
Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 3rd 2010, 19:15:16

Let's apply Occam's razor. Which is more likely?

1) SMz is trolling or doesn't know what he's talking about.

2) #18 sold a ton of military, logged in, dropped the 20A bonus before ranks update, sent FA, then logged out without even buying out his PM.

Murf Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 19:16:35

locket i dont think sof likes a member of an allied alliance calling it's members retards, you might have got sol off your back, but maintain the attitude and you'll have sof there in it's place lol so stirring

SMz Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 19:17:05

well say w/e u want , unless 18 doesn't login on full priv market and jumps to like 176-177m nw , he FA'ed someone , thats a fact.

jeff24 Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 19:53:47

god all this pointless drivel is awesome!

*runs to get some popcorn*

diez Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 21:31:54

There's only one people I ever called out as a "lowlife scoundrel".

Havoc Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 21:46:46

might have been SKA you're thinking of roni?
Unholy Monks | The Omega

diez Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 21:55:56

This shall be my last post here. Since a certain new player is too new to understand how to get top networth with some skill, here goes nothing. If I fail to convince you, consider this a lecture "how to make huge stockpile 101 for n00bs".

Message from FeelGoodInc (#213) sent on 12/03/2010 18:45:48
Report this message
i just cought u on a lie buddy:

11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 8,000,000 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 8,000,000 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 8,000,000 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 8,000,000 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 8,000,000 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 436,790,389 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 8,000,000 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 8,000,000 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 8,000,000 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 8,000,000 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 8,000,000 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 8,000,000 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 8,000,000 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 8,000,000 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 8,000,000 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 8,000,000 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 8,000,000 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 8,000,000 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 8,000,000 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 8,000,000 $66
11/22/2010 20:47 Bushels 9,100,000 $66


in 1 day u got from 650M to 850M ah? ur such a good liar Reply


My comment:
That's 597m bushels for you right there.

and this is taken from my op at evo site:

Nov/22/10 21:57:29
Turns Stored 24

nw on Market $708,364 (708m bushels, if you're not bright enough to read this)

Net Change 938,070 (times 126 turns = 118m bushels, not to mention that I had positive cash flow)

597m + 118m = 715m bushels

Nov/23/10 23:12:12
nw on Market $820,875

That's 111 turns * 950k = 105m bushels for you.

715 + 105 = 820m bushels (see? that's all doable.)


I'm producing an average of 950k bushels/turn * 82 turns a day = 78m bushels/day

I switched at the 28th. That's basically 4 days and 7 hours after your latest market op. 4.3 * 78 = 335m bushel, not to mention that I had 2b money in hand in the first place. That's 1.05b food + 2b money for you. Not to mention extra money from my positive cashflow and selling cash down.

Notice the trend? You accuse me of getting FA/cheating, I prove that you're living on your little fantasy world, and you change the topic and run away.

The key here is to use your brain properly. Thank you very much.

Edited By: diez on Dec 3rd 2010, 21:58:10
See Original Post

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 3rd 2010, 22:17:13

Oh look, #18 is over 190 M NW. Good detective work SMz.

Thomas Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 22:32:15

Originally posted by SMz:
no one belives its legit finishes , but some of Evo finishes are not legit as well , thats all im saying here Thomas.

Thomas u should come again next set for SoF's mirc begging for a pact like a little puppy , we like it :)

I don't recall begging. I recall talking about DNH, but not begging. You must have me confused with someone else. Move along.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Dec 3rd 2010, 22:42:32

for someone who almost left SoF midset it seems kind of funny that SoF chose to make SMz their spokesperson and a beneficiary of their buyout
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Dec 3rd 2010, 22:42:47

(not to mention he's an idiot)
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

cypress Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 22:47:46

He's our spokesperson? Why wasn't I informed of that?

cypress Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 23:09:29

Originally posted by locket:
Some recent laffers would have had good competitions with diez or beaten him if they didnt end up dead :P Not saying theyd win every set or anything. But I very much doubt the retards from sof in this thread could do anything.

oooo, dem be fighting words!

