
Ravi Game profile


Jul 20th 2011, 20:42:52

I have not received ANY information on the status of this project. You all disappoint me. I could order us into a war or I could just dismiss my entire senior staff (or really screw them by promoting them).

However I don't have time to sort thru all this. Blood DOES need to be spilled so just kill Trife's country.

I have spoken.

Ravi Game profile


Jul 20th 2011, 20:37:23

I should add that who you take land from in FBI will affect how we retal.

You can take Ghall's land since he is black and his land is not as important as the white mans land. However there is a catch 22 here....taking Ghall's land could be considered a racist act and we would react more violently since we are all about civil rights. We actually fought a war a few sets back over abuse towards our negro players.

You could take our womens land because in theory they shouldn't own any land according to some of our members who practice a more strict form of our alliances religion known as Sharia Law FBIism. But most of us are moderates and if our women are angry over losing land we won't be getting any action. So now the moderate men will be pissed too.

Look, I'm sorry this is probably much more confusing than it should be. But we here at FBI are special. So please take these things into consideration and think before you act.

Ravi Game profile


Jul 20th 2011, 1:49:49

I agree with Jofel. Dman from LCN was a netgaining machine but put others before himself.

While others in the top 10 were probably sent FA he refused to accept any and would actually send FA to bottom ranked countries.

Ravi Game profile


Jul 20th 2011, 0:29:36

LS IS a nice guy for putting this out as it is all true and can help people avoid "issues". We don't much care for "issues". LS, I thank you not as an FBI/WoGer but as a concerned and caring player in the Team Server community for making this information available to the masses.

I'm sure all WoG/FBI leaders/members have their own pet peeves that fall within the Lord Slayer Document that really sets them off. My personal peeve is the "running of the mouth". If you want conflict then by all means run the mouth. If you want to be peaceful like we are then keep the mouth to a minimum.

Ravi Game profile


Jul 20th 2011, 0:21:55

Zen, when FBI came over to the Team server you and I were awake all night that first night writing all 778 pages of the new FBI Charter, in between watching porn, having hookers over and doing blow of course. If you pull out that document you will see that on page 37 section 4 subsection Y calls for the missiling of Trife whenever there is an issue of any kind, real or imagined.

FBI - President & CEO
Co-writer and Signer of the FBI Charter

Ravi Game profile


Jul 19th 2011, 16:42:35

LS, Zen..if any further grabs are done going forward deal with it as you see fit since you did announce we are war prepping and I would hope nobody would take advantage of that fact.

Ravi Game profile


Jul 19th 2011, 4:17:58

Monks, might I suggest that it would be very wise to contact LS asap. If I become the point man for this you will not like the results.


FBI - President & CEO

Ravi Game profile


Jul 19th 2011, 4:09:45

Neither do I but I expect it to be done anyway.

I get emails like this at work all the time. Just doing something seems to keep the boss happy even if you actually don't know WTF you are doing as is the case with some of you and all of me.

Ravi Game profile


Jul 19th 2011, 3:17:43

Zen, LS and the Rest,

This to be resolved to our benefit 12 hours henceforth. I am concerned by the apparent taking of much of our land without provocation and retaliation, anti-semitism and a lot of running of the mouth. Please sent me a report on the status of this issue and send a copy to Assassin as well as posting on here for the amusement of the masses.

Ghall, create a flowchart so I can monitor progress.


FBI - President & CEO

Ravi Game profile


Jul 11th 2011, 0:15:35

I was looking to get this resolved in a timely manner that benefited both alliances. I was much too busy earlier today and feared this would get out of hand. It seems Lord Slayer, SuperFly and Lucan really picked up the ball and got all this settled.

Great job fellas!

Ravi Game profile


Jul 10th 2011, 3:44:12

Originally posted by ZEN:
I actually take pride in over embellishing my BS. I was actually being honest.

But I realize now I have to lie to you in order to get through to you, which is parallel to that of a woman.

So Fatty. We were bored. It's me, not you. I love you. She is just a friend. I never went to that strip club. No, you don't look fat in that. Your friends are totally unattractive. I love the sweater you bought me. And finally, I'LL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU.


Female Body Inspector

hahaha that is the best post on this thread.

