
Brigg Game profile


Jul 26th 2020, 3:10:06

Hi all.

I had a few ideas for permanent bonuses. Just ideas to toss around. Subtle things. Looking for your thoughts.

1. Bonus Acre Increase: Each day, the number of bonus acres you get increases by an amount appropriate for the game type.

2. Missile Capacity: Increase the cap for missiles beyond 1 per 200 Acres.

3. Spy DR: Further increase your resiliency to repeated harmful spy ops.

4. Food Consumption: Decrease the amount of food consumed by your population and military per turn.

5. Market Commissions: Decrease the amount the market takes for commission for your sold goods.

6. Additional Ally Slot: (16 points; 1 per reset) Get one additional ally slot in the category of your choice. (EDIT: One additional Trade Pact Ally only(

7. Construction Speed: Construct 1 additional building per turn without the necessary Construction Sites.

What do you all think?

Edited By: Brigg on Feb 21st 2021, 3:55:35
See Original Post
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Bug Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 26th 2020, 4:29:13

Hey I like the idea of modifying and changing some of the bonus'.

Acre increase would be hard to work out, for Express for instance, no point.

Missile Cap, yeah that could be worth it, maybe even an increased chance of getting missiles also.

Spy Op's are already effected by "Luck"

Food Comp similar to expenses would be a nice change.

Market Comms, but that would impact on a Demo, like why be a Demo if as a Theo you could also get 0% market comms after 30 days of bonus points.

I like the idea of more ally slots, but that would have a big impact on a lot of the games mechanics which only look for 2 DA's for instance.

Construction speed, I like that idea also, it would combat the 100% build costs bonus a little i feel.

Brigg Game profile


Jul 26th 2020, 12:38:39

Originally posted by Bug:
Feedback :D

Yeah, Express was the toughest thing to consider in general when it came to these ideas. I was thinking, for example, in Alliance you'd increase Bonus Acres by 5 per day per 8 BP, but with Express, make it, 30 or 50 per 6 BP.

I was under the impression that Luck factored into Missile Production as well.

I didn't know Spy DR was affected by luck either ^.^

That's a very good point about the market commissions. I considered this and figured the reduction in commission would be minuscule. For example, Alliance and primary get 60 days in a reset. So every day's allotment of bonuses would be 0.03% or 0.04%, so the maximum possible commission reduction would be 1.8% or 2.4%. We definitely wouldn't want to cap it at 0% to compete with Democracy. But it would most definitely give a small edge to Commie strategies, allowing them to mitigate the 10% commissions.

The additional ally slot would need to be approached with some care, definitely, considering your feedback on that. That's why I was thinking to limit it to 1 per reset.

I'm happy to see that the ideas are well-received by someone on development. ^.^ it's encouraging.
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Jul 31st 2020, 1:58:02

I'd like to see permanent land exploration rate increases.

jjterrico Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 31st 2020, 15:26:34

Brigg Game profile


Feb 20th 2021, 18:02:09

Wanted to bump this to draw further attention to it. It seems the devs are reaching out to make some changes and figured this was one of my least invasive suggestion.

Also thought about another few permanent Bonus ideas.

8 points: Specific Industrial Production Increases (one for each type of unit indys produce).

8 points: Military Offense - Similar to investing in Defense.

4 points: 1 additional Spy Op per day.

*Gives Puppy-dog eyes to Slagpit*
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Tmac Game profile


Feb 20th 2021, 18:10:38

More options for bonus points is good. I'd be against the idea of being able to add alliance slots though.

Brigg Game profile


Feb 20th 2021, 21:06:14

Originally posted by Tmac:
More options for bonus points is good. I'd be against the idea of being able to add alliance slots though.

I forgot to mention that I thought it through and it should just be one additional Trade Ally slot. Good for those servers that you can send FA on. Adding any other type of ally slot would probably be a coding nightmare.
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Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Mar 1st 2021, 0:19:14

What's driving you to make these suggestions? Do you find that some of your countries have no choices when it comes to bonus selection?

Brigg Game profile


Mar 1st 2021, 13:18:41

Originally posted by Slagpit:
What's driving you to make these suggestions? Do you find that some of your countries have no choices when it comes to bonus selection?

No, the purpose is more to simply create possible new avenues of strategy. Expenses, Building Costs, and Decay are great go-tos for those permanant bonuses. But I was just thinking a few new options could inspire or encourage a little deviation and feed those who want to try a little something now.
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