SMz Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 0:15:55

ur such an idiot Pontius Pirate , what allaince died and let u join?

locket Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 0:49:51

Some of the opinions here have been retarded Murf. Not gonna say otherwise. And im pretty sure the people saying them are all soffers in this case ;) Not calling all soffers retards but some of the things said here are just plain ignorant.

But meh, I dont keep this "attitude" anyways since my posts are declining in general :P

SMz Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 1:04:05

ur probaly right diez , i figured u had 1B bushels , thats 200m nw max on your priv , not beeing an MBR , if u get the extra nw just from selling crap , the kodus for u :)

all i was trying to do is piss u evo guys off :) maybe Evo will have the balls to FS SoF , but your ignorence diez may have cost u some points in SoF leadership :)

SoF let me run my mouth cause they are looking for wars , and im the perfect guy for the job! :)

SMz Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 1:09:58

oh and kodus for Evo ofcorse for amazing netting show (not that im impressed from ppl who play all-x 10 min a day and finish top 25)

but all you have is your netting skills you so often brag about , we all know your the best after the old LaF'ers , i played in Evo remmber? :)

Something Evo will never have though is SoF's teamwork :)

As for thomas and sanct - just prey to god for making sof heads so nice , cuz the plan was to not let you live this set. aw and you guys suck :)

SMz Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 1:15:53

aw and for last post:

Pontius Pirate - I donno who you are , I don't think anyone does cause your probaly not important and nobody cares.

I had some probloms adjusting in SoF but the problomes were fixed , don't see any worng with that? you keep suggusting im a tag flopper , but facts speak other whise , i played 4-5 years in TIE , rest in monks , few sets in between in some netting allainces , couldn't get more loyal then that :)

diez Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 1:29:18

I'm just a normal evolution member - am I of that importance so that sof leadership needs to give me "points"? (no offence to all the real sof leaders)

And, if teamwork is all about buyouts and FAing a clanmate to the top, I wouldn't be playing this game at all. Evo has great teamwork, we do it our way.

I've nothing more to say.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 4th 2010, 1:31:01

SMZ: Do you even think before the words fall out of your mouth? First it was, all-x can get top 10, no skill required. At least now you've moved it to all-x 10 minutes a day gets top 25, anyone can do it. Obviously, if everyone could do it, then it wouldn't be top 25. Only 25 players get to be in the top 25, you realize that right?

You really are a horrible mouth piece for SoF. Luckily that's what the ignore button is for.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 1:36:31

Originally posted by diez:
to be honest there are a few honest netters whom I rate very highly. These elite few plays honestly and has a true netters pride - unlike a select few who think of themselves really highly (but actually suck in netting and had to get FA packages/help from buyouts)

Slagpit, solid snake, son goku, enshula, afaik, and samxz would rise the t10 NW bar by a mile.

I can't wait for the set when laf and evo finally nets in the same set.
Without any stupid buyouts and FAs of course.

No love for me anymore diez? Jerk. Lol

SMz Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 2:14:15

all-x for top 25 , takes 10 min a day...

please don't ignore me! what will I do without your attention????

SMz Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 2:16:22

aw and Teamwork = war , something that Evo havn't done for a long time , SoL has team work LaF has it , Evo? nahhh

AxAlar Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 3:00:46

lol.. SMz, you're just a nobody.

You're still angry at SancT because we beat the fluff ouf of your crap alliance for sets until you ran and merged into TIE. fluff.

I feel bad for SOF to have to put up with you. I can't wait til you mouth off to someone like Ivan and he puts you in your place.
Mercenary for Hire
AIM: I The Brandon
ICQ: 167324517

SMz Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 3:09:34

apprently you don't know ivan well lol :)

im not mad about anything , will enjoy killing sanct thats for sure , nothing to do with the past man , keep leading your madicore allaince and crewl back to your hole :)

AxAlar Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 3:26:01

Originally posted by SMz:
apprently you don't know ivan well lol :)

im not mad about anything , will enjoy killing sanct thats for sure , nothing to do with the past man , keep leading your madicore allaince and crewl back to your hole :)

Guess that says something about you if your former alliance was pushed out of existence by a mediocre alliance. Hey, you know another thing that'll eat you up.