Ravi Game profile


Jul 10th 2011, 3:14:00

"I will not accept LAND:LAND

not the standered"

You do not decide the standard. Keep running the mouth and we'll go for 2x:land.

If I were you I'd worry more about getting those legit retals done on #98 before time expires.

Ravi Game profile


Jul 9th 2011, 22:16:39

FBI will be taking Land:Land for your grab on Soviet Union.

Retal that retal and you will be killed.

You are also well within your right, of course, to get your land back from #98 within the accepted retal window.

Ravi Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 6:11:31

Best post on this thread:

"btw I just want to let you know that 2 of the guys we killed have also applied to join us. I guess your 2 teams are now going to be 1 team."

You really screwed up didn't you fatty? LOL

Ravi Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 4:26:20

"SOL is the most aggressive warring alliance. We do not like the net. We are seen as a threat.
Its pretty simple to understand."

"We are seen as a threat" makes no sense. The alliances you hit over and over again rarely, if ever, FS you.

"Do you think this is the right path at a attempt at server stability? It was already agreed on it is not. There is no ends to the means here. Thinking otherwise is futile.'

It was also agreed that SOLs round robin ways of attacking the same few alliances in this game is not going to be tolerated any more. Thinking otherwise is futile. Come up with a new game plan.

Ravi Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 4:21:40

"You really think that line of thought is really good in any way for netting alliances? Who do you think would outlast constant wars? A netting alliance or SOL, who have been through the worst crap you can even imagine. We have had our extreem lows, we know pain really well and we know how to last."

I know you directed this at someone else but that comment is interesting. I will argue that SOL has never had to endure crap anywhere near that of LCN. There was a stretch that lasted for over a year where either IX, SOL or TIE hit us. We are a netting alliance and we are still here. SOL has never gone that long getting kicked around.

I think your leadership has done a great job in the long haul for making sure SOL was never in that situation. It is questionable your member base would tolerate that. And I would never wish it on you either.

Ravi Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 4:14:47

"I have only used the term "retribution" in reference to as well as replying to Derrick comments. If you considered SOL warring for no reason, do you think this reset would really help your cause?"

Perhaps, since based on SOLs history they will not war alliances every other set who can beat them.

"People are speaking out directly towards SOL is if they are the problem"

I can only speak for my alliance and while there are other warring alliances on this server yours is the only one we have this problem with. Why is that?

"It blows my mind that there has not been any attempts at a Universal Unified Agreement Pact that would help control as well as help dictate the actions of alliances so that stability may come to the server to avoid any negative reprucations towards the player base."

Umm what do you think this war is about? Would you have felt better if every alliance on the server was on board?

Ravi Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 3:52:30

"The question you should ask should be "Do you think the members of SOL are being completely fullfilled with the wars you are currently having with netting alliances?".

That, I would have to answer "No" to. I think SOL is greater than the wars we have been having recently. I would like to see SOL challanged by other war alliances that would stand a chance against us."

Well your leadership can change that. Your alliance usually pacts anyone they consider a threat so they can concentrate on one netting alliance they know they can easily beat up on. Sometimes you will pact out everyone except for two alliances and then hit them both calling it a challenge. The problem is that hitting 2 netting alliances who don't usually work together is not a challenge.

I know you are trying to speak about this in general terms but I am talking specifics as it relates to your own alliance because you have made your living fighting wars that are not a challenge. Any talk of wanting challenging wars is disingenuous on your part based on your alliances history up to now and I mean no offense. It is what it is until you decide to change it.

Otherwise we will keep having sets like this. All this talk of retribution is nonsense because next set will be business as usual for your leadership. You will pact out everybody except one or two alliances and call it retribution but it will be the same formula as it is every set.

I haven't mentioned SoF hitting NA. I have no opinion on it. If SoF does that every set like SOL does then I will have something to say. You seem like a smart fellow. You know the SOL formula is not the same as the SoF one set after set so to even bring them up in the same breath as your alliance would be wrong at this time.

Ravi Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 3:37:37

Then if you are not a leader you shouldn't have run your mouth and your leader should boot you for speaking out of place.

Ravi Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 3:16:31

Man what kind of gibberish are you spewing this time? This war is 100% your fault fat man. It is your fault and yours only.

Hindsight should have it that you would have shut your face. Threats are not good if you can't back them up. Your alliance members are dying and that should not have been the case. We had other plans but you had to go push our buttons.

