
Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 19th 2020, 20:12:26

I just got back from a brief shopping trip to the supermarket. Man, we've fallen a long, long way now. Remember that grade school bully that was dumb as a post but was made a "Safety" to aid crossing guards and such? Well, that sumfluff is now running the congress of the United States. You know the one who's "power to control others" went to his head. Well, he's here and large and stupid and in charge because he's going to toe the party line and thereby thinks he's got status and power. And just can't wait to lord it over others.

Well, I got something to say about that. You Goddamned Leftists better think REAL hard before proceeding down this path. You wouldn't want to accidentally stumble across the line that delineates the fine line between Subject to the Constiution, and Enemy of the Constitution. There are more than 10 Million Veterans here that may not be wearing the uniform, but have also not been relieved of their duty to uphold their oath. And a LOT of us are heavily armed and know how to fight. I foresee many tribunals in the future where leftists and their sycophants will be left swinging by their necks on the National Mall.

The day is coming and this bullfluff is only hurrying it along. The leftist pattern in the past was to create as much hate and discontent as possible so they can then present themselves as the solution to that problem, even while causing it. I got news for you, some of us ain't blind, or deaf.

All of you Americans who insist on voting left (democrat) will have no one to blame but yourselves once this fluff blows up and you are on the wrong end of a rifle held by a True American, or the wrong side of a gun held by a communist bent on making you toe their line. One way, you get shot for being wrong, the other way you get shot just because you said something the wrong way.

fluff YOU ALL!

I never regretted my military service until today. I'm embarrassed to live here now. Such fear in everyone's faces, ready to sacrifice your liberty to save yourself from the hyped leftist fear mongering. COWARDS, ALL OF YOU!

If you elect Joe Biden, you might as well just invite Xinping to become president. The man is mentally weak and thus makes a fine sock puppet for his leftist puppeteer behind the curtain. This is also why Sanders had to lose, he might be a communist, but he's not their kind of communist, which they can easily manufacture our of Senile Biden.

If you fail to get the democratic majority out of the congress, prepare for four more years of pure bullfluff along with all the theft, corruption and just bad guys in government. I will simply be waiting for it all to light up, then I will throw some gas on that dumpster fire.

I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!