes from the developer. I wouldn’t put that on him, he obviously wants the testing done so it can get FDA approval. There seems to be some success from the treatment. In the 10-25% range, however given the conditions of the trials you cannot entirely associate the resolution of the tumors with the other treatments were used in conjunction in those cases.

The cases that are shown off in the film seem compelling. Chemo and radiation failed and the antineoplastons treatment provided by Dr. Burzynski cured the tumor(s).

If you were in the position where modern conventional medicine cannot cure you but you have a chance, why not take it? It seems like that’s the situation many of his patients come from. Or the radiation is going to be so damaging that it’s not worth it.

I’m not sure that this and pot/essential oils should be conflated. It makes sense those could help with symptom relief but not much more.

Savage Game profile


Jul 10th 2019, 18:12:20

Thanks for posting KoH, that was a good? (Scary) watch. Makes me want to do some follow up. Then makes me think any follow up will be tainted with disinformation.

Savage Game profile


Jun 27th 2019, 1:45:59

Originally posted by Chevs:
Chevs has light mental retardation lol RUDE

Under selling it?

Savage Game profile


Jun 26th 2019, 12:37:11

The problem is when you grab the lion you see it’s claws and teeth.

If you think a big country is going to allow you to take 20k acres off them, get 7k back and be ok with the exchange it’s never going to happen.

Savage Game profile


Jun 26th 2019, 3:18:00

Originally posted by Vamps:
Typical LaF bullies hitting people who are trying to net. You should all be ashamed of yourselves, this is a PVE game in case you forgot!!!

This post almost makes me wish there was a like button on this forum

Savage Game profile


Jun 17th 2019, 3:28:41


Savage Game profile


Jun 9th 2018, 0:33:52

Hey Gerdler, would you say grabbing has evolved into something dependant mostly on time or skill? I.e. with your same skill but 50% less time how effective could you still be?

Is there a lot of target camping still going on? Was it unnessary with the 250 and that’s why you want 200?

Savage Game profile


Jul 11th 2017, 23:05:35

This is how I like my old school YouTube

Savage Game profile


Jul 4th 2017, 22:53:40

Canada has some pretty irrational libtards, look at our PM. But this seems pretty hard to justify

Savage Game profile


Mar 27th 2017, 20:17:58

Sorry to see you go:( hopefully you'll come back after some time to breathe. You are definitely one of the greats, and will be missed as long as you are gone. You've provided me help, guidance and served as a great example of how to conduct oneself.

GL with the young one and life in general.


Savage Game profile


Mar 18th 2017, 7:51:21

Stickied war stats should be a thing. I can't remember the site to view them

Savage Game profile


Feb 28th 2017, 21:58:12

Originally posted by Akula:
Originally posted by Rasp:
I think it would be funny to have every 3 to 5 resets, the bots all join a tag and an algorithm picks a random clan to attack.

That's a lot of butthurt to deal with. See SoL last set...

Savage Game profile


Feb 26th 2017, 18:02:49

Abba Zabba

Savage Game profile


Feb 23rd 2017, 1:50:54

I think you'd make a better land farm then me..

Savage Game profile


Feb 15th 2017, 7:27:45

87% accurate

Savage Game profile


Feb 15th 2017, 0:15:37


Savage Game profile


Feb 15th 2017, 0:14:38

67258292 <-- Still remember the old icq number

Savage Game profile


Feb 12th 2017, 8:23:08

Savage Game profile


Jan 29th 2017, 6:14:21

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
So if you read about the medevac that happened at the South Pole in 2016 that was me and my crew there for that. In one of the "am I really here and doing this!?" moments we had to find a way to make a lit runway in -80 for the medevac plane to land on. The way it was decided to accomplish this was to saw oil drums in half, fill them with AN8 jet fuel and light them along the skiiway edge. So me and 3 other guys are out testing this. Problem is fuel won't ignite at those Temps because it doesn't aerosolize. Solution was to stick a 2x4 in the drum like a Wick and have a guy in fire gear with an acetylene blowtorch hold it lit until the surface Temps rise enough to light the fuel. We were all just hoping it didn't explode.

lol, that's awesome. Glad nobody died

Savage Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 23:55:08

Originally posted by braden:
and if you want a challenge in your war, then you should strategically plan with people to get a challenging war.
if your end game was blindsiding, then you nailed it. but don't pretend like you're in the right.

i did it for years in rd. you don't need to explain yourself. you just need to own up to playing the fluffbag, thats all.

👆 This guy speaks truth

Savage Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 21:48:36

Originally posted by LittleItaly:
Originally posted by cyref:
Originally posted by LittleItaly:

SOL declares war on Monsters, RR, Oma, and Omega.

The reason: we want to give these shrinking clans some purpose again. They have netted there way to almost non existence numbers wise. Netting there way without pacting us too which is silly. I am doing this for the server! To spice it up, and force them to work with each other. We have given them the numbers advantage. They have large stocks! We hope they put up some resistance, for that is what us SOLers look for.

Good luck to Monsters, RR, OMA, and OMEGA!!

Cut the BS
If you were looking for a challenge you would have announced a FS time 72 or 96 hrs in advance.
I would not have liked warring for no reason, that's BS too but with time to pull together the so-called 'resistance' you claim to seek - I would have participated in that.
But blindsiding netters is chickenfluff. You weren't seeking 'resistance'.
Eff ya.

So the Aliles should have told Hitler and German command there D-Day operation? Your logic makes no sense.

I surely have triggered lots of peeps :P Too much text, im not reading it all.

It is not my, SOLs or any clans responsibility to make sure other "tags" have:
1. war room
2. active leaders
3. tough members
4. game knowledge
5. preemptive "heads up" of FS
6. baby food
7. diapers

Stats? I know for sure I dont care about stats LoL. Restart those countries Marshal, youll surely be 10m NW...meaning still having the number advantage.

My declaration of war is reasonable, and had good faith... but you all surely are showing you may as well be untagged and let your alliance disappear if you just let it die anyway with no resistance. I am shocked at this response...

At least IMAG puts up resistance and kills.

1.Your analogy is idiotic.
2.What's reasonable about your war dec? It's also idiotic
3.Good faith in what? Why would you assume that blind sided netters would indulge you 15 days from the end of the set that you just ruined?
4. Expecting anything other then what you got is just a lack of foresight and intelligence

Savage Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 19:41:12

If only there was a spot you could gather with like minded individuals... If only those individuals could seek out other groups looking to do the same thing...

oh wait! That's essentially how the games been running for the last few years. Nope, you just ruin the set for others who enjoy the game differently then you do.

I'm not sure what SoL was trying to get out of this.. Blindsiding an unprepared group of netting alliances does not make for a good war. You could have hit MD/LaF and you still wouldn't have gotten a very good ear out of it.. So hitting that group was just gutless..