Some of your own members have already worked out peace with us. Maybe they should be leading your alliance and not you.

BTW can someone tell me what alliance he is the leader of?

Ravi Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 3:05:03

"Thank you for the positive comments :-) The issue is that the retribution that will occur is not going to be positive for the server. I do not think you understand the state of the game. Since there is a low population of players, constant wars for netting alliances are going to force those netters to want to stop playing. LCN is a netting alliance, yet they have seen constant war recently... is this really the retribution the players of the game want to see when it may force people to leave the game? There are not many alliances to war against, there for netting allainces are going to get more love much more often."

You have to understand that the netting alliances getting hit every second or third reset by SOL. often for no real reason, are probably not going to stand for it forever. So you have what you have this reset. Let me ask you Jiman. Do SOL members actually enjoy warring LCN those times you hit us for no real reason? You have been doing this to us for 10 friggin years!!! The outcome is known before the war even starts. I know LCN wouldn't enjoy a netgaining match against SOL because we know we would win easily.

The old ways are not going to cut it anymore. We aren't the ones jumping the same alliances for little or no reason so perhaps your leadership needs a new gameplan.

Ravi Game profile


Jul 8th 2011, 1:43:20

I told you guys not to listen to drivel from a non major player. Our ratings are gonna tank with episodes like this and the network will not renew us next season.

But I will put my 17 cents in. Mr Beef, everything Zen said is actually true. I'm not sorry if that disappoints you. When FBI is bored we attack each other. When we attack others we have a reason. The reason here was that Fat Man and his words/actions.

We're gonna end up on the WB network or even public access cable for this:( There goes all the syndication rights:(

Ravi Game profile


Jul 7th 2011, 6:12:32

Beefy, Since you are not a major player in this I will not be seeing your thoughts as I am sure they add nothing to the enjoyment of the casual viewer.

Unlike you, I have been involved in this thing since day one. SF and KL can confirm that I have been the guiding light and have been engaged in the process the entire time.

So what alliance are you in? And can somebody get me up to speed as to who FBI is at war with? I thank you all in advance.

Ravi Game profile


Jul 6th 2011, 4:15:25

"#34 spies us over and over since the set started with a DNH we both agreed on. I threatened to kill him as it was obvious he was planning something and/or sending his ops to someone else."

Hey fat ass. I am the President of FBI. I authorized nothing in terms of a DNH. Who gave you the DNH? I will have them flogged. But that's besides the point. A DNH is and has never been a pact in this game. If we cancelled a FDP, LDP or UNAP you would have every right to be a tad upset.

I don't care if my member spied you 10,000 times. You are not to threaten one of my peeps. Doing so will get you a paddling.

And I'll let you in on an important fact for future references....had we had a real pact I would have voided it upon your ill advised threatening of my member and rightly so.

You kick us in the groin like that and we will walk it off and fire a shotgun into yours. I hate when you peeple get me angry like this. I'm gonna go out and kill a kitten out of spite.

Yours in Battle,


Ravi Game profile


Jul 2nd 2011, 15:39:13

What's with all the drama? This is express. Just kill him.

Ravi Game profile


Jun 16th 2011, 23:55:52


Ravi Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 17:17:32

Wake up People! - Bin Laden was not buried at sea!

I have a friend of a friend of a friend whose brother's 2nd cousin works for the CIA, and he said the body was taken to area 51. They apparently want to mix Osama's DNA with the Roswell aliens to clone super anti-terrorists.

Ravi Game profile


Apr 11th 2011, 15:05:34

I'm not seeing an issue here. This is an individual server. People can net, war, test strats or do whatever on their own. Why does somebody need to be attacked first before going to war or killing another country? By your logic all wars on the other servers can only go forward if both alliances agree to war.

I'm against a wolfpack mentality on Express. But whatever a single country wants to do by themselves seems to be fine IMO.

I think you are overlooking the GDI.

Ravi Game profile


Apr 11th 2011, 14:06:28

My name is Ravi and I endorse this message

Soviet pad me 5 dolla to post this

Ravi Game profile


Apr 11th 2011, 14:01:43

Looks like #82 did some good work...complete solo kills, which the Mods have said is acceptable on this server. I'd be more concerned with the countries that killed it. If they were working together in game then they did some good work. If they worked outside the confines of the game to plan the kill they would be in violation of the rules stated by the Mods. I assume you would call for their banishment from the server?