You're all talk SMz, all talk. No one respects you. People respect those around you like Martian, Murf, Ivan, Aponic... but you? Please. You're the short kid who stands behind his big friends shouting threats. Grow a pair why don't you.
Mercenary for Hire
AIM: I The Brandon
ICQ: 167324517

Havoc Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 3:42:57

Grats, you bullied a smaller netting clan off the server!
Unholy Monks | The Omega

hanlong Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 3:57:03


it used to be hard to crack the top 10.

i used to take netting very seriously and things had to all go right to get top 10.

winning in the early late 90s/early 2000s was much harder.

i knew times have changed when i just half-assed a country (10 minutes a day) and still placed rank 4 a few years ago. there was no way that would've happened. my first top 10 finish and 1A win took an all day obsession to accomplish. my last top 10 took 10 minutes a day, my last win took me 20 minutes a day (over a frequent poster on this forum, if he knows who he is, and what reset it was :P)

that's when i knew the glory days of netting competition are over. i find the new breed of tyranny grabbing any land you can find sad compared to the old TTR midfeeding strategies (where you carefully chose your targets and kept a good balance of turrets and jets and just required more min/maxing in general)

pretty much when theo midfeeding became infeasible from mehul's change is pretty much when true netting skill really disappeared.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

AxAlar Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 4:01:56

Havoc, Monks and SancT were the same size, not to mention SancT was also a "netting" alliance at that time.

So a netting alliance of the same size kicked his clans ass off the server (this was 4-5 years ago btw).
Mercenary for Hire
AIM: I The Brandon
ICQ: 167324517

Havoc Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 4:23:06

I know, I was a leader in Monks. Sort of stupid for that feud to be brought up in this thread though. And yeah we had to disband cause as a clan made up almost entirely of pure netters we got tired of having to war you guys over and over. But whatever, sanct did eventually become 'Collab' anyway:P
Unholy Monks | The Omega

dustfp Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 9:35:19

I don't think Thomas has the ability to beg. If anything came to that, he'd probably just declare war on the spot
SancTuarY President
icq: 123820211
aim: fudgepuppy6988

Murf Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 11:37:55

wow this thread spiralled down hill fast

very nice avg nw evo

Ivan Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 12:16:57

submit to the fluffy side

Thomas Game profile


Dec 4th 2010, 18:42:22

Originally posted by dustfp:
I don't think Thomas has the ability to beg. If anything came to that, he'd probably just declare war on the spot


smikke Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 4th 2010, 21:41:53

Originally posted by AxAlar:
Originally posted by SMz:
apprently you don't know ivan well lol :)

im not mad about anything , will enjoy killing sanct thats for sure , nothing to do with the past man , keep leading your madicore allaince and crewl back to your hole :)

Guess that says something about you if your former alliance was pushed out of existence by a mediocre alliance. Hey, you know another thing that'll eat you up.

You're all talk SMz, all talk. No one respects you. People respect those around you like Martian, Murf, Ivan, Aponic... but you? Please. You're the short kid who stands behind his big friends shouting threats. Grow a pair why don't you.

It's sad that you're sucking up to Ivan of all people. Must be desperate for that pact, huh?

If you ignore the previous set because it was just one set, Ivan's legacy at the helm of SoF involves taking it from SOL's sidekick to an alliance stuck in a grudge war against ICN, culminating in SoF having to call in iMag because they were getting creamed by ICN.

I'd say those 4 sets he had in charge are a lot more indicative of his leadership ability than the fact that he got lucky and a lot of vets responded to his recruitment email.

SolidSnake Game profile


Dec 5th 2010, 1:21:37

Originally posted by SMz:
oh and kodus for Evo ofcorse for amazing netting show (not that im impressed from ppl who play all-x 10 min a day and finish top 25)

but all you have is your netting skills you so often brag about , we all know your the best after the old LaF'ers , i played in Evo remmber? :)

Something Evo will never have though is SoF's teamwork :)

As for thomas and sanct - just prey to god for making sof heads so nice , cuz the plan was to not let you live this set. aw and you guys suck :)

i'll make two points

1: buy outs are for fluff kids
2: evo are fluff kids reguardless of whether people ran buy outs