
UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 19th 2019, 6:28:49

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
but if you wanna give credit where its due

You know we made it pretty obvious from the start? But sure - You’re the best! Good job! 10/10 for effort.

The game gives people anonymity, lack of accountability. The policies and gameplay style that you have all come to over the years give the opportunity.

So I cannot take you seriously when you try to blame everyone else or driving people away. Look at yourselves. Running in the same tired circles.

In plato’s republic one of the discussions is around the ring of gyges, a rung that makes its bearer invisible, and the consequences were someone to have such a ring. I’m not going to summarise because it’s worth reading the original text for nuance.

The topic is covered again in HG Wells’ “The Invisible Man”. Morality of those with no accountability.

One of the most straightforward fixes you could make is to remove anonymity from this game. Open all profiles, have people’s country numbers right there in the side on the forums.

If some Greek dude 3000 years ago solved this problem already, I don’t see why we are still making the same mistakes.

Edited By: UgolinoII on Nov 19th 2019, 6:32:03
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