The King said it best...GDI GDI GDI!

Ravi Game profile


Apr 9th 2011, 15:06:19

Well you can start by breaking me down. My stats are posted above.

Ravi Game profile


Apr 9th 2011, 14:54:40

If I am untouched by tomorrow morning I will break Strange Famous (#30). He seems to be on a net quest.

Ravi Game profile


Apr 9th 2011, 14:52:28

Feel free to kill me Zen. I'm going to bed. Maybe MKR would be kind enough to break for us. I have lottsa troops and stuff. I have brought shame to FBI by being in the top 25. Please rectify or rectalfy that or something.

Death To SNUSNU (#67)

15mil troops and turrets 85% sdi

Chairman and CEO
FBI Enterprises INC, LLC, BBQ, FFU,

Ravi Game profile


Apr 1st 2011, 18:47:02

My name is Ravi and I fully endorse Zen's messages.


Female Body Inspector

Ravi Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 19:36:22

Shut up Maki, you POS.

Zen won this.

LCN Nobody
FBI President
Maki is still a POS

Ravi Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 7:31:02

DA never left. They took over LCN years ago and just happen to use the LCNostra tag.

Who do you think I would take my marching orders from....Japri or Trife?

Nuff said

DA member

Ravi Game profile


Mar 5th 2011, 1:50:25

Drew Carey returns!

Ravi Game profile


Mar 1st 2011, 4:13:10

You killed Ghall!

We fought a war against you because of your treatment of that colored kid. However he was getting a little too uppity lately.

I should order you all killed right now because no effort was made to contact me. However it's all about his uppity attitude. So there will be no killing of Lords. Although we were planning on killing our uppity colored kid ourselves and you denied us that.

Therefore I will do the European thing and send a strong letter that says FBI is considering sending a strong letter of protest to Lords.

Look you guys oppressed that little black kid a few sets ago and we went to war over it and then peace was made and all was good. It looks like Mr Uppity was engaging in his own little reverse racism war. That will not be tolerated. FBI generally likes Lords. FBI would probably fight for Lords.

But hear this and hear this well. Next time you pull a stunt like that without contacting us we will do more than send a letter of protest. We will send Detmer out to do 10 ABs and they may not even be against your countries. If that doesn't stop your oppression we will kill 1/2 of Lords as well as 1/2 of FBI. We annoy ourselves as much as we annoy outsiders. I may have to missile some FBIers

I have spoken.


Ravi Game profile


Feb 25th 2011, 23:00:07

See that report kiddies? That is top notch stuff. That is why FBI is a powerhouse of an alliance. I am away for the day and had little idea what was going on. After Zen's report I am totally up to date.

I am not even worthy to associate with the likes of Zen, Shammy, Detmer, Trife, Ghall, KL and the lovely Tisya. I am honored to be in the same alliance as they are.

I too must apologize to Assassin for not being able to netgain. He hates war more than anyone on this server. I feel your pain my friend.


Ravi Game profile


Feb 25th 2011, 20:30:25

Around the game yes. In FBI no. I don't know who let him in as I called for his killing just a few days ago. Nobody listens to me anyway. But judging from Zen's post all Lords need to do is ask for him to be killed and he will. I'm hoping we do it anyway.

Ravi Game profile


Feb 25th 2011, 20:20:57

That is a very good question.

Prom is a very good FA in regards to FBI. He is probably not a good FA for his alliance.

Let me splain

FBI are actually a nice group of people. Had an FA approached us in a professional manner none of this happens...which is good for you but sucks for us. We prefer an FA who throws raw meat into the lions den like Pron did. He further agitated the situation by dragging RD into this. That was an even worse.

Does that help answer your question?

Ravi Game profile


Feb 25th 2011, 6:26:54

The smart money never bets against RD

DL, are you asking us to clear the path for you to have a top 10 finish? I do have some experience with the suicide. It would be a legit finish for you as everybody else is guilty of something and deserve to be punished for turning away from the Lord their God, japri's ass.

Or we could just have you farm Trife. If he complains we will kill him.

Either way we will probably kill Shammy as a welcome home present. We take care of our own here at FBI.

Ravi Game profile


Feb 25th 2011, 3:17:37

You seem to really want some guy(s) to suck you off. FBI fully supports your right to be sucked off by a man as we respect the race, color, religion and sexual orientation of all earth players.

We like this war as we are not netgainers. Have you ever seen Me, Detmer and Shammy try to net? It ain't pretty. So had you not warred us we would have been forced to war each other.

But back to the whole point of this war according to want some men to suck you off. I don't know if we actually have any gay members in FBI. But even if we do..under your policy they couldn't suck you off since they like this war.

My suggestion to your immediate problem is to find some bath house in Calgary. I'm sure you will find what you seek there.

And I will say this one last time..regardless of what you may say or think, FBI has no policies.


Ravi Game profile


Feb 24th 2011, 18:53:49

I don't take my marching orders from stupid people unless, of course, they are in FBI.

Your 5 year war dec is denied. Zen says it will be 10 years. I love that guy like a brother. 10 years it is. You have the right to buy out the last 2 years of the war at a price set by us. You do retain the right to appeal that price to a neutral party of our choice...RD. FBI also holds an option to extend the war to 15 years if we wish.

Sometimes President

Ravi Game profile


Feb 24th 2011, 6:14:05

even though we have no morals, Except for Alana. She is like nice and all. But enough of that. If you want her phone number you will have to get it off someone else. I'm not some big daddy pimp put on this earth to hook your sorry asses up. But enough of that. I have issues with Prometheus;s post:

"To all those clans scared of FBI and RD. Dont be scared any longer Stand up for your selfs today and Help kill off the scum of TEAM SERVER. FBI and RD are trying to run this server as there personal play ground with there crazy little policies. Dont let them do it anymore Fight for what you believe in and Help kill them."

Wait a second here..."crazy little policies"?

FBI has no policies.

I can say that with some authority as I am the President...and a very bad and inactive one at that....which is why we have no policies. I'm not really into the whole "policy" thing anyway. It requires too much thought and every time I think I smell wood burning. Now them RDers have a policy. Hit them and you die. I'm not smart enough to think of that. I wish I had. If you wanna talk policy that is one damn good policy when dealing with policies.

Policies or not, you will still die. And you can blame it on yourself, not us. I am a peacemaker. But I won't be bullied by trouble making imbeciles who want to force their hate on me and my alliance.

Zen acted wisely in declaring war on Beer while I was away today. I think he may be gunning for my job. He can have it. Heck the next person who posts here that doesn't annoy me or Harrison Schmitt can be President of FBI.

There is a moral to this story but I lost my train of thought. Maybe somebody else can do the math.


Ravi Game profile


Feb 21st 2011, 18:34:49

SoF 0
SoL -1
LaF -1
Evo 0
Omega 1
RD 0
Sanct 0
Monsters 1
WoF 0
NA 0
Imag -1
Maki (POS) -1

Ravi Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 21:25:03

Well either that Shammy or we just find an inactive tag that we can kill at our lazy pace. You know like a 3 day kill run for one country.

Ravi Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 2:11:47

Hail me? I'm a cretinous moronic imbecile. But that is a requirement to be in FBI.

Deli, have you been mean again? I always knew you were a bad seed. Lime never hurt anybody. He plays a peaceful country. Something will be done about this.

I can delegate his killing to Trife. But Trife is retarded and would screw it up. I could give the job to Detmer. But he would probably just AB.

Zen can we get a kill chat started on this. Since RD wasn't tagged RD last set I am sure they aren't tagged RD this set either. Just pick a tag you think Deli is in and we will kill all of them being that we don't know what country is Deli's.

I want this done like yesterday so let's get the process going.

Do it for Lime!
Do it for Ghall!
Do it to get some from Alana!

Ravi Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 1:18:50

Whoa whoa whoa whoa, I don't like what I'm hearing here.

Bigotry against gays?

FBI has already fought a war because of racism against our negro players.

We will not tolerate intolerance and bigotry against gays.

Ravi Game profile


Feb 11th 2011, 22:42:05

Assassin netgain? What the hell are you smoking Ivan? Maki could netgain better than Assassin.

Assassin isn't a troll. He just points out the silliness of others.

Yes he is old. But how he acts is another story.

I think I'll solo kill Zen. He is good people.